Tech Hammer

Chapter 158 Chatting? impossible!

Ning Wei smiled politely at the two girls, which showed what little grace he had left in Lucy Ron's opinion.

But in fact, Ning Wei was complaining in his heart that art was not connected with his major, and it seemed even more disconnected with Lucy Rowan's major. He didn't know how the two women became good friends. But then again, in Ning Wei's view, Lucy Ron's mind, which has no rationality at all, is indeed more suitable for art rather than science that requires rigorous rational thinking.

As for the appearance and figure of the two people, Ning Wei did not consider it at all. Anyway, no matter how beautiful she is, she is definitely not as good as classmate Jiang.

"Okay, Ning Wei is actually bothering you because we were just discussing how to simplify the content you covered in the paper you submitted this time to a certain extent, and then compile it into a textbook and put it in the school at some time in the future. What do you think of this in some elective courses?”

After introducing Ning Wei to everyone present, John Wilson got to the point directly.

After all, Ning Wei had just arrived at his destination after a long journey, and he would give a report at the conference tomorrow and needed plenty of time to rest, so John Wilson did not choose to chat with this talented young man about the customs and customs of Montreal first. , of course he is in favor of young people communicating about this.

"Compiled into a teaching material?" Ning Wei was stunned.

This was something he had never thought about.

Ning Wei himself is a math major, and he is still at Jiangcheng University, a well-known 985 university in China. He knows very well that it is difficult to understand the extremely complex and interlocking lemmas in his theory with the teaching of mathematics content at the undergraduate level. Proof process, so I never thought about writing textbooks.

However, after hearing John Wilson's proposal, he suddenly felt that it would be good if these big guys did this simplifying and summarizing work.

"Of course it's good, but can I ask, can you write English and Chinese versions at the same time? If so, I have no objection." Ning Wei nodded happily.

There are two reasons why this is so refreshing.

First, the news is confirmed, which can be regarded as bringing glory to the country. A Chinese mathematician’s thesis has been compiled into a textbook, and corresponding elective courses will be offered in major schools around the world in a few years. Who dares to say that it is not bringing glory to the country?

Second, this can be regarded as realizing his creative layout for the future. If these schools can cultivate some students who are interested in his theory and lay a certain foundation in the early stage, and if they hope to develop in this direction in the future, then there is no doubt that his place will be a pilgrimage place for these people.

By that time, he will probably be qualified to lead doctoral students and graduate students, and Yu Xing will have a great potential. The big data laboratory established by Yu Xingwei will have a relatively sufficient talent pool for screening.

He had never thought about it, but he expected that many mathematics Ph.D.s would go to Yu Xingwei's laboratory to work on their doctoral dissertations and stay up all day and night to transform his theories into results.

"Chinese textbooks?" John Wilson thought for a moment and glanced at Professor Shen.

"That's no problem. I can edit the Chinese version of the textbook." Shen Zheqing nodded.

"Haha, that's no problem. It's just the specific publishing process of the Chinese version of the textbook, and we can't interfere." John Wilson said.

"It's okay. When the textbooks are compiled, I can take the sample books and talk to my instructor. I think he will also be very interested." Ning Wei replied.

"Don't worry, there will be trouble for you during the course of compiling the textbooks. Remember to check your emails in time. We will also say hello to you after we finalize the candidates for the editorial board. In short, we will fully respect your opinions. ." John Wilson said with a smile.

Ning Wei nodded, which was a good thing anyway.

"Oh, by the way, I have something to discuss with you. Originally, I asked Lucy to talk to you first, but she said that you were very busy and didn't reply to her message. I wanted to send you a message. email, but I thought it was too abrupt. So I stayed today and formally sent you an invitation. Ning Wei, are you willing to come to Harvard as a professor? I have already discussed it with a few old friends. If you are willing to come, He will become the youngest tenured professor in the history of Harvard. In this way, the teaching materials we write can also be used." John Wilson continued.

This proposal really confused Ning Wei. Become a professor? But he is still a student!

"Professor Wilson, I am very grateful for your consideration, but how should I put it? I have just applied for Professor Tian's doctoral degree and have not graduated yet. It is really too early to consider this now. I still hope to complete my studies and then Go consider these issues." Ning Wei replied immediately after being stunned.

"Professor Tian, ​​are you telling the truth about Tian Yan?" Professor Shen next to him interjected.

Ning Wei nodded.

"With all due respect, Professor Tian probably can't teach you much in the field you are currently studying. And with your current level, you don't care about the PhD diploma at all. If you feel it is necessary to get this diploma, you just need to Write a doctoral thesis based on your current research scope, and I believe many schools will be willing to grant you a doctorate. For example, Harvard, or the University of Pennsylvania, and of course Princeton is also possible."

John Wilson said without hesitation.

When these words came out of Professor John Wilson's mouth, Princess Isabel stretched her neck curiously to see Ning Wei's reaction. Unfortunately, Ning Wei obviously had no reaction. She just shook her head and said frankly. : "Well, I still hope to finish my PhD. After all, I am only in my twenties, and I have never considered starting a teaching position so early."

When the atmosphere was a little awkward, Yu Xingwei happened to come over and give Ning Wei a room card. After the two exchanged a few words softly, Yu Xingwei went to the room first, and Professor Shen also spoke to smooth things over: "Haha, John, actually, why bother? , for Ning Wei, the two to three-year doctoral period is also a kind of experience, and it makes us look forward to his future even more."

"That's right, okay, but I think you should seriously consider my proposal. Of course, if you change your mind during your Ph.D. studies, my suggestions will be valid at any time." John Wilson smiled again.

After saying that, John Wilson looked at the other two big guys who had remained silent and said, "I suggest that we old guys go to a game of bridge together and leave the good time to these young people. What do you think?"

"This is a good suggestion, but John, have you prepared enough cash?" Larry Wall joked.

"Ha... don't be so confident in yourself. Although technology is very important, luck is also very important." John Wilson shrugged and then stood up.

Ian Goodfellow, who had been silent, stood up and handed Ning Wei a piece of paper with a number on it, and then said: "John told you a lot just now, I don't have that much to say. , but I am very interested in your theory. If there is time during this meeting, maybe we can go have a cup of coffee and have a casual chat."

"Okay, Mr. Goodfellow." Ning Wei took the note and said immediately.

After nodding at Ning Wei, the machine learning boss stood up and said, "Let's go then, but first, I won't team up with Old John. Shen, only you can lead this dozen cards." Just a confused old guy."

The four bosses left chatting and laughing. Ning Wei nodded at the two beauties left behind and planned to leave directly.

Ning Wei still had a good idea of ​​how he felt about Lucy Ron. It's good that there is a big boss here to scare this woman, but now that there is no one to care about it, it's time for him to run away.

"Ning Wei, don't leave! The two ladies have been here with you for a long time and listened to the boss' lecture. Don't you really plan to treat us to a drink? Don't force me to give up my ladylike image in the hotel lobby." Sure enough, he just stood up and listened. to this woman's voice.

Ning Wei turned around, glanced at this incomprehensible woman, and commented: "From the perspective of scientific causality, when you want to give up something, you must first own it. I am really curious about how you will give up yourself. Something I’ve never had.”

"Ha... Oh, I'm sorry, Lucy, I just think what Mr. Ning said is humorous. But I don't agree with his opinion." Isabel beside her couldn't help but burst into laughter as soon as Ning Wei finished speaking. He smiled and apologized to his friends.

Well, maybe this is the friendship between girls, Ning Wei thought about it, and then nodded again to the princess in John Wilson's mouth who was covering her mouth and snickering, and completely ignored Lu, who was already pale with anger. Si Ron, he stepped forward and dodged in an instant.

Are you kidding me? Drinking with this crazy woman? He is a man who has to give a sixty-minute report tomorrow, so he has no time to fool around with this crazy woman.

Yes, Ning Wei ran away without hesitation, leaving only Ms. Lucy Ron, who was on the verge of breaking out again, shaking with anger.

But when Ning Wei walked into the elevator, Lucy Ron returned to normal and said to the princess beside her: "Isabel, you see, this is the scientific madman who has no gentlemanly manners at all. Now I told you. You should be able to tell if my description of him is a bit exaggerated, right? This guy actually told me that he had a girlfriend, ha, this is probably the funniest joke I heard this year."

"Oh, really? Lucy, did you really not notice it?" Isabel asked with a smile.

"What did you find?" Lucy Ron looked at her friends beside her in confusion.

"He seems to be able to make you angry very easily. From what I know, you are not such a person. In fact, no matter what they say to people who don't care about you, you will not have such a big reaction. Not in front of me. Mention those people, but these days you mention Ning Wei to me more times than you mention any other man. So maybe you just simply like him?" Isabel said.

"What?! Isabel, I can forgive you for laughing in front of that man just now, but I can't tolerate you slandering my taste. How could I like such a rude guy, without any grace or sentiment, and whose mind is full of mathematical symbols? ? He even ruined my most important vacation this year! I just want to strangle him very simply!" Lucy Ron said seriously, and then asked: "And do you know what is the most annoying thing about him? ?”

"Which point?" Isabel asked, blinking her big eyes.

"It has been upgraded to arrogant self-confidence! For example, tomorrow morning the first speech of the conference will be his speech. You may not understand that the opening report of this kind of conference is the most important part of the entire conference, but he dares to come now! Really! I don’t know who gave him the courage!”

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about him anymore. Why don't I treat you to a drink? Will the beautiful and ladylike Miss Ron accompany me to have a glass of Ice Cider?" Isabel asked with a full smile.

"Let's go! But we can't drink too much today. Although this guy does have a bad character, his report is still worth listening to. You also saw how much the instructors value him. Ha, the youngest in history of tenured professors at Harvard…”

"Okay, one bottle at most!"

Ning Wei didn't care how Lucy Rowan planned him behind his back. Anyway, he knew very well that Lucy Rowan was not interested in him, and he was even more concerned about Professor John Wilson's extremely subtle revelations about Isabel's noble identity during the introduction. The clues are clueless.

After all, it had been many years since the Qing Dynasty fell, and Ning Wei, who grew up under the red flag, had almost no idea about the European royal family.

From a biological perspective, there is no difference as long as it remains within the human category.

Under the action of helicase, everyone's genes open hydrogen bonds and unwind DNA. Then, under the action of DNA polymerase, each parent strand is unwound as a template, and the corresponding daughter strands are synthesized according to the principle of complementary base pairing, and the genetic information of the parents is transferred to the offspring, so that a certain degree of continuity is maintained between the predecessors and offspring.

The only difference is that Lao Ning and Lao Lao Ning, or in the previous generations, have always been unlucky and not rich.

If you use mathematical reasoning, even if Isabel is a real princess, she is still just a woman. As long as she is a woman, she cannot be more attractive than Jiang. This is the fascinating thing about science. Through simple analysis and judgment, people can see through everything in a very short time.

"Huh... you're back? I can sleep peacefully." As soon as Ning Wei opened the door, he saw Yu Xingwei still watching TV in the living room.

"Brother Yu, why don't you go and take a rest first?"

"I can't sleep. I just heard Feng Shaojie say that the beautiful woman opposite Lucy is a real princess. It is said that she is a royal member of the Nordic Snow Country. I was wondering if you would come back tonight." Yu Xingwei teased.

Ning Wei rolled his eyes and said, "Look what you said! Even if she is a real princess, I can't be so humble as to chat with her all night! How can I not come back to sleep?"

Yu Xingwei: "..."

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