Tech Hammer

Chapter 185 Maybe it’s a solution

The roommates' brainstorming abilities are so powerful, Jiang Chenshuang sighed in her heart, and then she couldn't help but imagine the scene where the three roommates studied the optimal solution of the line generation together the next day... Human beings' brainstorming abilities have always been very powerful. .

It's not good for everyone to waste time on this. Thinking of how kind her roommate was to her, Jiang Chenshuang blushed and roughly repeated what Ning Wei said today, of course it was limited to non-empty bounded convex sets. The optimal solution section.

Then he said softly: "So I want to learn this section of line generation planning."

The dormitory was very quiet. In fact, it had become quiet since Jiang Chenshuang started talking softly. When she finished speaking, no one said a word for a long time, but Jiang Chenshuang knew that her roommates and sisters were not asleep yet, and she could tell by the sound of their breathing.

Sure enough, after a while, Xi Yuxuan, the eldest sister in the dormitory, was the first to speak: "I can't stand it, I can't stand it, and suddenly I really want to find a boyfriend from the mathematics college. Oh my God, we are each other's optimal solution to the linear programming of love. Someone dared to confess to me like this and I immediately obeyed him. Isn't this more useful than those earthy love words? Xiaoyan, how did your boyfriend confess to you in the first place? "

"Don't mention him. He didn't even say a word about love. He just told me that he likes me very much. He likes me as much as he likes the moon. He wants me to be his girlfriend. Bah, bah, now I think about it. It's a shame, I didn't care at all." Wang Xiaoyan said quietly.

Wang Jiaying, the youngest in the dormitory, commented after hearing this: "So I feel that boys who study science are more romantic than boys who study liberal arts! Who will tell me that science students don't understand romance in the future? I will tell her this story! Chen Shuang Sister, you are so happy. Think about it, you played the piano for him, and he listened quietly. After listening, he waved his hand and solved a math problem. Wow, what a romantic love!"

Would you rather be romantic?

Jiang Chenshuang was confused. Although she had never been in love, she had at least read romance novels. No matter from which level she looked at it, Ning Wei seemed to have nothing to do with the romance depicted in the novels.

But she simply felt that when she was with Ning Wei, she felt very safe and relaxed, as if the man around her could hold her up even if the sky fell, and she didn't need to worry about anything at all.

However, compared to the romantic scenes arranged by the male protagonist described in the book, she seems to enjoy the ordinary life now. Every day, she helps Ningwei bring food, cleans his room, plays the piano for him, and lets him hold hands. Sending herself back to the dormitory made her feel at ease.

Okay, maybe the two of us really are each other's best solution.

In this way, Jiang Chenshuang quietly listened to the sisters chatting, until the conversation became slower and slower, then she closed her eyes until she fell into a deep sleep...

In Princeton, in the Institute for Advanced Mathematics at Princeton University, Charlie Keller was in a daze looking at the email he responded to in March. For the first time, he experienced what Chinese speed is.

If he remembered correctly, he saw Ning Wei's reply to the email when he was about to get off work yesterday, and then transferred the manuscript that was originally given to Ning Wei for review to the person Ning Wei mentioned in the email in March. The email address of the math master.

I had a meeting this morning and then attended a lecture. In the afternoon I came to my work station and opened my work mailbox and found that the reply email from March was already in the mailbox. He specifically looked at the time. It was basically about eleven hours after he forwarded it, and the reply came.

Speaking of this speed, among the mathematics papers he handled, the longest one took one and a half years to review. Of course, that paper did cause a lot of controversy, and it went through several revision processes, so it cannot be counted as an exception. But relatively speaking, generally speaking, it is considered fast to respond within three months after being reviewed. He has contacted The fastest reply was probably within two weeks.

Eleven hours?

Charlie Keller very much doubted whether the reviewer had carefully read the paper three times, even if the paper was only eight pages. However, his professionalism still made him take a closer look at the comments in March.

Then the whole person became even more confused. This reviewer made detailed notes on many problems in the paper and gave reasons that at least seemed reasonable to him. Even one lemma proof process seemed to be flawed. , this March boss proved it again.

It was just the comments on the paper that made him feel that the March boss was a little too much.

Why should I help you prove a lemma just to express that I understand your deviant thinking?

What do you mean, if I had known earlier that a paper with such flaws could be submitted to a journal, I should have submitted seventy, eighty, or ninety papers a year, and maybe I would have knocked down the blind editor because of the rat.

The final conclusion given by such an evaluation was to recommend revision. Charlie Keller could not imagine what kind of evaluation he would give if the paper was directly rejected by the March boss.

Well, he is just an editor. Although this March has a bit of a venomous mouth, it can be seen that his mathematical level is indeed very high. Sure enough, the boss who can make a math genius fall in love with him still has two skills.

The only thing that Charlie Keller couldn't figure out was why the March boss had such a low reputation since he was so good.

Just when Charlie Keller felt that his view of mathematics had been subverted again, a colleague walked into the office, tapped him on the shoulder with his mobile phone, and said with a smile: "Hey, Charlie, have you seen Emily?" What’s on Facebook today? I’m dying laughing.”

"Oh? What did she send?" Charlie Keller asked.

Although Stockholm is extremely far away from Princeton, Emily studied here after all, and as a colleague, we often meet at some mathematics conferences and are all familiar with her.

"Haha, you will know after you see it for yourself." The colleague smiled and sat down at his desk.

Charlie Keller shook his head, then took out his phone and opened Facebook, found Emily from the following, and then saw the complaints of this female colleague.

"As a journal editor, we have our own professional ethics, one of which is that we will never exchange benefits with any author!"

This sentence seemed like nothing, and then Charlie Keller saw the screenshot below.

"As the paper editor, you have given the author of the paper the benefit of a big house, and you cannot reject him, her or it directly, so you decided to waste the reviewer's time by sending this paper to the reviewer? My My suggestion is to reject the manuscript immediately and close the author’s account immediately to prevent him from submitting manuscripts in the future!”

Charlie Keller grinned subconsciously. He could imagine the mood of this female colleague when she saw the reviewer making such an evaluation. Well, which reviewer is this? He has such a rude temperament. He is really not afraid of offending people!

After all, as a person in the industry, Charlie Keller knows very well that if he dares to submit his article to "Journal of Mathematics" and it can pass the preliminary review of the editor-in-chief, he must be at a certain level. Generally, he has at least a Ph.D. in mathematics from a top university. If the article is really It's worthless and has most likely been screened out by the editor-in-chief.

There is only one situation where the contributor or introducer is very familiar with the editor-in-chief and will specifically greet the deputy editor-in-chief. However, this situation is rare in top journals. Even if the manuscript is accepted due to face, the deputy editor-in-chief will not choose the reviewers. I will also be careful when choosing, and I will definitely not find such a stupid reviewer.

But then again, the manuscripts that the editor-in-chief accepts out of face are generally from industry leaders or disciples of big people, so the comments they most likely will not receive are so extreme, right?

After laughing, Charlie Keller suddenly felt something was wrong. Why did this reply style feel familiar? So he decisively called up the reply email from March. After browsing for a while, Charlie Keller turned on his phone again, called up whats, found Emily, and then decisively took a few photos from March. Reply with the picture and send it.

After a while, a "?" number came back from the other side.

Charlie Keller quickly replied: "I sent Ning Wei a review invitation a few days ago. He declined and then recommended me a professor named March and attached his email address. I sent him the review yesterday. That manuscript was forwarded to Professor March, and I received the reply today, which is what you saw just now."

Soon, three more "!!!" were replied to the chat history.

This woman...

Charlie Keller was about to complain about what Emily was doing so busy, and didn't know what to say. An audio communication came directly from the other side. Charlie Keller answered the phone, and Emily's voice on the other side also Passed over.

"Hey, Charlie, did you just send the invitation to that March yesterday?"

"Yes! Don't tell me, the screenshot you posted on Facebook today was also the review reply of Professor March?"

"Oh my god! You are right, not only her, but I also sent her an invitation yesterday, so what kind of monster is she? That Ning Wei is amazing enough. This March gives me the feeling Even more amazing! I know why she never publishes papers, probably because she feels that if she publishes papers, she won’t be able to give opinions so unscrupulously! Are you right?”

Charlie Keller could tell the woman on the other side of the phone was really angry. Of course, this is understandable. As editors of top mathematics journals, they usually deal with some mathematics professors with eccentric personalities. But most of the time, everyone's replies are very kind. Not all professors who study mathematics have good tempers. Everyone still has concerns.

The comments I gave when reviewing my peers today were too extreme. Next time I publish a paper, if I am not accurate, I will be caught in the wrong and ridiculed. Of course, there are some reviewers who are very venomous, but most of their venomous remarks are directed at the paper. This time the reviewer even pointed the finger directly at the editorial office...

It's too much, it's too much, but Charlie Keller thinks everyone should be more rational at this time.

"Emily, don't worry about this. Don't you think Professor March is awesome? If you were asked to review the paper at hand like him, how long would it take? I don't know if she reviewed your paper. Is there a detailed mark on every point that may have doubts, but in this article I have, she really did this. Although she did not have comments on every marked question, she gave supplementary proofs casually. I’ve watched the process, and it’s very insightful.”

The person opposite visibly paused, and then said: "Okay, that's why I said she is amazing. I thought she had only reviewed one of my manuscripts in the past ten hours, but I didn't expect it to be three. ! Three manuscripts, God, I’m going crazy! Charlie, tell me, is this March a mathematical machine? The kind of machine that can automatically produce results by throwing papers in? "

"Three articles? Which one else?" Charlie Keller was stunned and asked.

"Yes, three articles. Before you, Neil from Analysis \u0026amp; From her comments, you can all tell that this is a manuscript reviewed by the same person." Emily replied.

Charlie Keller suddenly thought of a possibility: "Do you think it is possible that March is not a person?"

"Not alone?"

"I mean, it's possible that March is a team. They are rooted in China and do most of their research. Of course, it must be the same person who gave the final reply. In fact, don't you think that this reply style is somewhat similar to Mr. Ning Wei’s tone? You should have seen his performance at the computer conference..."

Charlie Keller probably didn't expect that his guess would take a sudden turn when it was almost close to the truth. At least if Ningwei heard what he said, he would definitely refute it without hesitation. How could he be like March? What about such a venomous tongue?

But when Emily heard this, she felt it made perfect sense.

"There is a possibility. I happen to have a few manuscripts on hand. I will invite Professor March to review the manuscript again. Maybe she can give more pertinent opinions."

Charlie Keller pondered for a moment and said: "Emily, don't be so hostile to Professor March. The above is just a guess. In fact, I think it might be better not to be March. We are now There is a lot of pressure, but if the mathematical talent of this March professor is not inferior to Ning Wei, maybe we should help her stand up, so that no matter whether she is Ning Wei or not, everyone's attention will be diverted, and maybe it won't Just focus on those things before."

"I think we should think of ways to make the negative impact that old gentleman brought to us pass as soon as possible. Today I went to listen to Mr. Conrad's lecture. During the question and answer session of the lecture, there were students asking about Lucassen. That’s not very pleasant. Maybe we could go and make some suggestions to the editor, what do you think, ma’am?”

"I think you're absolutely right! Wait a minute, I'll bring Neil in. We should set up a group chat and discuss a charter. That matter really should be over! God knows if I will be arrested if I continue. Those messy emails are crashing every day! Just wait!"

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