Tech Hammer

Chapter 262 Of course, those who have never studied advanced mathematics are not qualified to fall i

While others only thought it was thrilling, Ning Wei slept soundly.

After spending a day's work, in addition to scaring the people at Cisco, I also arranged the overall arrangements for this year's New Year. This is something that makes Ningwei very excited. I can take Classmate Jiang to meet his parents, and maybe he will even have the opportunity to live in the same room with Classmate Jiang.

For a young man in his twenties, consensual love has always been one of the most beautiful gifts in the world. Especially when boys grow up, they like simulation dolls more and more, and girls like them more and more when they grow up. In a new era that relies more and more on electric toys, Ning Wei feels that this gift cannot be lived up to.

So Ning Wei's mood was naturally extremely good. What made him feel even more perfect was his previous wise decision. He didn't bother with any company to run it, he just became a simple and happy researcher, and had all the troublesome things handled by friends, which indeed saved him a lot of time.

Yes, as March's father, Ningwei can learn from March's background everything it has done recently, including the letter to Apple. In fact, for the same invitation, except for the name of the other company and the reason for sending the invitation, a total of five were sent out in March, and five positive responses were received, including Apple, IBM, Oracle, French Capgemini and German SAP.

As one of the five companies that first invited cooperation through the model in March, Ning Wei was shocked to find that he had never even heard of the latter two companies.

I checked the information specifically and found out that these two are the world's top software providers, but they are specifically targeted at major corporate customers and launch business management application software. If these two companies can really agree to join the construction of the basic business big data platform, there will basically be no shortage of world business data for analysis in March.

It's also a good thing that five emails were sent in March. If there were more, everyone secretly wanted to cooperate, and then secretly sent a negotiation delegation to Shenzhen to discuss cooperation. Huawei was afraid that it would not have enough senior executives. As for the anti-March alliance that is being prepared...

To be honest, Ning Wei was really worried at first. If everyone didn't cooperate, it would be difficult to get the data needed to last for three months. Even many basic industrial designs might be affected by various high-precision laboratory equipment. , need to take many detours, but now it seems that he is worrying too much.

A simple prisoner's game has caused many world-class companies to choose to succumb. It is not even necessary to reach a cooperation. As long as the feedback letters from these five companies are exposed, it will be enough to bankrupt the alliance that is still under construction. Trust is something that is difficult to establish, but easy to collapse.

So Ning Wei also put his heart back in his stomach. Now he only needs to build the three platforms with peace of mind with the cooperation of Huawei. Then during this holiday, we established cooperative relationships with powerful domestic laboratories.

As long as there is enough data to support the establishment of various models in March, Ning Wei is still very confident in quickly promoting the progress of some weak projects in China. Of course, there are also many troubles in this. For example, Ning Wei hopes that everyone can share all previous laboratory databases with the platform. If the results are really achieved through these data, how will honors and benefits be distributed? Will everyone accept the distribution model established by March? etc……

Many things are not difficult in themselves, but there are still too many ideas to appease before there is a distribution method that everyone thinks is fair. Fortunately, this most difficult link will be solved by two big guys, Tian Yanzhen and Yao Yuanzhi.

This is the biggest benefit of having a big boss behind you. It is enough to be knowledgeable and well-connected, and to be able to convince most people.

So Ning Wei discovered that after he finished bragging at the exhibition, what he needed to do was actually very simple, that is, just control his own hands and not post randomly on Weibo. In fact, this is also the most important purpose of Huang Yunjian coming to him.

In fact, Ning Wei actually has no intention of messing around with anything at this critical moment. The reason is very simple. If he can steadily advance his plan, he will become a big winner. There is really no need to do anything at this time. Make some big news.

After all, it would stimulate the capitalists in the country across the ocean too much at once, and it might cause a bigger backlash. But if you take a knife and cut it today and again tomorrow, you will only feel slight pain every time, and you are afraid of more pain. Pain and hesitation is the most perfect way to develop.

Of course, you still have to be careful, and Cisco must not lose any of the benefits that should be given.

Yes, in the time it took to brush his teeth in the morning, Ning Wei had already thought through a series of recent events. In fact, the only variable in the whole thing was probably the advantage that the turbulence algorithm brought to him.

Really, Ning Wei would never have thought that it was because Lukassen Flanders stabbed him that year that he became more cautious and spent nearly half a month before publishing his last paper. , working almost day and night to modify the algorithm and code. Obviously, the hard work at that time was not in vain, otherwise we would not have achieved such a beautiful situation now.

Thinking of this incident, Ning Wei suddenly realized that he had not inquired about his benefactor, Professor Flender, for a long time. I just heard that he was so angry that he was hospitalized because of the sword he thrust out, and then nothing happened again. I don’t know how the boss is doing now or whether he has been discharged from the hospital...

Thinking of this, Ning Wei rinsed his mouth, returned to the room, and called Senior Brother Lu as soon as possible.

"Hey, Senior Brother Lu, something suddenly occurred to me. How is Professor Flender who blocked my thesis last year? I heard you said that he was so angry that he was hospitalized. It has been more than a year. He should be in good health. Yes, have you been discharged from the hospital?"

"Huh?" Senior Brother Lu on the other side of the phone had probably just gotten up and was immediately stunned by Ning Wei's question.

"Lucasson Friend! You can't forget that academician of the American Academy of Mathematics, lifetime honorary professor of Princeton University, and winner of the Fields Medal in 1994, right?"

"Of course I remember, but why are you suddenly concerned about him so early in the morning?"

"Do you have any questions about me being a respectable veteran in mathematics? When I was studying partial differential equations, the mathematical methods he developed were included in the textbooks."

This reason was very good, and it successfully silenced Lu Dongyi on the other side for a long time.

"I don't know much about his current condition, but as far as I know, he should have been discharged from the hospital long ago. Didn't you see the photo of the World Congress of Mathematicians published on the official website of the International Union of Mathematicians last July? He is standing at the front Middle of the row.”

"He actually went to attend the World Congress of Mathematicians?" Ning Wei asked in surprise.

If he remembers correctly, it was in mid-March last year that he faced off against this big boss. A series of events caused this big boss to be hospitalized. This was shortly after he attended the STOC conference, and he hadn't even started yet. Prepare your graduation thesis. In other words, only about four months later, this mathematician was not only resurrected with full health, but also attended a mathematics conference, and even occupied the C position when the final photo was taken.

Ning Wei was surprised. As expected, the body recovery ability of Westerners is so strong. It only took a few months to recover from such a heavy blow, and he was still able to attend the highest conference in the mathematics community every four years.

It's a pity. If he had gone to this meeting at that time, he might have been able to take a photo with this big boss.

"Nonsense, how could he take a photo with other mathematicians if he didn't go?" Lu Dongyi said in a dull voice: "This is also the reason why you didn't go to this conference last year and Director Tian didn't say much. If you also go Yeah, that’s really embarrassing.”

Ning Wei asked curiously: "Oh, thank you, Senior Brother Lu. So, Mr. Flanders is still a lifelong honorary professor at Princeton?"

"I'm not sure about that. But I haven't heard of anyone being deprived of the title of lifelong honorary professor by Princeton University, so it should be that way. If Princeton takes action, the mathematics community should know about it. You can go to the official website of Princeton University Go up and take a look. By the way, this matter is in the past, so don’t worry about it anymore. The most important thing now is to handle the things in front of you well. "

"Oh! I just suddenly remembered and asked. Don't worry, Senior Brother Lu. By the way, how are the preparations for our journal and editorial office going?"

"I have contacted several scholars who have made achievements in artificial intelligence, and we are currently discussing. In a few days, we will be able to come up with the rules and regulations for accepting manuscripts. In short, it should not take long to set up the framework, but I also plan to visit some big shots, and it may take a few days before I can go back to school."

"It's okay, don't worry, Senior Brother Lu, I'm here at the research center! That's it, I'll die first."

After hanging up the phone, Ning Wei fell into deep self-blame. He was still too superficial and never took the initiative to care about the life mentor who once taught him the rules of how the world works and benefited him a lot. Although Knowing that there was a high probability that Lukassen Flanders had never thought that Ningwei would be able to repay him, Ningwei felt that not repaying his kindness would be an insult to China's traditional virtues.

Especially in this extremely special period, if he does not repay his kindness, including Huang Yunjian, and the big bosses standing behind Huang Yunjian may misjudge his character, this is very bad.

So, Ning Wei called up March on his mobile phone.

"March, you know the big shot Lucassen Flanders, right?"

"Meow, I know." The kitten waggled its tail and seemed very excited. However, the screen of the mobile phone was still a bit small after all, and it was far from as smart as it looked on the monitor.

"It's good to know. You should also know about this professor's kindness to me, right? When I designed the turbulence algorithm, I originally planned to publish it without any modification, just because this professor taught me a lesson. , made me understand a lot of truths, so I spent a long time redesigning the algorithm to make the turbulence distribution more exciting. Now I want to thank the professor, can you write a short essay for me?"

"Meow, Dad, do you want to seriously thank Professor Flender?"

"Yes, it is the kind of very serious, heartfelt, and extremely sincere gratitude! After all, without Professor Flender, Ericsson's Mr. Leton would not show kindness to us, nor would Cisco send its senior president to follow us. Let's negotiate. I always feel bad if I don't thank this old professor properly."

"Meow, Dad, do you want to send him an email or an open letter?"

"Do you have Professor Friend's email address?"

"Meow, we have found out that the professor's public email address is on Princeton University's public information platform."

"Personally, I think it's better to express my gratitude publicly, so that everyone can know that I am a person who appreciates and repays kindness."

"Meow, sincere thanks should still be sent to his mailbox privately, but after sending the email, you can screenshot the email in clear text and then publish it on other public platforms."

Ning Wei didn't say anything for a long time. He felt that March's IQ was rising in a terrifying straight line. Look, she was already giving him advice. And this suggestion makes sense if you think about it carefully. After all, a short essay that is published directly does not show much sincerity.

"Then I'll listen to you, I'll leave this matter to you." Ning Wei nodded and said.

The kitten blinked, then flicked its tail, slunk away with its back on its back.

Ning Wei put his phone in his pocket, and as soon as he walked out of the room, his phone vibrated twice, prompting him to send an email, and by the way, it contributed a little bit of insignificant traffic to Weibo.

But Ning Wei didn't care about it, because he happened to encounter two classmates Xiao Jiang who had already dressed neatly and came out of their room.

"Ahem, Chen Lu, you are about to take the exam, right?" Ning Wei put on his brother-in-law posture and asked Jiang Chen Lu.

"Don't worry, brother-in-law, my sister has told me that I will go back alone and will never disturb any of my brother-in-law's plots against my sister." Jiang Chenlu said with a funny wink at Ning Wei.

The naughty little eyes made Ning Wei's young face, which boasted that it could withstand steel, blush...

Look, they are obviously biological sisters. Even though they don’t look alike, why are their personalities different? It’s his morning frost that makes people worry-free.

"Chen Lu, what are you talking about?" Jiang Chenshuang blushed and turned around to glare at her sister.

"That's right, you call me brother-in-law, what else can I do to your sister? We are the most serious couple!" Ning Wei nodded following Jiang Chenshuang's words and criticized.

"Then what is a serious couple relationship?" Jiang Chenlu asked.

Obviously, this kind of question is not difficult for a mathematician. Ning Wei answered seriously: "Mathematically speaking, a serious couple relationship is a functional idea where the girlfriend's mood index can directly affect the boyfriend's mentality. It's called change and Corresponding. For example, we take your sister’s mood index as the independent variable, recorded as ≥8 means that you are in a good mood. The corresponding set of function values ​​R={y|y=f(x), x∈D} is called the value range of the function."

"Then record my diligence in work as Y. This is a dependent variable, and its value range is also [0, 10]. The f of the function value represents a corresponding rule. Since you have not learned high Mathematics. If I don’t understand these well, I won’t go into details. But what you need to know is that it involves very rigorous reasoning steps and professional mathematical modeling knowledge. It’s normal if you don’t understand. When you go to college, you will understand Once you understand these, you will be qualified to fall in love, and then you will understand what a serious relationship is!"

Jiang Chenlu, a classmate with a simple sentence that made his style jump out, was speechless. He glanced at his sister in front of him and said dullly: "Sister, my brother-in-law is such a bully. Do you really treat me like a child? I have never studied advanced mathematics. Aren’t you worthy of falling in love?”

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