Tech Hammer

Chapter 212 Vacation that ends early

In the small private room in the school cafeteria, Senior Brother Lu was eating his meal slowly. Ning Wei had to pick up his cell phone to reply with a sentence or two from time to time. Student Jiang was no better. Although they stopped answering the phone, their WeChat messages were exploding with messages one after another...

This also made Ning Wei feel a lot of emotion in his heart. Finally, he replied to the former Dean Kong on WeChat and promised to go to the school to give lectures if he had the opportunity. He put down the phone decisively and sighed: "I always thought that poverty would be a problem. The most difficult obstacle to overcome in my life is that I never imagined that rich people would have the same problem."

The sincere sigh from the bottom of his heart successfully made Lu Dongyi's chopsticks tremble...

Senior Brother Lu raised his head, glanced at Ning Wei, and said calmly: "Oh, you can share half of your money with me. I won't bother you alone."

As soon as Lu Dongyi finished speaking, Ning Wei looked at him with surprise and said, "Really? Brother Lu, quickly bring me the account. I will transfer half of the money in the current account to you now, but you You have to post on Weibo to explain the situation and attach a screenshot of the cash in your account."

Lu Dongyi was a little confused. He didn't expect that his junior brother didn't play according to the routine and was speechless for a moment.

Of course he can't ask for Ning Wei's money. The most important thing is that no matter how much he thinks about it, he doesn't think it's worth it. Even if the money is transferred to his card and he actually posts on Weibo, Ning Wei wants to go back, but he can't say anything. A word of objection...

This was an honest man like him, so he felt a little bored, and he didn't want to talk to this junior brother anymore.

At this moment, Lu Dongyi even recalled the first time he met Ning Wei. It was when he went to Jiangcheng University to see Ning Wei. He recalled that Ning Wei ran downstairs to pick him up, took him to visit the laboratory, and then the two of them Discussing some issues related to NS equations in Ning Wei's workshop felt like a world away.

Really, he had a very good impression of Ning Wei that time. He was a down-to-earth math student who was naturally sensitive to mathematics and always had fantastic ideas. The most important thing was that he was a simple and lovely person who seemed to have nothing but learning. You know, I don’t even know how to write a paper to maximize profits. By the way, he seemed to be writing turbulence algorithms in the laboratory at that time.

After all, it has only been a year. How did the simple and unpretentious junior brother become like this? It's gotten worse...

As soon as this question came up in his mind, Lu Dongyi heard Ning Wei continue to talk to himself: "Which one of us is following which one? Senior Brother Lu, if it weren't for your teaching, I wouldn't have known there were so many twists and turns in academics. In a roundabout way, I don’t even understand that algorithms can apply for invention patents, let alone writing papers to gain reputation. Senior Brother Yu told me that if I hadn’t applied for patents so quickly, the laboratory would have given the funds to I would like to add that the majority of these profits go to the laboratory! Not to mention that you taught me a lot of things, such as telling people around me how awesome I am in a simple and unpretentious way."

"The most important thing is that Chen Shuang and I got to know each other because of you. As the saying goes, never forget the man who dug the well when drinking water, so who among us will follow whom? You're right, Brother Lu. Come on, let me I’ll toast you with tea instead of wine.”

Oh, it turns out that his junior brother’s turn into this has a lot to do with him, so it’s okay...

Lu Dongyi decided not to explore the fact that Ning Wei was no longer honest. He picked up the tea cup and touched the enthusiastic Ning Wei.

"Don't I transfer the account to you first?"

"Haha... I really can't bear this. I am afraid of being arrested for hundreds of millions. As for your troubles, they are not troubles at all. I will teach you a trick. Just cut off the Internet and stay in school every day. I'm worried. Okay, let's get down to business. You will definitely not treat me to dinner for no reason. Although you are rich and not stingy, you will definitely not think of treating me to dinner for no reason at this time." Lu Dongyi was very happy Said bluntly.

Jiang Chenshuang silently watched the verbal exchanges between the two big guys in the school. She was used to it. The only thing that probably made her think about it was that Professor Lu was also so funny in private.

"Look at what senior brother said..."

Ning Wei paused for a moment when he said this, and then turned around very bluntly: "It's so accurate! I really thought of you, senior brother, because something happened, but this is your business. Didn't you suggest Chen Lu come to Yan last time? Do you want to study at the North Affiliated High School? We discussed it and thought it was feasible! So I leave this matter to you, Senior Brother Lu."

"Why don't you ask Director Tian about this matter? Isn't what Director Tian said more useful than me? Even if you are embarrassed to ask Director Tian, ​​go and say hello to Principal Liu. With your current ability, you can borrow this kind of study." It's not a problem." Lu Dongyi said sincerely.

"But in that case, doesn't it mean that I owe others a favor? If Senior Brother comes forward, then what they are selling is Senior Brother's favor, and I will just recognize Senior Brother. That's great. And didn't you make this suggestion? Are you planning to be irresponsible? Already?" Ning Wei gave a different opinion.

Lu Dongyi felt that this was very reasonable and logical. The only question was why he was so mean-mouthed at that time...

After thinking about it, Lu Dongyi simply replied: "If you don't want to owe a favor, it's actually quite simple. Aren't you unable to spend money? I heard that the Affiliated High School has been trying to expand their electronic library in the past few months. The total budget for updating the electronic classroom is about more than 3 million. Why don't you just take over this matter? Now the whole world knows that you are very rich. If you do something like this, you don't have to have anyone pointing fingers."

After hearing this suggestion, Ning Wei slapped his thigh and said, "This is reliable!"

"For Chen Lu to come to school, I have to ask you to donate money. Then you said you wanted to build a laboratory last time..." Jiang Chenshuang was at a loss. She wanted to say something but was interrupted by Ning Wei.

"Don't make trouble. Senior Brother Lu is giving me some advice. It's just spending a small amount of money to build your reputation, you know? But I think, since you want to do it, just do the full set. Chen Shuang, you go ask Chen Lu's head teacher, where do they need it?" Don’t you need to build an electronic library and electronic classroom? It stands to reason that your school should need these more. We can’t favor one over the other, so we might as well donate to both sides. And the infrastructure there is poor, so we can donate more. Chen Shuang, Just contact them today and leave this matter to you. You also want to make some contribution to your former alma mater, right?"

Ning Wei made a decision quickly.

"Ahem, let's look at things differently. In fact, I think if you are really serious and really want to do something for Jiang's alma mater, it would be better to donate a special personal scholarship and set good conditions to help poor children in poor areas. After all, high school is not Compulsory education, and the cost is not cheap. According to the general scholarship and bursary management methods, you can set the number of people, the amount and the number of years of support each year. This does not cost much, but it is more meaningful."

Lu Dongyi suggested.

"It makes sense, okay, but we also need to donate to the electronic library and electronic classroom, and by the way, donate a bursary. If we help a hundred poor students a year, and the high school bursary is calculated as 5,000 yuan per year, then it will be 50 yuan a year." Ten thousand, that’s five million in ten years. Including the libraries and classrooms that each donated three million, the total is 11 million. Let’s call it 12 million. That’s it. Chen Shuang, I don’t have time to deal with this matter. I'll leave it all to you. I'll transfer the money to your card later."

Ning Wei patted his thigh and said.

This is killing three birds with one stone. Not only can he not owe any favors, but he can also solve the problem of Chenlu going to school. When his wealth is exposed, he can make appropriate donations, regardless of whether he will be questioned as a show. After all, he can divert the attention of the Internet a little. More importantly, Ning Wei has been thinking about how to cultivate Jiang Chenshuang's self-confidence and social skills. Letting her be responsible for handling these donations is definitely an excellent exercise.

"But I don't understand any of this." Jiang Chenshuang said in a panic.

Probably knowing Ning Wei's thoughts, Lu Dongyi heard this and said directly: "No one is born with knowledge. If you don't understand, just learn. And if you major in economics, these problems are actually easy to solve. For example For the construction of libraries and electronic classrooms, schools need to invite external bids. All you have to do is to check the requirements and audit special funds and special expenditures. These can be solved by experts. What you have to overcome is your soft temper. , if you have any questions, just ask them directly, don’t be afraid of offending others, I’d rather stand behind you.”

"Actually, to put it bluntly, it's a question of establishing a scientific management system and its execution. Take scholarships as an example. Don't take out this money all at once. You can first take out five years of scholarships, which is 2.5 million, and then Make rules. List the evaluation conditions for 100 people each year one by one, and then write ugly words into the rules. As a donor, you have the right to ask a special investigation company to verify the authenticity of the scholarships and the family conditions of the applicants. If you encounter violations, you can recover the scholarship, etc. Don't worry, the school will usually have a specialized agency to manage the money. What you have to do is to make sure that the money can actually be distributed to those in need. I believe you are willing to do this as a student, right?"

Ning Wei added: "Yeah, I'll leave this to you anyway. I'll try my hand at it this time and get good at it. If I'm not careful in the future and earn more, I might have to invest more." In this regard, I think so. If I spend a little money now and spread it out, it might help students who can inherit my academic ideas in the future, so the money is still well spent."

Lu Dongyi nodded and said: "Well, how about we just decide like this? You don't have to worry about Chen Shuang here in the capital. You can make preparations. It's best to fly back tomorrow and finalize the matter with the school during the National Day holiday. It will be almost settled in two or three days, and other matters can be handled remotely. When this matter is finished, it will be just after the National Day holiday and I can come back with Chenlu."

After hearing this, Ning Wei was stunned and said, "No, why are you so anxious? Why do you choose the National Day holiday? Chen Shuang and I also made an appointment to go out and have fun after this matter is resolved."

"What else is fun? It's already been like this. Now you still have the nerve to go out and show off your wealth? Do you like being watched so much?" Lu Dongyi glanced at Ning Wei.

"Well... how about I go back to her hometown with Chen Shuang." Ning Wei thought about it and decided.

"Don't make trouble. What are you going to do? When you go there, you will be taking over the guests and the taste will change. Leave this matter to classmate Jiang. It is very good and can train people. And I suggest that the donated scholarships should not be used by Ning Wei. The name is Jiang Chenshuang Bursary. Otherwise, just wait and see a bunch of people coming to your door, which will annoy you to death! It’s good that your National Day holiday ended early. Tomorrow we will go see Jiang off together, and then you will be old Just stay with me in the institute and start working. This is what Director Tian meant. You are not suitable for holidays. People have fun and have fun during holidays. How can I not do something interesting during my holidays? "

Lu Dongyi glanced at Ning Wei and said decisively.

"but I……"

Ning Wei still wanted to argue, but was interrupted again by Lu Dongyi: "This matter is settled. I will wait for you at the research institute tomorrow. You won't die after a few days of separation!"

Ning Wei said seriously: "That's not the problem. It's your first time. I'm worried that Chen Shuang has no experience. What if I get cheated?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I'll take care of the matter of hiring two lawyers for you. Don't you have a budget of 12 million? It's enough to pay for the lawyers. It's more useful for professionals to follow you. What? Are you planning to take the exam?" Master of Laws? Even if you want to take the exam, it's too late now." Lu Dongyi replied mercilessly.

He would rather remain silent. He always feels like he is being dug into a hole. The key is that he jumped into it willingly...

"Don't be depressed. In a sense, you are my boss now. As an employee, you take the initiative to ask for overtime. You, the boss, should be happier." After Lu Dongyi was full, he picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth gracefully. Then he finally concluded.

"Okay, that's it, but the lawyer must be a woman." Ning Wei made his final request to express his final stubbornness.


"Senior Brother Lu is really bad at learning!" Ning Wei looked up to the sky and sighed as he sent Jiang classmate back to his dormitory.

Jiang Chenshuang didn't say a word, still feeling a little uneasy, but when the two of them made a decision, she couldn't get a word in.

"But it's okay. You can go home and see it at public expense. You don't have to book the tickets yourself. Senior Brother Lu's service is really good. He even booked the tickets for you. I have nothing to say." Ning Wei Continue to chatter to yourself.

"Um, that's more than ten million..."

"Do you think I spent this money just to let Chenlu come to study? That's superficial! Let me tell you, Senior Brother Lu is thinking about me. It is a good thing to spend this money in this way. Giving back to the society is still a must. What you need to do is to know what common prosperity is? Get rich first and then get rich later. Investing in education is the best way, although it is slow to produce results. If it weren’t for the fact that this thing is reliable, I wouldn’t bother to deal with what Senior Brother Lu said. I will never agree to let you go back at this time! It’s a plane and a car, so you’re not tired!”

Ning Wei patted Jiang Chenshuang's shoulder and continued in a serious tone: "But if you still feel uneasy, why don't you marry me after you graduate?"


This marriage proposal was unexpected...

The girl was stunned for a long time, not knowing how to answer.

"If you don't speak, you probably have no opinion, so it's decided. By the way, let me tell you, Senior Brother Lu thinks that he can't cause trouble by trapping me in the research institute? He is too naive..."

Ning Wei finished speaking with a sneer, then raised his cell phone to show the emails in March's mailbox that he had just seen, and continued: "Our family can vomit him to death in March, and we must let Senior Brother Lu and Director Tian know , we are not professional in law, but when it comes to making trouble, we are professional, remember, if Senior Brother Lu asks you, don’t mention anything about March, I will use your nickname first.”

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