Tech Hammer

Chapter 109 Ning Wei can’t be so superficial!

Ning Wei's passport was sent to school the next afternoon.

After parting ways with Yu Xingwei, he called his family and explained that he wanted to go abroad for a meeting at his own expense, so someone from the factory happened to be on a business trip to Jiangcheng the next day, so he sent him over.

Ning Wei knew that this was probably the work of Director Luo.

In fact, there is no need to be in such a hurry. Although the Lunar New Year is a traditional Chinese festival, the U.S. Consulate simply follows the local customs and observes the Chinese New Year holiday. Even the local holidays in the United States will not be missed, such as Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Thanksgiving, Christmas, all of these holidays are included.

But the family was still afraid of delaying Ning Wei's affairs, so they directly asked someone to send it over.

This is probably family.

In addition, Ning Wei also has some insights.

The reason why Director Luo became the director is definitely not just because of his high diploma. Understanding everything in the world is knowledge, and understanding people is an article. Even if you give Lao Ning a graduate degree, there is a high probability that he will not be the factory director given his temperament.

This also reminded Ning Wei once again that he should try his best to interfere as little as possible in unfamiliar areas, such as shopping malls where swords and swords are shining.

After the laboratory restarted work, Ning Weiben planned to give Yu Xingwei five days of leave, but was sternly rejected.

Ning Wei was originally moved by Brother Yu's spirit, but later learned that he was simply afraid of being drunk. As for why he was drunk, it can probably be seen from the popularity of the two laboratories that Ning Wei currently manages.

Even Lao Lu couldn't bear the pressure and arranged for three doctoral students to join the EDA project team.

In fact, this is not bad. If there are more people, the work will be faster, but some training costs will need to be paid in the early stage. After all, the doctorate level of 985 institutions is still very high.

For example, Yu Xingwei's good luck concealed his mental efforts.

After such a long time, he contributed at least 20,000 lines of code to the code base that passed the review of the EDA project.

After the holiday syndrome passed, the two project teams got back on track, and it was almost time for the appointment with the US Embassy in Beijing for the visa interview. Although the appointment time was at three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Lu Changbin still urged the two of them to go to the capital a day in advance and told them to book a hotel next to the embassy.

Before leaving, he helped Ning Wei check all the information he might need at school.

Passport, conference invitation letter, organization certificate, DS160 application form...

After making sure there was no problem, they sent the two to the airport.

It is enough to show that Lao Lu attaches great importance to Ning Wei's participation in the SODA conference.

As for Yu Xingwei...

It was obviously a supplement. From the beginning to the end, I asked: "Are you ready with all the materials?"

It's outrageously biased.

Fortunately, Yu Xingwei is used to it, and he has obtained psychological satisfaction from other students.

But when the plane landed and he saw Lu Dongyi outside the airport, he still broke through!


The boss in Jiangcheng personally delivered it, and the associate professor at Yanbei University in the capital picked it up. Is there any Wang Fa? Why do some people dare to play both sides so openly?

"Senior Brother Lu, let me introduce to you. This is a doctorate brother who is researching in the laboratory with me. His name is Yu Xingwei. Do you remember? The day you went to my place for a day, he brought us all the food. "

While Yu Xingwei was still in a daze, Ning Wei formally introduced him to Lu Dongyi.

"Well, remember, remember, the chicken drumsticks I brought that day tasted good!" Lu Dongyi nodded and praised.

"Hey, if I had known Professor Lu liked it, I should have brought a few more here today." Yu Xingwei, who was still debating whether he should go back or report truthfully, immediately agreed.

"Haha, no, no, the food at Yanbei University is also very good."

After Lu Dongyi finished speaking, he said to Ning Wei: "Originally, Director Tian said that he would treat you to dinner tonight, but unfortunately there was an academic event in the past two days that invited Director Tian to give a report, so he asked me to make arrangements on his behalf. . We will go to Donglaishun to eat hot pot later, and we will book a Hilton hotel for you in the evening, which is right next to the visa office of the embassy. Contact me after your interview tomorrow, and I will pick you up to visit Yanbei University. Tomorrow night I have booked a room for you at the Yanxin Hotel on campus. I will take you back to the airport the day after tomorrow."

Yu Xingwei stuck out his tongue secretly.

What is Pai Noodles? This is it…

Those who knew they were coming to the capital to apply for visas, but those who didn't know probably thought they were visiting professors invited by Peking University to give lectures...

"Senior brother, you spent a lot of money!" Ning Wei thanked him sincerely.

"I didn't spend any money! Director Tian said that this reception must be of the highest standard and not afraid of spending money. He will keep it in the account. After you come to Yanda and get the project, you will deduct the principal with interest from it. ." Lu Dongyi said seriously.

After hearing these words that didn't care that he was around and dared to poach people, Yu Xingwei finally couldn't help it and said: "Professor Lu, are mathematics projects so easy to get?"

"Isn't it easy to get it? I have three projects on hand this year, one of which is national-level." Lu Dongyi asked curiously.

Facing Lu Dongyi's pure gaze, Yu Xingwei suddenly felt that there was nothing more FUCK to say.

He remembered that Ning Wei once told him that when Ning Wei went home for the New Year, the Peking University associate professor went to his place to discuss mathematics problems for five days. He finally understood why Ning Wei only went home for more than ten days and gave him a message after returning. His feelings completely changed...

It turns out that he was led astray!

What else is there to say? While the two began to discuss something he didn't understand, Yu Xingwei silently took out his mobile phone and began to share his short trip to the capital in the group.

It's obviously a bit low-end, but it lives up to its original intention.

"The hot-boiled mutton in Donglaishun tastes pretty good. Of course, what you eat is important, and who you accompany is more important."

The picture is of a copper hot pot, fresh meat slices and a smiling boss opposite.

“The suite at the Hilton Hotel feels pretty good. The key is that it’s very close to the US visa office and you can walk there.”

The accompanying picture shows the furnishings in the room, the beautiful night view of the brightly lit capital, and the large bed that looks very comfortable at first glance...

Let's have fun, let's make trouble, and we can't put off the business.

In the afternoon of the next day, the two arrived at the visa office on time as scheduled.

After storing all the mobile phones and other electronic products outside the embassy, ​​I took the documents and started a long queue.

It may be that there are too many visa applications backlogged during the long New Year holiday, and there are many people queuing up at the visa office. Even after entering the embassy and starting to divide the applications according to different appointment times, there is still a long queue.

It's definitely a torture to have to wait in line and not have any electronic gadgets to kill time.

Fortunately, this time we were two people together, so we could kill time by chatting.

While chatting, Ning Wei couldn't help but sigh when he saw that there wasn't much movement in front of him.

"Hey, Brother Yu, why do you think most of those top academic conferences are arranged abroad? It would be much easier if they were all held in China."

"Who says it isn't?"

Yu Xingwei continued casually: "And those top journals are also abroad. If you want to publish your papers in top journals, you have to translate them into English. It would be great if they all moved to China. At least you can save money on searching for papers. Mimi polished by people in English.”

"I hope that in a few decades, China will become the world's science and technology center. From now on, others will queue up at the Chinese Embassy to get visas and come to us." Looking at the long queue next to him, Ning Wei sighed from the bottom of his heart. .


As soon as Ning Wei finished speaking, a man in his thirties who was standing behind Yu Xingwei suddenly laughed out loud.

Just when the two of them felt confused, the man turned his head and said to the female companion behind him: "Let me tell you a joke. In the future, top academic conferences will be held in China. From now on, the big guys will have to queue up like us. Get a Chinese visa.”

In fact, the conversation between Ning Wei and Yu Xingwei was not loud, but they couldn't stand it...

But the man's voice was silent, which made Yu Xingwei unhappy at that time. He turned around and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Heh, it's nothing. I just think your sexual intercourse is quite funny." The man behind him shrugged and said nonchalantly.

"Why are you just teasing me so that you can explain?"

"Brother, are you engaged in technology? You are still studying at your age, right? Which school are you from?"

"I have a bachelor's and master's degree at Huashan University of Science and Technology, and I'm studying for a doctorate at Jiangsu University. What's going on?"

"Hey, the whole process of 985 is awesome, but speaking of which, you must have never gone out to see it, right? After you go out and see it and experience it this time, you will know what it means to sit in a well and watch the sky. Some things can't be caught up by just talking about it. ." Obviously he is not much greater than Yu Xing, but this man can tell the story of the vicissitudes of supporting the younger generation.

This made Yu Xingwei very happy.

"Then may I ask which prestigious school you graduated from?"

"Sorry, I am a master's degree in computer information science from the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania in 2012. Also, I am not afraid to tell you that I am applying for a visa just to attend one of the industry's top academic conferences, the SODA conference. You should You know, right? A paper I submitted was accepted by the conference and I was invited to give a speech, so I really have a say in this aspect. Do you have any objections?" the man said proudly.

By the way, Panpansheng glanced around.

Sure enough, although the two people's argument was not too loud, it attracted the attention of almost everyone around them.

There is no other reason. I don’t have a mobile phone, so queuing is too difficult.

After hearing the man's words, Yu Xingwei subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Ning Wei, who was also watching the excitement.

What a coincidence...

They are actually colleagues!

At this time, Yu Xingwei became more energetic. He raised his thumb and complimented: "Brother, this is amazing. The SODA conference is the world's top conference on computer algorithms! Can you pass a paper at this kind of conference? Worship!"

"Haha, you are still young and don't understand some things. Maybe you will understand after I go abroad with your boss a few more times. You seemed to have said that you were studying for a Ph.D. at Jiangsu University just now? I know there is a young man named Ning Wei in your school. My son is still very good. If he were here today, he would definitely not dare to talk like you. Little brother, don’t sit in a well and watch the sky!"

Seeing that Yu Xingwei was subdued, the man reached out and patted Yu Xingwei's shoulder and said sincerely.

Hearing this, Yu Xingwei was stunned at first, and then he couldn't hold it back any longer, "Pfft...haha..."

I just burst out laughing. Really, I couldn't hold back my laughter, because I tried desperately to hold back my laughter and lower my voice, but it had the opposite effect. I felt like tears were about to burst out, and my stomach was twitching. Yes, it hurt a little. I had no choice but to cover my stomach with one hand and bend down slightly.

The man looked at Yu Xingwei who suddenly started laughing inexplicably, and was a little confused. He really couldn't feel the point of the smile in that sentence just now, but this man actually bent over and covered his stomach with laughter.

He looked past the intermittent psychopath and towards the younger guy who was with him. However, after their eyes crossed, the guy blinked and raised his head directly, looking at the ceiling...

There was no way, Ning Wei never expected that this man would use him as an example to demonstrate his point of view.

What the hell, how embarrassing!

"That... pfft... brother, you believe me, pfft... if Ning Wei were here today, he would definitely dare to say it." Yu Xingwei finally got over the moment, straightened up, and suppressed his laughter, said.

"Superficial! A truly knowledgeable person would definitely not tell such a joke." The man scolded.

Those loud words made Ning Wei so embarrassed that he felt like he could dig a hole in the floor with his toes. He simply turned around and ignored the two people.

"Hey, let's not talk about it for now. Are you going to attend the SODA conference?" Yu Xingwei took out a scan of the invitation that was just on top of the information bag, took it out and handed it to the man. .

He scanned three copies of this invitation letter and was not afraid of losing it.



Looking at the special invitation letter, the man was a little confused before he could calm down. The young man who had been bragging to Yu Xingwei just coughed twice, and Yu Xingwei elegantly pulled the invitation back. Then he turned around and ignored him.

A smaller voice than before reached his ears.

"Brother Yu, stop making trouble, I'm sorry."

"What are you afraid of? Why are we embarrassed because we are VIPs?"

After the man was stunned, he suddenly became a little agitated. The young man talking to Yu Xingwei looked so young, could he be...

Could it be...

However, after the two of them had a simple conversation, neither of them said a word. He turned around quietly and asked the girl next to him in a low voice: "Does that young man look familiar to you?"

The girl shook her head blankly.

The aunt next to me couldn't stand it any longer and said, "Don't ask. Just now I saw the name written on that young man's information bag outside. That young man is Ning Wei. He has been on CCTV. What's the look in your eyes?" ah?"

"Uh?" The man was stunned, then froze.

There was a burst of low laughter all around...

The man's face turned red instantly, and his bare feet felt like needles...

What a terrible large-scale social death scene.

The effect is also very obvious...

Ning Wei didn't want to chat with Yu Xingwei anymore.

The subsequent conversations all reached his ears, and the number of glances directed at him obviously increased...

Fortunately, after this little episode, the interview went smoothly for both of them.

After showing the invitation letter and necessary materials, and answering a few questions from the interviewer, the other party stamped the invitation directly after verifying the authenticity of the invitation letter.

After finishing it, he was about to leave, and inevitably came face to face with the man standing behind him.

"Ahem, brother, let's see you at the meeting!"

ps: The author's friend Er Jiang's new book "I'm Reborn in My Novel", please check it out and save it if you like it!

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