Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 104 You Call This Inviting Students To Eat Hot Pot?

"Teacher Jiang, why don't we also find a chance to have hot pot in the classroom?"

Li Yiliang, who had been silent next to him, suddenly suggested.

Jiang Feng summed it up, it is indeed possible!

Anyway, my current popularity value has reached more than 17,000, which translates into a blood profit of 170,000.

It’s okay to spend some money to treat students to hot pot.

So he nodded and agreed: "Okay, how about tonight during self-study? Your class teacher happens to be away, and all his classes are for you to study in self-study. I'll treat you to hot pot in class."

The dozen or so students from Class 3 around him were immediately excited when they heard this!

Damn it!

Is this okay?

Teacher Jiang agreed to let them eat hot pot in school?

Happiness comes so suddenly!


The few students from Class 4 who came over to eat melons felt like they were losing blood!

Their class's evening self-study tonight was watched by the head teacher in person! I can only smell it through the classroom wall!

Mentioning the words "head teacher" is a big headache.

Their head teacher is so strict that they don’t give up anything!

Before seven o'clock in the morning every day, I started to attend early self-study at the door of the classroom;

He would come to patrol the classroom during almost every self-study class, and his eyes were scary;

Even when other teachers are in class, they will take time to come to the corridor to see who is not serious in class!

Evening self-study is his strict time.

Although it is good for the class teacher to care about the students, it is too strict for them!

Especially when I am in class and accidentally glance at the window or door.

I saw a pair of cold eyes looking at me there!

Coupled with the reflective lenses of the head teacher, it adds a bit of sharpness.

Comparable to a horror movie!

It’s strange that such a teacher allows them to eat hot pot in the classroom!

Song Hang from Class 4 immediately stood up to object.

"Teacher Jiang, this is inappropriate! What if the dean catches him?"

Liu Xiaotian also echoed: "Yes, Teacher Jiang, it is too unsafe to eat hot pot in Class 3 classroom! Let's wait until next week to eat it in our class!"

Even Zhao Qingqing, the monitor of Class 4, agreed: "Teacher Jiang, the classroom of Class 3 is very unsafe. Please wait until you come to our classroom next week before eating!"

Class 3 students: “???”

Good guy!

Stealing people...ah no, here comes the hotpot!

Can this be agreed?

Many students in Class 3 immediately refused!

"Brother Jiang, don't believe them. Our class is very safe! Not to mention the dean, even if the principal comes, I will kick him back!"

"Teacher Jiang, our third class is your little cotton-padded jacket!"

"Get up and drive! Teacher Jiang is now the acting head teacher of our class. You should go to your class teacher!"

"Stop, stop, stop!" Jiang Feng's expression became more serious: "It's not appropriate to have a quarrel over such a trivial matter."

"Let's do it this way. This time, we will take Class 3 to eat first. Next week when we are free, we will go to Class 4 to eat. Let's be fair. Both classes can have it."


"Brother Jiang is awesome!"

After saying this, the students in the two classes nodded in agreement.


[Is this settled? Teacher Jiang, stop pretending, you said you are not a rich second generation! 】

[A month’s salary combined is not as much as Teacher Jiang spent on students in the past three weeks. Others work to make money, but Teacher Jiang works to spend money! 】

[Brothers, have any of you ever thought about the teaching director who was watching Teacher Jiang’s live broadcast at this moment: Come on, come on, come on! Check three classes today and four classes next week! 】

[Pfft hahahahahaha! You kid upstairs is such a devil! Can this be said? 】

[In fact, it is obvious that as long as Teacher Jiang does not violate major violations, the school will basically not care about it, and will even be very supportive. After all, Teacher Jiang has become the face of the school. 】

[What about that? I’m from the school next door. I’m studying on my own in the evening and there’s no teacher to supervise me. Can I bring my own dishes and chopsticks? 】



Jiang Feng is not the class teacher, so he doesn't need to care about the results of Class 3's sports meeting.

Just sit there and chat and play games with the students.

So the afternoon passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, it’s six o’clock in the afternoon, approaching the end of today’s day’s project.

Although there are two days of sports events, evening self-study is still indispensable.

There are sports meets during the day and classes continue in the evening. It's very tight.

After Ma Xiaohao saw the message from Jiang Feng, he didn't even eat dinner.

He ran out of the school and went straight to a nearby store.

Until half past six in the evening.

Then he ran back to school out of breath.

In his hand, he was also carrying three large boxes of beef rolls packed in plastic bags.

As soon as I walked to the door of the classroom, I saw Chinese class representative Su Qing and monitor Lin Shan coming back carrying things.

Lin Shan saw Ma Xiaohao carrying three large boxes of beef rolls, with a puzzled look on her face: "Ma Xiaohao, you..."

Ma Xiaohao shook the plastic bag in his hand carelessly, then picked up his phone and opened the chat history: "Oh, Brother Jiang said he forgot to buy fat beef rolls and asked me to bring a few boxes."

? ? ?

Su Qing raised a pack of hot pot base with a confused look on her face: "Teacher Jiang told me that the hot pot base was gone and asked me to bring a pack."

Lin Shan was even more confused as she shook the two large bags of vegetables and two bags of shrimp slippers she bought. Her expression was full of doubts: "Teacher Jiang told me that there were not enough vegetables, and I forgot to buy the shrimp slippers, so I asked me to bring some."

At this moment.

Li Yiliang and Chen Yufan both walked over from outside, panting from exhaustion: "Ma...Brother Ma, you ran so fast! No wonder you won the first place in the sprint today! We both watched you come back from outside, and called you. did not hear it..."

Su Qing looked at Li Yiliang and Chen Yufan with some uncertainty at this time: "Jiang... Teacher Jiang didn't tell you that you forgot to buy something, right?"

Li Yiliang carried a large bag of hot pot meatballs and took a few breaths: "Yes, Teacher Jiang said that he didn't buy enough meatballs, so he asked me to bring some."

Chen Yufan silently raised the mutton roll in his hand: "Teacher Jiang told me that I bought too little mutton roll, and asked me to buy some..."

at this time.

Two more students from Class 3 came over from behind, also carrying ingredients in their hands.


Didn’t Teacher Jiang invite them to hot pot?

Why do they buy all the ingredients?

With so many ingredients they bought, they can already find a pot to eat by themselves, right?

Teacher Na Jiang...

Are you tricking them again?

The next second.

Jiang Feng smiled, carrying a pot that was cleaner than his face, and pushed open the door from the classroom: "Have you bought everything? Come on, get ready for dinner."


Is this something humans do?


In the live broadcast room.

The audience laughed out loud when they saw this scene!

So sexy!

Jiang Feng, the sixth child, first invited the students to have hot pot.

Then I sent messages to many people in the class saying that I ran out of ingredients and forgot to buy them.

Let them students spend money to buy it.

In the end, he only took the blame!

Chun Chun prostituted the hot pot ingredients brought by more than a dozen people for nothing!

[Shocked me for a whole year! Do you call this inviting students to eat hot pot? 】

[Pfft hahahaha! This makes the students a big grievance! The treat he meant was bringing a pot from home! 】

【puff! My merits! Teacher Jiang, please compensate me for your merits! It’s such a loss, hahahahaha! The students are playing tricks on you, and you are playing tricks on the students! 】

【I can’t stand it any longer! When I saw the three large boxes of beef rolls that Ma Xiaohao brought, I knew that this guy was really honest! He spent the most money! 】

[These students have been deceived so many times, and they still haven’t made any progress! Why were you deceived by Teacher Jiang again? 】

[Mainly because Teacher Jiang, the sixth child, has always spent money generously without blinking an eye! That’s why students have no doubts about this! I never expected Teacher Jiang to do this! 】



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