Tech Hammer

Chapter 176 Is the problem solved?

"What did you and March talk about?"

"Do you believe me when I tell you that March is tutoring me in advanced mathematics?"


Ning Wei touched his head, thought for a while and replied: "Actually, mathematics is not difficult, especially Mathematics B, which is nothing more than solving questions. In fact, including many mathematicians, if they decide to enter a new field of mathematics, most of them It is also through repeated problem solving to train one's thinking and master the ideas and methods of research in this direction. Let's put it this way, mathematics is a subject that requires you to complicate your thinking as much as possible to simplify the problem. And I feel that you My math foundation should be pretty good, so I don’t actually need March’s tutoring, but did you really talk about advanced math for an hour?”

Jiang Chenshuang lowered her head and smiled, and said nothing.

Okay, the trick of not saying anything is quite useful, but I can only go back and peek at March’s WeChat at night.

"By the way, have you ever thought about what you want to do in the future? Become a great mathematician after you graduate with your Ph.D.?" Jiang said and changed the subject.

"Let's talk about you first. Why do you like playing the piano so much?" Ning Wei asked.


Jiang Chenshuang paused and replied calmly: "That was when I was in the second year of junior high school. Before my father passed away, he took me to a relative's house in the city as a guest. The adults were chatting there, and I sat there with my sister. I was watching TV, and the movie "The Pianist on the Sea" was playing on the TV. At that time, I really thought that the way 1900 played the piano on the ship was very charming, and I was full of curiosity about the piano. At that time, I wanted to wait until I went to college. You must learn the piano.”

After hearing this, I would rather be silent.

He forgot who once said that sometimes watching an excellent movie can even change a person's destiny. Ning Wei remembered that he had scoffed at this sentence when he saw it, always thinking that it was film practitioners trying to trick the box office, but now that he heard what classmate Jiang said, he actually believed it.

Ning Wei asked: "I haven't watched many movies. Let's watch them again if we have a chance in the future. And what's the plot of 1900?"

Jiang Chenshuang tilted her head and glanced at Ning Wei, explaining: "1900 is the name of the protagonist in the movie, the self-taught pianist at sea. Because he was an orphan and was raised by a black man, so he was born in that Nian has become his name. When it's your turn, what are you going to do in the future?"

"I should be a scientist. Studying mathematics is just the foundation. Isn't it interesting to use mathematical tools to do more interesting things, such as March?" Ning Wei replied.

Jiang Chenshuang nodded and sighed: "The smart speaker in March is comparable to the roommate's smart speaker in the dormitory, and it is much smarter than Siri on their iPhone. Although I don't know much about artificial intelligence, if it is released in March, it will definitely make people happy." Is the whole world shocked?"


Speaking of March, Ning felt proud and replied: "That's for sure. When March was created, I told Brother Yu that March might be the originator of real artificial intelligence in the future, but now At this stage, it is only a semi-finished product, and I have no plans to publicize it. So don’t publicize it for the time being, and wait until the technology is completely mature in March a few years.”

"But so many people know about it? For example, your roommate and senior brother Yu." Jiang Chenshuang asked doubtfully.

Ning Wei smiled and said: "Haha, my roommates are not afraid if they know about it. Even if they talk about it everywhere, no one will believe them. They will just think that they are bragging. And I used my WeChat to chat with them in March. As long as I don’t admit it, no one will believe it.”

"As for you and Brother Yu, you are definitely not as big-mouthed as the three of them, let alone talk about it everywhere. The important thing is to let March come into contact with them, which can effectively train March's learning and thinking skills, which is important for March's growth. It’s very important to say it. By the way, let me ask you again. Last time you said that your sister is still in high school. How high is she this year? Which school are you planning to take? "

Jiang Chenshuang replied: "Chenlu is in her third year of high school this year. She has better grades than me, is more independent than me, and is much more sensible than me. I used to only be in the top ten of my grade in school, but she was always in the top three. Last time she was in the top three. I talked to her once and she hopes to be admitted to the school next door to study engineering, but I don’t know if the school next door will have a special admissions policy when she takes the college entrance examination next year.”

"Girls study engineering?" Ning Wei asked in surprise.

"Well, she said that the teacher told her that girls would be better off finding jobs after studying certain engineering majors, such as numerical control, machinery, computers, and electromechanical. The employment options for liberal arts and management majors, as well as pure science undergraduates, are too narrow." Jiang Chenshuang pointed out. He nodded.

Well, Ning Wei felt that he had nothing to say. Their ideas were much more pragmatic than his. When he applied for the major, he never thought about employment issues at all. Thinking back to when he first entered Jiangnan University, he felt that 1,000 yuan for living expenses was too little, which was a bit hypocritical...

Ning Wei gave a different opinion: "Ahem, actually I think you two have pushed yourself too hard. And the university next door is not too serious. At least our Yanbei University is more inclusive in our thinking, unlike the one next door. Don’t lead my sister astray about vegetarianism and small-eyed aesthetics. Besides, the computer science major in our school is also pretty good."

"Ah?" Jiang Chenshuang was a little stunned. This was probably the first time she heard someone commenting on the university next door. She smiled bitterly and said, "I won't talk about her. I don't know if she can get into the exam."

"Can't pass the exam? How could she not pass the exam? Don't you rely on self-study for the third year of high school? Tell me which subjects she took After mailing it in, all the questions she didn't know were ticked off, and I found someone to teach her remotely at a fixed time. She is now in the top three of her grade. After one year of intensive training, she will definitely not have a problem getting admitted to Yanbei University." Ning Weipo Said confidently.

There is certainly a reason for Ning Wei's confidence.

Although Jiang Chenshuang came to Yanbei University through special recruitment, she was able to go from the bottom of the class in the college entrance examination to the middle level of the class in one year after arriving at Yanbei University. Being able to play the piano very well through self-study shows that besides being willing to learn and endure hardships, it also shows that the family’s IQ is absolutely fine. They are serious, willing to learn, and have up to standard IQ. This has already reached the standard of talent. What is missing is nothing more than famous teachers and better people. It’s just a way of education.

Ning Wei felt that he could indeed make up for this shortcoming.

Although he didn't know anyone who was proficient in high school education, too many people around him were involved in the education system. Senior Brother Lu, Director Tian, ​​and a group of professors from Jiang University, Dean Kong, and Academician Lu... Although asking these people for help is suspected of killing mosquitoes with cannons, it doesn't matter to Ning Wei. Anyway, he feels that he There is no such thing as asking these big guys for anything.

If it really doesn't work, there is Brother Yu, a doctor. In short, there are many people who can help in education.

"Then let me thank you first for Chen Lu."

"By the way, how much is your sister's monthly living expenses? Can she keep up with her nutrition? High-intensity study requires very high nutrition."

"I can definitely keep up. I just wired her two thousand yuan, which is enough."

Ning Wei nodded. Senior Brother Lu had mentioned to him that he had settled a salary of 6,300 for Chen Shuang two days ago. I guess he has not been short of money recently.

The two of them walked and chatted like this. When they returned to the institute, Ning Wei was stunned when he walked into the office.

A table was changed in the office, and all his things were gone. Yu Xingwei was sitting upright in his seat, and Senior Brother Lu was reading a book in front of his seat.

Hearing the noise, Yu Xingwei turned his head and explained with a smile: "Mr. Xiao Ning is back. Professor Lu and I feel that you are not suitable to continue to squeeze in the same office with us, so we just took advantage of your absence The location of the research has changed.”

"Where did it go?" Ning Wei Erzhang asked confused.

"Next door!"

"Next door? Where is there..." Ning Wei quickly reacted. Jiang had already walked into the specially vacated piano room, but there was no sound of the piano for a long time. He was probably wondering.

"Ahem, needless to say, you must have thought of such a sinister move. Senior Brother Lu doesn't have that many tricks up his sleeve." Ning Wei glared at Yu Xingwei, then turned around and walked out the door happily.

At a certain time, watching a beautiful woman playing the piano is definitely a much more beautiful mood than being locked in a room with two grown men, and this is not what he asked for. He was completely unaware from the beginning to the end, and he could also feel it when he walked into the piano room. Be confident.

Sure enough, when he walked into the room next to him, Jiang Chenshuang was looking at the extra desk and cabinet opposite in a daze.

"Well, as you know, the two people next door thought it was too crowded for three people to work in one room, and it was inconvenient to have visitors sometimes, so they took it upon themselves to move my table over. It’s all Brother Yu’s bad idea, I’ve already severely criticized him.”

Ning Wei walked in the door, explained casually, then walked in naturally and sat down in his seat, and added: "It's okay, you practice the piano, I happen to be tired, read a book and relax."

"Oh!" Jiang Chenshuang sat down next to the piano, opened the cover, arranged the music, and put it on the shelf. Then she put her hands on the keys, and then a string of piano sounds quickly filled the entire room.

Ning Wei squinted his eyes slightly, leaned back on the chair, and completely blanked his mind, letting the notes that popped out one by one hit his brain. The reason why Ning Wei likes the music played by Jiang Chenshuang is probably because he can understand it.

There is no such advanced technique, and there is no need to show off his skills at all. It is just a simple pop song with the main melody and chords, but it can give his brain the most complete relaxation and rest after working at high speed for a day.

Ning Wei had also heard the first song the girl played today. The song was called "Meet". Seeing the girl opposite gradually immersed in the joy of playing and no longer paying attention to everything outside, Ning Wei's thoughts began to follow. The melody diverges...

Soon a song came to an end, and a few seconds later another string of notes began to ring through the room. Under a specific environment, the beautiful notes seemed to hit something in the deepest part of the brain, and pictures suddenly began to appear in the room. His thoughts were racing through his mind at high speed.

Extremely weird scenes, Ning Wei was sure they were all scenes he had never experienced before. For example, he was staring at the young woman in a white coat opposite him from a first-person perspective. The young woman looked back at him with tears in her eyes. One hand is hanging in front of the operating table...

At the same time, the word "Technology Hammer" kept flashing in my mind, followed by fragments of dialogue, "This is the last chance.", "For China, everything is worth it.", "I want to accompany you. .", "You will die."...

It seemed that many records hidden in the brain were activated, which made Ning Wei feel that he suddenly understood a lot of things, almost unconsciously. He wrote a series of formulas on the scratch paper in front of him, "k^2 ≥ cΛ/Gn-√(1-v^2 )t”

Finally, when the music stopped, Ning Wei came back from his imagination, and then started to stare at the inequality in front of him in a daze. He couldn't understand it, and he didn't quite understand the quantity represented by each letter. He just simply felt that this formula was extremely useful. Ning Wei read the formula carefully twice and immediately engraved it in his mind, then casually crumpled the manuscript paper into a ball and threw it into the trash can beside the table.

Although he doesn't quite understand it, Ning Wei thinks that this formula will most likely be useful, but he hasn't found its use yet.

The girl, who had no idea what had happened, had finished practicing the score she had prepared today and closed the piano cover. Prepare to say goodbye: "I'm going back first."

"I'll give it to you." Ning Wei took a deep breath and said.

"No, don't waste your time."

"No, after seeing you off, I plan to go home directly."

After sending Mr. Jiang back to his dormitory, Ning Wei shook his head to prevent himself from thinking about what the formula he inexplicably wrote down today meant. He felt that this formula was probably out of the realm of mathematics and was supposed to explain something in physics. However, if those letters represented physical quantities in a general sense, he felt that many things did not make sense.

He planned to put aside the things that he couldn't figure out for the time being and complete the current task step by step. Perhaps the biggest benefit of today's epiphany-like experience was that he seemed to be able to roughly guess his current situation. Although there were still some questions that he couldn't figure out, at least he wasn't as concerned about gains and losses as he was a year ago.

In other words, he should be more confident.

Back home, Yu Xingwei hasn't come back yet. Ning Wei walks into the study. The moment the camera detects him, the screen lights up and Yue Yue gets up. On that cat's face, Ning Wei seems to be able to see pride. The light is shining.

A cat's howl? What are you talking about?

When Ning Wei sat at the workbench, he immediately got the answer. In March, the problem that had troubled Professor Tan's team for at least several months had been solved through simulation experiments. According to the simulation mathematical model it gave, the material performance was far better than Model previously established in the laboratory.

This is very interesting.

Ning Wei immediately called up all the calculation data in March. Compared with solving Lao Tan's problem, March's thinking and simulation process were the most important to Ning Wei. However, seeing these original calculation data, Ning Wei feels like his head is a little big...

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