Tech Hammer

Chapter 116 It turns out that the most low-key university in the world is actually...

When he realized that the man in front of him was seriously promoting this school, Ning Wei thought of Kong Mingde's words, "Information grows with height."

At least before today, he really didn't know that there was such a rich and willful school in this world.

The school does not offer undergraduate courses, but it doesn’t matter. As long as you go there to study for graduate school or Ph.D., you will be fully reimbursed for undergraduate tuition and living expenses, and even a laptop allowance...

So Ning Wei asked curiously: "Mr. Cui, if I graduate and don't choose to stay in school or stay in Saudi Arabia, do I need to get my money back?"

"Of course not. You can go wherever you want after graduation. The school does not lack the money to subsidize students. Even the scientific research results you achieved during your studies at the school and the economic benefits generated by the school will be rewarded in addition. As long as your papers, patents, etc. bear the name of the school, it will be fine. Even if it has great practical benefits, the school can organize a team to help you operate and promote it. In short, you make money and the school makes a name for itself."

"If you must seek a reasonable explanation for this money-burning model, it is probably that Saudi Arabia hopes to have its own super university ranked among the top ten in the world. Looking at it, no matter whether it is domestic or foreign, there is no school You can offer this kind of treatment.”

Cui Yao said with a faint smile.

He was very confident about dragging this compatriot to school.

After all, the school is not a profit-seeking company. The benefits they can offer are basically irresistible to students.

Not to mention, he has a trump card!

For Ning's performance in today's meeting, he has compiled a complete package and sent it to his boss in the school, so he now temporarily has the highest authority to snatch people in the department.

However, Ning Wei ignored him and turned to look at Yu Xingwei: "Brother Yu, are you full?"

"Huh?" Yu Xingwei, who was feeling sad in his heart, looked at Ning Wei blankly.

"When we're full, let's go back to the room first. I still feel like I'm not used to the atmosphere here," Ning Wei said.

"Huh? No, classmate Ning Wei, you are not interested in our King Abdullah University of Science and Technology? If you are not satisfied with the conditions I offered..." Cui Yao frowned slightly and asked.

Ning Wei sincerely interrupted Cui Yao: "No, Mr. Cui, please stop talking. If you keep talking, I'm afraid I will be tempted. Really, this school is very good, but I can't help you. I’m late, I’ve already agreed to other schools, and the instructor has specially reserved a place for me. Let’s work together again if we have the chance.”


Seeing that Ning Wei had stood up and was really about to leave, Cui Yao became a little anxious and asked: "Why? You don't want to study and make money? What do you want?"

"I can't help it. Although I am quite greedy for money, people have to have some credibility. And don't you think that if a person goes to the Saudi school you mentioned for money, he will immediately become worthless? ?" Ning Wei spread his hands and replied.

This reason...

However, Ning Wei didn't give Cui Yao a chance to continue to show off his eloquence, so he stood up and followed Yu Xingwei outside the restaurant.

He wanted to win over Ning Wei, but this occasion was actually not suitable.

Cui Yao could feel that many people's attention was on their side, and they were doing too much and affecting the reputation of the school. He knows very well how much the school's father, the financial backer, loves face.

If he had known that there was something wrong with this young man's brain, he shouldn't have done anything unnecessary this afternoon.

In just these few seconds of hesitation, Ning Wei and Yu Xingwei had already walked out of the dinner hall, so neatly that he felt terrible! Did you say that if you have money, you can do whatever you want?

Yu Xingwei felt more at ease and more tired.

He realized that this meeting should not last for four days. It would be nice to end it in one day.

I thought that attending top-level conferences at public expense would not only make me famous, but also increase my knowledge.

But after arriving, I discovered that there are too many pitfalls here.

When he meets every cabbage, he opens his arms to seduce the pigs that need his care, which brings huge mental pressure that outsiders can hardly imagine.

What's even more frightening is that these cabbages make his heart beat with excitement...

"Ning Wei, how did you do it?" Yu Xingwei couldn't help but ask.

"How did you do it?" Ning Wei asked.

"Are you really not interested in money?"

Ning Wei replied sincerely: "Of course! This means that I am not short of money recently. If Cui Yao dared to talk to me like he just did half a year ago, I would have packed my luggage now."

"So the more money, the better?" Yu Xingwei blinked and asked.

This question made Ning Wei silent for a long time before he said: "Actually, I don't know why. After my wealth exceeded one million, I felt that my immunity to money was much stronger. I also thought about this question carefully. What money can bring There is a threshold for happiness, and once it exceeds that threshold, people still have no spiritual support, and the resulting sense of emptiness will drive people crazy."

"For me, compared with money, the additional sense of identity makes me happier. This is not a matter of spiritual wealth, but a matter of concept. For example, I own a yacht and can enjoy a perfect sea experience. Carnival vacation, but the psychological pleasure is very short-lived and will be elevated. At most two times, you will feel that this shallow level of pleasure is actually boring."

"But if I can use this time to make some achievements, like the report at this conference, the sense of comfort it brings will be lasting. Because there is an upper limit to the enjoyment brought by wealth, and the upper limit in the scientific field is at least for today's people. It’s still a blur to us. When you get the root of it clearly, you don’t care about the other details.”

"Not to mention that for me, the autonomy of what to do or not to do is also very important. When you take other people's money, you have to do things for others. When you are a happy student, you don't have to consider these issues. And I think It’s good now. For example, if I want to do something in the laboratory, your boss will always support me unconditionally. If I have any ideas, I just need to tell Brother Lu and he will come to my house to discuss it with me. Brother Yu, You can’t imagine this kind of happiness, right?”

"Huh? I..." Yu Xingwei looked at Ning Wei in shock.

What he said before was really good, and he felt that his spirit was lifted because of these words, but the last question was not a little too bullying?

"Look, that's why you find it so hard to resist those temptations! When one day you can enjoy this kind of pleasure, you will find that everything is just a cloud." Old God Ning Wei said calmly.

"I learned it, Mr. Xiao Ning, you are right!"

When Yu Xingwei felt that his negative emotions were about to defeat him, he quickly took out his mobile phone and opened the Jiangda Laboratory colleague group. Regardless of the time difference, he quickly edited a message: "Let me report the current situation to everyone. At this time Mr. Xiao Ning and I are attending the official dinner of SODA. We have just discussed some issues about turbulence algorithms with several big bosses convened by the meeting. We have received verbal invitations from several international exchange students, but I rejected them all. It’s not interesting. , feeling boring, they don’t understand my happiness at all? Or the brothers and sisters who are working hard in the laboratory are cuter."

By the way, I attached some photos I took at the dinner party just now.

After waiting for a few seconds, several "?" numbers popped up in the group, and my mentality, which was shocked to the extreme, suddenly returned to normal.

Yes, he can't feel Ning Wei's happiness, but many people can't feel his happiness!

Fortunately, he is not at the bottom of the contempt chain.

Almost at the same time that Ning Wei walked out of the dinner door, Smith just put down the pen in his hand.

The computer in front of him is the paper that Ning Wei submitted to the Journal of the American Mathematical Society.

Yes, he is also one of the reviewers for this Ningwei paper, and it has been reviewed for more than 20 days now. The editor reminded me once because most of the other reviewers have already given their opinions.

But he ignored it, not because he wanted to delay the paper deliberately, but because he reviewed it more seriously and really needed more time to study the paper and understand the mathematical ideas in it.

At this moment, he has decided to give his final review opinion-pass.

He probably knew that the other reviewers had the same attitude. At least he didn't find any flaws in it. Some of the words and sentences seemed to him slightly problematic, but considering that the other reviewers were not native English speakers, these minor flaws could be ignored. .

But when he replied to the editor, he still felt a little frustrated.

This kid is still in his undergraduate studies!

Sure enough, for mathematics, especially in the field of number theory, talent is far more important than so-called diligence.

It is actually very painful to admit that your talents are inferior to others.

I'm jealous!

After finishing his reply, the whole person was instantly surrounded by an indescribable sense of emptiness. If Yu Xingwei was next to the professor at this time, he would probably be able to understand this feeling best.

It’s as if everything I’ve done in the past has been useless, and a lot of happiness in life has been taken away.

Bored, Smith opened Facebook and had mixed feelings...

Why, he can't escape?

Just refresh it and push him so much news about that little guy?


This kid went to the SODA conference to harm the algorithm community?

That's right, an unscrupulous editor sent him a copy of Turbulence Algorithm, and he even read it...

Smith was happy to see the extremely pure expression of emotions by the children on Facebook, as well as the content in the screenshots and short videos.

This young Chinese guy is really cute. At the 60-minute report, he was able to popularize number theory research knowledge in the direction of NS equations to a group of the world's top algorithm experts. This kind of treatment...

Therefore, Smith happily gave all the complaints a circle of likes.

As for words, he didn't want to say more...

But it’s okay to give a thumbs up to distressed children.

In addition to Smith paying attention to the batch of complaints, many people in China also paid attention to the news released by these young students.

In those days when information disparity meant money, many people relied on translating various domestic short videos and screenshots of hot-button complaints and then moved them to the Internet; All kinds of information are translated and moved across the country to earn traffic for a living.

Not to mention the fact that the Chinese boy's participation in the top international computer conference has attracted countless complaints may bring about the heat. The name Ningwei alone has not completely dissipated in China.

Of course, not every porter that forwards similar content can become popular and earn a lot of traffic.

But if you move a lot, there will always be one or two lucky people who will be seen by the God of Luck. For example, this time, an article titled "We also have that other people's child" is very inexplicable. Almost got angry, and then quickly left the circle...

In fact, there is no original part in the whole article. It is a simple and crude summary of the complaints about Ning Wei at the SODA conference on Facebook and Twitter, and then very thoughtfully translated them into Chinese and displayed them.

Then a storm broke out across the entire network, raising countless questions.

"What's going on? This guy is here again? Are you trying to trick me into studying hard again?"

"I have never seen a top student dare to be so arrogant, but when I saw the comments from those foreigners, I really wanted to laugh."

"This is the first time I have seen a top student who can directly knock countless traffic to the ground. For two consecutive months at the beginning of the year, it was trending every month! What's even more frightening is that the person involved has obviously done nothing, so he just... It’s so popular!”

Not only was the comment about Ning Wei, the post went viral, and Jiang Da was also made angry again.

"Jiang University is really awesome this time! I saw that several foreign friends said on Twitter that Jiang University is probably the most low-key school in the world. It took me a whole minute to find the school that has been idle for three years. Graduation certificate, I kowtowed to it three times! I spent another three minutes thinking about how low-key my former alma mater was!”

"Stop talking, I understand everything. Let's go review now and apply for Jiangnan University in June. I'd rather be a student and see you in September!"

"Now that I'm looking at the recommendation agreement I signed with Tsinghua University, I suddenly feel bad. I want to ask the big guys, if I review for four months again, will I still have a good chance of taking the college entrance examination and applying to Jiangsu University?"

Just like this, before the faculty and staff from top to bottom of Jiang University, which had just started school, could react, the voices of various discussions about Jiang University on the Internet became louder.

There are even more comments on the official Weibo page asking about reporting conditions.

The number of visits to the school’s official website has reached a new high...

This sudden heat was probably something no one had expected before.

This would rather be...

Wasn't it just sent out to attend a meeting?

Why did this happen again?

The school was originally planning to wait until Ning Wei and Yu Xingwei returned from the United States with great honors before announcing on the official website that they would attend top international academic conferences as special guests and give special reports as special guests. But before they can make any move, the heat has already risen...

However, the weird comment with the most likes on Weibo left the school bosses dumbfounded...

"It is indeed a low-key university. One of its students participated in the world's top academic conference on computer algorithms. There is no news on the official website. There is nothing to say. Two words, awesome!"

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