Tech Hammer

Chapter 103 Peking University is okay, right? (Continue to add 4,000 words, please subscribe for the

After all, Ning Wei is a man who has been on CCTV news.

Therefore, those university officials who left comments on the Jiangnan University Law School were still teasing in the comment area, but after understanding the causes and consequences of social hot spots, they naturally had some idea of ​​how to express their stance.

Not to mention that the group of people represented by Ning Wei are themselves the most admired by these universities.

So soon these university official accounts also began to take action personally.

" @Ji Ziheng, you think he can't promote the progress of mathematics in the world, how about you do it?"

" @Ji Ziheng's friendly reminder, the last artist who was attacked by countless college kids was named Zhai. We don't know his current situation, and we don't dare to ask. Why don't you go check it out?"

" @Ji Ziheng, I will give you the heat you want, I will give you a rocket, I will give you a spaceship, I will give you a step out of the atmosphere, see the most beautiful fireworks in the universe, and gain eternal life in absolute zero!"

When university officials lined up to show everyone the beauty of Chinese dialect, Ji Ziheng was so popular that he successfully left the circle!

God knows how many passersby began to notice this rising star.

But the fan base began to fall apart.

After all, to these simple fans, it seemed like they suddenly had the whole world on their side.

Why is this happening?

What's even more frightening is that it's internally unstable.

Many of the fans were students themselves, and when the university official accounts that spoke out included almost all the 985 and 211 universities in China, they began to waver.

It turns out that the passerby who was pushed by the bodyguard was named Ning Wei...

More fans began to check Ning Wei's background. The Internet has memory, and everything about Ning Wei in the past six months has been uncovered.

Starting from the publication of SCI in Nature refuting the paper of an American mathematician, to the proposal of the turbulence algorithm, to the interview with Jiang University, the publication of the paper in the turbulence algorithm laboratory stage, the award announced by Jiang University on the official website, and finally Ning Wei simply refused Cisco's offer of an annual salary of $800,000 and an invitation to study for a Ph.D. in mathematics at Princeton University with pay and for free.

Some people even found a video of Ning Wei speaking at Jiangnan University’s 2021 Science and Technology Progress Commendation Conference on the Internet.

Adding these things together, anyone with a little bit of independent thinking ability is thinking about a question. Would such a person really blackmail a star team for 20,000 yuan?

Is the recording really a forgery?

Cheng Xiaolu has been carefully following this storm on the Internet from afternoon to night.

Her mood also experienced several rounds of drastic changes.

The commotion in the group initially made her feel scared and panicked.

After Ji Ziheng issued an apology statement and released the recording, she felt angry.

She wanted to counterattack that recording because she had the second half of the video on her phone. She watched it several times. Although the recording was not clear due to the distance, it was enough to prove that some of the words that the passerby said were Nothing said.

But in the end she didn't post it because the little girl was really scared after seeing the angry chat content in the fan group.

She was afraid that if this video was released later, she would really be raped by her former sisters.

When she discovered that her friends who had been close to her suddenly fell into a state of irrational fanaticism, the fear of being instantly isolated from the world was simply not something a little girl of her age could bear.

Even her best friend was scared and advised her not to wade into this muddy water again, which was enough to make her choose to retreat.

She just watched silently as the little sisters she once admired in the group began to give orders in an orderly manner, how to start promoting their idols, how to capture the comment section of the questioner's Weibo, and even prepared special copywriting to capture different positions. …

On the contrary, this was the most peaceful period of time for her, because everyone was excited about the turmoil of public opinion, watching the comments of passers-by starting to change their impression of the idol, and they were too lazy to pay attention to her as the instigator.

But then a fantastic scene suddenly appeared.

Cheng Xiaolu watched helplessly as the group suddenly became confused.

Questions that seemed equally inexplicable to her were frantically filling the screen in the group...

She hurriedly went online and saw a lot of comments from universities she had once dreamed of. She finally thought of the reason why this passerby looked familiar.

It turned out that this passerby was Ning Wei. The math teacher once showed a video of this elder brother being interviewed during class, and called on the students to learn like this elder brother.

She even saw a lot of newly registered accounts or those that had never posted on Weibo. @Ji Ziheng’s weird words were answered one by one with the questions in the group. This seemed to open the door to a new world for her.

It turns out that if you don't study hard, you can be so superficial that you know that others are ridiculing or even scolding you, and you don't know what those people are saying.

She looked at the words posted by Tian Yanzhen, who was certified as a professor at Peking University on Weibo, "Child, read more while you are young!"

I listened to the recording that Lu Dongyi posted on Weibo again. After thinking about it for a long time, I walked out of the room silently and came to my parents who were playing on their mobile phones in the living room: "Dad, Mom, I want to listen to you. I’ll study Chinese, math, and physics during the holidays. You’d better hire a tutor for me. I promise to study hard this time and get into high school well! I’ll never drive the teacher away again with my petty temper!”

The two middle-aged men put down their mobile phones almost at the same time, looked at their children, and then looked at each other...

This kid...

too suddenly!

Could it be that he is crazy?

Qian Ming's mind was "buzzing"...

In fact, he has been paying attention to the dynamics on the Internet to facilitate the planning of the next hype plan.

After all, if there are hot searches and you don’t take advantage of them, that would be immoral.

The moment Yanbei University official Weibo came out to speak, he realized something was wrong.

However, a group of Chinese higher education institutions reacted too quickly and did not give him any chance to operate.

What’s even more frightening is that there is a group of obviously highly educated students who are adding fuel to the fire…

The only thing he could do was to withdraw the recording from Ji Ziheng's official Weibo, but it was of no use because the fan base had already spread the recording he posted all over the Internet. How to delete it?

I wanted to find the people in charge of those fan groups to put out the fire quickly, but now everything is in chaos.

Countless die-hard fans are still questioning what happened and whether the recording was forged. The organizers who usually contact him are struggling...

The entire chain of command that had once been like an arm's length also failed at this moment.

All right……

Qian Ming looked at Ji Ziheng. He knew very well that the young man in front of him was already cold. He was so cold that it was almost impossible to turn over.

It is impossible for the company to use force to protect him.

It's not that they are reluctant to spend money. After all, the company has invested a lot in Ji Ziheng, but the popularity caused by the collective voice of so many universities cannot be suppressed by spending money.

Not to mention that there is a group of fearless students who are adding fuel to the flames.

Even if you can really suppress it by spending money, you might as well praise a newcomer who has no stain.

This time it was his mistake and he hit the iron plate.

Now he can only protect himself.

Ji Ziheng will get cold when he's cold, just don't affect him.

There are some tails that need to be collected.

So when their eyes met, Qian Ming's eyes became extremely warm.

"Ziheng, don't worry, I'll contact the company right away. Don't worry, the company has dealt with this kind of public relations matter many times, and the heat will soon subside. All you have to do now is don't do anything. ,do you know?"

"Don't worry, Brother Qian! I will obey your arrangements." Ji Ziheng said obediently.

"Okay, you can rest in your room first, and I'll contact the company right away."

Ji Ziheng watched Qian Ming walk out of the room, then quickly took the phone and got into the bathroom.

"I am Ji Ziheng. I hope everyone can give me another chance and sincerely apologize. Because of my negligence, I was deceived by my agent and uploaded money from my agent on my promotional Weibo and Douyin accounts. Ming found someone to forge the audio clips, which caused too much trouble to everyone."

"This afternoon, after the bodyguard pushed Mr. Ning Wei, I left the scene directly, so I don't know how Qian Ming handled it at that time. Then I went back to the hotel to take a nap. After I woke up, I left the scene without verification. , read the apology statement prepared for me by my manager Qian Ming. And uploaded the recording file."

"Afterwards, I asked the security personnel and learned that Mr. Ning Wei did not say anything about compensation of 20,000 yuan at that time. This recording was forged by my agent Qian Ming who contacted the staff of a recording studio in private. It deceived everyone. For this, I once again express my most sincere apology to Mr. Ning Wei, who was affected by this incident. At the same time, I also apologize for occupying too many public resources due to this incident!"

"Next I will seriously reflect on myself, just like the Yanbei University professor said, read more books, strive to enrich myself, and try my best to show a better me! I also hope that everyone can give me a self-reflection, Another chance to do it again! Thank you!”

After recording the video, Ji Ziheng immediately wanted to post it on Weibo, but he was shocked to find that his certified official Weibo account prompted an error in the password...

So cruel...

The same goes for his certified Douyin?

Damn you, do you think this can limit his voice?

He quickly opened WeChat.

"Qiao Qiao, I am officially restricted from speaking out. Can you send me the latest statement through the official Weibo of the fan club?"

The Ning family a few kilometers away.

Director Luo was angrily discussing with Lao Ning how to denounce the unscrupulous star. Ning Wei was by his side, seemingly silently listening to the adults' discussion, but in fact, his attention was not on the two adults at all. His thoughts had already begun. Divergent, his brain was reviewing sets of laboratory data.

Although he always inadvertently forgets many small things in life, he remembers these data very clearly.

Idle time was idle, and he felt that he had vaguely discovered the reason why the error rate of the turbulence algorithm could not be reduced in the laboratory. He just used this time to sort out his thoughts.

The two mothers were sitting on the other side of the sofa, and they were together. Qin Shuang was teaching Ning's mother how to play Douyin.

In the past, Ning’s mother always felt that watching short videos was a waste of her time working and knitting, so she resisted.

But when she discovered that she could get news about her son by watching short videos, she immediately became energetic and learned with gusto from Qin Shuang.

Just learn and brush at the same time, so fierce...

"Hey, Lao Luo, stop talking now and come over and watch this video..." Qin Shuang suddenly waved his hands at the two grown men.

"Is there anything good to see? I don't see them discussing it..."

Before Lao Luo finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ning's mother's surprised voice: "Lao Ning, come and see, there are many people from many universities helping our son argue with that person online!"

"Huh? Is there still such a thing?"

Two men also approached.

Sure enough, a video host on a short video directly took screenshots of all the universities on Weibo in the chronological order of their speeches, and then made it into a video. Naturally, Yanbei University, Jiangcheng University, and Jiangda Law School were placed at the top, and other universities They all also showed up. The academic master did not forget it, and even gave many students a few shots on Weibo and the university’s comment section.

By the way, at the end of the video, it helps popularize Ning Wei’s achievements.

The video is not long, only about two minutes, but several people watched it very slowly. It took about seven or eight minutes to finish it because they couldn't help but pause to see what was said on Weibo. What.

After reading it, the four adults looked at each other, and then their eyes fell on Ning Wei, who was sitting quietly on the single sofa opposite.

Ning Wei, who was deep in thought, felt that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere. He was sober in his thinking state, and then looked blankly at the four adults who had gathered together at some point, and asked blankly: "Uh? What's wrong?"

Yes what's the matter?

The four adults were speechless for a moment.

Lao Ning knew that his son was promising, but he never imagined that his son would be so successful and that besides his alma mater, there would be so many well-known colleges and universities standing up for him.

Lao Luo only felt that he had come to the right place this time; Qin Shuang secretly lamented in his heart that he was indeed the wiser man. He estimated that if his child was a little worse, You Ningwei's words of advice would be really useful... …

Ning's mother was just happy and proud when she saw someone speaking for her child. She was even happier and prouder when she saw another one...

My energy has become smoother, my mood has improved, and my vitality has suddenly improved...

"Ning Wei, I saw on Yanbei University's official WeChat account that you are sure you can go to them for graduate school?" Director Luo couldn't help but ask.

That's Yanbei University...

"Ah? Why are you posting these things on your official WeChat account?"

"You kid, go into the house and look online. I'm telling you, you have to be a decent person. You have to remember whoever helped you!" Lao Ning waved his hand proudly. Although he was giving a lesson, his tone was actually very soft.

There's nothing he can do about it, his son is too proud of him, and even if he wants to scold him, he can't bear to do so.

"Old Ning, Old Ning, what are we still discussing here? It seems that there is no need for the factory to come forward. Your son will never suffer the loss!" Director Luo sighed.

"Don't say that, Xiao Luo, your brother Ning misses you! Don't leave in a hurry. Let's go downstairs later in the evening to grill some skewers and have a few drinks? Your brother Ning is treating us!" Old Ning said grandly.


Ning Wei, who stood up and was about to enter the room, suddenly thought of something and turned around: "Oh, by the way, Dad, there is something I forgot to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

"I have a senior brother who is going to come over tomorrow to discuss some issues with me."

"Your senior brother? From Jiang University?"

"No, he is an associate professor at Yanbei University."

"Okay, I got it, Xiao Li, did you hear that? Remember to buy some good food tomorrow! Hey... Xiao Luo, let's ignore that kid and continue talking... Speaking of which, Peking University seems to be okay, right? What do you think, Ronaldinho?"

"Well, it's okay, it's okay!" Director Luo nodded in agreement.

It’s just that no one seems to have paid much attention. Lao Ning’s title of Luo Gengsheng was directly reduced from Luo Gengsheng to Xiao Luo, and there was no sense of violation at all...

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