Tech Hammer

Chapter 131 Go your own way and leave others with no way to go (Bow down and ask for monthly tickets

Yuan Chengming got up early in the morning, came to the office, and opened his mailbox.

These days, students are submitting graduation thesis one after another. He has to read each one and make suggestions for revision.

If there are just minor problems, just reply to the email and point them out one by one, and then let the students print them and then officially submit them.

If the problem is too big and difficult to explain clearly via email, you have to make an appointment with the student via WeChat or phone for face-to-face guidance.

Today there are two papers submitted for preliminary review.

Yuan Chengming was happy when he saw Ning Wei's name.

This young man is indeed a quick paper shooter. He came to him just last week to decide on the topic. In just a few days, the paper was handed in.

I don’t know if this kid has met the SCI District 1 requirements he proposed.

However, Yuan Chengming did not read the paper impatiently. Instead, he made himself hot tea and prepared to drink it slowly.

Download the paper from the attachment and open it. Professor Yuan was stunned when he saw the title.

What the hell is this? "Prove that the KLS factor is a dimension-independent constant using the recursive method"?

For the first time, Yuan Chengming saw his lack of knowledge in current mathematical research from a thesis title.

Because at the first moment, he found that the word KLS factor was somewhat unfamiliar in his mind.

Well, I have been teaching statistics over the years, and the branches of mathematics have become more and more detailed. It is normal that I don’t know much about these. Feeling so comforted in his heart, Professor Yuan began to log into the library's search catalog to look for things about KLS factors.

The proposition about this conjecture was soon found.

Oh, it turned out to be a conjecture in space geometry, but I have been working tirelessly to solve this problem. Why are there so many elites in the computer industry besides mathematicians?

After carefully studying previous papers, Yuan Chengming finally clarified the context of this issue.

Then the mood became more complicated.

So, if Ning Wei’s paper is correct, then he used statistical methods to prove a world-class spatial geometry problem that the computer science community has always been interested in?

You must know that the mathematician who proposed this conjecture was a Fields Medal winner. Before his death in 2018, he was still thinking about whether this conjecture could be proved.

After clarifying this proposition, Yuan Chengming opened this graduation thesis with anxiety. After all, this paper could not solve a high-dimensional space geometry problem that has troubled mathematicians around the world for more than 20 years, and he was just a humble person. A professor of statistics in a university, I felt a bit unworthy of being asked to supervise this thesis.

Even if this paper is really submitted to a journal, it is impossible for the editor to let him review it.

Since Riemannian geometry theoretically proved the existence of high-dimensional space, these mathematical propositions have become more and more metaphysical.

Unsurprisingly, after reading the entire paper, Yuan Chengming once again felt how important it is to expand the breadth of knowledge. His knowledge reserve of linear algebra and spatial analytic geometry is still insufficient to understand the recursion used in this paper. method, through step-by-step iteration, the method used to finally deduce that the KLS factor is a constant, and the ideas behind each derivation.

But whether it is correct or not is beyond his knowledge.

Of course, this is normal.

If the derivation process of a world-class mathematical problem could be read by any mathematics professor in any research direction and he could tell whether it is right or wrong, then there would probably be less quarrels in the entire academic community.

Yuan Chengming wanted to slap himself in the face and tell him that he was a bad mouther. He was definitely qualified to publish a paper in SCI area one. No, this paper was qualified to be published in a top journal. As a result, as a graduation thesis, he, as a supervisor, not only gave guidance, but directly reviewed it. No one dared to interrogate.

Rumor has it that he may become the first tutor in Jiangsu University who serves as an undergraduate thesis tutor, but is not sure whether his student's thesis is right or wrong. It is very shameful.

But he had no choice but to pick up the phone and call Kong Mingde directly.

"Dean Kong, I have a graduation thesis here. You may need to organize some people to discuss it together. This thesis uses statistical methods to prove that the KLS factor is a constant that has nothing to do with dimensions."

"Huh? What did you say? Lao Yuan, you mean you received a graduation thesis to solve the structural problem of convex objects in high-dimensional space?"

Well, as expected, he is the dean who studies linear algebra. He knows this proposition and is not like him. He has to look up information to study this stuff first.

"Yes! It's solved. I think there's nothing wrong with the argumentation process, but this thing is beyond the scope of my research, so..."

"Which student's paper is this? Are there really hidden dragons and crouching tigers among the seniors this year?" Yuan Chengming didn't have time to finish what he said, the person on the other end of the phone said in surprise.

"Dean Kong, you are overthinking, the thesis belongs to Ning Wei!" Yuan Chengming simply woke up the dean from his sweet dream.

"What? Ning Wei's? When did Ning Wei become interested in statistics and space geometry again? What on earth was he thinking? No more research on the topic of PDE? Didn't he just publish another article in "Nature"? Is this a paper on the general solution of limited range values ​​for the N-S equation?"

"How should I put this? Maybe the child wants to change his mind and rest his brain?"

"Stop talking nonsense. I will organize someone to review it. You can come up and go to the conference room on the third floor. Wait, send the paper to me first, and I will help him take a look first."

"Okay, let's do it now. Do you need me to call Ning Wei too?"

"No, let's finish the review first. By the way, don't come up in a hurry. Someone at the Institute of Computer Science and Technology should also be interested in this issue. I'll say hello to the Institute of Science and Technology and the laboratory first. Let's come together. Trial. I'll call you when everyone is here."

"Okay, then I'll send you the paper first!"


The tea was already cold on the table, but Professor Yuan didn't bother to take a sip.

Jiangda, software laboratory.

Lu Changbin has been very busy these two days.

Cooperation with Huawei is a big deal. Although the laboratory signed a contract with Huawei, the laboratory is not a main body after all. In the past, the laboratory was given full autonomy in matters of urgency, but there are still a lot of reports to follow. Need to make up.

This is why the country has been calling on companies in recent years to cooperate more with university departments and laboratories to integrate industry, academia and research, so that laboratories can produce real benefits. In addition, Huawei’s investment this time is very large, and the higher-ups attach great importance to this. Only then was the laboratory specially granted the privilege of making its own decisions.

However, the procedures that need to be followed after the matter is completed still need to be followed, and the guidance from the relevant departments is still indispensable.

This is also the reason why Ning Wei doesn't want to get involved at all. There are too many trivial things.

Under such circumstances, he suddenly received a call from Kong Mingde. He hadn't turned around in his mind yet, but he just thought it was a coincidence that the graduation thesis of the School of Mathematics happened to coincide with the research project Lao Han from the laboratory had recently applied for.

But when he put down the phone, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Wait, yesterday Ning Wei asked for Lao Han's proposal report and looked at it, and today Kong Mingde called and asked him to find someone to help review a related graduation thesis?

its not right? Whose graduation thesis is so impressive? Do you still need professors from the School of Mathematics, the School of Computer Science and the laboratory to review it together? Kong Mingde didn't say such crucial information on the phone?

Can't it be that little guy again?

First, we study the NS equation, come up with a turbulence algorithm, and then come up with an EDA to combine with the algorithm. This still has a context to follow, but what the hell is it that suddenly uses a graduation thesis to solve the random walk problem of deep learning?

Did the general education in Mathematical College teach a freak?

Learn a little bit in each direction, and then become proficient in each direction?

It shouldn't be Ning Wei, although I thought so in my heart, but after calling Lao Han, I felt that this thing shouldn't be such a coincidence.

I simply called Kong Mingde back.

"Old Kong, which of your mathematics students' graduation thesis has exploded again? The final thesis you just mentioned was not written by Ning Wei, right?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you just now?" The tone on the phone was a little careless and perfunctory.

"I... our laboratory would rather be an almighty little prince?"

"Bah, this is someone who was cultivated by our School of Mathematics. It has nothing to do with your laboratory. Let's not talk about it. Just ask the informant to come quickly. The discussion meeting will start in half an hour."

After saying that, the person on the other end hung up the phone without giving Lu Changbin a chance to refute.

Here, outside Lu Changbin's office, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

"Director Lu, look for me."

"Yes, Old Han, it's like this. There is a kid in the School of Mathematics whose graduation thesis overlaps with the topic you are currently researching, so I want to invite you to attend a seminar together and give me some advice."

Lu Changbin didn't have the heart to tell Han Wenqing too clearly. It might be that he showed Ning Wei the professor's proposal report yesterday, which made him not want to say anything more. Anyway, Han Wenqing knew it after he passed by.

"The graduation thesis of a student from the School of Mathematics coincides with my topic?" Professor Han was also confused.

"Yes, it is said to prove that the KLS factor is a constant in any dimension." Lu Changbin explained.

Professor Han was stunned and asked, "Doctoral thesis?"

"It seems like an undergraduate."

"You started studying this stuff when you were an undergraduate in the School of Mathematics?"

"Hey, it's hard to say. As you know, students in the School of Mathematics now even dare to study NS equations. Compared with that, a problem of this level is nothing, right? Don't ask, it will only waste your time. , don’t you know if you go and listen? It’s in the conference room on the third floor of the Administration Building of the Institute of Science and Technology. Hurry, the seminar will start in half an hour.”

Han Wenqing rushed to the administration building of several courtyards full of doubts.

By the time he found the conference room for the seminar, more than a dozen professors had gathered inside, including Professor Wang from the Academy of Engineering Sciences, whom he was familiar with.

Well, at least I have company.

Han Wenqing went directly over and said hello: "Xiao Wang, what's going on today?"

Then he began to greet the complaints: "Hey, don't mention it, I don't know. Just now we were discussing the once-in-a-millennium genius in the Department of Mathematics. People who write papers in the second area are all darlings with unique conditions. Okay, okay, this guy just went to the top of the issue for nothing. It’s been less than a year, and two "Nature" and two "Science" articles, even a graduation thesis can make a fuss. No, I heard It solves the KSL conjecture. If this is true, it will be another top article."

Han Wenliang understood clearly: "Is it that Ning Wei again?"

"Yes! Otherwise, who else could it be? If there are a few more geniuses like this in math school, what's the point? Aren't all the school's resources going to be created for them in the future! By then, we can all take advantage of it. Follow the math school and eat the leftovers they don’t want..." Professor Wang sighed.

Hearing this, Han Wenqing felt mixed emotions deep in his heart.

Do you want this?

Didn't he just question that the EDA project might be out of touch with reality and have no practical value?

Who would have thought that this guy would bundle the EDA project with the successfully tested turbulence algorithm, and also bring Huawei on board. With such a company with extremely high demand for chips joining it, it is difficult to imagine whether this EDA project will be of practical significance.

It is impossible for Huawei to spend a lot of money to show off this EDA software, not to mention that it can only use this EDA software to construct chips with turbulence algorithms. This alone can foresee that it will at least win for this EDA software. Five to ten years of survival.

With these five to ten years, minimalist EDA has a lot to offer.

He has also tried this product privately and has to admit that this chip design software is indeed extremely user-friendly and does not take much time to get started.

Well, although I haven't talked to Ning Wei, he has already accepted it.

Why isn't this guy finished yet?

Fortunately, Han Wenqing was probably the last one to arrive, and he didn't feel embarrassed for long before Kong Mingde walked in with a USB flash drive.

"Everyone is here. Without further ado, I uploaded the paper to the backend server assigned to the Institute of Mathematics by the library. You can use your own account to download the paper and have a rough look at it. After that, we will start researching. By the way. , this paper has not been made public yet, so please don’t spread it outside.”

Soon, the thesis title was displayed in front of everyone.

When they glanced at the title and Ning Wei's name and saw the instructor's name, many people couldn't help but glance at Professor Yuan, who was sitting upright and rereading the paper carefully again.

This is crazy...

Well, no matter what your mentality is, everyone is reading it carefully. In any case, this is also a solution to a mathematical problem that has troubled the world for more than 20 years, and it is indeed worth taking seriously.

The conference room also became completely quiet.

The professors called this time are all experts in related fields. Naturally, they do not need to look for information to understand this proposition. This makes them more engaged. After many people studied it, the same sentence probably came to their minds. talk……

"Can it still be like this?"

At least this sentence was echoing in Han Wenqing's mind. After he finished reading the entire paper and combined with his recent research, he suddenly felt that he could almost stop everything he was doing now.

And this involves another issue.

A doctoral student he led recently decided to choose this direction as the topic for his graduation thesis. He has been working on it for more than two months. As a result, the ultimate problem in this direction has been solved by Ning Wei.

Whose does this belong to?

Fortunately, it was only a waste of two months. If it took longer, what would he tell the students?

You don't play like this, do you?

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