Tech Hammer

Chapter 234 A lot of pressure

In fact, Tian Yan really knew that Lu Dongyi was led astray by Ning Wei. This can be seen from Lu Dongyi's initiative to report that he changed the research topic. But what Tian Yanzhen didn't expect was that this was no longer as simple as being biased. Lu Dongyi seemed to have been brainwashed by Ning Wei.

You must know that Lu Dongyi has always been a typical reassuring researcher. His only shortcoming is probably that he can be a little dull in life. The biggest problem for Lu Dongyi now is that he doesn't think it is a waste of time for Ning Wei to make these remarks every day, but feels that they are right.

Isn't this brainwashing?

Popular science is indeed popular science. Who among all serious scientists would take Elon Musk’s words seriously? Whether it is making an application-level simulated artificial intelligence robot or so-called immigrating to Mars within thirty years, anyone with a discerning eye will know that this is just to promote his business logic. The difficulty is huge, after all, the things this guy says are basically impossible things that can be understood by just thinking about it.

In other words, business has the logic of the business circle, and scientific research has the logic of the scientific research circle. The two logics have never been compatible. What Ning Wei did was to mix the logic of the business circle with the logic of the scientific research circle to carry out a so-called popular science popularization. What is even more frightening is that the method used is extremely crude and direct. The most hard-core theory of popular science, God knows where Ningwei found so much public information, and then used his profound mathematical skills to integrate it.

If you sort out all the content posted by Ning Wei on Weibo and read it from beginning to end, you will find that this can already be a scientific research summary report on the Earth's landing on Mars that is so rigorous and complete that many aerospace experts are speechless. . According to the data, the rocket thrust was calculated based on the capacity of the spacecraft, and the optimal launch plan and delivery route at a certain time point were even found.

It is enough to use this data to build a round-trip transportation model from Earth to Mars. Although these calculations are designed for the most ideal conditions and environments, it is already very powerful for a young person to be able to do this.

Not to mention that these calculations also detailed the material issues for a round-trip spacecraft. This made Tian Yanzhen doubt that Ningwei had really thought about building a spacecraft to go to Mars.

Of course, these are young people's hobbies. Tian Yanzhen didn't bother to pay attention to them. Ning Wei also told him that he planned to use his Weibo to popularize science, and Tian Yanzhen agreed. After all, it is a good thing for young scientists to popularize science to the public, but Ning Wei is always so good at surprising him. He never thought that Ning Wei's science popularization could be so hard-core, cause such a big disturbance, and even affected the public at one time. The sales of a brand of electric vehicles forced Tesla to issue an official announcement once again clarifying that electric vehicles are electric vehicles and that Tesla has nothing to do with the boss’s plan to immigrate to Mars...

It’s a lot of pressure! Really, ever since Tian Yanzhen accepted Ning Wei as a student, countless calls would come to him every once in a while asking what his student wanted to do recently. Doing this is the intention of Ningwei or the Research Center. Only those who have experienced that kind of feeling will know it. Although it makes him blush most of the time, it also brings a lot of pressure.

For example, colleagues all over the world are asking him in various ways whether Master has offended them. How should he answer? He's not familiar with Master?

That's all. Even Lu Dongyi felt that Ning Wei was just following normal science. Tian Yan would not believe it to death if there was nothing fishy involved. For such a large project, God knows how long it took to collect the data, integrate it, and then send it out frantically in two weeks, just to expose the ambition made by an American entrepreneur in a speech... This is too much. Right?

Not to mention that Ning Wei still has a criminal record. In less than three months, this is the second time he has attacked other people's high-tech projects. In late September and early October, he was in the Yuan Universe, and now in December, he is angry at other people's Mars. Regarding the immigration plan, Tian Yanzhen didn't believe it if Ning Wei didn't do it on purpose.

"Ning Wei, has Elon Musk offended you? You were not afraid of offending people in interviews before. It seems that you are really not afraid!" Tian Yanzhen asked.

"I have nothing to do with him, how could he offend me? I really just want to popularize science and fulfill part of my ideal. Now it seems that the effect is quite good." Ning Wei explained .

"Okay, so what is your ideal?" Tian Yanzhen asked.

"Contribute to the advancement of science and technology in the world and the understanding of science by people around the world." Ning Wei replied smoothly.

Lu Dongyi took the materials, lowered his head and started thinking with a serious face, as if he didn't hear the conversation between the two.

"Okay, let me change the question, how is your research on the top youth project?" Tian Yanzhen decisively changed the topic to a topic that could not be high-profile.

"With the breakthrough progress, I was able to start writing the final report basically a year ago. By the way, speaking of this matter, there is really one thing that is more difficult to handle. Director Tian, ​​you can see that my project has almost finished. It's completed, but not a penny of the funds has been spent yet, what should I do?" Ning Wei suddenly thought of a more troublesome question.

Tian Yanzhen was speechless for a moment.

I wanted to use the topic of the project to imply that I would rather cherish my time, but I didn't expect to get such an answer. Especially when it comes to the topic of unfinished scientific research funds, Tian Yanzhen pondered for a moment and said: "It will indeed be troublesome for others if they can't use all the funds. This is an unreasonable application for funds, especially for this kind of longitudinal research project, if the money is not used up, it will be taken back directly. , and it will also affect the approval of your next project funding application, but you don’t care, you are not short of money anyway.”

"But I suggest you still use some. For example, the travel expenses for you and Lu Dongyi to attend the last meeting have been reimbursed. The supercomputing center can also issue some invoices to reimburse part of it. I am not thinking about you, but if Your scientific research funds have not been used at all, and word has spread, what will you do to the children and professors who applied for the mathematics program?"

"You can buy a supercomputing center yourself, but it costs money to apply for the use of supercomputing. Other expenses such as purchasing some software and literature are also expensive. There are also many professors who need to use scientific research funds for their Ph.D. Paying salaries to students and graduate students, organizing some academic conferences, and going out to communicate with other colleagues all cost money. But outsiders don’t know, so you shouldn’t be independent in this kind of thing.”

Ning Wei nodded, and then replied: "Oh, that's okay, then I'll try to spend more than half of it before finishing the question."

Tian Yanzhen replied: "Yes, you have to spend a little. It's okay to save a little. Anyway, you can't spend it all. It doesn't have universal significance, and no one will say anything. Wait, the Chinese New Year is next month. , which means you can solve the problem during this time?"

"Yes! So you don't have to worry. Really, although I have been doing science popularization, my project research has never been completed. The final report will definitely satisfy you!" Ning Wei replied seriously and confidently .

There is always a kind of student in this world that teachers cannot find anything to criticize about. There is no doubt that Ningwei belongs to this kind of student. When encountering this type of doctoral student, a qualified supervisor would most likely be reluctant to criticize him harshly, so Tian Yanzhen found that he had nothing to say.

If he continues to push him further, Tian Yanzhen thinks that Ning Wei will most likely start thinking about his doctoral thesis. With Ning Wei's current research speed, if he really wants to graduate, Tian Yanzhen doubts that it will take long to hand it over. A doctoral thesis of sufficient quality was coming, but he really didn’t want Ning Wei to graduate too soon. After all, we hadn’t established a deep enough relationship yet.

"Okay, since you don't think it's wasting your time and energy, then I don't care. But popularizing science is popularizing science. Don't stay up late all the time and wear out your body. Lu Dongyi, go back and talk to classmate Jiang. , let Ningwei rest early every day, I’ll leave first.”

After saying that, Tian Yanzhen simply stood up and left. Lu Dongyi was also able to put a stack of information on Ning Wei's desk.

"It's not easy for Director Tian. You are so high-profile and as a mentor, you are under a lot of pressure. I heard that Director Tian spent more than two hours on the phone just to help you refuse various interviews in the past few days. "Lu Dongyi sighed.

"I really don't want to accept any interviews during this period. It's pointless to say anything now." Ning Wei said casually.

"You misunderstood. Director Tian is simply afraid that if you talk nonsense during the interview, it will put more pressure on the research center. But objectively, it has indeed created a relatively quiet research environment for you. Now the security at the door is very careful. There is no official pass, and everyone who looks like a reporter is blocked outside." Lu Dongyi said angrily.

Ning Wei didn't feel embarrassed at all, and just asked, "Don't Senior Brother Lu think that these are all worthwhile? You can also see how effective this large-scale Turing public test is, right? Besides, find one that allows all people to participate Is it easy for me to talk about the topic? Besides, for the sake of scientific progress, what is this little pressure? Has there ever been such a large-scale Turing test in human history?"

"And you can almost see the results of the test now. My Weibo backend data shows that the number of direct participants has exceeded 100 million, and the number of indirect participants must be even more. But until now, no one has confirmed whether these Weibo posts are made by humans or machines. This question raises questions. As for Elon Master, as an entrepreneur who is obsessed with how to promote human scientific progress, he can understand that we use this topic as an entry point, and he will definitely feel happy when the answer is revealed. of."

Lu Dongyi was silent, looked at Ning Wei and said, "What if Musk doesn't feel happy after the mystery is revealed, and even wants to slap you?"

Ning Wei thought for a while and replied: "That can only explain one thing. The persona of promoting the world's scientific and technological progress is just created by Master himself. It is not essentially different from the persona of the academic master in the entertainment industry, so in fact he is not He is not as great as he appears. All his remarks are still just for capital. At best, he can only be regarded as a deceiver with ideals. In this case, our topic selection will be more at ease. Exposing a false persona That’s all, do you need to feel guilty?”

Lu Dongyi nodded, tasted it carefully, and then commented: "Not bad, not bad, you really have a bit of gangster logic when you say that."

Ning Wei shook his head and retorted: "No, this is just a matter of who is stronger and who has the right. How can it be called bandit logic?"

While they were arguing, Ning Wei's phone suddenly vibrated. He picked it up and looked at it. It was prompted that a new email had arrived in March's mailbox.

Since the start of this large-scale Turing test, Ning Wei has temporarily taken over March's mailbox. Of course, most of this takeover is just for checking. Less important emails are still answered by March himself. He really doesn't have that. Focus on discussing in-depth topics about the underlying logic of artificial intelligence with a group of peers.

However, Ning Wei was a little surprised by today's email, because it was sent by the Wolf Foundation in Israel.

The Wolf Foundation is the main fund of the Wolf Prize. To put it simply, the bonuses awarded to Wolf Prize winners are provided by the Wolf Foundation. Although the Wolf Prize bonus is not that large, only ten Ten thousand US dollars is at least not comparable to the Nobel Prize, but for a top international award, the amount of money has never been an issue.

The meaning of this email is also very simple. To my surprise, March has been included in the list of candidates for this year's Wolf Mathematics Prize. However, since it has been confirmed that March is just a pseudonym, and he was unable to obtain his personal identity information after contacting his employer, he sent an email to ask March if he did not want to do so. If you give up the selection, you need to provide your true identity information and contact number.

A very reasonable request. After all, the jury cannot really award the winner to a professor of unknown origin, even though March has shown extremely high academic standards and has been praised by many people. Fortunately, Ningwei was prepared, otherwise he would really have missed it. Of course, regardless of whether we can win the prize in the end, we still have to fight for this opportunity.

So after brainstorming with Lu Dongyi for about an hour, Yu Xingwei rushed to Ning Wei's office.

"Brother Yu, I'm finally here. Let's take a look at your email."

Ning Wei retrieved the email from the Wolf Foundation and showed it to Yu Xingwei.

"Mr. Xiao Ning, is this joke really too big?"

Although he had promised well before, when the matter came, Yu Xingwei still felt trembling. This was a world-class award. How could he be so virtuous and capable? Making such a joke with a group of the world's top mathematicians was exciting. That's a bit much.

"Are you really scared?" Ning Wei tilted his head and glanced at Yu Xingwei.

Yu Xingwei thought for a while, and finally took out his ID card and doctorate certificate from his pocket.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Lu and I will help you explain in the future. You are doing this for the largest Turing test in the history of science. All those who work for science deserve forgiveness!"

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