Tech Hammer

Chapter 243 This is the center of the future

For all scientific researchers, the excellence of March is visible. In particular, being able to independently complete the review of mathematics papers is enough to show that March itself can replace many industrial software. These softwares are the basis for the development of industrial systems in the direction of intelligent manufacturing. The performance currently displayed in March is enough to make many things that were once impossible possible.

All professionals know even more clearly that Ning Wei actually held back some words. The functions that can be realized in March are actually functions that many basic industrial software are proud of. In other words, if March really starts to become popular, maybe many basic industrial software can be retired directly, such as many powerful physics experiment simulation software...

“Of course, in order for March to really play its full role, it is necessary to establish a reliable and large information platform with sufficient data support, and to have enough directional experimental data to support it, so that March can play its full role in this field. It will play a huge role. Let’s take materials science as an example. Let’s take the most widely studied carbon nanomaterials as an example. If laboratories around the world are willing to contribute all the stored experimental data, I believe that March will be able to do so in the short term. Find the most complete industrial preparation solution within. Of course, the industrial preparation solution here refers to the most cost-effective preparation solution that allows macroscopic materials to maintain their microscopic properties and is based on the current industrial basis."

"In addition, March can also complete fine-tuning of metal formulas through independent calculations, as well as atomic bonding, molecular structure analysis, etc., and independently conduct mathematical modeling, including simulation of various biological processes, which can significantly reduce the number of such The budget required for the experiment.”

"In addition, according to our calculations, if March is used in a mature industrial system, for example, combined with high-precision industrial mother machines, it can use its algorithms to conduct predictive analysis of the life and usage of the cutter heads in the equipment. To ensure processing accuracy, it can even collect real-time data on the machine's internal vibration, temperature, current, etc. through sensors, and make accurate prediction models for machine care and maintenance, greatly saving the time and energy of manual self-testing."

"If it is placed in the semiconductor industry and lets March control the entire production and defect detection system, its integration capabilities will allow engineers to no longer face complex data and implement functions such as early warning of possible defects. For unmanned upgrades in the industrial system , greatly improving production efficiency. In short, although March does not have the ability to create for the time being, it can take advantage of machine simulation thinking and make the industrial capabilities we already have better and stronger."

"Okay, March's laboratory and industrial improvement capabilities are temporarily introduced here due to time constraints. Next, I want to focus on some of the most difficult capabilities to achieve in March. That is, the more difficult and complex machine thinking capabilities in life applications in."

Ning Wei said hastily.

He didn't dare to pause, because it bothered him that these big guys in the audience would interrupt the progress of the exhibition as if they had never seen the world before.

"We all know that for the current development of artificial intelligence, it is relatively simple to let them learn and complete complex tasks through big data, but what is really difficult is to give them some human instincts. For example, semantics Recognition, such as noise filtering ability. The human brain is extremely magical. A child of about five years old has the ability to quickly distinguish his parents among many people; he can recognize familiar voices in a noisy environment; he can recognize them through expressions Follow the tone of voice, understand the other person’s emotions, etc.”

"But it is actually very difficult for a machine to do this. The whole process requires a lot of calculations and comparisons. In this regard, I can be very proud to claim that March's ability in this regard has been achieved under the existing hardware conditions. Extreme, for example, its semantic recognition and communication capabilities have been proven in the Turing test. Its powerful noise filtering capabilities, whether it is visual noise filtering or audio noise filtering, have been at the top of the industry. This also means that it can Accurately identify the person you need to find in a noisy environment. Just like now..."

Having said this, Ning Wei looked at the notebook and said, "In March, please find Professor Tian Yanzhen in the crowd below, who I introduced to you before, my mentor."

"Meow..." Sanyue responded, looking left and right, and with the movement of the camera above its head, it finally froze, and then the image of Tian Yanzhen sitting in the audience was synchronized to the screen behind Ning Wei.

"Wow..." There was another burst of sighs in the auditorium.

In fact, it is not difficult for computer vision to distinguish a person now, but what is amazing is that there is no need to compare pictures, and there is no need to enter various parameters in front of the computer. You can just issue a command casually, and then you can make it in three months. Corresponding actions, and the whole process only takes about 1 or 2 seconds. Such efficiency is truly amazing.

"Identification and noise filtering are the most basic functions. Please forgive me for not adding a voice system to March and unable to show March's voice interaction with everyone. But for the current technology, adding a voice package to March allows it to It is very simple to speak. So of course some of the technologies in March can also be applied to the mobile phone voice assistants we use every day, giving ordinary people a more intelligent experience."

"In daily life scenarios, the biggest role that March can play is still its strong integration ability, which can effectively integrate many software intelligently. For example, the anti-fraud software that is being promoted, if the big data system is connected to March , it can more accurately prompt possible risks, and realize automatic background alarm and other functions after the user receives a fraudulent call."

"In addition, for example, the dynamic game anti-addiction function on mobile phones has a higher security level and a more convenient payment verification function. It can be used in vehicle-mounted assisted driving systems to make future machine-assisted driving smarter and even more convenient. A series of high-end equipment is needed to achieve true L5 autonomous driving functions and so on."

"At the same time, March's powerful detection and optimization capabilities for software can also make it impossible for any future malicious software to escape, effectively eliminate all kinds of malicious pop-ups, restrict various types of software that exceeds the limit of access to permissions, etc."

"In order to achieve this, my partners and I will be committed to building three platforms for March in the near future. The first is the laboratory and industrial standard access platform, which will be integrated through March Laboratory and industrial data provide basic support for scientific research and industrial foundation progress, and provide services for building scientific laboratory intelligent management upgrades and industrial foundation upgrades around the world."

“Second, it is the commercial basic big data access standard platform. The purpose of this platform is to provide integration services for commercial big data around the world. With the help of March’s strong integration capabilities, it can provide the most accurate big data interpretation and analysis for all enterprises around the world. Analysis services, establishing various mathematical models, predicting various systemic risks and formulating company development strategies, etc.”

"Third, it is the National Data Service Platform. This is a social service intelligent platform that is committed to allowing real artificial intelligence to truly improve people's quality of life. For example, it cooperates with officials and software developers to provide software development services. Providers provide intelligent interfaces to help software developers optimize various software for free, provide optimization suggestions and strategies for various software upgrades, combine platform big data, and provide services to all people, etc.”

"I personally hope to serve all enterprises around the world, but there are requirements for accessing our platform. For example, to access laboratories and industrial standard platforms, you first need to accept the standards set by the platform, and at the same time, you need to provide services free of charge. The platform provides laboratory or industrial data required by various platforms it owns. We will announce the specific management plan and rules of the platform to the whole society after the future platform construction project is officially launched. At the same time, we also take this opportunity to welcome the support for this project. Anyone who is interested can join us.”

"Okay, okay, everyone, please be quiet, especially the gentlemen in the front row, please be quiet, please maintain your grace, thank you. I have a few last words to announce. After I finish, everyone will find another time. Communicate well?”

Yes, when Ning Wei said that he was planning to build three major intelligent platforms, a large number of representatives from high-tech companies who were invited could not sit still. Many people even raised their hands and wanted to ask questions. Of course Ning Wei didn't get used to these guys and directly spoke to suppress the noise that had just been made.

"Thank you all. The last thing I want to say is that in the next year, I will personally invest one billion yuan to establish the March Artificial Intelligence Foundation and simultaneously establish the March Intelligence Award. This award will select the most outstanding artificial intelligence talents in the previous year. The scientists who have made the most contributions in the field of intelligence have Mathematics Awards, Physics Awards, and Computer Awards, with an annual individual prize of RMB 3 million."

"At the same time, the foundation is simultaneously preparing and launching the journal "Artificial Intelligence Development in March". The electronic version of this journal will be released as soon as the records are recorded, and the paper version is set to be a quarterly journal, specifically including all papers related to the field of artificial intelligence. The first editor-in-chief is tentatively named March, and he will start collecting relevant papers from all over the world in three months at the latest. We will announce relevant information to the world simultaneously after the publication is launched."

“In particular, please note that in the early stages of publication, all first authors of high-quality papers included in this journal will have the option to join us. In other words, if there are scholars in related fields who want to join the largest and most representative journal in human history, If you are currently working on the preparation, research and development, operation and management of the most advanced artificial intelligence platform in human history, and have close contact with the most powerful artificial intelligence in human history, then choosing to submit a professional and high-quality paper to it will be the most important thing. Simple and cost-effective choice.”

"Okay, today's exhibition is over. Thank you all for participating. Because this exhibition was quite rushed, we did not prepare lunch and small gifts for the guests. I would like to apologize to everyone again."

After saying that, Ning Wei turned around neatly and walked towards the backstage. The lift on the stage also started simultaneously, and the display cabinet holding the laptop began to slowly fall.

This time, countless reporters in the audience were stunned. Is this the end?

Really, it doesn’t matter whether there are small gifts or whether lunch is arranged, but to invite them warmly, you must arrange a question-and-answer session, right? I can’t say that you just left in silence after so many revelations were made at your exhibition?

Of course, these reporters have absolutely no idea that it was Tian Yanzhen’s decision not to arrange a question-and-answer session. There is no other reason, he is afraid! He now knows very well what kind of virtue his student is. Anyone who makes no noise can make a hole in the sky, and then let these reporters who are not too concerned about the excitement to ask random questions will definitely make the public opinion as lively as sparks hitting the earth.

If Ning Wei made some controversial remarks at today's exhibition, he was afraid that even Yanbei University's brand would not be able to suppress the resulting storm of public opinion. After all, the research center is a place for academic research. If the public opinion storm is too strong, whether it is good or bad, it will not be conducive to everyone's research. After all, the most taboo thing about scientific research is impetuousness.

Not to mention that Tian Yan was really lucky at this time. Look at this guy Ning Wei. He founded the March Artificial Intelligence Foundation and started an independent journal without even discussing it with him. Does he still care about him? This mentor? Wouldn't he support this kind of thing?

Of course, most people sigh, it is better to have money, and you can easily use one billion in your own name to establish a foundation...

However, what I didn't expect was that Academician Yao next to me suddenly said: "Old Tian, ​​just now you said that your invitation to me to be the first dean of the Future Artificial Intelligence Research Institute is still valid?"

"Of course it works!"

"Then it's settled, but I have to keep an eye on the Huaqing side. I can't ignore it if I'm still in class. Is it okay to work part-time? I don't need to be paid."

"Haha, I see what you said, it's settled. I'll issue you a letter of appointment when my report is approved later."


Within a few words from the bosses, the scene inside the auditorium was finally out of control.

Yes, Ning Wei walked away from the rostrum without saying hello. Everyone in the special press area reacted quickly after being stunned.

You can't go backstage. Security personnel have blocked all the passages leading to the backstage after the exhibition. Fortunately, there are many big names on site today.

So an industry leader who was in the front row and was about to leave was surrounded by enthusiastic reporters...

"Mr. Lu, what do you think of today's presentation? Will the release in March have an impact on Apple's future products? Do you think Apple will consider joining the future artificial intelligence platform cooperation led by Yanbei University?"

"Sorry, no comment." The boss said with a serious face.

"Mr. Yan, Huawei has cooperated with Dr. Ning on turbulence algorithms. What is your evaluation of today's artificial intelligence display?"

"Obviously this is a very successful exhibition, and I think we can have more in-depth cooperation in this field. Of course, how to cooperate, Mr. Ning also said at the exhibition, we still need to wait until the specific management system and rules are officially announced. I didn't know until later." Yan Ming said with a happy face.

"Mr. Chen, Google also has in-depth research on artificial intelligence. What do you think of Google's current research results in March, such as AlphaGo, which one is stronger and which one is weaker?"

"These are technologies at different levels and cannot be compared together. Thank you, please let..."

"Academician Yao, as a pioneer in the field of computer and artificial intelligence in China, how do you evaluate today's exhibition?"

"Oh, it's very strong. As Ning Wei said, he and his team have achieved the most perfect artificial intelligence under the current basic hardware conditions. I think this self-evaluation is very appropriate."

"Director Tian, ​​what do you think of the fact that the team led by your student published a paper using artificial intelligence and won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics? Did you know about this before?"

"Oh, I know. Ning Wei already said at the exhibition that it was just for the Turing test. As for the evaluation, it is obviously a very successful Turing test, and the effect is obvious to all. I personally think that as long as it is for promotion Scientific progress that can benefit all mankind, any attempt that does not violate public order and good morals and is innocuous can be allowed. If science wants to develop, it cannot be too rigid in some rules. And the Turing test cannot let the testee know that these are not ?"

“Then do you think that since the reason for March’s award is to lay the foundation for artificial intelligence, and now it has been proven that March’s paper was the research result of Ning Weiji’s team, should this year’s Wolf Prize winner in mathematics be awarded to March’s creation? What would you rather do?"

"Haha... This question is interesting. I really haven't thought about it. But you can't ask me this question. First of all, I am not a member of the Wolff Mathematics Prize review committee. And even if I can participate in the review, I would rather be me. In the case of students, it also needs to be avoided. So on this question, you should ask the Wolf Foundation or the members of the Wolf Mathematics Prize Review Committee what they think about this issue, but no matter whether they award the prize To Ningwei, I can actually understand it."

"So what do you think of the three major artificial intelligence basic platforms that Ningwei is about to build? Will Yanbei International Mathematics Research Center participate in them?"

"Isn't the platform still under construction? Of course, we will definitely participate. As for the degree of participation, we will make a decision after the meeting. In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that our research center is also preparing to establish its own The Artificial Intelligence Research Institute will rely on Yanbei University's own advantages in artificial intelligence and combine it with Ning Wei's research to prepare for the improvement of the world's artificial intelligence technology as soon as possible. It will also take the lead in other sciences. The department will provide feedback. I believe that after the establishment of our Artificial Intelligence Institute, it will enhance the competitiveness of all science and engineering departments at Yanbei University around the world."

"By the way, in Ning Wei's words, this place will be the center of the world's artificial intelligence field in the future. Of course, we also welcome other competitive universities to take away this central position at any time, and we welcome competition!"

Tian Yanzhen said confidently.

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