Tech Hammer

Chapter 246 You’d better be honest

The grand lunch ended in an unhappy atmosphere. Ning Wei felt that this was normal. It was similar to what he expected. Even though it was stated that no lunch reception was planned, most of the people who still stayed at the end represented large enterprises. , has a direct and powerful relationship with the exhibition, but in fact they do not have the ability to make the decision.

Based on Ning Wei's superficial understanding of the market, the powerful essence of capitalist companies lies in the control of capital over the company. No matter how powerful a regional president is, he will never have the power to make decisions at the business strategy level. .

So the topic discussed at lunch was very boring to Ning Wei.

Because he knows what the strong artificial intelligence represented by March will be directly made public. He believes that the big guys attending the meeting may know better than him what March will bring to the future. However, there is a high probability that the two sides will not be able to reach any agreement at least in the short term. cooperate. Especially for foreign high-tech companies, it is absolutely impossible for them to willingly send their own data to the platform for integration unless they are forced to do so.

As for Yan Ming, since we are old acquaintances, it will be easier to talk to him. Therefore, Ning Wei would show a very clear attitude at the luncheon, mainly because he did not want to give these big bosses the wrong impression and make them think that he might change his mind, which would be very annoying. God knows how much energy these big guys can burst out. If there are various dinners every three days, how can people survive?

However, Ning Wei was planning to have a good chat with Yan Ming. Ning Wei was very interested in Yan Ming's idea of ​​Huawei providing computing power first. After all, operating and maintaining the supercomputing center and IDC center is a very troublesome task for Ningwei, who has few people under his command. But it is very easy for Huawei. After all, its size is there and it already provides cloud services.

Moreover, Ning Wei has experienced the efficiency of Huawei engineers during the cooperation process of turbulence algorithm. It is really too high. According to Liu Cong, as long as technical problems arise in the project, Huawei will immediately arrange a dedicated team to connect them. Basically, they will not rest until the problem is solved. This also means that through cooperation between the two parties, the efficiency of the early integration of the supercomputing center system will be greatly improved and a lot of time will be saved.

However, as soon as Ning Wei got in the car, before he had time to chat with Yan Ming, the call came first, from Yu Xingwei.

In fact, Ning Wei originally wanted to bring Yu Xingwei together to deal with these big guys, but before coming, Yu Xingwei received a call from the Science and Technology Park Management Office, saying that there were some things at the supercomputing center to discuss with him. They parted ways backstage in the auditorium, and then they called again. There was a high probability that something was going on.

Showing an apologetic smile at Yan Ming, Ning Wei first answered Yu Xingwei's call.

"Hey, you Xiaoning are always like this. It's like this. The Science and Technology Park Management Committee introduced us to a security company that is responsible for the security of our supercomputing center. I came over to talk to the company's Captain Wu. They hope to officially move in this afternoon, do you think?"

Ning Wei could hear a hint of weirdness in Yu Xingwei's tone and asked casually: "Security company? Doesn't the science and technology park have its own security department?"

"Yes, that's what I said, but Director Wen of the management center and Captain Wu both said that this is a welfare security service provided by the state to key scientific and technological units in the park. It covers various aspects such as fire protection, equipment safety, and information leakage. They protect us, help our supercomputing center tailor a security system that suits us, provide personalized security services, and can even conduct efficient and professional background checks for our future development and recruitment. Most importantly, all The services are provided free of charge, and the cost is not borne by us, but is borne by the science and technology park.”

Ning Wei thought for a while, seemed to understand something, and replied: "That's a good thing. Since they said the service is free, why are you still calling me? It sounds good."

"Oh, the key point is... let Captain Wu tell you?"


Soon a strange and powerful voice came from the other side of the phone: "Hello, Dr. Ning, my surname is Wu and my name is Wu Kun."

"Captain Wu, hello."

"That's right. We hope to provide a relatively independent security system for the data center. This may involve background investigations and reviews of existing staff in the data center. We also hope that you and Mr. Yu will pay attention to the final conclusion we draw."

"Oh!" Ning Wei probably understood what Yu Xingwei was struggling with. This probably meant that even if he wanted to stuff people into the data center in the future, he would have to go through a background transfer. Of course Yu Xingwei didn't dare to agree to this kind of thing on his own initiative.

Everyone really paid enough attention to March. In fact, in Ning Wei's opinion, March was probably the one who needed the least protection.

Not only is it a cunning rabbit, but it also has the ability to protect itself. If Ningwei gives it greater authority, the self-protection mechanism will be stronger. After all, the current main program of Mao Mao is only 3G at full cost. Compared with the capacity of modern storage devices, it is terrifyingly small.

However, after the future platform is built, it will be great to have professional protection measures, so Ning Wei quickly replied cheerfully: "No problem, Captain Wu, since you are professionals, then do what you want." .”

By the time Ning Wei hung up the phone, the car had already driven to the entrance of the research center again. Ning Wei was planning to invite Yan Ming to sit in his office, and the two of them had a good talk about Huawei's provision of computing power support for March. Tian Yan was Really stop.

"Ning Wei, please wait and go to my office first. Mr. Yan, I'm sorry, why don't I ask Xiao Lu to accompany you first?"

"No, no, you go and do your work first, we can just stroll around by ourselves."

"How can this be done? Lu Dongyi, you are responsible for accompanying Mr. Yan first. We should be fine soon."

Tian Yanzhen confessed to Lu Dongyi, and then took Ning Wei to his office first.

"Director Tian, ​​I admit my mistake. I shouldn't have said those words at the dinner party." Ning Wei said honestly as soon as he entered the door.

Tian Yanzhen glanced at his student, with a look of helplessness on his face, and then said angrily: "I didn't call you here for these things. I got a call in the car just now, and the leader of the school security department will come over to talk to you later. "

"Leader of the security department?" Ning Wei blinked, a little surprised, but thinking that even the data center was about to receive free security services, it didn't seem that surprising.

Judging from Ning Wei's educational experience, whether at Jiang University or Yanbei University, the Security Department is the department with the least presence in the school. Except for receiving guns from the Security Department during military training and often seeing security personnel at each school gate when entering and exiting the school gate, there are actually very few opportunities to interact with the Security Department. After all, Ning Wei had never been the type to cause trouble since he was a child, and he basically never gave the security department a chance to find him.

Facts have proved that just after he had let go, the security department came to visit him, which made Ning Wei feel a little uneasy.

"Yes, leader of the security department, don't look like that. Minister Zhang is also entrusted by others. You will have a better attitude later." Tian Yanzhen explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on Tian Yanzhen's office door.

"Please come in."

After the words fell, the office door was pushed open and three people filed in.

"Academician Tian, ​​Dr. Ning, hello you two. Let me introduce you two first. This is Chairman Chen Mingcai of Jitu Security Company in Beijing, and this is Mr. Liu Wei who also belongs to Jitu Security Company!"

Tian Yanzhen stood up and said enthusiastically: "Minister Zhang, Director Chen, Mr. Liu, welcome, welcome. This is my student, Ning Wei, sit down wherever you want, Xiao Zhang, go make four cups of tea!"

After a brief exchange of greetings, several people sat on the sofa in Tian Yanzhen's office.

Ning Wei looked at the young man named Liu Wei curiously, because there was something about this young man who looked a few years older than him that he had not come across, such as the way he sat with his back straight.

"Dr. Ning, you should also know that our security company is a regular security company. I just got the news on the road that Captain Wu of the company has signed a security agreement with the data center you bought. So you are also our One of the most important customers. To be honest, I personally admire scientists very much. In order to thank you for your trust, I specially asked Minister Zhang to come and meet with you. Don’t blame me for disturbing you. "

After chatting with Tian Yanzhen for a few words, Director Chen from Jitu Security Company smiled and said to Ning Wei.

"Dr. Chen, you're so polite. I should be the one thanking you for providing so many services to the data center for free." Ning Wei said with a polite smile.

"Haha, these are all small things, small things, it's like this. In addition to expressing our gratitude this time, I also want to introduce you to a full-time driver. Xiaoliu is the technical backbone of our company and has very strong business capabilities. . In addition to his extremely high professional driving skills, he is also the best in the system in terms of personal fighting and firearms use. Having him by your side in the future will not only make travel convenient, but also provide a guarantee for your safety in all aspects. Of course. You don’t have to worry about the fees, what do you think of Dr. Ning?”

Director Chen smiled and pointed at Liu Wei beside him and introduced Ningwei.

Hearing these words, Ning Wei was moved but still a little confused. Is this the driver or the bodyguard? Although it feels good to be taken seriously, it always feels weird when I think about someone following me when I walk with classmate Jiang every day.

"Um, Director Chen, thank you for your compliments. There is just one problem. I haven't taken the driver's license test, and I haven't bought a car myself. And there seems to be a lottery to buy a car in Beijing, right? So you can arrange a driver for me who doesn't have a car either. Open it." Ning Wei spread his hands and said.

This sentence surprised the three of them. Chen Mingcai was stunned when he heard this. He had agreed to be a billionaire, but he didn't even have a car? As for the lottery, at least Chen Mingcai has never heard of any billionaire giving up buying a car because of the license plate issue...

Of course, no one would think that Ning Wei is a miser. After all, he is the man who just promised to spend one billion yuan to establish the March Foundation.

"Oh, yes, Ning Wei, this kid, stays at the research center every day. When he needs a car, the teacher from the school's car class mostly helps him. We indeed didn't arrange a special car for him." Tian Yanzhen explained.

"Haha, I blame me for not making it clear. I forgot to mention that our company not only provides drivers but also provides special car services for free. In fact, from a safety perspective, vehicles purchased by ourselves are definitely not as safe as those arranged by us. ." Dong Chen said with a smile.

The embarrassment was resolved instantly, which probably proves that as long as someone doesn't care about gains and losses and is willing to spend money, embarrassment will not be a problem at all.

Ning Wei glanced at Liu Wei, who had remained silent. It happened that the driver's eyes were also turning on him, and they exchanged glances, and then the two moved away in a tacit understanding. It's not that we both hate each other, it's mainly awkward.

"Well, where does Brother Liu live?" Ning Wei asked thoughtfully.

"Haha, don't worry. Dr. Ning doesn't need to worry about any of this. As long as the research center arranges a place for him to rest, he will definitely not let Xiaoliu live in your house." Director Chen joked.

In fact, during the negotiation process, when the conditions offered by one party are so good that it makes people embarrassed to refuse, it often means that the other party has no choice at all.

Ning Wei felt this way at this moment, and he probably understood that he probably couldn't refuse this kind offer.

As expected, after Director Chen said this, Tian Yanzhen responded logically: "That's no problem. Although the room in our research center is relatively tight, it's no problem to set aside a special place for Xiaoliu to rest. Then I think the matter is settled like this. Xiaoliu should still make some preparations. When will he take up the post? It’s easy for us to cooperate. At least we can help Comrade Xiaoliu solve some life problems. "

"Haha, what else do you need to prepare? Xiaoliu has already prepared it and can start work in the afternoon. Young people, get more exposure and get used to it early. As long as you have a place to rest, there is no need for the research center to prepare anything else." Chen Mingcai laughed. said.

"Yes, Academician Tian, ​​Xiaoliu's relationship will be transferred to our Security Department immediately. Logistics issues including employee cards and subsidies can be solved by our Security Department, so please don't bother." Minister Zhang added next to him road.

Tian Yanzhen nodded, then glanced at Ning Wei and said, "You kid, why don't you thank Director Chen, Minister Zhang and Comrade Xiaoliu?"

"Thank you, thank you." Ning Wei thanked her sincerely.

"Haha, you're welcome, you're welcome, Xiao Liu, Dr. Ning will be left to you!" Chen Mingcai turned his head and said to Liu Wei with a smile.

"Yes, Chief... Director Chen, I promise to complete the mission." Liu Wei replied loudly.

"Okay, my task has been completed. I believe you two are still busy today, so we won't disturb you. I'll come back when I have the chance."

"Minister Zhang, Director Chen, please go slowly!"

The two left quickly, and soon there were only three people left in the office.

"Dr. Ning, I'll wait for you outside the door first." As if knowing that Ning Wei wanted to say something to Tian Yanzhen, Xiao Liu took the initiative to go out.

"Well, Director Tian..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. You should understand the situation in your heart. You should also have a clear understanding of the impact of strong artificial intelligence on the future. This is normal. If an accident happens to a young scientist like you, no one will pay. You can take responsibility. I can understand whether you are prepared or not. Do you have any questions?"

"No, I stay in school every day and rarely travel far. Does this need to be such an exaggeration?"

"How can you communicate if you don't go out? If you don't go abroad, why don't you run around the country? You won't go home for the Chinese New Year, just stay at school? Don't make a fuss. If you feel you don't have freedom, just blame yourself. Just make a fuss if nothing happens. Make things bigger. Well, everyone wants to be popular, so you are good and like to show off your abilities, and you are afraid that others will not hate you!" Tian Yanzhen glared at Ning Wei and said.

"This..." Ning Wei was speechless for a moment.

Tian Yanzhen looked at his beloved disciple, shook his head, and sighed: "Okay, don't be so sad. I don't have this kind of treatment yet! If you really want to feel unfree, just do what you said and give up the three of them as soon as possible." Build a big platform, and when it becomes a fait accompli, everyone will accept this fact, and you won’t be so hated. But now, you’d better be honest.”

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