Tech Hammer

Chapter 166 Best Paper Award

When Ning Wei's Weibo was fermenting on the Internet, various messages rushed into the 202 dormitory of Building 33, which directly caused the other three little girls in the dormitory to explode.

To be honest, if it weren't for the phone call Ning Wei made before, the other three girls in the dormitory would most likely not have thought that the pianist Ning Wei mentioned was Jiang Chenshuang. After all, hobby and profession are two different things.

As the closest roommates in the university, they probably knew about Jiang Chenshuang's piano skills. No matter how talented he was, how could he reach the level where he could play for foreign friends after only practicing for more than a year? After all, there is always a huge difference between knowing how to play any musical instrument and adding the word "家" after the instrument.

Not to mention that Jiang Chenshuang has not received much guidance from teachers, and most of the time he practices slowly by himself.

So this is probably an alternative explanation of how beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

What’s even more explosive is that a Facebook post just posted by the princess of the Snow Country royal family was also spread back to China. This Facebook post is also a video. In the video, Isabel responded to Ning Wei’s content at the press conference, emphasizing that Ning Wei was indeed sharing interesting things about his girlfriend with her at that time, and said from a distance that he would definitely travel to China if he had the opportunity in the future. , and then went to listen to classmate Jiang’s concert.

The scandal disappeared due to two consecutive statements. Many self-media people quietly deleted their articles, and then began to sit in front of the computer happily and start writing new articles, taking advantage of the popularity of the talented piano girl from Yanbei University. , casually enjoying some scenes of talented men and women can also attract a wave of traffic. No matter how much the topic of getting into a prestigious school and increasing the chance of finding a quality partner, it can also sell a wave of educational anxiety.

Specifically, in the dormitory, the dormitory door was locked, and Jiang was surrounded by his roommates, setting up a three-chamber interrogation posture.

No way, not everyone can experience the experience of having hot searches around them when they were students, not to mention that hot searches are a good thing. Today happens to be Saturday, and we have the right time, place and people. If we don’t satisfy our curiosity, Everyone will explode!

"Chen Shuang, if Dr. Ning hadn't called last night and you happened to be fetching water, how long would you have planned to hide this from us? Tell me honestly, when did you get together with Dr. Ning?" said the oldest person in the dormitory. Xi Yuxuan Hengdao immediately sat opposite Jiang Chenshuang and asked curiously.

Jiang Chenshuang replied softly: "Just last night."

"Last night?" Xi Yuxuan turned her head and looked at the other two girls in the dormitory, and then looked at Jiang Chenshuang again with piercing eyes: "Classmate Jiang, you are still unwilling to confess. Let's put it this way, how did Dr. Ning pursue him? You? Come and listen?"

"Uh?" Jiang Chenshuang was stunned, and the words Ning Wei stared at her that night appeared in his mind: "How about you try to be my girlfriend?"

But something came out of his mouth subconsciously: "He has never chased me. If I have to chase who first, then I should be the one chasing him."

"Isn't it right? Sister Chenshuang, you take the initiative to chase boys? How?" Wang Jiaying asked dumbfounded.

"That's right, I just play the piano for him every day." Jiang Chenshuang said with some embarrassment.

Well, this answer completely convinced the three girls in the dormitory. Wang Jiaying was stunned for a long time and shouted: "Who will accompany me to play the violin in the main square today? I also want to see if I can pull out a good man." Friends come..."

"Okay, Jiaying, please stop making trouble!"

Xi Yuxuan looked Jiang Chenshuang up and down, then patted his forehead and said, "Why do I always feel that something is weird? Chenshuang, why are you still dressed like this? Well, we know you are used to it, but now you are Dr. Ning’s girlfriend. If word gets out that Dr. Ning’s girlfriend wears such simple clothes, do you think it will be easier for Dr. Ning’s face? Throw away all your clothes from today on, and listen to my sister and wear your clothes from now on. The work clothes given by Dr. Ning are out!"

"Ah?!" Jiang Chenshuang was stunned. This seemed to be a question she had never thought about before, so she said cautiously: "If you don't tell anyone, no one will know, right?"

"No one will know? Don't deceive yourself, Sister Chenshuang, think about it, after Dr. Ning comes back, you will still go there to play the piano every day, right? In the past, everyone didn't know about this and didn't pay attention to it, but since then, people who are thoughtful You will definitely notice it, right? And you are both in love together. Don't you occasionally go to Weiming Lake for a stroll or have a meal together? Listen to eldest sister, eldest sister is right!" Wang Jiaying immediately agreed. .

"That's right, Chen Shuang, you have to believe me. Men need to save face. Last time my boyfriend's classmate came over, he asked me to dress nicer?" Wang Xiaoyan, the only one with a boyfriend in the dormitory, stood up directly. Push Jiang Chenshuang to the closet.

Jiang Chenshuang quickly changed her clothes, and then the three girls in the dormitory discovered a very important problem at the same time.

"Sure enough, a man majoring in science, after buying so many work clothes, can't he wear two pairs of shoes?" Xi Yuxuan couldn't help complaining.

"Isn't it necessary? My current shoes are quite comfortable."

"Is this a matter of comfort? Let's go for a walk and buy shoes together. You are in love. My eldest sister is happy, so I will give you a pair of shoes. But you have to remember. When I find the right person, you have to It's back. And I want something better!" Xi Yuxuan said carelessly.

"Eldest sister is still smart, I want to give a pair as a gift. Anyway, when I am single, Sister Chenshuang will also give it to me!" Wang Jiaying immediately agreed.

"Isn't that bad of you? Taking advantage of Chenshuang makes me excited. So, I have to invest. When I replace my old man, Chenshuang will also give me a better pair!"

Thousands of miles away, when Ning Wei woke up in a hotel in Montreal, he found that the WeChat group was in trouble again.

Especially the dormitory group that has not yet been disbanded. 500+ messages popped up in one day. Speaking of which, since graduation, the group has not been so lively for a long time. Just looking at the number of messages, you can tell that in the past day, this The three of them did nothing serious.

I clicked on the group chat and casually browsed through some of the comments above. Sure enough, there was nothing good to say.

"Oh my god, why would I rather have an affair with that guy than with a princess? How blind is that princess!"

"I don't know if the princess is blind, but that little girl from Yanbei University must have bad eyesight. @Ning Wei, please send out the photo of that beautiful girl with bad eyesight!"

"Why are you two talking to dad in the dormitory? Dad is abroad now. It's midnight abroad. Don't disturb dad when he's sleeping!"

"Liu Cong, please save some face! What about your school girls? Tiantian said that he has flirted with many school girls, and why did you post a photo..."

Liu Cong actually posted a photo of a lot of beauties eating together, and then the two of them started to get all sorts of sour...

Following a round of criticism, the topic shifted to him again.

Well, Ning Wei could feel the sour taste in the words of the children in the dormitory, which also made him feel comfortable as soon as he got up.

"So, are you all jealous of me?" Ning Wei asked in the group.

Seeing that Ning Wei was finally blown out, the group chat that had been quiet for a while quickly became lively.

"Ning Wei, are you finally willing to come out? Is it true or false that you have a girlfriend?"

"That's right, Mr. Xu and I both think you are deceiving people. Why does a straight man like you have a girlfriend?"

Ning Wei didn't answer directly, but directly clicked on the picture button, found two photos of Jiang classmate he took from the gallery, and sent them to the group.

A side view, a back view...

"Fuck, side profile, back view... Why do I feel that Ning Wei's vision is extremely in line with my aesthetics? Ning Wei, let me give it to you!" Luo Xiang's movements are always faster than his brain, but as soon as he sends it, he immediately Withdrawn.

"Well, Boss Luo, I've already taken the screenshot. If you don't want me to post it to the dormitory group so that your family can see it, just send a red envelope quickly." Liu Cong replied quickly.

After speaking, Liu Cong directly sent the screenshot to the group.


"Don't talk about it yet, Ning Wei, this girl is really your girlfriend, why don't I believe it?" Mr. Xu said quickly.

Ning Wei was very happy to see this question, and the sourness in his tone made Ning Wei feel more comfortable than earning a few small goals.

"Ha... It's absolutely true. By the way, I was just going to ask you what gift I should bring her. Please help me think about it." Ning Wei asked.

Mr. Xu quickly sent a link and said: "Just pick a few items here, girls will like them all."

Ning Wei casually clicked on it and took a look, then immediately closed it. Sure enough, these people were as unreliable as ever. They were referring to a large-scale regular fun supplies website.

"That's enough for you! I dodge, and I still have to attend the closing ceremony of the conference today."

After saying that, Ning Wei put down the phone decisively. He couldn't indulge in the feeling of being complimented by these bitches, otherwise he wouldn't have to do anything today.

Not to mention that today is the last day of the conference, and he has to make an appearance. According to Professor Wilson, this time he specially submitted a paper for the conference. Maybe he can win the best conference paper award?

The last day of the conference was like other SODA conferences. There were far fewer people, but it was still very lively.

It is said that the conference invited vice-presidents from Google, Microsoft and Facebook to present awards to the best paper winners at the conference. This is extremely rare, especially for some individual developers and entrepreneurs. If they have the opportunity, If you have a relationship with these big guys, any leakage at these giant technology companies will be enough to last them a lifetime.

So when the overall review session of today's conference began, although the conference hall was not as full as it was on the first day, there were still not many empty seats.

Ning Wei sat in the audience, quietly watching Lorenzo Lydgate, a member of the conference organizing committee and the convener of the conference, an academician of the American Academy of Sciences and chairman of the International Computer Society, delivering a speech.

In fact, he already knew this big boss. Professor Wilson introduced him to him before he gave a report on the first day, but the two did not have an in-depth chat.

"There is no doubt that this conference is very successful, so now is the most exciting time. Who is the best paper winner of this conference. Well, first of all, I want to tell you some good news. This conference has a total of Three papers were unanimously recognized by the review committee, so we will have three best paper award winners at this conference.”

"Of course, the suspense of who it is will be left to our special guest. Let's ask Mr. Nick Clegg, Senior Vice President of Facebook and President of Reality Labs, to present the award to the first best paper winner. .”

"Lorenzo is an old friend of mine, but I am still very honored to be invited to present the award this time. As we promote, Facebook is a company committed to using technology to serve everyone, and we hope to have more Many young talents can join us. Well, I won’t say more, let me see whose name is written in the envelope Lorenzo gave me..."

"Oh, really, I am not surprised when I see this name. His discovery makes it possible for artificial intelligence to perform complex calculations. It is no exaggeration to say that Facebook's Reality Lab is very much looking forward to cooperating with him. Yes Yes, he is Professor Robert Sandy!"

It was no surprise that Robert Sandy's paper won the Best Paper Award. In fact, if he were a member of the organizing committee, he would also vote for this paper. He was quite happy for this professor. After all, Ning Wei felt that maybe he would be able to surprise everyone with the technology developed by this doctor soon.

Immediately afterwards, a vice president in charge of the software division of Microsoft came on stage and awarded the best paper award to another professor named Milo Hadot, but his report was not attended by Ning Wei. The content of his report was: With efficient algorithms for reconstruction of complex objects in dense light fields.

Well, at this point, Ning Wei felt that he probably had no connection with this best paper award.

There may be many reasons. For example, although he was the first to give a report, most of the papers were about number theory. In addition, he rejected two waves of invitations from high-ranking bosses. Probably in the eyes of the bosses, it was very Some are suspected of being shameless.

Of course, even if Ning Weidao fails to win the best paper award at the conference, he doesn’t care too much. Anyway, I have gained enough from my visit to Canada this time.

With his mind completely calm, Ning Wei watched with great interest Astro Taylor, the head of the Google

"...Well, let me see, ha, I knew that I would definitely give the award to this kid when the time comes. In fact, although I didn't come to the first day of the conference, I listened to the report remotely, In addition to me, many people in the laboratory listened to that report, and I have to say that his theory has a guiding role in many ongoing projects in our X laboratory."

"Okay, let me tell you the truth, I came here just to give him the award. In the words of those young people on Facebook, he is the magical undergraduate from China. Oh, no, he should be a Ph.D. by now Giving birth! Let us congratulate Ning Wei!"

I have been in a slightly bad state these past two days, and I am adjusting... I have almost adjusted... I should be able to break out again tomorrow...

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