Tech Hammer

Chapter 203 Lovely March

What does it mean that there is a leak in the house but it rains all night? This is probably it.

The black swan incident that suddenly popped up on Friday had already made the entire technology sector of the US stock market extremely vulnerable, but just when the market was about to close, such heavy news suddenly came out! This is not an earthquake. This is bad news ringing in the ears of technology companies around the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire modern scientific system is built on chips. In addition to the most familiar CPUs and GPUs, there are also various radio frequency chips that form the basis of network communication, various electronic control units, sensor chips and multimedia chips that are widely used in automobiles, and various modern aircraft. Not to mention, especially for civil aviation aircraft, modern electronic control systems require a large number of chips...

Chip packaging and testing is the last very important step before the chip leaves the factory. Malaysia occupies about one-third of the global market share, especially Penang, known as the Silicon Valley of the East. In addition to the chip packaging and testing industry, including Apple, Micron, Broadcom, Infineon, Samsung and many other world-renowned giant technology companies have opened factories here. Therefore, this shock definitely shook not only the houses in Penang, but also the financial markets in the global technology circle.

When the entire technology sector of the U.S. stock market began to experience a flash crash, the Metaverse concept sector, which had already fallen to the point of tears, became even more fragile. The plummeting technology sector also directly caused the entire market index to begin to dive rapidly. , so this Friday the market will be closed early at 3:26 pm New York time and 3:26 am Beijing time.

There was no way around it. In just over 20 minutes, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had plummeted 7.2%. According to the circuit breaker rules, the market had to suspend trading for fifteen minutes. However, it happened that the market was close to closing at this time, so everyone was able to get off work early.

Countless people have suffered heavy losses, but this also just highlights the uniqueness of some people.

For example, Bernie Cushing's profit has almost reached 200% after liquidation and settlement after the market closed. What is this concept? If all the funds under his control were liquidated, more than 8 billion US dollars would have increased to more than 20 billion US dollars after this day, and it only took one trading day to reach this goal.

While he was still in a daze on his chair, his team had already started a carnival, and he could even hear the sound of champagne being opened in the office upstairs...

"Bernie! Why are you still in a daze? We won, we won the bet, my God, thank that Chinese boy, thank the Penang earthquake, thank God, we won!"

"Yes, we won! We really won! Haha... we won! I will go to the carnival tonight, and all the consumption will be mine... We should have a drink for that Ningwei, really! I won! ” Bernie Cushing finally reacted and jumped to his feet, pumping his fists.

At this time, Bernie Cushing was already in ecstasy. Not only had he made money, he believed that after today, the entire Wall Street would know his name. This was the most exciting thing for him! And in this way, he paid tribute to his idol Michael Burry!

The news also quickly spread back to China. For many investors who stayed up late to pay attention to US stocks, many people were also confused. It was almost the market closing time. Suddenly there was a circuit breaker? An earthquake occurred in Penang? Is it such a coincidence?

When the last trading day of the U.S. stock market in September finally came to an end, major financial forums became lively again for a while.

But after all, it was already past three in the morning in China. Even though the next day was the National Day holiday, not many people were still in front of the computer. But even so, the hot topic of public discussion still turned from the Penang earthquake to Ning Wei.

After all, Ning Wei fired the first shot on such a rare Black Friday in history. If it weren’t for Ning Wei’s Weibo, it would have directly caused the U.S. technology sector to start plummeting early in the morning, and by the last half hour of the trading day There is a high probability that it will not be blown directly.

So in the middle of the night, the topic about Ning Wei was stirred up again.

"Really, follow Ning Wei on Weibo. I think he may not know when the stock market will rise sharply, but he will definitely know when the stock market will plummet!"

"What a pity. In broad daylight, I was still following the technology melon, and I didn't notice anything was wrong at all! I turned a blind eye to such a big bad news, and even if I didn't make any money in this wave of big profits, I still had to pay several W ! Nothing else, I have already paid attention to Ning Wei, and I will believe whatever this big boss says from now on!"

"Before today, I only thought that the investigative reports of those short-selling institutions were very awesome. Whoever posted the report would be killed. Now I discovered that there are still people who can be so awesome that they can kill an entire section by posting on Weibo! See you soon! , See you soon!"

In this way, Ning Wei's reputation inexplicably increased in his beautiful dreamland, and he directly began to influence the financial circle across borders. Maybe he doesn’t even believe it himself. Now that he is posting on Weibo, few people may believe that someone’s stock will rise sharply, but if he says that someone’s stock will plummet, many people will probably believe it.

Of course, Ning Wei would never have imagined that the biggest beneficiary of his Weibo post would probably be his little cat, March.

In the United States, a unique video conference is underway. Most of the participants are the bosses of technology companies, financial giants on Wall Street, and shareholders of many well-known private universities in the United States, such as Harvard, Yale, MIT, and Princeton. , Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia...

In addition, there are the chairman of the American Mathematical Society, the controllers behind several famous American journals, and computer experts, etc. A total of more than 20 people gathered in front of the video at this time. There are scholars among them, but not many. Many of them are scholars, but they also have massive resources.

Ning Wei would probably feel honored to know that so many big guys held this video conference specifically for him.

Yes, what so many big guys gathered to discuss was Ning Wei.

"This incident has sounded a wake-up call for us. Some people should not give him too much say. This is a mistake, gentlemen and ladies, this is a huge mistake! I can't believe it, a Chinese Young people who have achieved a little academic achievement can cause a tremor in the stock market just by making some inappropriate remarks in public! This is something that has never happened before in American history! It is even more of a shame to everyone! "

"This is the first time, and it is the last time. This kind of thing must not happen again! I heard that some people think that the Wolf Prize should be awarded to him. I don't know what other people think, but let me Let me be clear, I don’t think this is okay! Or before he becomes more mature, or before he grows into a scientist that we can completely trust, a young foreigner who doesn’t know how to restrain himself should not be allowed to have the power in our country Too much influence! Even if his achievements are very fruitful, do you understand?"

The old man who spoke was not loud, but everyone knew the weight of this boss, because he could almost represent one of the most powerful institutions in the world, the Federal Reserve.

Almost because this old man is not the chairman of the Federal Reserve, but one of the seven members of the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee with permanent voting rights. But many times what he says is even more weighty than the chairman of the Federal Reserve. It is no exaggeration to say that many times The Chairman of the Federal Reserve will speak out whatever it is inconvenient for him to say. After all, he is currently the longest-serving member of the committee.

After a long silence, someone still spoke: "Mr. Sackler, I can understand your concerns, but academia has its own set of operating rules. If the achievements of a certain scientist are arbitrarily wiped out, our entire system may be lost." Original credibility. Especially because some things happened before, which gave Ning Wei a high prestige in the eyes of the younger generation of students, so I think all we can do is try to downplay the influence of a young genius. Or today’s conversation should let Are those irresponsible media bosses here to listen?”

"Of course, this suggestion is very good, and I think it is necessary. But before that, don't you think we should also take action? I believe that academia has its own operating rules, but I don't believe in the achievements of that young man It leaves you helpless. I believe that any academic research requires financial support. Without funds, no matter what your research project is, it will eventually be aborted. Am I right?" The old man said warmly without anger. , still maintaining a calm tone, but there is an unquestionable flavor in his tone.

"Is this actually possible? I probably understand Professor Compton's concerns, but as Mr. Sackler said, no one in this world is irreplaceable. We can try to use less controversial methods to solve the problem. This question. For example, I heard that a mathematician has emerged in China recently who has caused a lot of repercussions in the mathematics community, and I heard that her latest paper was also favored by many people. Well, I don’t remember her very well. The name is..."

"You should say March, Mr. Aiken." Someone in the video pressed the microphone and prompted.

"Yes, yes, that seems to be the name. Maybe we can get in touch with this March to get a rough idea of ​​her thoughts, and we can even grant her some honors. And it just so happens that they are all Chinese, as long as If the publicity is good, maybe March can become a new academic star, replacing Ning Wei's position in the hearts of those lovely young people. Of course, as I said before, we should contact March first. If She really has some achievements and can accept our kindness, why not? Of course, I am just making an analogy. If other mathematics emerges, of course we can also highlight it. Professor Compton, what do you think? Woolen cloth?"

The professor in question thought for a while and replied: "Well, this may indeed be a good solution."

After hearing this answer, Aiken smiled and said: "Of course, this is just an alternative. We should focus more on our own people. If our scientists can achieve some reasonable achievements in the next period of time, it will naturally be more Okay. Of course, it seems a little too late now, but as Mr. Sackler said, any controversy in this world will eventually subside. It’s just what we choose to do.”

In the video, many people began to nod. Seeing this, the old man nodded and said, "Okay, so it seems we have reached a consensus. Gentlemen, I have no intention of dictating the academic field, but there are some things we cannot sit on. Watch it happen and ignore it. Yes, I don’t understand the rules of your academic circle, but I understand the rules of how this world works. For example, I believe that there may be some abnormal people in this world who don’t care about money, but I believe that such people It won’t be too much, right?”

There were smiles on many people's faces. Yes, who in this world doesn't love such a lovely thing as money?

"So I'll leave it to you all. In addition, I think Mr. Aiken's suggestions are very practical. You can try your best to comply with your rules and make everything look fair and just. After all, we can't hurt too many people. The hearts of motivated young people. But if they really can’t do this, I think it doesn’t matter. At least we can teach them that fairness and justice in this world can actually have many interpretations. The most important thing is that the right to interpretation is ultimately Whose hand is it? Don’t worry too much about the so-called credibility. The foundation and essence of credibility is strength. What do you think?"

No one said anything, and naturally no one objected.

"Okay, it seems we have reached an agreement. Then let's do as Mr. Aiken said. I won't waste everyone's time as an old guy! I wish you all have a happy weekend."

Ning Wei didn't know that while he was sleeping, the big guys on the other side of the ocean reached some consensus about him, and these opinions eventually turned into an email and lay in the mailbox in March.

March, who did not need a break, also read this email immediately. After careful thinking, judgment and analysis, March responded with a reply that echoed her style: "I can feel your sincerity. , but will you give me a big house to live in for free?”

Soon, she received another email reply: "Dear Professor March, as mentioned in the last letter, we will provide you with the most superior research environment, first-class salary, and of course the best living conditions. . If you are willing to work as a professor, we can send you a formal job invitation letter immediately."

Regarding this issue, March did not disappoint the other party. Soon an email was automatically generated again and sent.

"This is great. I am very satisfied with the conditions you have given. But I need to complete the ongoing tasks first and obtain the consent of my family. This will take some time. Are you willing to reserve this wonderful job opportunity for me? ?”

There is no doubt that the attitude expressed in these replies is enough to make many people think that although March is a bit venomous, she is much cuter than Ningwei!

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