Tech Hammer

Chapter 218 If this makes sense

Of course Lu Dongyi would not play such a boring game with Ning Wei, but said angrily: "I don't care who March is, anyway, I just want to inform you that there is news that Professor March is likely to take the book that should be yours." Director Tian has received the news that several heavyweights in the industry have jointly recommended March to become one of the candidates for this year’s Wolf Prize.”

"Really?" Ning Wei asked in surprise.

"Director Tian's news is most likely true." Lu Dongyi nodded and carefully observed Ning Wei's expression.

"That's great! If I really win the Wolf Prize in January or March next year, I'll treat everyone to dinner." Ning Wei said excitedly.

"No, you really don't care about not winning the Wolf Prize?" Ning Wei's reaction made Lu Dongyi depressed. Although the two had talked about similar topics, Lu Dongyi really couldn't think of anything that he should have won. What's so exciting about having your honor snatched away by another person who you hold up for yourself.

"Senior Brother Lu, haven't you realized it? All these world-wide awards are given or not given to others, and the right to say is in the hands of others. This time the award was given to March, doesn't it just illustrate this point? These people have the power to Awards are given to people they recognize. Rather than to people who really deserve the award, is this kind of recognition interesting? Look through the previous winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, and then think about how credible this so-called award is? Let alone let three Winning a monthly award is actually more beneficial to our plans!”

"Think about it carefully. Whether it's holding a conference or starting a journal, our current status is actually a bit weak. Now that there is an additional person named March who has won the Wolf Prize, do you feel that you have become a lot taller immediately? ? So what we have to do now is to make March’s reputation even more famous. We want March to be the father of the mathematical theory of artificial intelligence, and we can’t just brag about it ourselves, but let those Western scholars help us brag!”

"We must maintain the popularity of March until the day when we win the award. March's reputation will be pushed to its peak. Then at the award ceremony, we will announce to the world that we will jointly hold the first World Artificial Intelligence Basic Number Theory and Intelligence with our Mathematics Research Center. Algorithm conference, the establishment of a journal through conference submissions is much ahead of our expectations. Furthermore, if we go to receive the award at the awards night in March, do you think it will cause a dimensionality-reducing blow to the credibility of the famous Wolf Prize?"

Ning Wei was so excited that he even danced a little. He really didn't expect that his foreign colleagues would cooperate to this extent and award the Wolf Prize to March. He even wished that time could come to the next year. January, the day the Wolf Prize is announced.

However, these words made Lu Dongyi even more confused, because he didn't quite understand why letting March go to receive the award would damage the credibility of the Wolf Prize, unless...

"No, Ning Wei, you are not going to accept the award in March, and then directly announce that March is actually your pseudonym? If you do this, I am really afraid that you will not come back." Lu Dongyi He said with an extremely headache.

Although he agreed with many of Ning Wei's ideas, this gameplay really exceeded the upper limit of his imagination. This is no longer a question of winning or not winning an award, it is more likely to be directly attacked by the entire academic community. And he suspected that even if there were ten thousand ways to prove that the March paper was actually his research, many people would try their best to suppress the news.

Even if they really couldn't suppress it, the big guys held their noses and admitted it. Then they would rather take the high probability than think about being in the mathematics world. As for the Fields Medal, there was no need to think about it. Even among the unruly scientists, I have never heard of anyone making such a joke with the entire world of academia.

"Haha, Senior Brother Lu, you have such a lack of imagination! Who said I was going to receive the award? I guarantee that I will go to receive the award in March. As for me, I won't go at all. Let me think about it, we still There are more than two months left, and it seems that we need to speed up the progress, so that March can have more energy and enthusiasm to win the award! I guarantee that when March shows up at the Wolf Prize Award Ceremony, no one will Can cover up her shine!”

"After winning the Wolf Prize, March no longer has to study mathematics. She still needs to show her value in more fields. You must know that March has a wide range of hobbies. For example, as you know, March However, she has also made great achievements in materials science. She once helped Academician Tan's team solve a materials science problem that has troubled them for a long time, so until March, she will still work on materials science, physics, etc. In short, You’ll know then.”

Lu Dongyi was stunned, if according to Ning Wei's statement, then there really is a Professor in March, and this Professor in March is extremely special. It seems that as long as he really appears in front of everyone, he can make all the big guys around the world They broke their teeth and swallowed them. However, with Lu Dongyi's rigorous thinking ability, he really couldn't figure out how Professor March could achieve this effect for the time being, unless he used his imagination.

"So March is actually not a human being? Right?" Lu Dongyi suddenly asked seriously.

Ning Wei blinked, okay, he did say a bit too much. This is the disadvantage of having too many smart people around you. If you accidentally say a few more words when you are excited, it will be easy for your partners to tell you the truth.

"So March is an artificial intelligence program? Let me think about it, so the real situation is that you have used the isomorphism method to build a more basic machine consciousness model. It has been able to independently conduct homework-style review, and can Use email to communicate with other people? That should be the case, because our current research does not require much supercomputing assistance, but you are in a hurry to buy a supercomputing center, so the purpose of buying this supercomputing center is To further test the capabilities of this program?"

After the analysis, Lu Dongyi continued to say calmly: "If this program really has machine consciousness, everything will make sense. If it can have the machine consciousness of glasses, it can be used in materials science, physics, etc. Help the laboratory build mathematical models. If this machine consciousness really wins the Wolf Prize, China may indeed become the center of the development of artificial intelligence. More than that, this is laying the foundation. So Ningwei, you have developed a system that can complete the review Smart program for homework? Right?"

"Ahem, you..."

As soon as Ning Wei opened his mouth, he was directly interrupted by Lu Dongyi: "I don't guess, but if it is, I will fully assist you. And help you hide it from everyone, because I also want to see with my own eyes what you want to see. One scene.”

Ning Wei asked suspiciously: "Including Director Tian? For an honest person like you, if Director Tian really presses you, can you really hide it?"

"If Director Tian really asks me, I will not lie on this issue, but I will remain silent. As long as I am determined not to speak, Director Tian cannot force me. My ability to withstand pressure is stronger than you think. Too many." Lu Dongyi replied.

"If that's the case..." Ning Wei nodded directly, acknowledging Lu Dongyi's words.

"No wonder! I understand. I think what you just thought is right. Before the Wolf Prize is officially awarded to March, or before March receives other honors, if there is really trouble, March must be given a true identity. If so, Yu Xingwei is indeed a good choice. If I were you, I would call him to prepare him. At least learn some relevant knowledge about your paper in the near future." Lu Dongyi suggested.

"Senior Brother Lu also feels that he can't hide it. Is Brother Yu suitable to temporarily replace Yue Yue's identity?" Ning Wei asked.

Lu Dongyi thought for a while and said: "Why is it not suitable? As you just said, I studied for a bachelor's and master's degree at Hua University of Science and Technology, and also got a doctorate in computer science from a key university. I'm not too bad at mathematics, and I still stay there every day. Even I don't know much about his mathematical level around you, so how can other people know it so well? Moreover, your research direction is very close to computers, so I think it's not a big problem for Yu Xingwei to deal with it temporarily. "

"The most important thing is that Yu Xingwei is probably the one who has the most reason to communicate with you anonymously and publish papers. You have left his name on many of your papers as the second author. He has followed you to participate in two world academic conferences as the second author of the paper. But they are not taken seriously. For someone with a deep mind, he does have this motivation. And when the time comes, let Yu Xingwei be interviewed, do an interview or something, there is no need to go too deep, the field of mathematics really needs to be serious, Unless there is an in-depth conversation face to face, how many people can understand those theories?"

Ning Wei nodded: "That's it, this can be one of the alternatives. I'll tell Brother Yu later to let him be mentally prepared."

"Well, to be on the safe side and give those big guys more reasons to push March to the Wolf Prize, I think Professor March can do some groundbreaking research in the near future and keep up the good work." Lu Dongyi continued suggested.

"This depends on our efforts. It's okay to let March review the manuscript, but it's not okay to let her do mathematical research." Ning Wei spread his hands.

"Oh, it mainly depends on how hard you work. I am still learning in this direction. But judging from the current situation, it is actually not difficult to publish a paper in March. In the entire academic world, innovative academic papers have always been written by newcomers. nightmare and the exclusive space of industry bosses, because not many people can understand truly innovative papers. If you are a big boss in the industry, many people will unconsciously want to hug you. For newcomers, if no one can be found to review the initial review , the manuscript may have been abandoned. March may not be said to have become a leader in the industry, but if someone really wants to promote her to that position..."

Lu Dongyi didn't say it clearly, but the meaning was already obvious.

"I understand, thank you, senior brother."

"Then you go about your business first, I won't disturb you anymore."

"Senior brother, don't you want to go see March?"

Lu Dongyi hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head: "No, I'd better wait until the agreed day arrives before I learn more about it. In this way, when someone asks me, I can confidently say that I have never seen the so-called Professor March. ."

After saying that, Brother Lu simply turned around and left Ning Wei's office, leaving Ning Wei to start thinking about his plan...

At the same time, in Luopu County under the jurisdiction of Kangcheng, Sanqin Province, Jiang Chenshuang was sitting in the conference room of Luopu No. 1 Middle School with two lawyers, discussing a series of matters regarding donations with several school leaders and the school's teaching backbone.

This is already the third meeting. The school obviously attaches great importance to this donation. These days, everyone from the principal to all vice principals, as well as the teaching team leaders of each grade in the high school and the head teachers of each class have been asked to attend the meeting. In order to play the emotional card, even Zeng Jiang Chenshuang's head teacher, who had retired, was invited back again to attend the meeting.

In fact, the various agendas on how to make this donation and how to specifically manage the donation have been discussed in the previous two meetings. This meeting was expanded and all class teachers were invited. To put it bluntly, it showed that the school would strictly follow the previous Various detailed rules have been set to implement the use of donations and the distribution of scholarships.

The principal was emphasizing the various requirements for Ningjiang scholarship evaluation at the meeting, asking the head teachers of each class to have an in-depth understanding of the students' family situations and distribute the money to students who really need it...

Yes, in the end, the scholarship was named Ningjiang Scholarship, because Jiang Chenshuang really couldn't accept Lu Dongyi's suggestion and named the scholarship Jiang Chenshuang Scholarship, so she simply took one word from each of their last names.

Just as Ning Wei expected, after this negotiation and meeting with the school's senior management, and with the help of two lawyers, drafting various donation terms, Jiang Chenshuang became more confident, and learned a lot of things seriously. Less stuff.

For example, regarding the advantages and disadvantages of different bidding methods, after full communication between the two parties, the two parties chose a competitive negotiation strategy for the construction of the electronic library and electronic classroom. Specifically, the school invites five suppliers to directly negotiate for the construction of electronic classrooms, and the donor chooses one of them to undertake the renovation project.

Of course, Jiang Chenshuang is unlikely to participate in the entire negotiation process, but the two lawyers will stay to participate in and supervise the entire bidding process. Finally, the negotiation data will be summarized and handed over to Jiang Chenshuang for the final decision.

Scholarships are awarded each year after the Ningjiang Scholarship candidates are determined and reported to the Ningjiang Scholarship Management Committee. The management committee will conduct random inspections to understand the students’ family situations. The sampling rate in the first year is 20%. If there are no problems in the first year, the next The annual random inspection rate will reach 5%. If there are no problems in the random inspection for five consecutive years, Ningjiang scholarship investment will continue for an additional five years.

However, if there is a problem with the random inspection, in addition to the increase in the sampling rate the following year, if there is a problem in two years out of five years, then the Ningjiang Scholarship will no longer continue to invest after five years. In other words, there will be no Ningjiang Scholarship in the next five years or even beyond.

For a county-level key middle school, a scholarship of 500,000 yuan a year is still very attractive to many students. If there are people who commit fraud, they will really get poked in the back.

Soon the principal finished his speech, and the head teachers of each class at the meeting also expressed their determination, and the microphone was handed to Jiang Chenshuang.

Student Jiang turned off the microphone, thinking about what Ning Wei told her, and said in a small but firm voice: "The specific scholarship evaluation and review requirements have been made very clear by Principal Yin, so I will just emphasize a few more words. All teachers should know that Luopu No. 1 Middle School is my alma mater, my home is here, and my roots are here, so a lot of unfair news can reach my ears without the need for special inspections."

"I won't say those big things, but if this scholarship cannot be sent to the students who really need it, no matter where the problem lies, I will use legal means to protect our legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the donation agreement. I hope everyone This teacher helped me to truly pass on this love to all students in need. Thank you!"

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