Tech Hammer

Chapter 148 Awakening Sense of Mission

In the classroom on the second floor, Ning Wei saw the piano he had been listening to.

Strictly speaking, it was not a piano at all, but an electric piano. Ning Wei also noticed the brand of this electric piano, Yamaha.

Well, it can only be said that the two of them really have no taste. After so many days, they still can't hear the difference between a piano and an electric piano.

Senior Brother Lu was talking to a female teacher in her forties opposite, while Ning Wei sat next to him and listened attentively.

This is a rare situation, because usually, in this kind of conversation that does not require him to participate too much, Ning Wei will conceive his own mathematical world in his mind.

"Teacher Liu, I'm sorry. Actually, I want to ask you about the student who often comes to play the piano in the evening in this classroom. Is it convenient for you?" Lu Dongyi asked straight to the point.

This is Senior Brother Lu's style, to go straight to the point and save time.

"Huh? Professor Lu, won't someone playing piano in the classroom here at night also affect your math department?" Teacher Liu looked at Lu Dongyi with some vigilance and asked.

"No, Teacher Liu misunderstood. In fact, I wanted to thank the pianist because I couldn't figure out the problem before. Then I passed by here when I was walking at night and heard the sound of the piano, which gave me inspiration to solve the problem. The problem has been solved, it is a very important mathematical problem for me." Lu Dongyi explained quickly.

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Teacher Liu was obviously much more relaxed and replied: "Then I know who it is. Her name is Jiang Chenshuang, and she is a child from the School of Economics in our school. Speaking of this child, how can I put it, she is really a good child, but it is such a pity. "

"School of Economics? Teacher Liu, I think she plays the piano very well. So she's not from the School of Art?" Lu Dongyi asked.

"Do you play well?"

Teacher Liu gave Lu Dongyi a very complicated look, thought for a moment, and replied: "If you want to know more about this student, I will tell you about her situation in detail. However, it is a bit long. You two have time." ?”

Lu Dongyi glanced at Ning Wei, then nodded and said with a smile, "No problem, I'm not busy today."

Seeing Lu Dongyi's statement, Teacher Liu also started chatting: "Okay, the classroom you see is a classroom that was often used by the choir that was formed spontaneously by the students in the school two years ago, so I made it. Here comes the electric piano. It was probably around that time, when the choir was rehearsing, that girl came in and was listening outside the classroom."

"After the choir training was over and everyone left, the girl saw the cleaning aunt coming, so she followed her into the classroom and silently helped the aunt set up stools and clean the room. At first, the aunt thought that the girl She was also a member of the choir, and she stayed until the end to help. He even praised her for being sensible, but she didn't explain. Later, a few times, I realized something was wrong. I could see that this girl was staying outside the classroom at all."

"Then the aunt asked her what was going on, and she told her that she actually just wanted to learn how to play the piano. Then the aunt who was working in the logistics department at the time found me and said a lot of good things to her. I think, the child has With this intention, and ours is not a high-end piano, you can just learn to play it if you want, so I met her and casually asked her about her situation."

"Hey, speaking of this, Chen Shuang is actually really talented at the piano. It's just such a pity that he missed the best time to study. It's basically impossible to achieve anything in this area in this life."

Having said this, Teacher Liu shook his head and sighed.

Lu Dongyi, who just praised the girl for her good piano playing, remained silent.

"Hey, that's too far, that's too far. Anyway, it was the first time I met that little girl. I had a good impression of her. She was very simple, so I told her some things and allowed her to use her own time when others were not in the classroom. I went to learn to play and gave her a few basic piano scores. Oh my, this little girl is so sincere. Every morning early in the morning, the door downstairs opens and she helps her aunt clean the inside and outside of the building. Cleanly. Then play for a while and then rush to class."

"Forget it, sometimes I come early, the office is open, and my place is cleaned too. This makes me feel embarrassed, so I want to give her the keys to the building and the classroom. Forget it. The utilization rate of this classroom is not high anyway."

"But let me tell you something, I did a detailed investigation before giving her the key. I went to her counselor to understand the situation, and I also talked to their dormitory roommates. Only then did I know that Chenshuang is our school's mission to complete the project. I was recruited as a result of the targeted recruitment mission in poor areas. I was a bit behind on my homework at first, but fortunately, I was able to rank in the middle of the class after one year."

"Think about it, how difficult it is. By the way, speaking of this, I also thought of a detail provided by their dormitory roommate. She was reluctant to use the school's coin-operated washing machine and always washed clothes by hand, so in winter Hands are always prone to frostbite. There was a girl in the dormitory who couldn’t stand it any longer. She happened to buy a new hand cream, but she didn’t like the taste, so she decided to give it to Chenshuang.”

"Chen Shuang couldn't resist her in the end, so she accepted it. As a result, for a week in a row, this girl tidied up the dormitory every day while the girls were out, and she also helped the girls in the dormitory fill the boiling water. The dormitory It's on the fifth floor. You have to go to the first floor to get water. There are six kettles in the dormitory. It takes three trips up and down! It makes people sad to think about it. This is because several children in the dormitory are sensible, and they talk to her in the evening. It's been a long time since she's been like this anymore."

Hearing this, Ning Wei couldn't help it anymore and asked: "Teacher Liu, isn't it? Even if her academic performance is average and she can't get a scholarship, she should be able to get a bursary, right? It's not like she can't afford it. A bottle of hand cream?”


Speaking of this, it seemed that Teacher Liu felt sad. He actually raised his hand to wipe away his tears and said: "This is why I made up my mind to give her the key to this building even if I take on some responsibility. This child She is so sensible that it makes me feel sad just thinking about it. Dr. Ning, you don’t know how difficult the family can be. Let’s put it this way, she only leaves 300 yuan for herself every month for living expenses, and the rest is more than half a dozen yuan. She gave it to her family and a small half to her younger sister who is still in high school."

"This is what I learned from their dormitory. In fact, their dormitory didn't know about it. Her mother called once and said that her grandma was sick and needed to be hospitalized, but she had to pay a hospitalization deposit of 2,000 yuan first. The family was still short of 500 yuan. Her scholarship had not come out at that time, and she didn't have that much. So she asked the girl in the dormitory for the first time to borrow 300 yuan. Then she added the 200 yuan she had saved and transferred it to her. Mom, in the next few days at school, I will eat steamed buns and pickles every day, with some free soup from the cafeteria, and a bottle of vitamin C prescribed by the infirmary. Two months have passed like this."

"Forget it, her own life is a problem. She also paid back the money she earned from working on two consecutive weekends to her roommates. Their counselor also told me that for a while, he couldn't stand a little girl and put himself in trouble. Life was like this. When she received the scholarship, she was forced to charge a thousand yuan into her campus card. She had to live her life how she should. Anyway, she had money in her campus card, so she didn't have any money left on her. "

"A girl in her twenties didn't even have any cosmetics of her own in the dormitory. I went to see her wardrobe and found a few old clothes neatly arranged. At that time, I thought, my daughter If only she were half as sensible as she was, I would be happy in this life. But thinking about it again, I felt that it was not an option for her to put all the burden on herself, so I had a deep talk with her when I gave her the key. "

"She probably knew that I was doing it for her, so she also told me some things. Speaking of which, this child couldn't help it. Although her family was poor when she was a child, at least she was still able to get by. The family was also very good to her and always supported her. She and her sister were studying hard, but who knew that her father died of kidney failure when he was forty years old, and her grandmother was in poor health and needed her mother to take care of her at all times. Her family's minimum living allowance in the county was already at the maximum rate. But it’s only more than a thousand a month, and besides her, there is a younger sister who is also studying at home. What do you think you’ll do if it’s changed? Leave it alone?”

"She won't go home during the summer vacation. Firstly, she wants to save some travel expenses, and secondly, she can go out to work and earn some money to support her family. She is not very confident about her grades and does not dare to take a tutor for fear of causing trouble for her children. Normally I have to go to class, so I can only do part-time jobs. During the summer vacation, I can earn more money. So it’s probably because I’ve been too busy at work these past two days, so I didn’t come to play the piano at night, right?” Teacher Liu guessed.

Ning Wei and Lu Dongyi looked at each other, with a hint of heaviness in their eyes.

Then Lu Dongyi asked casually: "I remember that the school used to donate money to poor students like this. In fact, if the counselor reported it to the above, many people should be willing to help her, right?"


Teacher Liu sighed and said: "Donations are okay. If the school organizes donations to Chenshuang, I will be the first to donate 10,000. But others have to ask for it! Don't you know, during the Chinese New Year, this child will donate 10,000 to me?" My family brought a piece of bacon that I said was made from pigs raised at home. It must have weighed about ten kilograms, so I wrapped her a red envelope worth 1,000 yuan and wanted to give it to her. They refused to take it even if they died, so in the end I secretly Put it in her schoolbag. Guess what happened? This girl just came to help me with things whenever she was free. Two months later, when I was looking for the music score, I saw her secretly stuffing the red envelope back into my file. It's in the closet, I never knew..."

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Liu, I probably understand." Lu Dongyi thanked him and was about to end the conversation. He almost understood the situation and there was no need to waste time.

"Well, I'm fine. You are all smart people here. It would be best if you could think of a way to help this child." Teacher Liu replied cheerfully.

After walking out of the second floor, the two of them walked towards the courtyard in silence. When the mood was not too high, no one was probably interested in chatting.

In the end, Ning Wei was the first to speak: "Brother Lu, what do you think is the ultimate goal of our research?"

"Huh? Exploring the mysteries of mathematics?" Lu Dongyi answered.

Ning Wei said seriously: "No, that is the pursuit of life, not the goal. I think the ultimate goal should be to guide reality so that our engineers can develop the most advanced technologies and use these technologies to keep money in China. In the future The more high-tech companies we have, the higher the added value they earn, and the more taxes they can pay. Maybe by then our top subsistence allowance will be able to increase from more than one thousand to more than two thousand, or even more than three thousand. "

Lu Dongyi didn't say anything. He could probably understand Ning Wei's feelings at this time, but he didn't expect Ning Wei to say such a thing suddenly. This sentence even made him feel a little shallow.

Because for the time being, he was only thinking about how to help the self-reliant female student, not as far as Ning Wei thought, directly improving the national subsistence allowance level.

"China shouldn't be like this..."

"Senior brother, I was actually very confused for a while because I never knew what the driving force was that guided me to do something. You may not believe it, but I just followed my feelings, but now I feel that I have no plans for the future. It has never been so clear as it is today. The feeling that guides me is actually very simple, that is, need! We need turbulence algorithms and we need to achieve corner overtaking in the field of artificial intelligence." Ning Wei said with some excitement.

"Of course, maybe more is needed. It's just that my ability is not yet at that level. I need to work harder. Otherwise, I would be committing a crime by wasting my talent."

Listening to Ning Wei expressing his feelings there, Lu Dongyi didn't know how to answer the question.

Just follow your feelings and then make a turbulence algorithm? Did you start an EDA project and get connected with Huawei? Have you set yourself another huge proposition to establish the theoretical foundation of the first generation of artificial intelligence?

So what do you want to do if you get serious?

Lead all mankind to conquer Mars?

"Ning Wei, actually I understand your thoughts..."

"No, Senior Brother Lu, you don't understand at all! No one will understand!" Ning Wei interrupted Lu Dongyi and said firmly.

"Do you think Jiang Chenshuang understands?" Lu Dongyi thought for a while and asked.

Ning Wei paused and stopped talking.

"Hey... this girl has such a strong personality. I don't know if Director Tian's suggestion will be considered a gift to her, but if you can tell her your ambition, if she can understand If you say it, maybe it’s not that difficult. In short, little junior brother, just work hard, senior brother is waiting to see what achievements you can make. In addition, although I have never been in favor of you falling in love at such a young age, but if it is that girl , I think you can give it a try."

Lu Dongyi patted Ningwei on the shoulder and encouraged him.

Before Ning Wei could react, Lu Dongyi continued: "Anyway, you seem to be quite rich now."

"By the way, senior brother..."


"Today I suddenly felt that it was really boring that I was still struggling with the postgraduate entrance examination. I won't take the exam anymore. I want to save time and make more things!"


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