Tech Hammer

Chapter 248 Danger? Danger!

The sudden exposure in March is still in the digestion stage for people all over the world. Not to mention how many technical staff of high-tech companies suddenly became busy, and even held meetings all night and worked overtime. The impact on ordinary people is probably just a brief moment on the Internet. Carnival and create more expectations for the next technology products.

For example, on China's Internet, the topic of whether artificial intelligence similar to March can be transplanted to its own smart devices is being discussed in full swing. The video of this exhibition is also spreading at an extremely fast speed. Especially to many young people, the performance shown in March at the exhibition is simply unbelievable.

If you can transplant March to your mobile phone, wouldn't it mean that you don't need to deal with those troublesome formulas in the future, such as Taylor's formula, what expansions are needed, just a casual command can make March It is introduced every month and is definitely a good helper for learning.

Really, this is why Ningwei didn't put a price on March at the exhibition, otherwise a bunch of March fans would probably buy up this arrogant kitten.

Of course, these are just ordinary people’s expectations for strong artificial intelligence. Because Ningwei did not give any information at the exhibition whether this kind of virtual intelligence program can really be transplanted into ordinary electronic devices.

In reality, what many ordinary people have not realized is that turbulence algorithms have already affected all aspects of the entire world. At most, I just feel that the Internet speed seems to have become faster than before this year.

But in fact, for real network maintenance practitioners, they are more aware of the value of laying out the turbulence algorithm this year. When 99% of the world's malicious crawlers have been eliminated, the once invincible DDOS attacks have been basically restricted. Even if there are occasional attacks, the same attack intensity as before can only produce less than 10% of the effect. It can be said that Internet security as a whole has brought about sea change.

For those large Internet companies, it probably means reducing some expenditures on server security, but for many small businesses that need to find their own living space on the Internet, this technology is a life-saving straw.

In the past, servers were attacked by DDOS and caused network instability. They had to upgrade their bandwidth or shut down briefly and had to accept their fate. However, after upgrading the DDOS attack denial of service, the situation of being attacked by threats has basically disappeared. This has also directly led to the entire issue of DDOS attack threats. The industrial chain began to collapse.

So when the entire China underwent large-scale upgrades, related black products naturally began to move towards areas that were not protected by the turbulence algorithm. It can be seen from the network security reports released by major network security in 2022 that 95% of malicious crawler software in China has disappeared. Although tickets for many popular trains on 12306 still need to be grabbed, it can be guaranteed to be generally fair. , the special air tickets offered by airlines have begun to really benefit customers, which has also made some small and medium-sized airlines increasingly enthusiastic about launching special air tickets.

At the same time, malicious DDOS attacks against major Chinese websites have been reduced by more than 90%. Correspondingly, the risks of malicious crawler software and large-scale flood attacks faced by the Third World and many Western countries have shown a significant upward trend. This situation has directly forced network equipment with turbulence algorithm security chips to begin selling well abroad. Communications operators in various countries have begun to launch their own network equipment upgrade plans based on their own conditions.

Major foreign Internet companies have also begun to actively prepare their own user information security upgrade plans, and many have also completed software upgrades. Under this general trend, Huawei, the only company currently officially authorized by the turbulence algorithm, has indeed received orders.

According to industry statistics, in the past year of 2022, Huawei received 67 network equipment upgrade contracts from various countries in the first half of the year alone, and its market share increased by at least 18 percentage points. Although in the second half of the year, it was limited by production capacity and the start of competitive equipment. With successive launches, the growth rate has slowed down, but the world's number one sales position has been stabilized.

In particular, some countries and regions that had previously boycotted Huawei's equipment have begun to soften their knees silently. There is no way, information security has always been a top priority in the Internet era. In the past, China, as one of the most developed countries in the Internet, helped the world share too many cyber risks. Once the entire black industry began to shift, no one could bear it.

The hot sales of new generation routers, program-controlled switches and other network equipment have also driven the sales of Huawei's various optical signal transmission and reception equipment. After all, Huawei is one of the companies in the world that can directly provide complete network solutions.

Realistic pressure has also forced many communications companies to speed up their pace. For example, Ericsson, which once relied on policies to suppress its friends, also launched its own new generation of communications equipment with turbulence security protocols in the second half of the year.

In fact, Ericsson's engineers are already very capable. It took four months to study the core code of the turbulence algorithm, and in the absence of instructions and interface documents, it was a huge project to study it. This is because Ning is rigorous enough and of high quality when writing code. In many cases, functions can be inferred through function naming and detailed comments.

Even so, Ericsson's entire engineering department was almost fully mobilized, and all technical staff were working hard to figure out that piece of code. Indeed, Sweden is a high-welfare country, and Ericsson engineers rarely have the opportunity to enjoy overtime work. However, in the past period, many engineers have chosen to work overtime due to a sense of mission and the temptation of large sums of money. In addition, the team is also growing day by day. With.

In the end, although the negotiation with Huawei collapsed at the negotiation table, they still launched their own new generation product in October. After demonstrating its performance to customers, they relied on relationships within the alliance to grab a lot of orders. .

This also made Ericsson's current president Ken Cattell breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Huawei has been warning and has even filed lawsuits against Ericsson in China and Sweden, what does it matter? Ken Cattell has given instructions to the company's legal department. They are not prepared to win this lawsuit. They only require that the patent dispute be delayed for three to five years. As long as the market is maintained, the compensation to Huawei in three or five years will probably be equivalent to paying patent licensing fees. Even if it may be more than that, it can be regarded as interest.

After all, there is no need to pay patent licensing fees to the right holder in the next three to five years. The money can be saved for your own use. It is a good deal no matter how you calculate it. Moreover, it is not difficult for this kind of patent dispute between two major companies to drag on for three to five years according to the various rules of evidence in the court.

However, before Ken Catell, who thought everything was finally back on track for the time being, had time to celebrate, he saw the March exhibition hosted by Ning Wei.

To be honest, after watching the entire exhibition, Ken Cattell was really shocked into a cold sweat. We have just secured the market, what kind of trouble is this going to cause? Although Ericsson currently focuses on communication equipment and systems and has not invested much in artificial intelligence research and development, it does not mean that artificial intelligence has no impact on the communication equipment industry.

For example, Ericsson has been making great efforts to build the Internet of Things connection and management platform. To maximize its effect, it must take advantage of its network equipment to directly connect each connected terminal. These terminals can be connected cars, machines, instruments, sensors, sales outlet terminals, or even consumer electronics and wearable products, etc.

This requires all these terminals to open ports to their platforms in the future for resource integration and deployment. So here comes the question. Now that it was revealed in March, when the three major intelligent platforms are built to provide intelligent services to global terminals in the future, if these standards are still in the hands of their already offended friends, how will they get this cup? soup?

Of course, they can also unite with some upstream and downstream friends to create a set of standards themselves, but judging from the level of intelligence shown in March at the exhibition, it is obvious that it has far exceeded the level that the friends he knows are currently studying. If you want to join in, what about the current infringements against turbulence algorithms? It is impossible to give up the hard-won market. After all, the contract has been signed, not to mention that these orders directly support the company's performance in the past two years.

What is worrying is that March was created by Ning Wei. It is well known that Ning Wei is also the designer of turbulence algorithms. In other words, Ericsson's current products actually infringe on the rights of this young scientist.

Just when he felt the trouble and pain of being in a dilemma, his cell phone rang, and Ken Cattell answered the call directly. This is his very personal number. No more than fifty people in the world have this number.

"Ken, long time no see."

"Robert, it didn't take long actually. Let me think about it, well, probably only three months at most."

"Haha, three months has been a long time. These three months feel like a century has passed to me. Tell me, you should also have seen that exhibition, right?"

"Yes, Alger, it was a wonderful exhibition. I think many people didn't sleep last night, right?" Ken Kattar replied casually while playing with the pen in his hand.

"Indeed, I envy you. You just started working at this time. I almost didn't sleep all night yesterday. This news is amazing, but I have even more amazing news here."

"Oh? What's the news?" Ken Carter became interested and asked.

"The young scientist from China fancifully wanted to control the future intelligent platform by himself. He did not accept well-intentioned suggestions. He even directly refused to have a group that could weigh in to build and maintain the platform based on artificial intelligence. I I think you should understand what this means, you know? I feel fear, not purely technical or commercial fear, but worry about the future destiny of mankind. I simply dare not imagine that if artificial intelligence is not controlled , in the not-too-distant future, there might really be a Skynet trying to control everyone on the planet. Can you imagine? God, this is probably Hawking’s prediction!”

Ken Catell almost laughed when he heard this.

The full name of the person who called him was Alger Robert, the founder of Graphcore. This is an artificial intelligence chip startup company located in London, England. It is not well-known globally at present, but you can get a rough idea of ​​the value of this company just by looking at its investors. Its investors include Dell, Microsoft, BMW and other world-renowned brands.

What makes Ken Cattell want to laugh is that Alger Robert has expressed his dissatisfaction with the words "Don't continue to develop artificial intelligence" left by physics master Hawking on many public occasions before his death, and he has never said so. All expressed their optimism about the future development of artificial intelligence.

It’s hard to believe that the founder of an artificial intelligence chip company said such words today.

"Yes, I agree with your opinion, but so what? Alger, can you now create a product that is similar to the one at the exhibition?" Ken Carter said casually.

"Ken, my friend, of course I don't have that ability, but Mr. Lewis just called me and maybe we can have another option." Alger Robert said.

"Oh?!" Ken Cattell became more focused. He had a casual attitude towards Alger Robert because although Graphcore was favored by many large companies, after all, it was just a start-up company with a valuation of only two billion euros. It would eventually be able to Whether it can be developed depends on the R\u0026D capabilities of its team. At least it's not on the same level as Ericsson now.

But Mr. Lewis in Alger's words is the president of Microsoft's European market, and he can basically represent Microsoft's attitude. With the size of Microsoft, it is naturally worthy of Ken Cattell's attention.

After all, strength determines everything.

"Actually, even if I don't call you, you will probably receive similar calls later. Executives from dozens of technology companies, including Microsoft, IBM, Google, Intel, etc., have just held a video conference. They feel that our entire Western We should join together, including of course our European allies, to form an alliance that can advance and retreat together on this matter. After all, it is related to the interests of all of us. So are you willing to join this alliance on behalf of Ericsson?"

If it weren't for the phone call, Ken Cattell would really like to punch Alger in the face! Why waste time with so much nonsense? Don’t you know that everyone’s time is precious? Wouldn't it be better to just say this last sentence?

Therefore, Ken Cattell also became serious and said seriously: "Of course! Do you need to say this? God, this alliance is very necessary, and it is necessary for us to make our voices heard! Artificial intelligence is extremely dangerous Technology should develop in an orderly manner under rules set by the world. This is a responsible attitude towards all mankind!"

"Okay, Ken, I'm glad you have this attitude. The alliance will hold an expanded meeting soon, and I will invite you to participate. Of course, given the time constraints, it is still only a temporary alliance, and we need to send out our own message first. voice, and then discuss in depth the rights and obligations of alliance members. Can you understand?"

"Of course! I'm looking forward to it!"

"Bye then! Ken!"

"Goodbye, Alger!"

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