Tech Hammer

Chapter 179 Still too pure in nature

Hearing Ning Wei's words, Yan Ming was stunned. What could he say? This is so fucking awesome.

According to his understanding, before burning the chip, the activation program needs to be run first. This is just to facilitate Ningwei to know how many devices have been sold through the backend. After all, according to the agreement signed between Huawei and Ningwei, patent licensing settlement is based on the number of units sold. .

I never thought there was a second meaning to this.

What makes Yan Ming sigh is that fortunately Huawei never thought about omitting this step to achieve the purpose of paying less patent fees. Otherwise, it would be really fun.

God knows how many people abroad are staring at their devices every day, hoping to find backdoor programs in the devices to exploit. If they are really caught, it won't be about the licensing fee.

At the same time, Ning Wei's words also made Yan Ming's eyes light up. If this is really useful...

"Mr. Ning, what about this? Now that we have purchased several similar products launched by our friends, why don't you provide this method to our engineers for testing? This also includes our own products. And please cooperate with us. If after testing This method is effective, please do not publicize this technology to the outside world for the time being." Yan Ming said immediately.

"Teach the method to your engineers and test it until there is no problem, but why not publicize it now? Directly publishing the technical principles should put you in a proactive position when competing for customers, right?" Ning Wei asked casually.

"No rush, no rush, our production capacity has not been fully released yet. Even if some orders are negotiated, the production tasks will have to be scheduled to the second half of next year. These customers can be given to friends first! We still have First prepare the necessary litigation materials as usual, and go to litigation as usual. You can also slowly discuss the patent authorization with friends and businessmen first. Wait until the friends and businessmen have signed the order and supplied the goods in large quantities. Just pretend you don’t know this time Now that things are done, we will definitely handle it properly and ensure that it will not delay you from getting the profits you deserve."

Yan Ming explained.

I didn't explain it too thoroughly, but Ning Wei probably understood it.

Although Ning Wei doesn't know much about business matters, the network equipment supplier and service provider took the orders given by others, and then serious problems occurred during the layout. I think a large amount of compensation will definitely be indispensable. Any Party A will definitely take this kind of thing. This is clearly stated in the proposed contract. Not to mention a deal that could attract the attention of a global communications company like Huawei. Party A is likely to be a huge group.

After all, no legal firm is a vegetarian.

Thinking about it this way, after waiting for a while, these infringing companies can grab a few more big orders, and then they will expose serious security risks...

Not only that, this cool operation can also perfectly help the company through the transitional stage of launching new technologies and insufficient initial production capacity. After a year and a half, when the production capacity is fully released, we will expose it again...

Thinking about it, Ning Wei suddenly felt shuddering. Looking at Yan Ming's thick eyebrows and big eyes, he really didn't look like a bad person. How could he just start casually and this guy could immediately come up with such a sinister trick?

"Okay, then I'll send the entire demonstration process and method instructions to your email later?"

"No, no, no, no, I won't send this to the email. In this way, I will arrange for our engineers to meet you directly at Yanbei University in the afternoon. You can save all the data to an encrypted mobile hard drive and we will bring it directly to the laboratory. Is it convenient for Mr. Ning to see?"

"That's fine. When they come in the afternoon, just go directly to the Mathematics Research Center of Yanbei University and call me."

"Okay, okay, thank you so much, Mr. Ning! That's it, I'll hang up now."

"Well, goodbye Mr. Yan!"

After hanging up the phone, Ning Wei once again lamented that he had made a very wise decision. After all, he had a pure nature and went to the business world to compete with these big guys, but his strength was not enough, especially the ruthlessness, which he did not have.

Even if he hadn't encountered some setbacks at that time, he probably wouldn't have thought that he would have to do some tricks on the source code after applying for a patent.

Still filled with emotion in his heart, Ning Wei's phone rang again. I thought it was Mr. Yan who had another problem, but when he got through, the girl said crisply: "Are you Mr. Ning Wei?"

"Yes!" Ning Wei nodded subconsciously.

"Oh! Dear Mr. Ning Wei, hello, I am Liu Xin, senior account manager of XX Bank Private Bank. I am calling you specifically to remind you that you are already a valued customer of our bank and can enjoy the high-end private wealth provided by our bank. Management, comprehensive financial products and exclusive value-added services, you only need to take some time to go to the nearest private bank counter of our bank in any city across the country to get our private bank card. When will you have time? I can help you immediately Arrange and provide a special car to transport you to a special private banking service outlet to handle business for you.”

After hearing this, Ning Wei probably knew that the money transferred from Huawei had probably arrived. He has this experience. The last time he received the 40 million yuan from Jiang University, he also received a similar call, but at that time, he didn't seem to say that there was a special car pick-up service.

Sure enough, this world is really too gentle towards rich people. The richer they are, the gentler they are.

Ning Wei thought for a moment and replied, "Isn't it necessary? I remember there is already a dedicated service specialist."

"Oh, that's different. With your level, after you upgrade our bank's private bank card, you will be able to enjoy children's education, convenient travel, health care private doctors, tax legal consultation, international emergency rescue, high-end private wealth forums, and private jets. Yacht charter enjoys multi-faceted service privileges, and your service specialist will also be upgraded to a professional service team..."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'll contact you when I need it. I don't have time to do this recently." Ning Wei responded casually.

"Well, if your business has been busy recently, we can also provide special door-to-door signing and card upgrade services. You just need to prepare your ID documents."

"No, please don't! Let's do this. I'll make an appointment with you when I have some time after I finish my busy work."

"Okay, can it be convenient for me to send you the contact information directly? It includes the contact information of the team that provides you with specialized financial services and the VIP hotline. If you have any needs, you can contact us at any time. For example, for specialized financial services, you are really Don’t you need it?”

"No need, hang up now. I'll contact you if I need anything."

After saying that, Ning Wei hung up the phone directly.

It is no exaggeration to say that if we chat for a while longer, I would rather feel like I am floating, like I can fly into the sky. This made him experience the correctness of that sentence. Money is a good thing. All those who say money is not a good thing are either stupid or bad.

It's like he didn't know that the bank even provided private banking services before he was twenty-two years old, let alone that private banking services were divided into different levels internally. Maybe someone with tens of millions of assets is not worthy of playing with brothers with hundreds of millions of assets?

The only problem probably was that the people around him probably didn't have hundreds of millions in their bank cards, so he decisively rejected the offer of having someone come to serve him. What he didn't quite know was that the bank's private banking team was also having a headache dealing with the newly minted billionaire.

It’s not that there are young people with lots of money, but it’s really rare for the rich generation like Ning Wei to be young and rich. Assets worth 700 to 800 million yuan are nothing to a bank, but the idea of ​​just leaving 700 million to 800 million yuan in cash in the bank without any financial management is very depressing and insecure.

For Ning Wei, the way to calm down was to check the price of the latest lithography machine online, and then he immediately felt less rich.

The current price of the most advanced photolithography machine is about 138 million US dollars. Including shipping costs and maintenance, the price will go up to at least 1 billion. He can't even buy one with the money he has earned in a few months. And it makes sense that this thing is so expensive. After all, there are a lot of black technologies in advanced photolithography machines.

For example, in order to achieve the output of a 13.5nm extreme ultraviolet light source, a liquid metal tin with a diameter of 20 microns needs to be accurately hit with deep ultraviolet light of a wavelength of 153nm, and it must be hit twice in a row during the falling process. Smooth the tin liquid and stimulate the extreme violet light source output for the second time.

Another example is the lens provided by Carl Zeiss of Germany. This extremely smooth lens can only reflect light with a wavelength of 13.5nm. Its smoothness requirement is said to be to magnify a lens with a diameter of 30 cm to the size of the entire earth. Its surface only allows There are bulges of about 40 microns, and 40 microns is roughly equivalent to the diameter of a hair...

To be honest, Ning Wei really wants to buy one and then take it apart to study the structure inside.

Thinking of these things, he would rather not worry about it. When the text message on his phone rang and he saw the amount on the card, he just calculated that such a small amount of money should be enough to arrange a new home for March.

After all, children grow up quickly, and a workstation seems no longer worthy of it. If it is given better computing power conditions, such as buying several sets of servers and building a small supercomputing center, this will not only greatly improve March's capabilities , Ningwei can also make arrangements for this supercomputing center based on the situation in March.

When I get richer, I might as well build several highly automated laboratories for March, such as an optical laboratory, to see if March can find a more efficient light source with shorter wavelength as an alternative light source...

After all this calculation, Ning Wei feels that he is actually quite poor. Man, once you have the mentality of an old father, it is equivalent to having a gold-eating beast. So after much thought, Ning Wei decided not to enjoy the private services of those banks.

It is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. He is afraid that after enjoying it, he will be reluctant to spend money.

And if you think about it carefully, Ning Wei is actually quite satisfied with his current life. It was enough to do research, fall in love, and raise the three months in the former royal garden every day, and to guide the confused masters and Ph.D.s. Most of my neighbors were intellectuals.

When Ning Wei completely calmed down, he returned to his office.

A separate office is actually quite good. The first step was to open the mailbox that had been sealed for a long time.

On weekdays, I mostly use the free email that comes with QQ to transfer files and contact people around me, which is convenient and easy to use.

The email address he used to submit papers and stay with Huawei was a paid email address that was more private, more reliable and had a larger capacity. He had not paid attention to this email address since attending the STOC conference.

However, Huawei sent over its financial bills, and he decided to take a quick look at them. It involved the allocation of hundreds of millions of funds and deserved the corresponding respect.

After logging into his mailbox, Ning Wei found that there were more than ten unread emails accumulated, most of which were emails from journals asking him to review manuscripts. Ning Wei browsed through them and found that there was a significant increase in emails from the four major journals inviting him to participate in review. There are also messages from two deputy editors to him.

One was from an associate editor of the "Annals of Mathematics", and the other was an email sent to him by his long-time friend Mr. Connerson, the editor-in-chief of the "Journal of the American Mathematical Society."

Ningwei is quite embarrassed to see these emails.

In fact, there was a message on his phone that there was an email, but because he had no need to contribute to the outside world during this period, he didn't pay attention to his email at all. More importantly, he usually used WeChat to communicate with people around him directly, and he didn't develop it regularly. The habit of checking email.

At the moment, he didn't bother to read the financial statements sent by Huawei. He opened Mr. Connerson's email first. Although his paper was rejected by Mr. Connerson, if the editor-in-chief hadn't sent him the That email, or if the editor-in-chief chose to suppress his article for a period of time, but he did not submit the article to arXiv, and a dispute arose, he would really have to suffer a hidden loss.

No matter how you say it, you are kind to him, but you can't just ignore him completely.

In fact, the content of the email is very simple. It probably means that he has returned to the position of editor-in-chief, but the meaning revealed between the lines is that it is impossible to stay in the editor-in-chief position for too long this time. If Ning Wei finds something that needs to be submitted, he I would be happy to help find a reviewer of higher moral character to review his manuscript.

The email from the deputy editor of "Annals of Mathematics" probably means the same thing. It uses very euphemistic wording to express the intention of inviting a manuscript.

Ning Wei thought for a moment, first applied for an email address in March, and then wrote two similar replies.

"Dear Mr. Connerson, I haven't opened my mailbox for a long time, so I saw your letter three days late, so I just replied to you today. I'm very sorry. To be honest, after attending the STOC conference, I was very impressed by the conference. Influenced by many advanced ideas in the field, I deeply feel that I still have many deficiencies in my mathematical foundation. I am currently studying some basic knowledge and I dare not say what research results I can publish in the near future.”

"In addition, I saw the review invitation from your journal and I feel ashamed. In the vast ocean of mathematics, I am only a primary school student and I dare not review the masterpieces of my colleagues. But I can recommend a reviewer to you. A little-known mathematician, her name is March. I deeply admire her achievements in many fields of mathematics. If your journal has review requirements, please contact her. With her consent, the email address is attached as follows... "

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