Tech Hammer

Chapter 237 Ning Wei, you are really good!

Director Tian was very punctual and even arrived ten minutes early. Ning Wei specifically checked the time. When Director Tian walked into the conference room and took off his down jacket in a dusty manner, it happened to be 7:53.

Director Tian sat on the stool in the conference room, looked at his two beloved disciples and asked: "Okay, you can report now. Why are you in such a hurry? I might be unhappy if you report a day later?"

Ning Wei glanced at Lu Dongyi and found that his senior brother was hanging his head and said nothing. He could only sigh deeply in his heart, and then replied: "Director Tian, ​​the chairman of the Wolf Foundation has called our people. Tomorrow, China time At five o'clock in the morning, the official website of the Wolf Foundation will announce the winner of this year's Wolf Mathematics Prize, Professor March."

Tian Yanzhen nodded and grasped the key point very skillfully: "This kind of international award usually only notifies the winner a few hours in advance, which means that today you finally plan to tell me who the March Professor is. ?”

Ning Wei nodded and replied, "Well, it was Yu Xingwei who informed me."

"Yu Xingwei?" Tian Yanzhen glared at Ning Wei, instead of being angry he smiled and said: "Ha, Ning Wei, how dare you! Professor Yu Yue used the identity of Yu Xingwei? It's okay if he doesn't go out in the country, You are really going to win the award, are you sure that your secret will not be exposed if you ask him to make remarks? Come on, tell me, what kind of trouble are you trying to make? Can't you publish a paper using your own identity?"

"Well, you are right. Professor March's real identity is indeed not Yu Xingwei, but it is not me either. In other words, although the paper published by Professor March was indeed written by me, I communicate with journal editors on a daily basis. Professor March, who communicated with foreign colleagues and won the title of two best reviewers of the year, is really not me." Ning Wei admitted very bachelorly.

After hearing this, Tian Yanzhen calmed down. Really, those two sentences just now had shattered his worldview. He knew that Ning Wei could make a lot of noise, but he really didn't expect that Ning Wei would dare to joke about a world-class award.

If this matter is taken seriously, it is okay to be labeled as academically dishonest. It would be a lie to say that he is not angry, but it is obviously not the time to lose his temper yet. The reason is very simple. Lu Dongyi is accompanying Ning Wei today. Ning Wei may not know the importance, but Tian Yanzhen believes that Lu Dongyi still has some points. He is waiting for Ning Wei to give him an explanation for doing this.

"Okay, so who is this Professor in March? Don't tell me that he is actually your senior brother Lu." Tian Yanzhen glanced at Lu Dongyi, who had been silent.

"Ahem, of course it's not Senior Brother Lu. You know, Senior Brother Lu is an honest person and will definitely not talk nonsense. In fact, the name Professor March was used to do a Turing test." Tian Yan confirmed After Zhen had roughly accepted all the previous arguments, Ning Wei revealed the answer to the mystery.

"Turing test? Do you mean that March is just an artificial intelligence program?" Tian Yanzhen looked at Ning Wei blankly. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had experienced such a shocking emotion, but today Ning Wei was so light. But his words really shocked him.

"Yes!" Ning Wei took a long breath and nodded relaxedly. The secret in his heart was finally revealed. He felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his body, and he felt extremely relaxed.

It is impossible to make a Turing test on such a large scale without any psychological pressure.

But Ning Wei is actually not too afraid. After all, Lu Dongyi boasted that Director Tian was awesome when they first met him, and Ning Wei's understanding of awesomeness is that he can handle anything. It seems that this is indeed the case now, because after he confessed, Director Tian's expression didn't seem to change at all, he was very calm and calm.

This also made Ning Wei breathe a sigh of relief. The boss is indeed the boss. This kind of calmness that remains unchanged despite the collapse of the mountain is worth learning from him.

Of course, what Ning Wei didn't know was that Tian Yanzhen had actually begun to curse in his heart at this time. Of course, he was just cursing in his heart. With his status, he would never say what was in his heart at this time.

Tian Yanzhen stared at Ning Wei quietly without speaking, until he realized that his death gaze seemed to have no effect. On the contrary, Ning Wei still had a relaxed expression on his face, and then he said: "Okay, okay, okay, that's great. Go on, tell me what else I don’t know.”

"Well, the daily email exchange between reviewers, journal editors and colleagues is a small-scale internal test. After the test found that the effect was excellent, I recently conducted a larger-scale public test, which was to popularize science on the difficulties of Mars immigration on Weibo. That time, you probably remember this, right? In fact, I edited the first Weibo post, and the subsequent Weibo posts were all made on my own in March. They included all information compilation and science popularization, explanatory copywriting, and those words that were ridiculed by the crowd. .”

Ning Wei thought for a while and continued to confess.

"Awesome, really amazing. Xiao Lu, you still want to tell me these things that you didn't know from the beginning to the end?" Tian Yanzhen no longer wanted to pay attention to Ning Wei, and turned to look at Lu Dongyi, who had been silent. asked.

"I really didn't know about it before we talked last time. I knew it after that day." Lu Dongyi replied very bachelorly: "But until now, I have never seen what Professor Ning Wei said in March. of."

Ning Wei immediately added: "Indeed, Director Tian, ​​please don't blame Senior Brother Lu. In fact, we don't want to hide it from you, but we can't help it. You have too many friends, and I'm afraid you might let it slip." , our Turing test is impossible to do!"

"Huh... ok, what about after confessing to me today? Does it mean that I can meet this professor in March who can review manuscripts and communicate normally with his colleagues?" Tian Yanzhen suppressed his inner feelings. Explosive emotions, said.

Yes, the amount of information in today's report was so huge that I thought it was a big joke on the whole world. He couldn't bear to think about the attitude of all mankind when the Wolf Prize was announced on the official website tomorrow and it was revealed that the person who won the Wolf Prize was actually an artificial intelligence program, but he knew that this matter would definitely be very serious. Big, a two-way earthquake in the mathematics and computer industries, the earthquake must be extremely strong, and it can sweep across the world in an instant along the network cable.

Originally this was a great good thing, but after a certain young man who was not afraid of anything, Tian Yanzhen didn't even know which direction the influence of this incident would lead to the whole situation!

A top international mathematics award was given to an artificial intelligence program. Tian Yanzhen firmly believes that this will definitely become a significant event in the history of human science and will definitely be written into the history books. And those top mathematics tycoons and scientists in the world who receive top mathematics awards We, editors of well-known mathematics journals, and netizens participating in Ningwei’s Weibo discussion will all become the background of this important event...

It was just for ordinary people, but Tian Yanzhen didn't even bother to think about what those big guys in academia would think.

"Of course, I called you to the conference room today because I want you to meet March. Please wait a moment." After saying that, Ning Wei sat in front of his laptop that was connected to the conference room projector, and turned on the control three The March program was also submitted to control the input and output equipment in the March conference room, including five cameras, microphones, and speakers.

Soon, a naive kitten appeared on the white curtain. It seemed that there were too many people today. The kitten also looked at Ning Wei suspiciously. Tian Yanzhen found out very sensitively that the conference room was hanging in the middle and could be adjusted. The camera slowly swings about 60 degrees.

"Meow..." A lazy cat meowed in the conference room.

"Ahem, March, this is Instructor Tian Yanzhen, my teacher, and this is Lu Dongyi, my senior brother, remember their appearance."

As soon as Ning Wei finished speaking, a bunch of pictures flashed across the screen. Ning Wei clicked randomly in the middle of the screen with the mouse, and a picture was instantly frozen. It showed Tian Yanzhen attending an important meeting and talking to a Frenchman after the meeting. A group photo of Fields Medal winners.

Tian Yanzhen's eyebrows twitched. If he hadn't seen this photo, he would have almost forgotten about this meeting. After all, this is an old photo from more than ten years ago. God knows where in the corner of the Internet March came. from.

"Okay, March, my tutor is very curious about your hard work in reviewing the paper. Please show him the review process and the final comment process." Ning Wei gave the instruction to the computer.

After half a year of evolution, March's semantic recognition has obviously evolved very quickly. March's eyes on the screen narrowed, and then she pulled out a mathematics paper with her little paws, and then she saw various pop-ups on the paper. After marking, the paper was opened to the citation interface about ten minutes later, and comments popped up one by one.

"After reading this paper, I always felt that something was missing. When I thought about it carefully, I found that what was missing was probably IQ. I could tolerate the irrelevant lemma proofs. I couldn't stand the grammatical errors throughout the article. I recommend this paper. The author of the paper ate more walnuts to replenish his brain and then started thinking about mathematical research."

"Ahem, okay, in March, my teacher, Director Tian, ​​still wants to know how you played with my Weibo. How about you come up with a copy and send it out?"

The web version of Weibo opened quickly on the screen, and then the text began to pop up quickly: "What's wrong? Why have fewer people scolded me in the comment area recently? Do you understand the equations I listed? Isn't it possible? Is it possible that recently? Are there more and more people with up to standard IQs? So today I’m going to share with you a reliability issue that plagues air travel. I’ll also describe it mathematically, as shown in the picture:”

Then the standard nine-square grid was passed up...

"Come on, March, let's have a chat..."

"Meow..." Then a dialog box pops up.

"Well, I haven't added a voice system to Yue Yue because I think kittens should look like kittens. If kittens speak human words, it will be very inconsistent." Ning Wei was a little embarrassed and met Yi Yi. Tian Yanzhen, who did not change his expression, explained to Lu Dongyi, who had already come to his side.

It took about half an hour like this. After showing Professor Yu Yue's various abilities, Ning Wei silently exited the program in Yue Yue, disconnected the projector, and then calmly looked at Tian Yanzhen, who had never said a word. .

Lu Dongyi looked thoughtful, and looked at Ning Wei a little differently. Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, he was still shocked when he saw the level of intelligence displayed by Yue Yue. .

A program that can pass the large-scale Turing public test is indeed extraordinary, but its image is that of a cat, a cat with a very venomous tongue...

Lu Dongyi didn't understand the birth process of March. He simply felt that Ning Wei designed the artificial intelligence program to look like a little milk cat, which was somewhat impolite.

After a long time, Tian Yanzhen asked: "Ning Wei, so you independently designed and programmed March, right? If I guessed correctly, you have also submitted applications for all patents to implement March, right?" Bar?"

Ning Wei nodded and replied: "Director Tian is wise!"

Tian Yanzhen waved his hand and said: "No, I'm not wise! You are really amazing! So the new material experiment conducted by Academician Tan, and the paper must be signed in March, is it really a mathematical modeling?"

Ning Wei thought for a while and replied: "I can't say it's all done by it. March still has great limitations in terms of creativity. I need to set a framework for it first, and then it will be within the framework." By doing calculations and experiments, you can certainly save a lot of manual steps.”

"Okay, I understand! So how do you plan to end it now? Let me hear your plan first." After Tian Yanzhen took three deep breaths, he looked at Ning Wei and asked.

"My previous thought was that if I really won an award in March, I would connect remotely at the awards ceremony and then show my face to the whole world, but I found that this problem was too simple. Those people didn't know that three Yue’s true identity didn’t consider awarding it to him at all, so he had to let Brother Yu take the top spot. But as you said, it doesn’t matter if Brother Yu takes the top prize for a short period of time, but if it goes on for a long time, it will be troublesome if the secret is revealed. Unfortunately, the awards ceremony will be nearly two months away, so I am also thinking about how to announce the existence of March in a way that everyone can accept. Currently, I have two ideas..."

"never mind!"

Tian Yanzhen raised a hand to stop Ning Wei from continuing: "You'd better stop talking about your thoughts. Let me talk about it. Let's have a press conference. I want to emphasize three points about this press conference. The first 1. At the press conference, I don’t care how you do it specifically, but you must issue a test plan that has been drawn up long ago to prove that the March incident was just for doing a complete set of Turing tests and had no other meaning. There must be sufficient reasons in the book to explain the necessity of this test;”

"Second, keep a low profile at the press conference. Just show off March's abilities. Don't elaborate too much. Don't think about picking things up. This matter is already huge and you don't need to add any more to it. Everyone. You will have your own judgment;”

"Third, at the end of the press conference, think of a thank-you speech for me. The attitude must be sincere. You must express your sincere gratitude from the bottom of your heart to all the scientific researchers who participated in this Turing test regardless of their status. Thank you. Their contribution to science is no problem, right?"

Ning Wei immediately nodded and said: "That's absolutely no problem, Director Tian, ​​I can say good things!"

As expected, the instructor is not afraid of trouble. He plans to digest the whole thing directly.

"Director Tian, ​​when will the press conference be held?" Lu Dongyi asked

Tian Yanzhen thought for a while with his eyes closed, and after being silent for a full minute, he opened his eyes and said, "Tentatively, it will be the day after tomorrow, if there is time. There are many things that need to be prepared, and I need to talk to some professors in advance. , but you don’t have to worry about any of this. You just need to prepare your speech according to my requirements. I will inform you after the time and place are determined."

"Okay!" Ning Wei nodded immediately.

Tian Yanzhen looked at Ning Wei, shook his head, and then gave his pen a thumbs up: "Ning Wei, my greatest achievement in this life is probably to have a student like you. You are really good at it. ah!"

After saying that, Tian Yanzhen stood up, picked up his coat and put it on, then turned around and decisively walked out of the conference room, leaving Ning Wei and Lu Dongyi silently looking at each other in the conference room.

After a long time, Ning Wei was the first to break the silence: "Ahem, Senior Brother Lu, based on your understanding of Director Tian, ​​the last sentence he said just now should not be ironic, right? So Director Tian was expressing his excitement of being proud of me. ,right?"

Lu Dongyi glanced at Ning Wei with a complicated look and replied: "Based on my understanding of Director Tian, ​​he is probably in a very complicated state of emotional disintegration. It doesn't matter whether you understand the sentence just now or not. Okay. If I have to give an analogy, it is that my mood is not stable. For example, one minute I really want to praise you, but the next minute if someone hands him a gun, he may just praise you. Shoot you, the vital kind."

I worked hard to write a chapter tonight, so I’ll update it first. I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance.

In addition, I may go out with my wife and children for the Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow, so the update time may be later.

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