Tech Hammer

Chapter 133 I make the decision about your people

The immediate arrival of Dean Kong and the defense secretary saved Ning Wei.

Otherwise, Ning Wei feels that he might have been taught badly by these lovely professors.

But the professors did not lie to him that this defense was just a formality. Basically, he used the PPT that had been prepared for him on the podium and talked for about two or three minutes, explaining his own ideas. Then the professors asked a few questions casually, and finally concluded that the defense was passed.

It only took ten minutes in total, which was less than the time he spent waiting here for the cameraman.

As soon as the defense was over, Ning Wei found an excuse to escape, otherwise he was afraid of being caught by the professor talking about something.

Really, I have never noticed that all professors are talkative before.

After walking out of the first floor, Ning Wei didn't rush back to his dormitory. Instead, he went around to the software experiment of Jiang University and tried to swipe his card first. Unexpectedly, he found that his card could still enter the laboratory. Very good, no need to register.

After entering the laboratory building, Ning Wei went directly to the seventh floor and came to Lu Changbin's office.

He didn't say hello in advance because Ning Wei knew that Director Lu would still be busy in the laboratory for a period of time every day.

It turned out that he was right. After knocking on the door, he heard a familiar voice coming from the door: "Come in."

"Director Lu."

"Hey, Ning Wei, why are you here?"

"Isn't this the same thing as last time? I want to talk to Professor Han and ask him to join the EDA project team again. Anyway, he doesn't have much work to do in that project now, right?"

Look what this says...

Lu Changbin didn't know how to pick it up for a while.

"So you really looked at Lao Han's topic selection that day and then solved the problem?" Lu Changbin finally asked his doubts.

"Yeah, I think it's quite a coincidence. I applied for a graduation thesis in statistics before and have been studying the content of statistics. I have been thinking about what questions to ask these days. I didn't have any direction at first. After reading Professor Han's During the proposal report, I suddenly had inspiration and found that I could use statistical methods to solve this topic. I killed two birds with one stone. I finished the thesis and allowed Professor Han to be free. Do you think it was a coincidence or not?" Ning Wei was very surprised. Said excitedly.

This sounds quite coincidental, but what does sudden inspiration mean? Whose inspiration is so powerful? Just look at someone else's proposal report and just block the title directly?

Lu Changbin felt that if Lao Han heard this, he would probably get into trouble.

"I just don't understand, why are you always thinking about Lao Han?" Lu Changbin asked.

"I really like Professor Han's serious character. I feel that with him in the EDA project team in the future, this project will have a greater chance of success in the future." Ning Wei replied.

"This..." Lu Changbin was speechless.

Well, didn’t people just reject you once?

"Okay, let's do this. I'll call Old Han up and you can talk to him in person. As long as he agrees, it's all a matter of your words."

"Ah? You want me to return to the EDA project team?" Han Wenqing looked at Ning Wei with a surprised look on his face.

When he came to Lu Changbin's office, he was very depressed when he learned that it was Ning Wei who was looking for him. He thought that this guy was going to show off his power in front of him, but who knew that Ning Wei actually said such things.

"Yes, I told Director Lu just now that I feel more at ease if you join the project team. I just hope that you can show the same attitude as when you rejected this project and help me look after this project so that this project will eventually become more than just a project." If you can design turbulence algorithm chips, you must also be able to design more chips with various functions. You can truly occupy a place in the EDA market."

"I have also thought about the position I have arranged for you. The EDA project was previously divided into two groups. Professor Xu was mainly responsible for the front end and I was responsible for the back end. Now that I have withdrawn from this project, you can take charge of the back end. During this period, the laboratory and Huawei are still in the running-in stage, so we can get started quickly so that the handover can be normal when the two parties formally cooperate in the future."

Ning Wei said sincerely.

Han Wenqing glanced at Lu Changbin who was sitting beside him.

"Why are you looking at me? What Ning Wei means is that he is the initiator of this project, and I respect his ideas. Old Han, we all know who you are, and it is indeed more reassuring for you to take care of it." Lu Changbin followed. Ning Wei said.

In fact, if we follow Lu Changbin's intention, we have never thought about transferring Han Wenqing to the EDA project team. After all, this project has been officially cooperated with Huawei and will be the most important project of the laboratory for a long time, with various benefits. The treatment is naturally the best, so there will definitely be more people who want to join by then, and Lu Changbin won't be able to arrange them all, and he will still have a headache.

If Han Wenqing doesn't go, there will be an extra spot.

But he must give Ningwei face.

Not only because Ning Weiben was the initiator of this project, but also because Lu Changbin knew very well that Ning Wei's future would not be what it is now.

Ren Zou Cha Liang is said for the old people. Everyone will give enough respect to a rising star.

"Since Director Lu said so, okay, just give me two days and I'll wrap up the current project and then go over there." Han Wenqing nodded and said.

He agreed simply, but his face was a little red.

After all, Han Wenchang's original intention was that he did want to go back, but taking the initiative was inconsistent with his character.

Especially now that he is suspected of picking peaches when he goes back, the professor, who already has a strong personality, is naturally very embarrassed.

"Great, it's settled then. Let Director Lu go say hello later. But Professor Han, I hope that after you go to the project team this time, you can continue to strictly implement the rules I set before. Especially As for the quality of the code, it must be according to the standards I set before. This is also your original intention in the past. I have told Professor Xu and Brother Yu about this issue."

"But Professor Xu has the kind of good-natured character, and Brother Yu is too young and can't control people at all, so you are more suitable. You are senior and can be shameful. Don't worry, if anyone is dissatisfied, You call me, and I beg Director Lu to transfer people directly from the project team."

Seeing that Han Wenqing agreed, Ning Wei also excitedly spoke his mind.


With Han Wenqing's serious character, since he wanted to be a villain and helped Ningwei look after the project team, he naturally had to set an example.

Professor Han must strictly follow the rules he set, and he must do them better than others. With this workload, how can he still be bald?

Yes, at this moment, Ning Wei looked at Han Wenqing's fairly lush hair and smiled particularly sincerely.

Of course, Han Wenqing didn't feel anything wrong with this smile. He just felt that this kind of trust should not be let down...

So he immediately expressed his stance: "Don't worry! Now that the back-end is in my hands, the project team will be the same as it was in your hands before! I have talked with Lao Xu about your standards, although they are indeed a bit strict. , but once you adapt to this norm, the code quality will indeed rise linearly, and you should stick to it. I, Han Wenqing, don’t have any other skills, but I can still pull off this old face.”

Ning Wei said happily: "Then I'll leave it to Professor Han!"

Han Wenqing was already busy finishing his project. What puzzled Lu Changbin was that Ning Wei was still staying in his office.

This is very strange.

Normally, this god is someone who can't be invited. He always disappears after saying something, but today he changed his gender? He couldn't help but wonder: "Mr. Xiao Ning, do you have any other instructions?"

Xiao Ning was always the nickname given to Ning Wei by the professors and researchers in the laboratory. At first, it was just Yu Xingwei who called him that, and later the younger researchers and professors in the laboratory also called Ning Wei that.

But this was the first time it came out of Lu Changbin's mouth, and it was very funny.

"There is indeed something that I'm embarrassed to say." Ning Wei was a little embarrassed.

"Tell me, depending on your contribution to the laboratory, as long as you don't want to blow up this building, you can make whatever request you want." Lu Changbin said grandly.

"That's not enough. I'm used to working with Brother Yu, so I can't bear to do it. I want him to help me after he graduates with his Ph.D., then you can see if you can let him graduate early. What about me? If there are any opportunities to go out and communicate, I will help Brother Yu to secure them, and please be accommodating when the time comes." Ning Wei said.

Nothing else, Ning Wei felt comfortable going out with Yu Xingwei.

This senior figure never said anything that shouldn't be said, but he was actually very responsible. For example, when he went to the United States for a meeting this time, he promised to stay with him 24 hours a day, but never left. If he wanted to buy a computer, I would Brother didn't say anything and gave him the money that was originally at his disposal. What's more important is that everything he did on weekdays was obviously for him. Even on the first day after returning to China, before he was taken away to drink, he didn't say anything. Forgot to bring him food first.

Ning Wei sees everything Yu Xingwei does in his daily life.

Not to mention that when he first started working on the turbulence algorithm project, he actually just published a paper in "Nature". It was Yu Xingwei who took the initiative to give up his study time and decided to help him, and was extremely candid in setting up the project. At the beginning, I helped him analyze the little thoughts of the big guys.

He heard other people lamenting afterwards that when he learned that the turbulence algorithm project was not supported by a penny of project funds after it was established, he even laughed at Brother Yu.

In terms of Lao Ning's education to Ning Wei, it is not to look at what others say, but to look at what others do.

It will be really hard to meet such a considerate person again in the future.

Because he has proven himself too many times, anyone who wants to stick with him again may not have the pure and unreasonable trust that Yu Xingwei had in the first place.

Of course, the more important point in making this request to Lu Changbin is that he is really rich now and it is impossible to delay Yu Xingwei.

Even if Yanbei University refuses to accept Yu Xingwei, it won't be a big problem if he sets up a laboratory by himself and puts Yu Xingwei in charge.

Of course, this probability is actually very low.

Isn’t it just about gaining honor?

If necessary, he can help Yu Xingwei maximize his honors.

For example, he plans to bear Yu Xingwei's name on the second author of his two recent papers.

In the future, we can also sponsor some promising projects for Yu Xingwei. If we help this senior brother on key issues, it shouldn’t be difficult to produce some results.

After all, several things he has done by himself have already yielded results, and if he helps Brother Yu, he still has plenty of energy left.

The most important thing is that he can't really do everything by himself. Having a trustworthy and capable assistant around him can really save a lot of trouble.

But when Lu Changbin heard what Ning Wei thought was a normal request, his first reaction was that Yu Xingwei really went out and stepped on dog poop every day, right?

This luck... is incredible!

Since Ning Wei said these words to him, he has naturally planned Yu Xingwei's future path.

Most likely it won't be very detailed, but there is definitely an outline.

Although the child in front of him is still an undergraduate, no one will look at Ning Wei the same way as an ordinary undergraduate.

This is how the future academic boss is building his first team!

Of course, Lu Changbin is also happy to see this happen.

In any case, he is Yu Xingwei's doctoral supervisor. With this status, Yu Xingwei has made great achievements in the future, and he, as a teacher, is naturally honored. More importantly, this is equivalent to a bridge between the laboratory and Ningwei that can be communicated at any time. If you disagree, you are in trouble.

So after being stunned, Lu Changbin immediately made a decision: "Okay, of course there is no problem! Yu Xingwei is indeed a good kid and deserves to be trained well. I will list him as a key training target in the laboratory later and wait for the EDA project team to follow up. Huawei's connection has been straightened out, so I asked him to come out from the EDA project team first and choose a topic for him. If you can help him, it won't be a big problem to graduate in two years. When he graduates with his Ph.D., I will see Wherever you are, if you are still in Yanda, ask him to go over and help you."

"Thank you Professor Lu!"

"Why are you thanking me? I should thank you on behalf of Yu Xingwei!"

"Okay, then I won't disturb your work. I'm leaving now. Please take your time!"

Sure enough, this guy still has that kind of virtue. He always goes to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. As soon as the matter is finished, he plans to leave immediately, and he doesn't even bother to say a few more polite words.

Watching Ning Wei leave, Lu Changbin thought about it and called Yu Xingwei over again.

"Yu Xingwei, Ning Wei wants you to help him after graduation, do you know?"

"Ah? President Xiao Ning did ask me. I thought it would be good to go to Yanbei University after graduation, so I agreed."

"Well, well, good, good. In this way, after you get the bonus from the project team in two days, you can quit, quickly choose a topic, seize some time, work harder, and use Ning to help you accumulate the foundation. It’s not difficult to graduate in 2020!”

"I know, thank you boss!"

Looking at the slightly dull disciple in front of him, Lu Changbin sighed: "Yu Xingwei, I was just doubtful before, but now I am sure that you are the most wise and foolish one among all the students I have ever taught." You said, now I have high hopes for you, this is all I will achieve in this life, it depends on you whether you can look good in front of your peers when you go out!"

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