Tech Hammer

Chapter 123 I’m here to send warmth (Thank you to the leader of Dahan, thank you all for your monthl

After Yu Xingwei paid the price of losing weight in a week, the test environments required by all the first batch of companies that signed the test agreement were finally deployed and passed the pre-test.

To be honest, it was really hard for Yu Xingwei to do this.

Deploying a security defense software in real-life scenarios is not as easy as in a laboratory environment. Because the environment we face is more complex, problems that have not been encountered in the laboratory may arise at any time during the deployment process.

Fortunately, Dr. Yu Xingwei is really not a fool. He can basically find the cause of the problem independently. If it is really unsolvable, just a phone call back to the laboratory and collective efforts will not waste much time.

After the deployment was completed and the environment was debugged, the final public test time of the turbulence algorithm was set at 2pm on March 15th.

In fact, it can be done two days earlier, but Lu Changbin specifically chose this day. The reason given was to make the day of the turbulence algorithm public beta more memorable. On this special day of the year, 315, he would help in another way. Isn’t the idea of ​​protecting consumer rights much higher?

Then Lu Changbin quickly finished the work at hand on March 14 and flew directly to the capital. At noon the next day, he visited the Information Security Laboratory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and asked old alumnus He Duchang to treat him to a meal.

Normally, it's fun and fun, but if you really come to visit, you still have to entertain the guests.

During the dinner, after a glass of wine, Lu Changbin began his performance sincerely.

"Let me tell you, Lao He, this is the relationship between the two of us as alumni, otherwise this good thing wouldn't be your turn. Our laboratory has specially prepared two million in cash, which is just for use. I and the people in the laboratory Bian has already said hello, and the news of the official open beta will not be released until 2:30, giving you an extra half an hour to study how to break through this defense line."

"Let the young men under you work hard. This time I am giving you bonuses seriously. The rules are also very simple. How much worth of tickets can you grab through technical means? Add one plus, I will Just add two zeros at the end and give it to you directly as a bonus. You don’t have to worry about taxes, it’s all paid in real money. Oh, by the way, let your favorite disciple Xiao Cao do it in person, so that the money won’t go to outsiders. Well."

Looking at what he said, He Duchang probably wouldn't believe a word of it.

Of course, the information revealed is important.

He Duchang stared at Lu Changbin and asked: "Speaking of Lao Lu, do you really have so much confidence in this turbulence algorithm? Are you afraid that if you play too big, the boat will capsize in the gutter, and there will be no way to end it?"

Hearing this, Lu Changbin was obviously not happy and said: "He Duchan, are you saying that it's boring? I admit that we have been fighting for most of our lives, but when we come to you, are our feelings gone? No. Who can be 100% sure about a product that has been tested on a large scale? Do you? I’ve come all the way to give you a favor, and this is how you miss me?”

This seems to make sense.

Everyone is in this industry, and no matter how confident you are in something that has just come out of the laboratory, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no problems during the actual testing process.

After all, the complexity that the real environment needs to face is far beyond what a simple laboratory environment can match.

Not to mention that the official public beta means that the turbulence algorithm will have to accept the challenges of countless experts.

In the past, those laboratory products that blew their own security systems to the point of explosion were confidently sent to white hat conferences for testing, but they were directly attacked and turned into leaky sieves.

There was even a joke that a product that claimed to be the world's first integrated intelligent safety certification system was granted the highest authority by a top domestic team in less than a minute.

Lu Changbin is not a newcomer in the industry, so he should not make this kind of mistake.

So has Lao Lu really changed his gender this time? Thinking about it like this, He Dushang suddenly felt a little guilty. After all, he was an alumnus. If anything happened, he would still be there to help.

Then he can't be too stingy and be looked down upon by this guy for nothing.

Thinking of this, He Dushang said grandly: "Okay, I believe you. I have to keep an eye on you in the afternoon and I can't drink with you. Just have a couple of drinks by yourself at noon. Anyway, I'll leave it to those young guys in the afternoon. Don't drink either. This is wine. My nephew went out for a business visit a few days ago. He knew that I usually like to drink some wine. When he came back, he brought me a bottle of limited edition wine from France that was said to be produced by the top winery there. It cost thousands. There's a bottle here. I left it in the office and couldn't bear to drink it, so I opened it for you today! Xiao Chen, go get that bottle of wine from the cabinet under my office."

"Okay, boss!"

Lu Changbin smiled happily and said: "Haha, this is a good schoolmate! Come on, come on, I won't drink this wine now, let's eat food, eat food!"

"How about two more dishes?"


Time flies to six o'clock in the afternoon...

He Duchang's face turned a little blue.

Eighty percent of the technical backbone of the entire laboratory was mobilized and divided into three groups to focus on two special discount airlines and the concert ticketing system. As a result, four hours later, no one was able to grab one through technical means. A ticket.

What's even more ironic is that two young guys in the laboratory were bored and manually grabbed two special air tickets specially released by the airline in conjunction with this open beta.

You must know that in order to maximize profits, the three groups are directly targeting the regular-priced tickets that no one is grabbing and the high-priced tickets in the VIP area of ​​the concert. Now the special tickets issued by the airline have been sold out, and the concert tickets are almost sold out, but they have gotten nothing.

Judging from the rules formulated by Lu Changbin, they could continue to find ways to use various technical means to poach the airlines' regular tickets, but He Duchang understood that it was meaningless.

The fact that the young man in the laboratory can buy a special ticket through normal means speaks volumes.

He knew very well that it was definitely not just their laboratory that was staring at this public beta of the turbulence algorithm.

"Well, Lao He, what time is your dinner here tonight? I feel a little hungry. After we have had two drinks tonight, it's almost time to say goodbye. But don't worry, our agreement is valid for three days. You just need to Show me the proof that you have indeed obtained the ticket through technical means, and we will place the payment immediately." Lu Changbin patted his chest and promised sincerely.

He Duchang glanced at the expensive red wine that had been consumed for a third, and his heart was no longer bleeding, but gushing blood.

Emotionally, he mobilized a group of backbones in the laboratory to help the guy in front of him do the tests with all their heart and soul all afternoon. Not to mention that he didn't make a penny, and he also bought a bottle of red wine that he couldn't bear to drink.

In fact, these are nothing. What's more important is that he was directly shown off by Lu Changbin face to face. Thinking of this, he felt that his blood pressure was soaring, and there was a dull pain in the back of his head...

But he really couldn't get angry at this time.

Because people outside the industry may not understand the meaning of turbulence algorithm, but he understands it very well.

"Haha... don't worry, there will be dinner for sure, of the highest standard, but there is something you can tell me first. I heard people are saying that this turbulence algorithm was independently completed by that young man named Ning Wei? Is it true? ?”

"Haha, what's the point of talking about this now? Let's talk while we eat! As long as you, Lao He, find it interesting later, I'll tell you everything I know!"

These four hours are definitely more than just four hours when He Duo's heart bleeds.

In fact, there are many people who help Ningwei do tests for free, and it is definitely not just the laboratory.

There are more people watching this open beta.

Some of them can get first-hand data and start analyzing it directly, such as the Internet giants who provide cloud services for the sales websites of these public beta companies.

More people are able to analyze situations through what they can see.

For example, the airlines' special tickets. In order to cooperate with this test, the two airlines released 72 special tickets at one time, involving a total of 22 flights that will be operated in the next two weeks.

This is the first time that special tickets have been available on the official ticketing network for such a long time.

It used to be Mikong, but this time it lasted ten minutes before it was robbed.

And half an hour later, the system automatically released 69 special tickets.

That is to say, except for three of the real-name payments, all others were returned due to overtime and non-payment.

You can probably imagine what this is going to be like.

Then more than ten minutes later, these special-price tickets were cleared again, and half an hour later, 62 tickets were returned again...

Just like that, at night, there were still forty-three special-price tickets to less popular areas hanging on the official website, waiting to be purchased.

But this time the tickets were already there and no one was grabbing them.

After all, it is meaningless to the scalpers who want to collect tickets from airline companies if they cannot use machines to automatically complete the process of grabbing, releasing, and grabbing tickets again. Should we ask a few people to grab it manually? Putting aside the efficiency, the labor cost is there now.

Who wants to sit in front of the computer 24 hours a day and refresh airlines one by one in front of the computer?

This is why the two airlines cooperated with the public beta of the algorithm to release so many special-price tickets at once. Most of the time, low-cost airlines release special-price tickets in small batches and at random times, most of the time in the middle of the night.

You have to rely on people to rob it, and you have to rob it again every half hour. If you forget it, it may be bought by someone else. How can you do this business?

So the scalpers are too lazy to do anything. If they have some free time, they might as well find someone to help them upgrade the software.

Of course, except for Spring and Autumn Airlines and Eastern Star, the software is still very useful for grabbing tickets from other airlines.

For those technicians who choose to actively test turbulence algorithms for various purposes, they naturally do not need to manually grab tickets, and they do not even need to target those special tickets. They only need to use existing tickets. If your technology can bypass the defenses of the turbulence algorithm and directly grab the tickets, you will win.

Naturally, I won't touch those special tickets.

As for the concert ticketing system, four hours have passed and there are still single-digit tickets left for the worst positions, accounting for about one thousandth of the total tickets released this time.

This is equally telling.

You must know that this entertainment company is releasing concert tickets for a Chinese diva who has been famous for many years. It has done enough publicity in advance and the ticket release time has been announced through various channels. Judging from the reactions on the forum, Countless fans are already gearing up to grab tickets.

According to past experience, the best seats for this kind of concert will be sold out immediately after the tickets are released, while the worst seats will only last for two or three minutes at most before being snatched up.

After all, when the scalpers grab all the good seats, fans with less wealthy wallets can only lower their psychological expectations and settle for the next best thing to compete with others for poorer seats.

More importantly, there are obviously fewer scalpers calling for tickets on major online forums.

Occasionally, there are one or two, and there are only one or two scattered ones on hand, and I can't even find them...

Of course, these are all problems seen from the perspective of onlookers.

And a special group in China is about to explode.

Among the scalpers in China who communicated with each other, the number of group chat messages this afternoon was at least a thousand plus...

"Brothers, something happened to Chunqiu and Dongxing today? Why can't they move?"

"The news is too limited, isn't it? The purpose of this big release is to coordinate with the system upgrade for testing. Let's just wait for the upgrade of the God Number."

"No wonder you are so stubborn, fuck! I mean why are you so generous all of a sudden, putting so much water in at once, and at a time like two o'clock in the afternoon?"

"It's such a headache. Don't you want to make another big mistake with the upgrade of the God? It's very difficult to do business now."

"Are you still thinking that you will be cheated? I heard that this system upgrade will be very troublesome. The divine account may not be able to be solved yet. I am afraid that I will have to change my account and buy a new one. , that’s the big head.”

"I heard that this is still a small-scale test. If the test results are good, it will be promoted on a large scale to all airlines and even 12306 will be upgraded. In short, everyone should be mentally prepared to change their numbers."

"If I really have to change my account again, I won't do it. All my hard-earned money will be stolen by those who move their fingers on the computer. What a heck!"

"Aren't these airlines sick? It costs money for them to upgrade their system, and it costs money for us to upgrade. Everyone has raised the cost. Isn't the ticket more expensive? Otherwise, who will bear the cost? It's falling from the sky! "

"Stop talking, brothers, just wait. No matter what happens, God has to give an explanation."

This is just a discussion in the ticket scalper exchange group. If you expand it to scalper exchange groups in other industries, the discussion will probably be similar.

Of course, more people are still waiting and watching at this time.

It is common for a new technology to suddenly appear and catch the opponent off guard. It will then have to withstand the test of time.

But for some related industries, especially those in the industry who have personally quit, in fact, this afternoon's public beta is enough to explain a lot of problems. With the development of various crawler technologies today, there are not many points for breakthroughs. Dao Gao One foot of magic is one foot high, often for system upgrades that are trivial.

This time, it is obvious that some people have raised the difficulty level by one dimension...

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