Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 110 Nonsense! I'm Rushing Back To Prepare Lessons For You!

A blink of an eye.

The morning's various projects passed quickly.

Although Jiang Feng has never seen anything except a tug-of-war.

But Classes 3 and 4 still achieved third and fifth place in the grade.

Then came the teachers’ sports meeting in the afternoon.

There are very few events, just the 400-meter run, the 100-meter dash and a group tug-of-war.

Generally speaking, in previous years’ 400-meter races, the order of arrival at the finish line almost always speaks for itself.

The principal, vice principal, grade principal, dean of students and others are in front.

"Sickly" physical education teachers are often at the bottom.

Even when Bolt comes, he has to stand back.

And Jiang Feng smiled.

How can there be so many hidden rules in sports meets?

What kind of worldliness is there?

I'm on horseback and charging!

Correcting bad habits starts with me!


On the 400-meter plastic track.

As the starting gun fired.

A large team of hundreds of teachers, directors, and principals set off slowly.

The principal took the lead at the front, followed by the two vice principals.

Then there are some seniors and deans.

Finally, other teachers and some "sickly" physical education teachers ran at the back.

As planned, the pace could only be described as a warm-up at best.

Just when everything goes as expected.


Jiang Feng suddenly rushed out of the team without any warning.

No mercy at all.

For a moment, all the teachers were stunned!

They all lamented.

Damn it!

This young man!

The road is narrow!

Is the sports meeting for your personal display?

That shows the sophistication of humanity!

In just over a minute, Jiang Feng completed the entire race.

At this time, the principal was still wandering slowly behind with a group of people, and the 400-meter track was just halfway through.

And far away.

When Xu Kun, the dean of education, saw that Jiang Feng had reached the finish line, his eyelids twitched fiercely!

You boy!

Really good at playing!

The road is narrow!

As soon as Jiang Feng crossed the line, students from Classes 3 and 4 rushed over to celebrate.

They surrounded Jiang Feng in the center and praised him fiercely.

the other side.

When the principal ran over with a large group of people, he was completely ignored.

Just play the song "Snowflakes are falling, the north wind is blowing".

For a moment I didn’t know who the principal was!

The dean’s face was even darker!


Many people in the audience were happy after seeing this!

Teacher Jiang has done something they have always wanted to do but did not dare to do!

So cool!

It looks like the post-00s generation is reorganizing their workplace!

【show! What a show! I did something I always wanted to do but didn’t dare to do! Teacher Jiang is awesome! 】

[The road is narrow this time. In front of so many people, I snatched the principal’s first place. Teacher Jiang is really brave! 】

[The next morning, Teacher Jiang was fired by the principal because he entered the school gate with his left foot first! (doge)]

[Although, it is impossible to dismiss. With Teacher Jiang's current popularity, even if he wanted to leave, the principal would have to beg him to stay! 】

[Teacher Jiang: Yes, I am going to be fired. Principal: No, you don’t! 】

【Killing me! Look at the dean Xu Kun, this guy’s eyelids are twitching right now! Cool! 】



Unexpectedly, principal Shen Yi didn't mean to be angry.

If he hated a teacher because of such a trivial matter, how could he reach the position of principal?

Shen Yi walked through the crowd and came to Jiang Feng's side.

He patted his shoulder and said earnestly: "Xiao Jiang, keep up the good work, your recent live broadcast has been very good! It has also brought a lot of attention to our school, so just keep up this momentum. !”

"If you have any work needs, just raise them directly to the school. As long as they can be met, the school will try its best to meet them!"

After speaking, he wanted to shake hands with Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng stretched out his hand and shook his hand.

He politely replied: "It's all what I should do."

Regardless of whether what he said was polite or not, Jiang Feng felt quite comfortable listening to him.

Anyway, it's much better than that of Xu Kun, the teaching director.

Sure enough, it's still the same.

Senior leaders are approachable, while lower-level leaders are aggressive.

Principal Shen Yi continued: "Oh, by the way, Teacher Jiang. The school has seen that your expenses have been a bit high recently, so it has temporarily decided to give you an additional allowance, a monthly salary subsidy of 3,000 yuan."

"I was planning to tell you this weekend, but now that you are here, I will tell you in advance."

Jiang Feng nodded: "Thank you, principal."

Good guy.

There are additional subsidies, and the principal is quite good at personnel matters!

Although for him, the 3,000 yuan is dispensable.

But at least it was sent to him specially.

Jiang Feng's view of the principal changed for a while.

At least he is no longer the old Biden who chatters endlessly whenever he speaks in meetings.

After a few more pleasantries, the principal left.


The subsequent 100-meter dash event. Five people are divided into groups.

Jiang Feng was still assigned to a group with the principal.

Still beaten mercilessly, the dean was once again left in a mess in the wind.

And with Jiang Feng taking the lead, the other teachers just let go and ran away.

No longer as slow as before.

A group of "frail and sick" physical education teachers showed off their strength.

It made those directors lose face.


It was not until about four o'clock in the afternoon that various projects were successfully completed.

A boring closing ceremony began on the flag-raising platform.

As for Jiang Feng, he had already participated in the final tug-of-war.

I said hello to the students in Class 3, assigned them their homework, and let them make their own arrangements after school.

"For the weekend homework, I wrote down the exercises for the first and second lessons. I won't talk about it to Class 4. The class representative can just explain it to their class."

Then, prepare to run away!

Wouldn’t it be nice for him to go back and play games?

He hadn't run away yet, and then he aroused complaints from the students in Class Three.

"Teacher Jiang, if you run away so early, you're not going home to play games again, are you?"

"That's right, Brother Jiang, aren't you planning to secretly increase your score?"

"Teacher Jiang, stop taking the test, you're getting points too fast."


I didn’t expect that all of this would be discovered by you.

Jiang Feng said harshly: "Nonsense, I'm rushing back to prepare lessons! I'll sort out the knowledge points in advance so that I can teach you more!"

"I don't believe it! Teacher Jiang, tell me what lessons you are preparing for!"

"Brother Jiang, who among us is following whom? Stop hiding it!"

"Then Teacher Jiang, tell us what lessons you have prepared and we will believe you!"

Jiang Feng tilted his head and said seriously: "Introduction to Economic Development in the Middle Lane," "Survival Guide for Shooters," "Theoretical Guidance on Side Lane Lanes," and "On the Essentials of Catching Rhythms for Junglers"!


Under the messy eyes of the students, Jiang Feng walked away.


Hearing Jiang Feng's righteous words, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but start laughing!

What kind of mentality can you say such saucy words in a serious manner?

If I hadn’t played the pesticide game.

I really almost believed your nonsense about preparing lessons!

[What about the auxiliary? Why no assistance? Does Teacher Jiang look down on us auxiliary players? Outcry! 】

[How on earth could he say these words seriously! Just hearing the sound of riding a horse makes me want to laugh! 】

[If I hadn’t played this stupid game every day, I would have almost believed what he said about preparing lessons! 】

[Let’s just say, do you still have the “Introduction to Economic Development in the Middle Road” mentioned by Teacher Jiang? Give me one! urgent need! 】

[It would be a ghost to have that thing! It's obviously all Teacher Jiang's nonsense! This guy just wants to go back and play games! 】

[If Teacher Jiang uses his passion for playing games to teach students, Class 3 and Class 4 may be able to directly crush the two innovative classes of Class 1 and Class 2! 】



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