Tech Hammer

Chapter 192 March Paper

For Ning Wei, writing a mathematics paper is certainly not a big problem. If you read more books in your mind, you can always get some inspiration. Write a paper in a certain direction and vote for the bottom of the first area or the top of the second area. The journal has little problem.

The problem is not that Ningwei doesn’t think highly of journals in this range, but that the vicious opinions in March are destined to be extremely “taken seriously” by editors and colleagues, and there is a high probability that they will find faults word for word. This is Ningwei. The result of empathy.

If his paper is evaluated like March, then if he is lucky enough to review this reviewer's paper, he will definitely treat this paper with a hundredfold energy, and he will be able to say something about even a grammatical error. .

So instead of publishing it in such a second-rate journal, it would be better to aim directly at the four top journals.

Ning Wei actually wanted March to slowly integrate into the mainstream mathematics circle, but he was helpless. The sub-personality that March had formed to a certain extent allowed him to eventually go eccentric and break into the academic circle. In terms of field of vision, it does not make much sense to publish some insignificant papers at this time. If the quality of the submitted papers is not high, there is a high probability that it will attract all kinds of ridicule.

This is a bit difficult to handle. The key is to choose the topic that best suits March's ability. After all, Ning Wei has tried it, and he will not be able to directly explain the proof or falsification process of his brother's conjecture in his mind just because he has read Goldbach's conjecture. If he spends time and energy to deal with this kind of proposition, probably Director Tian will It was nice that less was significant for the development of number theory, but of little significance for his project.

After running around in his mind for a few times, Ning Wei suddenly remembered how Lu Dongyi taught him how to write a thesis when he was still at Jiangnan University. It's nothing more than splitting the topic. A problem that can be solved by publishing one paper can be divided into two or even several small problems. For example, the paper he sent to the STOC conference before can be divided into more than ten. There are two papers, each of which is more detailed and can even exceed 500 pages in total.

If he plays it this way, he can break up the paper he is currently researching. If he doesn't break it down too much, it won't be a big problem to write ten papers. If he does it properly, he can still publish it as one work in March. For his paper in March, he would choose the four top mathematics journals, and for his paper, he could choose Science or other top journals.

If you want to go one step further, you can publish theoretical results in the name of March, and then submit application results in major computer conferences and journals in your own name. This is completely fine. After all, the content of his current research is on various theoretical reductions of the March Main Program. In addition to the core code that supports the March operation, various other modules added later can be demonstrated in papers and provided for academic discussion.

As for his current top-notch youth project, it is not a problem. He can use the key points as the basis of the paper, form a paper and write a report. There will be no delay on either side.

The final effect is probably that he and March will lay the foundation for future strong artificial intelligence technology in two fields, and in doing so, it will make sense even if March's true identity is exposed in the future. After all, March was indeed one of the contributors to these mathematical papers. Of course, if the outside world must understand that he is afraid of continuing to be rejected by the four top mathematics journals, it does not matter if he publishes under the guise of March.

Because according to general logic, mathematical theories are developed first and then applied to technology.

Thinking of this, Ning Wei glanced at his daughter and said: "Come on, come on, the next step is to publish the paper in your name. Don't be lazy. I will finish the main body of the paper and you will be responsible for polishing it. It must be a It’s hard to spot grammatical errors, understand?”

Yes, when it comes to groundbreaking research, March is still unable to do anything, but for areas where humans have formulated specific rules, March is the best. For example, the various formats and regulations clearly listed in each journal, as long as specific rules are limited to March, this is really not a problem if the computing power is sufficient.

"Meow..." Sanyue raised her head and responded, then opened the chat box and responded with a head-touching emoticon.

Ning Wei glared at March, opened his notebook on the table, selected a section of the previous paper, and then began to write the proposition and abstract. The proposition is simple "A mathematical model of consciousness based on isomorphism", and the next step is to write an abstract.

“At present, artificial intelligence as an emerging industry has begun to affect all aspects of human life and culture. However, for the deep learning based on artificial intelligence at this stage, the recognition of data and the relationship between things are still deeply dependent on composite function fitting. Without the support of certain mathematical principles, the result is that to achieve the so-called deep learning function, we can only rely on manual adjustment of parameters."

"Based on the theory of isomorphism, this article describes in depth a method of constructing a machine consciousness model through pure mathematical principles, and proves the feasibility of reversible computing of human-like learning models. This discovery aims to have a profound impact on the future of artificial intelligence. The development direction of learning function points out a new feasible path in the direction of mathematical principles. This paper is mainly divided into three parts..."

Of course, writing a paper in this way is extremely fast, because the main part of the paper can be copied and pasted directly. After all, the paper itself can be understood as a proven theorem in a large paper that Ningwei will publish later.

The reason why Ningwei has never thought of splitting the entire paper before is because just solving this problem without the supporting foundation of various neural networks does not have much guiding significance for real-life artificial intelligence.

But now that he wants to build his reputation in March, he certainly can't take care of that much. In this way, in half an hour, with the help of copy and paste, the first paper of March, which was more than 20 pages long and contained tens of thousands of words, was born. Ning Wei thought for a moment, and signed March's name on both the first author and the corresponding author, leaving the second and third authors blank.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue to build Yu Xingwei's reputation, the key is that March's identity must be kept secret.

These are all trivial matters, and when it comes to determining the communication unit, Ning is stumped.

If you want to keep March's mysterious identity hidden, you really can't stay at Yanbei University. After all, as a top university in China, Yanbei University only has a few professors studying similar fields. If you want to hide your ignorance, this is not a suitable university. , I always feel like I’m at a loss if I don’t leave a communication unit.

Ning Wei no longer cares about the rewards after the paper is published. For example, the card thrown to Jiang Chenshuang contains not only the subsidies for his PhD and teaching assistants, but also the school's reward after he won the best paper award at the STOC conference. The cash reward for publishing high-level scientific papers totals 300,000 yuan. This money no longer means much to him.

But this is not just about money. Why the school is willing to use money to reward the authors of high-quality papers is not because these excellent papers can play an excellent publicity role for the school. So after thinking over and over again, Ning Wei decided to give this series of honors to his former alma mater, Jiangcheng University.

Although he was still a little unhappy before, when he was wronged, at least the leaders of the graduate school were on his side. Before his paper was published, Li Qiushi told him that a leader of the college personally came forward to talk to the graduate school. Negotiate there and solve the problem.

Moreover, the professors at Jiangsu University’s School of Mathematics are actually very cute when we actually get along with them. Given the name of Jiangcheng University, a group of professors suspected each other of being the original author of the paper. It was quite funny to think about it. It can be regarded as a little joke he made with his former alma mater after graduation that most likely no one will mind.

After confirming these, Ning Wei sent the paper to March for review and inspection. After correcting a few minor flaws, Ning Wei began to consider which journal this paper should be submitted to.

After thinking for a while, Ning Wei decided to send the paper to the "Annals of Mathematics". How should I put it, although it was the "Annals of Mathematics" that rejected his manuscript, Connerson, the editor-in-chief, is still a good person.

Thinking about it, if the editor had not directly rejected his manuscript and sent him that email, but had chosen to delay his paper for a year and a half, it is hard to say what the final result would be.

After all, in the field of mathematics, it is not too much for an important paper to be discussed by academic leaders for one or two years. Since Connerson is still the editor-in-chief, this publication should still be trustworthy.

After submitting March's paper with ease, Ning Wei looked at March and said, "Continue reviewing your manuscript. Keep the speed and don't slack off. Dad said he would buy you a bigger house, and he would definitely not lie. Yours, but you have to work hard! Giving you more computing power is not for you to be naughty!"


What is the ranking of top scholars? Probably when submitting papers to top journals, they will be marked by the submission systems of major top journals to ensure that the papers of these big names can be seen by the editor as soon as possible after submission.

For example, Ning Wei, his name has already entered the list in related fields. Now Ning believes that if a paper is published in his own name, it will be reviewed first.

Of course, March does not have this kind of reputation, but March is now the fastest rising celebrity in the mathematics circle, and her name is very strange. Those who have studied Chinese surnames will find that SAN, the pinyin is in The surnames represented by Huaxia all belong to a niche within a niche, such as Youshan, San, and San. The combined population of the three surnames may be less than 100,000.

To put it bluntly, after experiencing March’s vicious tongue, many editors incorporated March’s name into their own submission systems. Just as Ning Wei thought, no one has a bit of a rebellious mentality. After seeing March’s venomous comments on so many papers, who wouldn’t want to see what this big guy’s own level is like?

Not to mention that being an academic editor is a very hard job. You have to sit in front of the computer for six or seven hours every day. Eighty percent of the time is spent reviewing manuscripts and eliminating more than seventy percent of submitted articles. , the remaining time is spent finding suitable reviewers for the remaining 20%.

I have to read countless messy papers every day, and you can imagine how anxious I feel. Encountering a wonderful paper is not inferior to the surprise of winning the lottery. Being able to personally kill a paper that was reviewed by a vicious tongue will probably make the whole day more comfortable.

However, the reason why Connerson included March as a key group in his submission system has nothing to do with the above. He decided to add March to the focus list simply because Ning Wei recommended March to him in an email.

After all, if according to Ning Wei's description, this March is really that powerful, then when she decided to go out, the quality of the papers she published should be extremely high. It was just a casual thing anyway.

What he never expected was that he actually received her paper in March when the newly emerging celebrity was the most discussed.

According to review practice, let’s first look at the title of the paper “A Mathematical Consciousness Model Based on Isomorphism”. How should I put it? This type of research seems to overlap with Ning Wei’s research, both of which are in the direction of the mathematical foundation of artificial intelligence. , Connerson understood this. If the two people's research directions had not overlapped, there is a high probability that the two people would not have known each other and discussed it together. In the end, Ning Wei discovered this treasure.

Reality can also support this coincidence. For example, Ning Wei only replied to the existence of the mathematics master in March after returning to China after the STOC conference. So Connerson also thought that it was probably Ning Wei's 206-page paper at the STOC conference that aroused the interest of Ning Wei, who was currently studying the March 1st Prize in the same field, so the two began to communicate...

Of course, these are Connerson's inferences based on the information he obtained. After all, as a middle-aged man in his late fifties, Connerson's mind is not as flexible as Ning Wei's. He is always thinking about how to make a big joke with the academic community in his boring scientific research life...

So Connerson spent more than an hour reading the paper carefully. You must know that this is not a common thing. Under normal circumstances, as the editor-in-chief of a journal, he will only read the abstract of the paper once before deciding whether to reject it.

Even if there are some papers that interest him to browse the main text, he will only spend more than ten minutes at most to browse them roughly and then delegate the rest of the work.

After reading through it, Connerson became very interested in this paper. He decided to personally find a suitable reviewer for this paper, so he naturally picked up the phone: "Hello, Dr. Bell, I just received the review here. When a paper arrives, I bet you ten dollars that you will definitely be very interested in this paper. If you have time recently and can review it as soon as possible, I would like to invite you as one of the reviewers, and this paper The author is very famous recently, haha, no, her name is March, how about it, are you very interested?"

"Okay, okay, then I will send the invitation link to your email right away. Yes, I have read it carefully, but with my shallow academic level, to be honest, I don't understand some things very well! So please Come on! Please hurry up!"

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