Tech Hammer

Chapter 106: Being ruthless and saying few words is the way to live in chaos (four thousand one upda

After seeing Lu Dongyi off, in the car going home, Ning Wei carefully sorted out his long-term plan in his mind.

People without thought, he must worry about.

In the past few days at Ning Wei's house, after discussing the NS equation, Lu Dongyi often relayed Director Tian's thoughts.

To sum it up, don’t waste a year at Jiangnan University. Go to Yanbei University as soon as possible. The reason given is also very simple. For mathematicians, most achievements are made before the age of forty. of.

This is probably why the Fields Medal requires winners to be under forty years old.

What makes many Chinese number theory research scientists sad is that so far there has been no local Fields Medal winner in China. There are two Chinese Americans, one is Academician Qiu, who is American, and the other is Tao Shen, who has dual Australian and American citizenship.

At this point, Director Tian had placed great hopes on Ning Wei, and naturally he did not want Ning Wei to continue to waste his life in Jiang University.

This is also the place that excites Ning Wei the most.

If he can really win a Fields Medal on behalf of China...

Just thinking about it made him a little excited.

The most high-end Versailles probably means that he doesn't use anything. No matter where he goes, when people introduce him, they always add, China's first Fields winner, which is quite touching when you think about it.

What is character design? This is it!

But after careful consideration, Ning Wei gave up.

If it were purely for fame and fortune, he would feel that being a human being would be boring if he gave up what he was currently doing.

Not only the two projects themselves, but also the contract he signed with the laboratory.

Although he believed that Director Tian would definitely have a way to persuade the laboratory to release people, doing it halfway and pursuing fame and fortune by himself was really not in line with the principle of being a human being.

Regardless of whether Lu Changbin had painted a pie for him before, in the EDA project, it does require money and people. To do chip simulation and output, you need to obtain a series of parameters of the lithography machine. Academician Lu is also here Help them coordinate with Huaxin International, China's largest chip company, and strive to get first-hand data.

I would rather see all these things.

So it's better to be a year later. Anyway, he is only 23 this year and still has a lot of youth to squander.

After making up my mind, I felt a lot more relaxed. The next task was simple. I would write a paper on number theory before the year, submit it, go back to school after the New Year, and seize the time to complete the two projects. In this way He will be able to successfully take the postgraduate entrance examination next year and then go to Yanbei University to continue his studies.

Oh, there is another very important thing. He still has to complete the first review of his life.

Although according to Lu Dongyi, there is no need to be too hasty in reviewing manuscripts. If the journal is really urgent, the editor will take the initiative to rush him, but he thought of the speed of the reviewers in whether it is "Nature" or "Science". It seemed to be going very fast, and he felt embarrassed.

Because he can understand the expectation of submitting a manuscript and hoping it will be published as soon as possible.

So after returning home and saying hello to his family, he went into his room, turned on his computer, and pulled out the paper from his mailbox.

After reading the title of the paper, Ning Wei roughly knows why the journal editor found him. This is also a paper about the N-S equation. The title is "Numerical Simulation Accuracy and Parallel Computing of Complex Flow Based on the N-S Equation".

Ning Wei first glanced at the author, um, a university professor who teaches in Sweden.

He should be a professor who teaches arithmetic.

Because this paper also belongs to the category of applied mathematics, Ning Wei’s epiphany that day and his discussions with Lu Dongyi these days have deepened his understanding of the N-S equation a lot. Coupled with his brain’s ability to find mistakes, only It took him three hours to find several things that were not right in the paper.

For example, in the paper, the upwind method is used to solve the NS equation. In order to obtain high accuracy in the calculation of inviscid flux, the original variables on the left and right sides of the grid unit need to be determined by interpolation using the values ​​at adjacent units. Then Numerical calculation is performed according to a certain upwind style discrete N S equation, which requires accuracy.

According to the current theory, third-order accuracy can only be obtained in one-dimensional flow, while for two- and three-dimensional flows, the accuracy of the format can only reach second-order accuracy.

The paper was reviewed very quickly, but after the review, Ning Wei listed in detail the problems he thought might be in the paper, and then gave his final review opinion that it did not pass.

After doing this, Ning Wei happily picked up his phone and sent Lu Dongyi a WeChat message.

"Brother, I just rejected that paper!"

"Oh? So fast? The paper is of poor quality?"

"I found 4 errors."

"Junior brother, you are as honest as me! In fact, there are many reviewers in the industry who have to wait ten days and a half or even one or two months to give feedback to the journal editor after reviewing the manuscript."

"What kind of statement is this?"

"If the review is too fast, doesn't it mean that everyone has no projects on hand recently and seems very idle?"

Ning Wei was stunned...

"Ah? Well, if there are any unspoken rules in our academic circle, why don't senior brother explain them to me once and for all?"

"How can there be unwritten rules in the academic circle? But senior brother can teach you a four-character mantra."

"Senior brother, don't show off, what a four-character scripture."

"People are cruel and talk less!"

"Can you give me an example?"

"For example, for a paper that you think is very important, the reviewer responded to you with suggestions for revisions. The revision comments mentioned that he hopes you can cite his articles in the paper, but you feel that citing these articles will affect yours. Paper, what do you do?”

Ning Wei was a little confused when he looked at the content.

Then he started to think about whether his journey in the past six months had been too smooth?

They are all people who have published three top-level articles. He has never experienced any of the messy things that his senior brother said.

"Senior brother, how did you deal with it? Did you modify it?"

"Oh, I was still studying for my Ph.D. at the time, so I gave the paper and the reviewer's reply to Director Tian. Two weeks later, I didn't know what happened. I didn't make any changes, and the paper passed."

"Senior brother, I promise, I will take the postgraduate entrance examination in December next year! I will take the entrance examination of Yanbei Institute of Mathematics, really! If you don't go, it will be a puppy!"

The communication ended here. Ning Wei quietly pondered the meaning of these four words in his heart for a moment. He only felt that the senior brother was actually a wonderful person. Every word he said was very interesting. It seemed ordinary, but it was a character that Versailles had carved into his heart. Become an instinctive man at his core.

Show off your manuscript review, show off your papers, and show off your tutor...

But every time, it was not the senior brother who took the initiative to show off. He just let others bump into his gun again and again, thus becoming convinced.

Regarding this subconscious sense of superiority that people despise from the bottom of their hearts, Ning Wei decided to study hard.

Of course he's not free now.

After discussing the problem, the senior brother waved his sleeves and left without taking a single cloud with him, but as a junior fellow student, he still had to work hard to sort out the paper.

Oh, in addition, he will continue to pay attention to the operation of the turbulence algorithm in the laboratory.

Where are you free?

This year, Lao Ning’s family is in full Chinese New Year spirit.

Of course, Lao Ning and his wife have already made complete preparations, and their family is well prepared for the New Year.

What troubles Ning Wei the most is that after accepting that the Ning family has a future great scientist, the relatives at home and his parents' colleagues suddenly became collectively interested in Ning Wei's other half, without caring about Ning Wei at all. As a senior in college, he started promoting the young women around him.

"Did you have a girlfriend at school? Not yet? My aunt has a daughter of a colleague who is quite nice. She is beautiful and well-behaved. She looks very pitiful. Do you want to introduce me to you? You can meet her during the Chinese New Year. On the one hand, she got admitted to Beijing Normal University. Let’s chat online first, if we have a good chat, we will be able to get along with you when you go to Yanbei University.”

There are many similar introductions.

Many of them can even pull out photos from their mobile phones for Ning Wei to take a look at.

Not to mention, there are quite a few of them who look really beautiful. Of course, then again, youth is the greatest asset to beauty.

Ning Wei really didn't know that the uncles and aunts around him knew so many high-quality girls studying in Jiangcheng and Jingcheng, including even his schoolmates.

Fortunately, his somewhat ambiguous experience with Jiang Da and Yang Xiaohui made him much more immune to the topic of having a girlfriend.

Being beautiful doesn't necessarily mean he's suitable, being suitable doesn't mean he's destined, and being destined doesn't necessarily mean he can tolerate him spending time in the laboratory doing projects every day. He used to have no money, but now he doesn't have time, so his girlfriend would rather not dare to think about it.

It was even because of the inexplicable little affection between him and Yang Xiaohui that he didn't dare to meet these girls who seemed to be outstanding.

Fortunately, he still had his mother's line of defense, firmly on his side, and allowing him to politely decline all introductions.

Finally, on the third day of junior high school, Director Lu gave him a call giving him a reason to rush back to school two days early.

"Ning Wei, I have something to ask your opinion. If you are not too busy at home, you might as well go back to school first."

"Okay! Then I'll go there this afternoon!"

"Huh? You didn't even ask what happened?"

"Director Lu is looking for me. He must have something important to do. Hang up first. I'll book a ticket right away. By the way, the lab isn't on holiday yet?"

"There are people on duty. Your senior brother Yu didn't go home to celebrate the New Year this year. Hehe, he got two top publications and two second works without doing anything. He still has the nerve to ask for a vacation? I told him that if the project is not completed, he won't It’s fake! Don’t worry, there are enough instant noodles in the laboratory, he won’t starve to death!”

Look what this says...

Hang up the phone,

Ning Wei mourned for Yu Xingwei silently in his heart for two minutes, and then decisively booked a ticket to go back to school that day.

When I came home, I was picked up in a graceful manner, but when I left, I was actually very low-key.

Because it was an impromptu decision to return to school two days early, Lao Ning and his mother called Ning Wei to the high-speed rail station.

Seeing Ning Wei walking into the station carrying a bag filled with all kinds of food and drinks, Lao Ning was fine. Ning's mother's eyes got wet for no reason. She couldn't help wiping her tears and complained: "I have known to tell my son since he was a child that he will do something in the future." If you are promising, you must be promising. If you are really promising, you can’t even live a full year at home. What on earth do you men want to do with your life?"

Lao Ning rolled his eyes and said nothing.

But even as a straight man, he knew very well that it was extremely unwise to argue with a mother who was sending her son away. Remaining silent at this time is the best protection for yourself, otherwise you may go hungry during the New Year!

Well, it's not his wife he's afraid of, but his mother.

Ning Wei rushed to the laboratory, and sure enough, at first glance, he saw Senior Brother Yu busy and focused in front of the laboratory computer.

I quietly walked in and took a look, oh, it turned out that I was playing Minesweeper.

The computer used by Yu Xingwei is a win10 system. If you want to play this game, you have to download it from the Microsoft store. Although it is free, it is enough to show how bored the senior brother has been these two days.

It’s understandable if you think about it. After all, although the project is very urgent, the laboratory still has a basic humanity. Starting from 30 p.m., the two project teams began to take vacation simultaneously, and they did not officially start working until the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

It's equivalent to two laboratories and Yu Xingwei is left on duty alone. If he doesn't play games, he will really go crazy if he is not accurate.

But one thing to say is that although people are relaxing, in the Turbulence Algorithm Laboratory, tests have been running and data are being uploaded every day. This is all due to Yu Xingwei's efforts.

"Senior Brother Yu, happy New Year!" Ning Wei patted Yu Xingwei on the shoulder and said hello.

"Ah!" Yu Xingwei screamed and jumped up. He turned around and saw Ning Wei carrying a bag and calmed down. "Mr. Xiao Ning, I don't want you to be so scary."

"What about it in broad daylight?" Ning Wei said with a smile.

"Mr. Xiao Ning, you don't know. I have been alone in this laboratory for almost three days. I guard the laboratory during the day and have no place to go at night. Except for the evening of the 30th and the noon of the first year of junior high school, the big boss boss You asked me to go out for two meals out of kindness, but I stay alone in the laboratory every day, how can you not be afraid?"

Yu Xingwei felt bitter at first, and then said quietly: "It's not like Mr. Xiao Ning. He goes back during the holidays. Did you have a good time during the Chinese New Year?"

Hearing this, Ning Wei also sighed, and then started the crazy complaining mode: "Hey, what are you playing for? Forget it, I am busier when I go home than in the laboratory. You also know that, the next day Professor Lu went to Yancheng to discuss a mathematical problem with me. The two of us discussed it for five days, and then he left lightly and gave me what he came up with to write a thesis. I thought he would still be busy with projects when he came back during the New Year, so I can only write at home."

"That's it, I wrote a paper and submitted it to the Journal of the American Mathematical Society. I just received an email yesterday saying that the editor-in-chief has temporarily approved it, and I'm still looking for reviewers. Oh, by the way, this journal is still missing. You asked me to be a reviewer for an article. Forget it, I still have to pay attention to the laboratory data every day. Today, your boss called me back to school again. What kind of year have I spent? I just spent a year. So lonely."

After the words fell, Ning Wei found that Yu Xingwei didn't respond for a long time, but just looked at him straightly. Looking at his expression, he felt even more aggrieved...

He couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong with you? Brother Yu?"

"Damn it! Mr. Xiao Ning, I won't bring you like this! Go home to celebrate the New Year, eat and drink deliciously every day, go to a Western restaurant to eat steak, and also get an SCI article from the top journal in mathematics? I'm in the laboratory every day Working overtime, but not doing any bullshit! Who on earth has ever been lonely?"

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