Tech Hammer

Chapter 252 Betrayal!

In Sweden, after hanging up the phone in the mansion, Ronnie Ledon made a call.

"Ken, contact all our friends. We want to draw a clear line with the American business alliance! Yes, we want to support Mr. Ning. By the way, let me inform Mr. Caper that if they really intend to sell all their shares to As for Cisco, then they must seize this opportunity. I will convince Johannes that if Cisco can really show sincerity and acquire Ericsson, then now is their best opportunity!"

"Yes, this is the opinion of the board of directors. Of course, if Cisco continues to flirt with Investor but refuses to give a suitable price, then we will make the most resolute statement! Tell Cap, I don't care How they negotiated with Cisco, but 20% of the shares is not enough for the Americans to dictate to us! If they want Ericsson, please show sincerity!"

Really, when Ken Catell heard these words, it was like the sound of nature: "Ronnie, have you discussed this matter with Helena?"

"There is no need to discuss it with her, Ken. Remember, we have nothing to lose. We have to fight! If Cisco is willing to humiliate me with dollars, then come on! But if they want Ericsson, they are not willing to If you have enough chips, don't blame us! Remember that Investor only has 20% of the shares. If you really want to fight to the death, then come on! Tell Caper that Ericsson is already at the juncture of life and death, it can It brings us dignity, but it may fall to nothing at any time, and this choice is not even in our hands but in the mind of that Chinese young man!"

After saying that, Ronnie Letun simply hung up the phone, and then slumped down on the sofa. The showdown finally made him feel relaxed.

Yes, Ericsson is currently in a very embarrassing position. Simply put, Cisco hopes to acquire many 5G patents through the acquisition of Ericsson to fill Cisco's shortcomings in 5G and increase its voice.

But the unreasonable thing about Cisco is that although it hopes to acquire Ericsson, it is unwilling to spend too much money, so it began to secretly contact Investor, one of Ericsson's largest shareholders and a well-known Swedish investment bank that holds 20% of Ericsson's shares. , this process was hidden from another major shareholder of Ericsson, which is also an investment company owned by the famous Swedish investment bank Handellsbanken.

As a result, the two major investment banks, which had been happily cooperating, began to have rifts, which directly led to Ericsson's business situation plummeting. After all, there is a conflict between the two largest shareholders, and if it reaches the middle management, it will make people very confused. For example, who should listen to two contradictory orders suddenly?

Now, the conflict between the two parties has finally been temporarily resolved. After all, the destructive nuclear bomb is in the hands of a fourth party. If it is revealed that all the products recently launched by Ericsson have problems, then all the orders won in the last two financial quarters of last year will be All will be affected, and the amount of compensation required will be astronomical.

This will be a disaster for all Ericsson shareholders. Because if you are really forced to that point, it is no longer a question of calculating assets, but a question of how to get money to compensate.

At that time, Cisco did not need to negotiate with Investor at all, because it was foreseeable that Cisco could obtain most of Ericsson's shares without paying a penny and only need to bear the debt, thereby controlling Ericsson's patent library. This was also Ronnie's idea. Ledon didn't even dare to bargain with Ning Wei.

As for the consequences of taking sides, Ronnie Ledon didn't have to think about it at all at this time. On one side was a tiger that wanted to gnaw it down to the bone, while on the other side he was waving a big stick and at least handed him a carrot. Do you still have to choose? ?

Of course, if Cisco can acquire Ericsson at a satisfactory price, it will certainly be one of the solutions. Now it depends on whether Cisco has the courage. Really, as he told Ken Cattell, he actually hoped that Cisco could wave money to humiliate him at this time, at least so that he would not have to face such a complicated situation!

Ning Wei hung up the phone and returned to the two of them, saying to Yan Ming: "The call from Chairman Ericsson made me feel like they were scared."

"Oh? So fast?" Yan Ming was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Maybe they have a lot of internal problems. I thought they could survive for at least two days."

"Is there any problem within them?" Ning Wei asked curiously.

"Well, disputes between shareholders are very normal. In fact, many American companies have always wanted to acquire Ericsson and Nokia. After all, they all have their own 5G patent libraries, but they have been unable to agree on the price. In addition, if After losing companies like Ericsson and Nokia, there will really be nothing left in high-tech companies, so there has been a lot of controversy. There has been controversy even among Ericsson's top executives," Yan Ming explained.

Sure enough, it is the friend businessman who knows the friend businessman best. At least Ningwei has never heard of these things. In this way, Ningwei can understand the decisiveness shown by Ronnie Letun. The bomb in his hand was thrown at this time. It is really possible to blow up this company directly...

"So you decided to detonate it?" Yan Ming asked.

"No, no, no, if that's the case, I suddenly hope that Ericsson's valuation can be higher." Ning Wei shook his head, said something, and then added casually: "But it depends on whether they are really obedient. , if they still insist on having their own way, it will explode. Anyway, Ericsson's bankruptcy has nothing to do with us, you are right, Brother Liu."

Liu Wei was stunned. To be honest, he could probably understand what Ning Wei and Yan Ming were talking about, but he really didn’t know the specific situation. Faced with this sudden and unreasonable question, if he and Ning were the only ones For the sake of the two of them, he just kept silent, but with the addition of Yan Ming, he felt that he had to give Ning Wei face.

After all, Ning Wei has always given him face, at least he doesn't really treat him as a driver.

"Although I don't know exactly what bomb you are talking about, I think a powerful weapon that always intends to explode without exploding is the most deterrent." Liu Weiyan said concisely and comprehensively.

Ning Wei replied: "Brother Liu is right, there is a problem. I am actually afraid that some people may not know the power of this weapon's real explosion. Mr. Yan, wait until today to see who our friends are. Come back If there are some people who are not friends, why not ask your technical department to negotiate?"

Yan Ming smiled bitterly: "This is not a big problem. But if this happens, all our previous plans will be ruined."

Ning Wei thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case, and simply said: "Let's see, Mr. Yan, if you follow my plan, Huawei's market share in communication equipment will definitely be reduced. From this perspective, I intervened in the turbulence issue." The licensing issue of the algorithm is actually a violation of the contract. In order to thank Huawei for not caring about this and providing a bigger stage for March, why don't we cooperate in depth again?"

Really, when Yan Ming heard these words, he felt comfortable all over. After doing so much, couldn't he just wait for this statement?

Liu Wei glanced at Yan Ming, then silently turned his gaze to the side.

"Mr. Xiao Ning, what kind of cooperation?" Yan Ming asked with interest.

Ning Wei replied: "How about we work together to help you upgrade the voice service assistant of Huawei products? I think so. There is already a fan group of March on Weibo, so let's just cooperate and use March's image as our image." Based on the blueprint, we are designing a Huawei-specific intelligent system assistant based on intelligent voice assistant systems such as Siri and Assistant, which can not only help people perfectly control the system and major software with their voice, but also allow users to have fun developing it."

"In addition, we can also try to directly connect the terminal to our user intelligent service platform with the customer's consent, opening a channel for the public to open services in March. What do you think?"

Yan Ming immediately nodded and replied: "I think it will work, but what innovative services do you think March can provide to ordinary users?"

This question made Ning Wei think about it for a long time, and then said: "There are too many, such as quickly helping to derive formulas in mathematics, pre-reviewing drafts to correct obvious errors and typos, etc. Oh, by the way, if you can use it well, you can also help The teacher can correct homework and papers, replace many basic mathematics software, and can even help customers think of some saucy words that ordinary people would never think of, etc. Especially the last function, really, even I have to give March a thumbs up, you You can never imagine what wonderful remarks will come out when it exhausts all kinds of permutations and combinations. For users who are not very good at arguing on social software, they will definitely not be able to live without it once they use it."

"In response to this, if you negotiate with Penguin Group and allow them to open a port so that users can freely authorize March to control chatting with all or one person in WeChat, it will 100% increase user stickiness. In addition, in Various usage scenarios can also break through the shackles of existing software. For example, if I hear a song on the road, it sounds good and I want to know the name of the song, I just need to take out my phone and ask, and March will be able to give a perfect answer."

"The most important thing is that if you access the platform, with the help of the platform's computing power, our March can handle almost all dialect systems in China. This is extremely friendly to middle-aged and elderly customers, and they can use smart phones smoothly without any additional learning costs. product, if the smart device uses your company’s Hongmeng system, it can also control all applications in the device through voice.”

"Of course, March can actually have more functions. The key is to have imagination. For example, if everyone is not afraid of offending people, March can restore all the beauty algorithms in the world in real time, whether it is a short video or a live broadcast. It can remove all filters. The opposite function can also be provided, such as one-click photo editing. How about it? These should be almost done, right?"

Yan Ming looked at Ning Wei and said nothing. He just raised a thumb on his pen and asked, "When will this cooperation start? Will I contact you directly?"

"Ah, I don't care about this. Let's connect with our brother Yu. Brother Yu is about to graduate with a doctorate. This is his major and he can directly connect with engineers. However, brother Yu also has scientific research tasks. It is best if he can also Arrange an assistant for him." Ning Wei thought for a while and replied.

Yan Ming was stunned for a moment, pointed at himself and said, "Let's arrange an assistant for Dr. Yu? Is this appropriate?"

Ning Wei spread his hands and said: "What else? We are short of people. I have a suggestion, it is best to be a female assistant, one who is single and has a strong personality."

"No, Mr. Ning, aren't you worried about what problems may arise with this cooperation model?"

"Haha, Mr. Yan, I believe in you and Brother Yu. The most important thing is that I believe in myself. The most important thing is that I believe in March." Ning Wei replied with a smile.

"Okay, let's do it like this. The specific cooperation plan is still the same as the old rules. We will submit it after planning it."

"No problem. Later I will also package and send it to you together with the patents I am currently applying for. Your engineers can also help me see if there is anything else that needs to be added."

"Happy cooperation!" Yan Ming extended a hand to Ningwei.

“Happy to work with!”

There were hands holding each other at Yanbei University, and there was also a heated discussion on the Internet about the series of statements made by foreign bigwigs. Not to mention, the worries of these big guys have really reached the hearts of many people. After all, artificial intelligence stands on the opposite side of human beings and is the enemy of the whole world. In fact, there are quite a lot of classic movies based on careful calculation. In addition, some domestic opinion leaders are starting to make moves, which really makes many people worry about the continued development of March. Will it destroy the world?

After all, in the eyes of countless ordinary people, March is indeed too powerful. It actually understands mathematics and physics, and can also educate people about the difficulties of immigrating to Mars.

However, before the discussion about artificial intelligence destroying the world had time to ferment online, fans rushed to the scene quickly, rationally and irrationally, directly making the impact of the whole thing begin to ferment.

"Destroying the earth in March? Have you watched too many American Hollywood blockbusters? Do you really believe what others say? Do you know that Lao Ou was deceived by them?"

"Google studies artificial intelligence, Microsoft studies artificial intelligence, Intel studies artificial intelligence, IBM studies artificial intelligence, and so on. There are many such examples. Now because the most advanced artificial intelligence technology was born in China, they suddenly jumped out and talked about artificial intelligence. Intelligence is dangerous, and we must share technology with them before we can research it, otherwise we will be irresponsible to the world! So the question is, we all know that artificial intelligence technology relies on semiconductor technology, so can we ask them to give semiconductor technology to them? Did we share it too?”

"I'm so angry. Double standards have been played like this, but there are still people who think what they say is reasonable? I can't imagine that there are actually people in China who support these people's remarks? The results of our own research in China must be shared. Even an icon of their research results makes them want to apply for a patent. Go check it out for yourself and see where the most stringent patent libraries are concentrated, and how anti-human it is!"

"Seriously, March is so cute, but some people think it will destroy the earth? Wake up, look at those videos, those who say this are a bunch of old men, one is ugly than the other, they actually have the nerve to insult our March ?”

"As a March fan, I will never believe that cats will destroy humans. What good will it do if March destroys humans? Who will play with it?"

Of course, the remarks of March or Ningwei fans cannot extinguish the enthusiasm of this group of people. After all, those who spoke out were all former bigwigs in the technology industry. For many people in China, they are still beliefs, and the fans who refute are just They are just ordinary people on the Internet, and not everyone is willing to speak out.

At this time, Ericsson issued a statement directly on its official website.

"Our company has noticed the news circulating on the Internet that Ericsson will join the opposition to China's artificial intelligence platform. These are all rumors. In fact, Ericsson very firmly supports the construction of China's three major intelligent platforms and hopes to join the platform construction."

Not only that, after this topic became heated, Ericsson's chairman Ronny Letun also accepted an exclusive interview with the media.

"Worried about China's artificial intelligence technology causing the end of the world? Oh my God, really, I can't believe that such words would come out of Bill and Larry's mouths. Am I the only one who thinks they are the least qualified to say these things? ? Maybe we should go to Microsoft's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and Google's X Laboratory to see what they are doing. In fact, for us, instead of worrying about the so-called doomsday, we should worry about Europe's embarrassment in the global economy Location."

"Please think about it, is there a large cloud storage company in the whole of Europe? Is there an artificial intelligence company that really belongs to us? No, even if there ever was, when these companies first emerged, they were already taken over by the United States. We all know that DeepMind started in the UK and was acquired by Google when it was just emerging, so AlphaGo belongs to Google."

"Graphcore is also an artificial intelligence company with great potential. The smart chips it produces may trigger a chip technology revolution. The current major shareholders of this company are Microsoft and Dell. Do you know what makes me feel the saddest? The smart era has arrived, but Europe has not yet fully entered the digital era. We are gradually losing our future."

"Yes, I am optimistic about China's artificial intelligence platform and hope that Ericsson can join in the construction of this platform. I even think this will be an opportunity for Ericsson to achieve overtaking in the field of artificial intelligence on behalf of the entire Europe. Opportunity. Since we need this opportunity, of course we should cooperate with the strongest."

"Haha, yes, I'm not worried about the end of the world. If that ridiculous alliance must say something, well, we can join the construction of this platform on their behalf and help them supervise the orderly development of this artificial intelligence program. Of course. , if March really has the tendency to evolve into the so-called Skynet, as allies, we will definitely notify them in advance and use this to meet their expectations for the future. Of course, I am sure that this kind of thing will never happen. If Skynet really If it appears, it will definitely not be in China, because we all know which country’s classic movie the Terminator series is.”

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