Tech Hammer

Chapter 264 Disapproval in the Bone

There are many embarrassing situations that you may encounter in life. One of them is definitely when you are busy at home for most of the day, and a more senior person than him is having a meeting to discuss, and he is required to stay in front of the computer most of the night to get an accurate result. , we came over excitedly to tell people that we had made up our minds, but they responded with an understatement, "I forgot!"

Mr. Lu Xun once said that silence is the highest form of contempt, but Huang Yunjian doesn’t think so. Really, the embarrassment caused by silence was far less harmful than the harm caused by these three words. For a moment, even the smile froze on the face of the president of Cisco Greater China...

"Haha, Lao Huang, I was joking with you. How could I forget? I just don't remember how I expressed it at the time. Otherwise, you can remind me." Ning Wei said to Huang Yunjian with a smile.

Huang Yunjian gave Ning Wei a perfect score for this forceful explanation in his heart. The only pity was that there were no tiles in the office.

"Dr. Ning, don't be ridiculous. You said yesterday that you are more interested in semiconductors recently. We at Cisco do have a layout in semiconductors. In particular, we have extremely rich experience in chip design and customization for specific network applications. After discussions with colleagues yesterday, it was decided that we can advance and retreat with the future intelligent platform." Huang Yunjian said in one breath.

"Is that so? Okay, we have reached an agreement. You can fly to Shencheng to discuss the specific situation with Mr. Yan. Since you already know each other, you don't need my introduction." Ning Wei pointed to the office door with waning interest and said.

"Ah? No, Dr. Ning, aren't we cooperating with you?" Huang Yunjian was stunned and asked suspiciously.

"Why are you cooperating with me? The negotiation leadership has been fully entrusted to Huawei. They have all the platform unified access technology standard solutions. Do you think I can handle the next negotiations by myself? Lao Huang, I'll tell you the truth. , I still have a lot of things to deal with. Look, I posted a Weibo post this morning. How long has it been now? There have been more than 8,000 replies, and I haven’t even had time to take a good look at the feedback from netizens. How can you still have time to pay attention to those trivial news? Huh?" Ning Wei was fiddling with the computer and suddenly felt surprised.

His name actually appeared on the Weibo hot search list again, and it had nothing to do with the Weibo he posted today. It said that Ning Wei had won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics and the Cray Mathematics Research Prize, with a total bonus of 1.1 million US dollars.

This is really surprising.

Ning Wei knew that the Wolf Prize was going to be awarded to him. The previous chairman of the Wolf Foundation had already spoken to him, and even chose to hold the award ceremony in China in order to make him successful. But the Clay Research Institute awarded him the Clay Mathematics Research Award. He didn't even hear about it, but the news spread on the Internet. In other words, Weibo actually knew that he had won the award before he did?

Is it fake news?

But when Ning Wei clicked on the source of the news, he discovered that it was the text message posted first by the official media. The text message also included screenshots of the Clay Institute's official website and the Wolf Foundation's official website. It was confirmed that the Cray Institute had indeed awarded him the Cray Mathematics Research Award, and specifically wrote that in recognition of his efforts in advancing the research on NS equations, he would also be awarded the $1 million Millennium Reward. he.

Really, this wave of counterattack confused Ning Wei. When the Western foreigners did not follow the routine, it made him wonder whether these people had not realized the exact meaning of March's little essay. Do you really think he has surrendered to Lucason Flanders? Really, the sudden one-million-dollar bonus shook him up.

Thinking about it at a deeper level, could it be that March wrote in the letter that he wanted to give Lucassen one million? After this operation, he did not receive the bonus, and the Clay Institute directly gave the bonus to Lucassen. ·Flanders, right?

Yes, the moment he saw this news, Ning Wei had this weird thought in his mind.

"Dr. Ning, what's wrong?" Huang Yunjian, who was still hanging on, asked with concern when he saw Ning Wei's appearance.

"Nothing, Lao Huang, please analyze it for me. Why did the Clay Institute choose this time to suddenly announce that it would award me the Clay Mathematics Research Prize and give me a $1 million Millennium Prize? That's right? Aren't they also afraid that I'll post randomly on Weibo? Or maybe they're pornographic and like this kind of tone?" Ning Wei raised his head, looked at Huang Yunjian and asked in confusion.

"Well, um... I think it's probably because you were the one to win the award." Huang Yun gritted his teeth and sent out a tall hat. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to show off his achievements in front of him or sincerely ask questions, but at this time After all, there is nothing wrong with flattering someone.

"Wait a minute, it should be about three o'clock in the morning, Israel time, right? Why did the Wolf Foundation choose this time to announce the Wolf Prize in Mathematics to me simultaneously with the Clay Institute? Don't you think it's abnormal?" Ning Wei asked again.

"This question... is probably because the candidates for this year's Wolf Prize have been temporarily changed. You know, this kind of thing has never happened in history. I guess by announcing the award together in this way, it can make people happy. The Wolf Foundation is under less pressure. Moreover, announcing the decision in the middle of the night can give the foundation time to judge the public's reaction and see whether it needs to issue a further statement to explain..."

Huang Yunjian used his many years of business experience to explain various abnormal situations.

"That being said, do you think there is no conspiracy in this?" Ning Wei nodded and asked.

This question made Huang Yunjian dumbfounded. He really didn't understand Ning Wei's thinking. They were giving awards and bonuses at the same time, giving them face and face at the same time, but he was thinking about whether there was a conspiracy in it. , a young mathematician would probably be jumping for joy at this time, right?

"What kind of conspiracy can there be? Mr. Ning, although you have indeed encountered some unpleasant things in the past, please believe me, there are only a few people like Lucassen Flanders. Not everyone is interested in the research of others. For those who covet the results, this world has established rules to restrict them, otherwise this would have been chaos." Huang Yunjian said sincerely.

Ning Wei nodded, and then asked: "Oh! So Cisco also belongs to that small group? Your equipment seems to have used my research results without my permission, right?"

Huang Yunjian took a deep breath and hesitated: "This..."

Ning Wei smiled and said: "Okay, okay, Old Huang, stop being so polite and be sincere. We all understand the rules of this world. I also understand your thoughts, so be it, I solemnly promise, You won’t post anything about Cisco on Weibo until you reach an agreement with Huawei. This will put your mind at ease, right? You came all the way from Hangzhou to Beijing to find me. To put it bluntly, isn’t it just for this matter? But you still have to Reach an agreement with Huawei as soon as possible. I'll wait for you for a week. You will eventually fulfill Wall Street's orders, right? Otherwise, if the news gets out, even if the contract is broken, it will be unbearable pain for Cisco. I'm right, right? ?”

"So if I were you, I have to fly to Shencheng right now. If I get there late, I might have to queue up. For the sake of us being acquainted, I will tell you a piece of news secretly. I'll hurry up and follow you. You are definitely not the only one negotiating with Huawei. I don’t know what Huawei’s internal structure is, but I think there are only a few bosses who can make the decision, right? If you go late, I’m afraid only the deputy will be there to receive you. That would be very difficult. It’s embarrassing. After all, among the companies we are going to negotiate with this time, Cisco is not really the biggest and strongest.”

These profound words made Huang Yunjian stunned on the spot. Do you want to compete for position when negotiating? What happened to this world?

Yes, what happened to this world? This is definitely not just a question for Huang Yunjian, but also a question for countless Chinese netizens. Today, everyone is a witness to history, witnessing the birth of the youngest Wolf Prize winner, and the first Wolf Prize winner in history. The jury changed the winner after already deciding the winner.

Unlike the Fields Medal, the Wolf Medal is a lifetime achievement award. Generally speaking, those who receive this award before the age of sixty are considered young. For a mathematician, he usually receives it first when he is young. Fields Medal, or other mathematics awards, and finally when judging the outstanding contributions of these outstanding mathematicians, a Wolf Medal will be added to give them the title of Grand Slam.

Of course, it is also a supplement for those mathematicians who are late bloomers. After all, the Fields Medal is limited to those under the age of forty, which is somewhat unfair to those mathematicians who only produce results after the age of forty.

Ning Wei's situation this time is extremely special. You can imagine how much public opinion it caused in the entire academic world when the Wolf Foundation was officially announced. This is still a situation that many academic leaders have known for a long time.

Therefore, Huang Yunjian's analysis is indeed correct. The Wolf Foundation waited specifically to release this news at the same time as the Clay Mathematics Institute. There was no doubt that the Clay Institute was trying to distract public opinion pressure. Look, the Clay Mathematics Institute also feels that Ningwei is well-deserved, so don’t stare at us, the Wolf Foundation, and make crazy complaints.

It is naturally impossible for ordinary people to know how many big figures came forward to discuss, coordinate, and protest until all parties finally compromised.

The only line of information that ordinary people receive from the Internet is that Ning Wei suddenly jumped out and posted a Weibo post early in the morning, telling the world that he wanted to thank Professor Lucason Friend, who had catarrhalized his paper. In this email About an hour after Ning Wei himself was exposed, the Wolf Foundation and the Clay Mathematics Institute suddenly announced that we would give the honor to Ning Wei because he deserved it...

Really, at this moment, many ordinary people thought that Ningwei had gained reconciliation with the world of mathematics through his reconciliation with Lucassen Friend, and then won these two awards.

But at this time, exciting news came out from Twitter. The 911 ambulance drove into the Institute of Advanced Mathematics at Princeton again and took Professor Lucason Friend into the ambulance. It is said that the old professor read Ning Wei's thank you letter, which caused a sudden increase in blood pressure and caused a cerebral hemorrhage. It was complicated by fainting, and luckily the police were called immediately. According to the attending doctor, if it had been a few minutes later, or if the bleeding point had been corrected just a little bit, we might have been separated forever.

At the same time, the picture of the pure English version of the thank you letter was finally translated into text and began to spread on the Internet. Only then did everyone realize that this was not a thank you letter, but a reminder...

"I feel like I haven't done anything in 2023, I'm just busy witnessing history."

"Have you noticed a strange phenomenon? This year, I can't see the various melons of the big stars on Weibo. Now I would rather have one melon a day and take care of myself. I have never seen such an academic person who can do so much. !”

"So who can explain to me what exactly Ning Xueshen added to the turbulence algorithm? Is it a backdoor?"

"Brother, go check out his previous Weibo and you will understand the little math magic trick posted by Ning Xueshen. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it. You can read the comment area, where many great masters have given explanations."

"I remember that the last time Ning Wei posted a Weibo, he made the old man so angry that he was hospitalized. This time, he posted another Weibo and the old man was hospitalized again. Poor Professor Flender's body probably can't bear such torture. Bar?"

"No, no, no, Ning Wei's Weibo must have been posted by himself last time, but this time it's not necessarily the case. Don't forget that Ning Wei's Weibo is already in the hands of cats. As we all know, cats are the most vindictive. Yes, so who posted this Weibo is still open to question."

"Can anyone explain to this bastard what the Clay Mathematics Institute is and what the Millennium Mathematics Prize is? Why does it feel like the Millennium Mathematics Prize is higher than the Wolf Prize? So the Clay Mathematics Research Institute The prize is more awesome than the Wolf Prize, right?”

"Brothers and sisters, let me emphasize that Ning Wei is a 24-year-old scholar. Do you know what it means to win the Wolf Prize at the age of 24? It is probably equivalent to a person who writes a book at the age of 24 and then The Nobel Prize judges awarded him the Nobel Prize for Literature that year directly because of this book!”

In fact, the emotions of netizens on the intranet have almost been vented. Most people are numb. How should I say, everyone is almost tired of aesthetics.

Since last year, the name Ning Wei has been searched almost every month. This month, Ning Wei has been searched too many times. It has reached the climax since its release in March, and it has been directly listed on the official website. It appeared in the most serious news reports in the media, so now there are really few people in China who don’t know the meaning of this name. Therefore, for ordinary people in China, Ning Wei has received these awards, which is definitely what he deserves.

If these awards dare not be given to Ning Wei, it must be full of shady stories.

But the reaction on the Internet is completely different, especially on Twitter and Facebook, the effect is overwhelming!

Especially in Europe, many people have linked this name to the gray boy who was deeply in love with the princess but was rejected by the royal family. When they see Ning Wei, they think not of his achievements in mathematics, but of Isabel. Princess.

From the perspective of many outstanding young people in the academic circle, when seeing Ning Wei, they think of this mathematician's performance at the two World Computer Algorithm Conferences, the extra learning content that has been gained during the lost vacation, and this guy's report In the last stage of the meeting, those words that sounded self-effacing were actually a slap in the face.

For many academic circles in the third world outside China, thanks to the collective ban and cold treatment of them by the Western media, the news that Ning Wei suddenly won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics and the Cray Mathematics Research Prize was like a thunder to the ground. These people It's buzzing...

Yes, Ningwei is indeed awesome for developing an artificial intelligence program like March. But why do the Wolf Mathematics Prize jury dare to make such a decision? Just change the winners that year? Do you still have your credibility?

So when some Chinese people open foreign social software such as Twitter or Facebook and search for news about Ning Wei, they will definitely have a strange feeling - are they evaluating a person?

Young people in European and American academic circles probably judge this style of painting.

"Although this news is sudden, I think these two awards are probably well-deserved. However, winning the Wolf Award first always makes me feel a little happy. Does this mean that if this doctor can compete with Phil? No chance now?"

"Well, this operation of the Wolff review committee is probably reasonable and unexpected. Although I think Ning Wei is definitely unqualified, I still congratulate him for winning these two awards, because I hope that mathematics The award and the mathematics research award can remind this doctoral student that he is a mathematician first, and please stop competing with the algorithm community!"

"My tutor said that he is the most genius thinking and creative mathematician in the world, so what is there to say? It is impossible to say that those lost vacations will never come back. But there is something even more terrifying, when If you want to study the mathematical ideas he proposed in depth, you will feel as depressed as when I first came into contact with group theory! Those complex concepts are really difficult to understand!"

"Sincere greetings from a graduate student in mathematics and artificial intelligence! Dr. Ning Wei, I hope you will be a good person in your future career after winning the award! Can your theories make people crazy? At least there are group theory You can understand the symmetries of each one. When you are good, you can set up sets one by one. Do you know that obscure concepts can drive people crazy?"

When it comes to ordinary people in Europe, the style of painting begins to become weird.

"Wow, this is God's reward for this poor boy's serious research. He deserves the US$1.1 million bonus. I don't know if two awards can change the Snow King's royal family's stereotype of this young man. But I I still hope to bless him and Isabel!"

"I know Ning Wei. His love affair with Princess Isabel touched me deeply. Really, I can understand this young man. He is probably the best Chinese, isn't he? At this moment, I can't think of any other words except blessings. ”

"Congratulations to Ning Wei from the bottom of my heart, really! He has suffered too much cold shoulder and unfair treatment. When I read the story about him and Isabel in The Sun, I really cried! Anyone who strives for love All young people are great! Winning the award again proves that he is still working hard towards his ideals."|

"Really, I'm not surprised at all when I see this news. Ever since I saw that beautiful kitten, I knew that this day would come sooner or later. I believe everyone should still remember that beautiful kitten. Really, It is so cute, just like Isabelle, I know I will bless them and hope that lovers will get married!"

When it comes to the third world, especially the academic circles in India, there are really all kinds of doubts...

"Is the Wolf Foundation crazy? Western academic circles have begun to degenerate. They can't even tell the difference between an ordinary program and real artificial intelligence. They even tampered with the winners to promote a charlatan. .”

"When I saw the news today, I thought April Fool's Day had come early. There is nothing more ridiculous than this. A young man turned a poor performance into a grand carnival in the Western world."

"I am not surprised at all when I see this news. It is nothing more than the demand for capital. Technology stocks are in the doldrums, US stocks are in the doldrums, and capitalists need innovative technologies to boost morale, so they regard a big lie as the truth. A few years later, many people They will all be nailed to the pillar of shame. Especially the members of the Wolf Mathematics Prize Jury, they will eventually pay for their ignorance!"

"Ning Wei? He's just a genius who rose to prominence through packaging. I've read his papers, and they're all lies! As for the so-called artificial intelligence and turbulence algorithms, there may be some real things in them, but they've been exaggerated infinitely. Why didn't he Continuing to prove the NS equation says it all. History will answer everything, and the Wolf Prize will fall from the altar from today."

All in all, it was another collective carnival among media people and a day of earth-shaking on the Internet. However, whether the comments on the internal or external network actually have no impact on the parties concerned, of course, this cannot be said completely. When Ning Wei saw on the Internet that Lucassen Flanders was put into the ambulance again, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He felt relieved that at least it proved that a group of people thousands of miles away were not confused. But he felt quite uneasy. After all, he really didn't expect that this old professor was not too old, his health was really bad, and his ability to withstand stress was not even as good as his...

But he wholeheartedly rejected the fact that he was being searched again today. For no other reason, he was afraid that in the future there would be more security personnel standing guard at the entrance of the research center. And he also got into some troubles. Ning Wei still vaguely remembered that he promised the chairman of the Wolf Foundation that if this year's Wolf Prize Award Ceremony was held in the capital of China, he would also help the foundation coordinate The venue of the award ceremony.

The joys and sorrows between people are never the same, as if absolutely no one believes it. Rather, I feel more distressed than excited by these inexplicable reactions from the Western academic circle. For example, he had to explain to his dear mother on the phone what the Wolf Prize and the Cray Prize for Mathematical Research were.

Really, Ning Wei never expected that after the news of his award was exposed on the Internet, the first person to call to congratulate him would be his mother.

"Ning Wei, I saw online that you won two more awards?"

"Oh, yes!"

"Then you will be busier in the future?"

"No, I have to do whatever I need to do."

"Don't lie to me. If you don't work for others, why should others give you bonuses?"


Really, the problems of the older generation often get to the core.

"You know about the Nobel Prize? There are also bonuses. Why do you think people need to work abroad?"

"Aren't Nobel Prizes mostly given to foreigners? Aren't those people working abroad?"

"There are Chinese people who have won Nobel Prizes!"

"I know, but your dad said, haven't the Chinese people who won the Nobel Prize retired? Anyway, your dad said that if winning this prize requires you to go abroad to work after graduation, he will object to you winning this prize. Honors and bonuses don’t matter, that’s what I think too. Oh, by the way, your dad also asked me to tell you that if you go out, the bullets you make for others in the future will hit his chest sooner or later!"

"Don't worry, Mom, what does this mean?! It's impossible. Winning the award has nothing to do with going abroad! By the way, have you bought your tickets? Do you want me to book them for you?"

Although the conversation was nonsensical, Ning Wei only felt warm.

Everyone else only cares about the honor of winning the award. Only his parents worry about whether he will go out to work for others after receiving the bonus, and whether this will cause more troubles.

"Oh, no, the tickets have been booked. Remember to give your Uncle Luo a call later to thank him. He knows that we plan to go to Beijing to celebrate the New Year this year, so he asked the factory management to help us book the tickets early. Yes, we have a high-speed rail train the day after tomorrow, and we have to transfer to the provincial capital. We were afraid that we wouldn’t be able to carry our luggage on the way, so your Uncle Luo specially asked the security department of the factory to arrange for two young men to send us there. No matter how hard you refused, you couldn’t refuse. It’s useless. Just tell me, your dad and I are not old enough to be like this, so I’m sorry for causing such trouble.”

These words made Ning Wei immediately think of Liu Wei beside him, but this arrangement was so considerate. Ning Wei was born when Lao Ning was thirty-one years old. Calculated, his father is also fifty-five years old. Ning's mother is only one year younger than Lao Ning. It is more than a thousand kilometers from Yancheng to the capital. There is no direct high-speed rail, and there are people around to take care of him, which really makes him feel more at ease.

"Okay, I will contact Uncle Luo later. You can send me the ticket information on WeChat later. I will pick you up at the station the day after tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone with his mother, Ning Wei was about to go out and ask if the two brothers arranged by the security department of Liu Wei factory had anything to do with their Jitu security, when Tian Yanzhen opened the door and walked into his office.

"Director Tian? Why are you here?"

"I just saw the news that you won the award. I originally wanted to call you and ask you to come over. But then I thought it was not appropriate, so I just came over to express my congratulations. Congratulations to the youngest Wolf Prize winner. ! Tell me, how do you want to celebrate? How about the teacher treating you to dinner today? "

Ning Wei could feel his mentor's excitement, and the smile on his face couldn't be concealed at all. He was completely different from his usual serious image, which made him feel a little moved in his heart.

Sure enough, the moment the news was officially announced, many people got off guard.

"Well, Director Tian, ​​if you really want to celebrate, you can treat me to a meal. I want to buy a batch of laboratory equipment. Can you help me find a school to apply for?"

"Laboratory equipment? That's easy to tell! What equipment do you need? Have you made a list? I'm going to find someone before the holiday today, and the winter vacation will be tomorrow!" Tian Yanzhen glanced at Ning Wei approvingly, What a good boy, it doesn't matter if he wins or not, he still thinks about learning.

"That's great, I've prepared it for you, take a look." Taking advantage of Tian Yan's joy, Ning Wei immediately took out the list of equipment he needed from the table.

"No problem, let me take a look... um... eh?"

Tian Yan was stunned after taking the two A4 papers handed over by Ning Wei.

High vacuum and high temperature annealing furnace, high temperature probe measuring instrument, resistance heating evaporation coating instrument, CVD vacuum tube furnace, electron beam coating, electromagnetic induction plasma etching, low temperature probe measurement, single-sided deep ultraviolet lithography equipment, high kinetic energy resolution reaction imaging Spectrometer, scanning near-field optical microscope, high-intensity powder neutron diffractometer, femtosecond laser amplification system, pulsed laser deposition and magnetron sputtering dual-mode deposition system, UV-visible spectrophotometer... The most exaggerated thing is that he seems to have I saw the precision five-axis linkage machining center and various machine tools...

Tian Yanzhen fell into deep thought as he looked at the various devices that filled the pages of A4 paper. He didn't even bother to open the second page...

"Ahem, Director Tian, ​​there is a priority behind these devices. The most needed ones are three stars, which means that the school does not need to buy them yet. Two stars means that they are available in some laboratories of the school, but the models are not the latest. You know , the same type of instruments are one generation behind and some functions are not complete. The one-star representatives are not too anxious for the time being, but they will definitely use them in the future, such as those machine tools..."

After suppressing his emotional excitement, Tian Yanzhen gently put the list of industrial equipment and instruments in his hand back on the table. Wen Yan asked: "Ning Wei, are you sincerely concerned about your identity as a mathematician?" Don’t quite agree?”

"This mathematician is too exaggerated. I am your student." Ning Wei replied sincerely.

"Yes, my student, we are a mathematics research center here. Look at you, Senior Brother Lu. Wherever you go, with a pen and a few pieces of paper, you can conquer the world. You are looking at you, let alone me. Can the logistics department approve all the equipment you want? Let’s assume that they have been approved. Now that the equipment has been ordered, where do you plan to stack it?”

"Are you planning to buy a piece of land to build a super laboratory for you? If I'm not mistaken, the equipment and equipment you want cover everything. From nanomaterials to mesoscopic physics, optical physics, semiconductor processing... Let me not talk about the purchase cost of these equipment. Do you know how much the daily maintenance cost is? Well, Ning Wei? What on earth do you want to do? "

Well, that's exactly what happened.

In fact, Ning Wei's idea is very simple. If he has a super laboratory and debugs all these equipment, it means that he will have a highly automated precision processing platform. After the successful construction of the intelligent platform based on March , with the help of data from peers, many needs can be completed almost without queuing. Although he knew it was impossible, he just wanted to...

"Hey, Director Tian, ​​I'm actually kidding you. Of course not all of these instruments are needed. In fact, the first one is for fun. Why don't you take a look at the second one."

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