Tech Hammer

Chapter 257 I am a general person

Drawing on his paper, and then producing a product that works well in testing, but has safety risks in real use, Ning Wei feels that it is mainly due to human nature. When their peers are already ahead, programmers who feel the pressure may unconsciously borrow some of the prepared functions in the algorithm. This is normal and almost unavoidable.

So when Ning Wei saw Cisco's CEO Huang, he didn't actually feel angry. He was just surprised that the president of the Greater China Region came to visit him late at night. In Ning Wei's impression, negotiating for this kind of thing was something that Mr. Yan Ming didn't do. He will bring many professionals with him, and he has almost never been seen here alone. This seems to be a bit unscrupulous. After all, he is also the president of the Greater China Region of a world-class technology company.

This made Ning Wei feel a little emotional. After the greetings, he casually asked: "Mr. Huang, are you here alone today?"

"Dr. Ning, it happened suddenly, and it's not a very good thing, so I'm the only one here." Huang Yunjian replied with a smile.

"Oh." Ning Wei nodded, then looked at the time and said, "Then I'm not polite, I have an appointment with a friend later, why don't you just tell me what you have to do, and let's see if we can make it happen consensus."

This statement is so straightforward that it can break your heart.

To be honest, Huang Yunjian didn't expect to meet Ning Wei in this place. There was an electronic keyboard stuffed in the office of at most 15 square meters? The table used is also an ordinary office desk, and the bookcase behind it is even more shabby. It is a standard metal cabinet. The sofa does not feel very comfortable. The most important thing is that I didn’t even make a cup of tea...

To be honest, even when Ning Wei was slandering Huang Yunchian, the president's heart was full of doubts. Is this the attitude of the Mathematics Research Center towards billions of doctors spread over the Internet? So what exactly is Ningwei trying to do? Of course, what's even more irritating is Ning Wei's attitude of pretending to be confused.

Why did he come, and why did he come alone? Did Dr. Ning really have no idea? But these complaints could only be suppressed. After all, he was ready to swallow his anger this time.

After thinking about it, Huang Yunjian said cautiously: "Okay, Dr. Ning, I actually talked with Mr. Yan from Huawei before I came here. In fact, we have never closed the communication channel with Huawei. Regarding the use of turbulence algorithm in network security, In fact, we have always been interested in applications. Licensing fees and other issues are negotiable, so we hope to resolve all disputes between us in a relatively mild way."

"Oh!" Ning Wei nodded, and then replied: "Mr. Huang, have you noticed Ericsson's statement today? To be honest, I admire this company very much. This company's statement made me realize a truth. Any company that can survive for a hundred years and grow stronger has a reason. I personally think Ericsson can survive for another hundred years, what do you think, Mr. Huang?"

The plain and matter-of-fact remarks made Huang Yunjian feel tremendous pressure in an instant, and the corresponding expression was a look of helplessness.

After all, Cisco and Ericsson are different. They belong to different countries, and the situations they face and the issues they consider have essentially different ways of thinking. Especially the surrender culture in Europe is really troublesome.

In addition, Cisco also needs the support of those at the top if it wants to acquire Ericsson. It is more difficult to deal with and straighten out the complicated relationships when making a decision. The embarrassing thing is that the situation Cisco faces now is more complicated and complicated than Ericsson. Embarrassing.

As a listed company, according to the rules set by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, major hidden dangers in new-generation equipment like this, and negative news involving multiple large contracts require major disclosures. However, due to the pressure of capital, the headquarters has now chosen to announce the completely opposite news through official channels. This is what Huang Yunjian just learned.

So the current situation is very embarrassing. It is difficult to kneel down and stand straight. After all, after the headquarters released the false news, there was no turning back. When an influential technology company like Cisco publishes false news and exposes it, regardless of the severity of the punishment, the key is that someone should take responsibility. If he fails to negotiate well, no matter who is pushed out to take the blame, his position will be very passive.

So Huang Yunchian could only say sincerely: "Cisco is different from Ericsson after all. We still hope to resolve this unnecessary dispute in a more decent way. Dr. Ning can set some conditions, and if we can do it, we will try our best." Yes. But if our chairman is like Mr. Letun, it is indeed a bit difficult. "

These words made Ning Wei stand in awe of the man in front of him. He straightened his body, raised a thumb from his pen, nodded and said, "I understand, what Mr. Huang means is that you have to stand and make money! "

Huang Yunjian was stunned for a moment, chose silence, and did not answer the question.

Ning Wei thought for a while and continued: "Mr. Huang, you know, I'm just a researcher and I don't understand the twists and turns of your business field. I can only tell you my superficial understanding of the world. , a large part of this is what my father taught me since childhood, I will tell you, and then we can continue this conversation, okay?"

Huang Yunjian nodded quickly and said, "Dr. Ning, tell me."

Ning Wei nodded, tilted his head and thought for a moment before speaking: "I remember when I was in junior high school, after my dad finished drinking, he told me that there are some people in this world who are human and can be reasoned with. As people say, some people are not human and can only be aggressive. Why? Because everyone in this world is afraid of being aggressive. As long as you dare to show your face, you can disturb others without any reason, so that others dare not tangle with you, or even just If you dare to act like a psychopath, normal people will just walk around you."

"So don't always place your hopes on the justice of this world. Sometimes when you encounter a problem that you are right about but can't solve, you can actually change your mind, that is, just make the matter bigger, so big that the other party is not willing to bear the burden of continuing to struggle. Costs and consequences, they will take the initiative to make the big thing smaller. At that time, as long as you can go down the steps, they will thank you for letting them go. "

"Why does the world work like this? My dad didn't say it, but based on some of my own experiences, I still came up with some truths. That is, it is useful for speaking from a higher position or for big people in charge. For them, their first need is often efficiency and quick problem solving, rather than the so-called fair and just solution."

"Because efficiency is the first factor, when ordinary people are wronged, the more they behave unreasonably and unforgivingly, the more they show that they want to make this matter bigger and make it worse for everyone. The more likely it is that real big people will come forward to solve the problem. Really, this is true time and time again. Especially when I make more and more achievements and my status becomes higher and higher, the big people who help me solve problems also More and more, so I’m really experienced in that.”

"For example, when I was applying for graduate school, I punched a teacher in the graduate school admissions office because of information issues. Another example is that I was slandered on Weibo, so I simply reported myself. The final result is shocking even when I think about it now. These experiences have also taught me Now when dealing with similar problems, I always like to consider this aspect.”

"Sometimes I even feel a sense of expectation. I can't help but think, when I make a big deal out of something again, who will be the big shot next time to make it a big deal? So, Mr. Huang, Why don't you give me a suggestion? Should we spend ten minutes to reach a consensus as soon as possible, or should we start the process?"

Is this the beginning of the process? !

Really, it was obviously a threat, but Ningwei said it in such a friendly and simple way, and then started with his father's education since childhood. For a time, Huang Yunjian felt that it made sense, and even made him curious about empathy. So this time things are really big, and many awesome characters can be brought out to help everyone reduce the big trouble.

My heart is very tired, and I really want to say, let’s just leave the process. But when I thought about the process of actually starting to go through it, I would suffer a loss of 10,000 yuan, but the person opposite may be injured less than 1,000 yuan or even be unscathed, so all the entanglements and anger turned into peace of mind.

"Dr. Ning, in fact, we have always respected you very much, and you have always been very reasonable. I think you have received a call from the Wolf Foundation. In fact, that goodwill is also due to the efforts of our company." Unconsciously , Huang Yun insisted that Hu Ning used the honorific title for the time being.

"Oh? So that's what happened!" Ning Wei nodded suddenly. No wonder the Wolfe Foundation didn't follow the routine. It turned out that there was still a conflict of interest in the middle, but it was just a helpless show of goodwill. Not just because his performance conquered all members of the Wolf Prize jury.

"You're too young, Mr. Huang!" Ning Wei sighed.

"What's too small?" Huang Yunjian asked confused.

Ning Wei smiled and replied: "The situation is too small! Mr. Huang, I won't be surprised whether the Wolf Prize will be given to me, or whether this year's Wolf Prize in Mathematics will be invalidated. Because there is no need. . Think about it for a second. If Einstein had not won the Nobel Prize in history, from the perspective of our time, would we think there was a problem with Einstein or with the Nobel Prize? Would we think that this was the case? Is it Einstein’s regret or the Nobel Prize’s regret?”

"I once told my mentor, Academician Tian Yanzhen, that I don't care whether I win an award or not when doing research, but I always told him the second part of the sentence, and I can tell you about it today. My goal is that in the future, those who should If the awards awarded to me are ultimately missed, future generations will only list the reviewers who voted against me for these awards one by one and nail them on the pillar of shame in the history of human science. So, if you really want someone to accept the award, Your feelings should belong to the jury of this Wolf Prize or the chairman of the Wolf Foundation, not me."

Huang Yunjian was silent. He didn't know if Einstein had the same idea as Ning Wei back then, but now he just felt speechless. In particular, Ning Wei actually did not show the arrogant attitude of young people. On the contrary, Ning Wei's attitude and tone were very calm and simple from beginning to end. With this simple office, it was even difficult for him to give birth to a child. Disgust, only deep powerlessness.

"Then what do you think Cisco should do?" Huang Yunjian sighed deeply in his heart, and then asked in a lower posture.

"Look, the problem is back to its original point. Your colleagues have already set an example for you, so why bother talking so much? Open data and cooperate with our platform to become one of the partners of the future intelligent platform and open your ports. Sharing your core data with the platform is a matter of mutual benefit. It may also make everyone more confident in Cisco."

"Of course, if Cisco really can't do this, then it can only restore the most essential core of business and exchange what is needed. The technology of turbulence algorithm can be used by you, and even licensed permanently, but you must also come up with what we lack now. For example, if you can convince your friends to provide me with some necessary instruments for my future laboratory, that’s okay.”

"Recently, my team and I have become more interested in the semiconductor industry. Cisco itself has its own layout in the semiconductor industry. If you can use your influence to persuade companies that have mastered key semiconductor technologies to share their patents with us, , I can also make the decision to let Cisco get the right to use the turbulence algorithm, and I will not make any negative comments on the contract that Cisco has already obtained, how about it?”

Ning Wei looked at the time hanging on the office wall again, and then put forward his thoughts concisely.

"I can't agree to these two points right away..."

"I know, I know, you are just a big boss in a region and can't make the decision, but you can discuss it with the people who can make the decision. Counting the time difference, it should be working time in Silicon Valley in the United States now. You can discuss it. One day this The time is not short, right? After you make a decision, you can inform me so that I can decide how to deal with the whole thing."

"You know, because of some people's unfriendly remarks about March, I have actually been in a bad mood recently. But I am a general person, and I don't know what will happen to anyone except you if the entire U.S. stock market suddenly plummets. It’s good or bad for other people outside of me, especially the people I care about, so even though I know I have some control over things, I’m still hesitant about how to deal with it.”

"One day is just enough for me to consult some experts in this field, and by the way, I can also read some papers on economics, and let March make an economics mathematical model for analysis. Look at this matter Which step will the final impact reach and how will it end perfectly? See, this is the price of maturity. I will start to think more about what I want to do. So I also hope that you can help me think about it."

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