Tech Hammer

Chapter 241 Even the news headlines are hard to come by this time

If the attitudes of the management of traditional high-tech companies such as Apple, Google, Intel, IBM, and Nvidia were merely serious, then the Tesla China executives who were also invited looked confused. .

In fact, when Ning Wei appeared on the rostrum, he was already a little unhappy. Although Ning Wei didn’t even mention Tesla in a single sentence on his Weibo, who would be happy to see it after all? Not to mention that as an executive, you already have equity incentives. For the senior vice president who can come today, there is not much difference between Tesla's stock price falling and taking money from his pocket.

But what did Ningwei say just now? Are the 260 million netizens who participated in the discussion about Mars immigration just testing your project? So my boss is lying on his back? Does Tesla deserve to have its stock price drop due to this wave of tests, and then not even get a "thank you"? I feel very depressed, but I have to keep smiling and be polite. The reason is very simple. If everyone's prediction is accurate, it is enough to show that the artificial intelligence technology researched by the young man on the stage has reached the level of unparalleled.

As for Tesla, whose self-driving technology is highly dependent on the development of artificial intelligence technology, it is unclear whether the headquarters will still hope that the two parties can cooperate. Therefore, after being confused, there are not many choices available at this time. Probably the best thing is to maintain a ceremonial smile.

Of course, the sudden noise at the scene was not just due to internal discussions. In fact, many people took out their mobile phones at this moment and dialed out quickly.

The time of this press conference was specially chosen, it happened to be 21:00 Eastern Time and 20:00 Central Time, which is a time when many big guys can stay at home and enjoy it. Even if you are still in the office, you can still turn on your computer and watch the live video that March very thoughtfully sent. The purpose of this is probably to ensure that Ning Wei’s sincere thanks can reach the ears of these big guys.

So at this moment, the phones of many big guys were ringing. Ning Wei's thanks made many people unable to sit still. Many big guys started calling to ask their friends if they were watching this exhibition. Many big companies also R\u0026D personnel and even many people in the artificial intelligence laboratory gathered in the conference room and watched the projection of the exhibition. Before the exhibition officially started, just a series of thanks brought unprecedented attention to the exhibition in the industry.

Fortunately, all the noise in the auditorium had stopped by this time, the phone calls were almost finished, and everyone's attention was once again focused on the young man on the podium.

"It seems that everyone has guessed some of the truth. Yes, the first thing we will introduce to you in today's exhibition is the true identity of Professor March. Everyone's guess is correct. It is not Yu Xingwei, a member of our R\u0026D team. But because during the critical stage of testing, the Wolf Foundation sent an email stating that candidates were required to register their real identities before the reviewers formally voted. However, our March did not have real-world identities, so we could only Let the only partner in our team who is not so sensitive take the lead..."

The audience was in an uproar again. This time, countless reporters were the first to get excited. This time, they finally gave in! Artificial intelligence wins the Wolf Prize in Mathematics? This is really a test that subverts the history of human science! No wonder that after Yu Xingwei’s name was announced, few people in the Chinese academic community knew him. No wonder this year’s Wolf Prize in Mathematics caused so much controversy. Now everything has a reasonable explanation.

The flashbulbs began to shine crazily at this moment. Really, if you hadn’t been there, you wouldn’t have imagined how excited the invited reporters were. What is super big news? This is it! Artificial intelligence actually deceived the smartest people in the world and won the world's top awards. This should have been the content of science fiction novels, but it has become a real thing. Today's news headlines have been booked in advance!

Really, with just one sentence, many titles have been drafted, and a few-sentence short message has been edited and sent to major online media.

"Super heavy news: Professor March, this year's winner of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, is actually working on artificial intelligence! 》

"Xinhua News Agency (Reporter Guo Yongji) At the Yanbei International Mathematics Research Center Exhibition, mathematician Ning Wei announced that the well-known professor Ning Wei actually developed an artificial intelligence program led by his team, and the active evaluation system was a large-scale Turing test! Preliminary To get the first-hand news, you can log in to the official live broadcast address:

"Yanbei Exhibition Shocked the World!" Wolf Prize winner in mathematics turns out not to be human! 》

"The whole audience was in an uproar: The Turing test involving 260 million netizens revealed the shocking truth - March + Ning Wei's Weibo Mars Science Popularization = Artificial Intelligence! The largest Turing test in history deceived countless people! 》

"Industry Earthquake: The Yanbei Mathematics Research Center Exhibition revealed a shocking conspiracy. The winner of the China Wolf Mathematics Prize is actually artificial intelligence! 》

Really, when these messages appear overwhelmingly on the Internet, and even short videos pop up suddenly, ordinary netizens actually reject it emotionally! After all, when I usually surf the Internet, I have been shocked by various shocking headlines. It is really hard to believe the integrity of the current media.

But there are always people who have the patience to click on the text message or finish watching the short video. After all, text messages are very short, and most short videos only record Ning Wei's few words, which are also not long, and then a few question marks appear in his mind.

Really, it’s hard to describe how I felt at that moment. If I had to describe it, it’s probably because these self-media people have such a lack of imagination that they can’t even pick a title? Is the world going to be shocked? Super breaking news? Who are you fooling? !

Damn it, this is obviously cosmic explosion news, isn’t it? No, this description doesn't seem to be enough, but the language seems a bit simple and weak at this moment, making it difficult to find suitable adjectives to describe the shock in many people's hearts at this time.

The Wolf Prize is awesome. In the past two days, various media have worked tirelessly to popularize it. For the public, you can actually know the awesomeness of this award from the names of previous Chinese winners. Mr. Chen, Mr. Qiu, Mr. Yuan... these are all big names who have been in textbooks, not to mention that the scientific community also recognizes that the Wolf Prize is the benchmark for the Nobel Prize, and is even called the Little Nobel Prize.

So are the people on the Wolf Prize jury all idiots? Can't tell the difference between humans and intelligent programs?

However, this thought just appeared in my mind, I even left a comment, watched a video or clicked on a pushed news, and then suddenly found...

What does this mean? What does it mean?

What the hell kind of talk is this?

Ning Wei has been diligently updating hundreds of Weibo posts and thousands of popular science pictures on Weibo for half a month. Is this part of the Turing test? Are those popular science pictures and Weibo copywriting done automatically by artificial intelligence? Emotionally, are all their lively support or abuse in the comment area for the past half month just messing around with other people's artificial intelligence programs?

In other words, are you still deeply involved in history despite all the fuss? Completed the largest Turing test in history?

At this time, countless ordinary netizens finally couldn't sit still. The number of live broadcast addresses announced on the Internet began to increase. At the same time, official accounts on two small video software quickly started the live broadcast of the exhibition...

Really, in just a few minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast rooms of the major platform exhibitions began to rapidly increase by tens of thousands, and countless people began to flock to this exhibition that had not been widely publicized on the Internet before. Fortunately, this is in an era where 4G has become popular and 5G has entered people's lives. Otherwise, with such a large influx of people, many live broadcast room servers would directly go down.

After all, 260 million netizens have already participated in history once. If you don’t participate this time, it feels like a loss, right?

Ning Wei could probably imagine how the whole world would feel when he announced the truth, but the huge reaction of the two or three thousand people at the scene was still somewhat beyond his expectation. He had only spoken a few words, but was interrupted two or three times by the noise. This was an experience he had never experienced before in those world-class conferences.

This also made him realize that he couldn't continue to play so casually, and it might not end well if he continued to interest people.

Yes, although the audience was reluctantly quiet, he could feel the surging emotions of today's attendees. If they continued to talk nonsense and did not invite March out, he felt that the place would be shaken.

Therefore, he made a decisive decision not to recount the complete journey of designing March as originally planned, but to directly introduce March to everyone present.

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet, please be quiet. If you want me to invite this Wolf Prize for Mathematics in March now, then please be quiet!"

Sure enough, these words were very useful. The impetuous emotions in the auditorium were instantly suppressed. Even if someone said something excitedly, they would be severely stopped by the people around them. The curiosity has been aroused to the limit by a few simple words. Who is making the noise at this time? He is really an enemy of everyone.

"Thank you everyone for your cooperation. Then we invite our protagonist today to appear in March." Ning Wei said crisply.

When he finished speaking, he had already walked to the display table set up in the center of the rostrum, and casually clicked the enter key of the notebook. The program began to respond, and the large screen behind him also switched to the notebook interface simultaneously.

So the next moment, Ning Wei's figure on the big screen was replaced by a Chinese pastoral kitten. The kitten seemed to be very curious, twisting its little head back and forth. The attentive bosses in the front row almost immediately noticed that the little cat on the screen When the cat kept turning its head, several cameras equipped above the curtain also began to rotate synchronously.

"Wow..." There were unanimous sighs from the audience, probably because they didn't expect that the artificial intelligence in Ning Wei's mouth was the image of a pastoral milk cat.

"Meow..." However, the next moment, several speakers in the auditorium simultaneously emitted a meow with a hint of milky smell, instantly suppressing the sighs of emotion in the audience...

The first battle between humans and artificial intelligence on sound contact was won in March.

"Ahem, okay, please don't be surprised. The first thing I will demonstrate to you is the entire process of our Turing test. This internal test for March started with communication with academic editors of the world's top mathematics journals. More specifically, it is to use high-speed and high-quality review to test whether March can hide the truth and get the approval of these academic editors. So next March will demonstrate how it conducts review and communicates with academic editors After the presentation, we will also show the entire process from the first time we communicated with academic editors in March to now."

After saying that, Ning Wei looked at March and said: "March, you have also seen that today is a very important exchange. Now I hope you will show everyone the whole process of completing the review work on weekdays."

"Meow..." March no longer looked around, but focused on Ning Wei, then tilted his head, raised his little paw in the signature style, pulled out his email list and started to zoom in and drag .

"Huh..." There was another neat sigh. Most of the experts were present. You could see that the mailbox list displayed on the big screen was full of review invitations sent to March by the editors of major mathematics journals.

Really, the visual shock effect of this scene is directly impressive in the eyes of professionals. After all, no matter how awesome the boss is, it is impossible to receive dozens of review invitations at once, but in March, the mailbox was packed with them. , these editors really don’t treat human beings as human beings, they’re going to die to get a free and professional reviewer! ?

No, this thing is not human in the first place!

Soon in March, a paper "Optimal design of angular contact ball bearing based on particle swarm optimization with penalty function" that had been accepted but was pending review was selected.

The title is very long, but the actual content is the optimization design of penalty function algorithm for angular contact ball bearings. It only has five pages in total.

At this moment, the huge projection screen was directly cut into four parts. The bottom part shows March shaking his head. The left half of the upper part shows the process of marking, asking questions and giving revision opinions on the paper. The right half shows March during the review process. background computing process.

Of course, almost no one can understand the content in the right half on the spot. After all, no one can understand those fast-jumping codes, but the content in the left half can still be understood.

Everyone stared at the screen blankly until three minutes later, the review of a paper was completed, and the final review comments were given, suggesting modifications. As for comments, it’s okay not to say them.

After all, speaking venomously in front of a group of scholars is really not a good habit.

Then there was another dizzying quick operation, and the modification comments were sent back to the editor's mailbox. All operations were completed, and the four screens instantly merged into one. After finishing the work, the kitten lowered its head and began to lick its little paws.

"What you have just seen is the content of Turing's internal beta test in March, which was a highly efficient review. It was September 27 last year since it received the first review invitation, and 103 days have passed today. March The total number of manuscripts reviewed is 567, and the average number of manuscripts reviewed per day is 5.5. All reviewed manuscripts are from SCI magazines in the first and second regions, and have been approved by a total of six journals including "New Advances in Mathematics" and "Annals of Mathematics" Journal Magazine’s Reviewer of the Year title.”

"Of course everyone has seen that the efficiency of the review in March is actually more than that. But our purpose is the Turing test, so the review work in March is always controlled at a calculated marginal amount. If the performance is more efficient It may arouse some doubts. Of course, it is also because the work on March weekdays is not only reviewing manuscripts, but also many other calculation tasks that need to be completed."

Ning Wei gave a brief introduction, and then continued: "Because today's time is limited, we will next show the larger-scale public test after the expansion of the Turing test, and how to complete peer exchanges in March. Throughout the Turing test After the explanation of the test process is completed, we will introduce the functions of March and the composition of related algorithms. Please be patient and thank you all!"

Yes, Ning Wei had to control his emotions at the scene again. After all, after watching the review process and the review comments given in March, there was a big boss on the scene whose blood pressure was a little uncontrollable...

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