Tech Hammer

Chapter 268 Who is a serious person who is not afraid of the dark?

At Jingxi Station, classmate Jiang looked very nervous. The meeting of the parents was actually a bit sudden. After all, the two of them had not been together for a long time. It only took half a year from the time they met to the present. If we talk about the two of them, We have been officially together for only five months.

So if classmate Jiang really had to choose, she still wanted to go home with her sister. After all, I haven’t been back for a year, so naturally I miss her very much. But there are always many reasons to be reluctant, and many times she doesn't know how to refute.

For example, whether she stays in the capital for the New Year can actually be related to whether the world can be peaceful. Although I knew that there must be some exaggeration in this, or even nonsense, when Liu Wei appeared in Ning Wei's life, it interfered with this kind girl's judgment.

Fortunately, although Ning Wei is indeed a bit domineering in other aspects, she can feel that this person is actually quite good...

"I said, why are you in a daze? Did you hear all the words I just said to you?"

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Jiang Chenshuang blushed shamefully. Well, she was indeed distracted just now.

Ning Wei angrily grabbed the girl's soft little hand and scolded: "I've been telling you for a long time, don't be nervous, my dad just didn't give birth to a daughter, otherwise he would be a standard daughter slave, with more male chauvinist tendencies. It's serious, but I'm sure he likes you when he sees you. If you just say something nice to him, the old man will be so happy that he can't help you. By the way, when it comes to topics like going abroad, just say you've never considered it! The old man spent several years in the army in his early years, and his thoughts are quite extreme, and he has strong national sentiments. He is very old-fashioned and can't even smile."

"As for my mother, who has always been very gentle and has soft ears. She used to be bullied by my father every day. It is only in the past few years that I have become more successful and my waist has become a little tougher. I think she is the person she likes most in her life. He is probably the person I like. So if you have captured me, you have captured my mother. The most important thing is that I need to emphasize to you that my family's environment is similar to yours. They are all small households. So there are no messy rules, you just scare yourself."

"Oh!" Jiang Chenshuang nodded obediently.

Although Ning Wei had already told her these words, saying them in this scene really made her feel a lot less nervous. Just as she was about to ask Ning Wei about her uncle and aunt, she felt like she was being pulled. , out of the corner of his eye, he saw that his boyfriend had raised his other hand and waved it: "Dad, Mom, this way, this way..."

As he said this, he did not forget to pull her towards the exit of the station. Following Ning Wei's gaze, Jiang Chenshuang recognized Ning Wei's parents at a glance. It's not that they have a tacit understanding, it's just that their temperament is too similar to what Ning Wei described.

Father Ning, who was in his fifties, already had a lot of gray hair on his head, but he didn't take care of it. He was holding a small bag in his hand. Hearing Ning Wei's cry, he stood straight and pointed in the direction of the two of them. He nodded and grinned as if he wanted to smile, but with that serious look, there was something indescribably weird. When it came to the aunt beside him, her black hair was carefully tied up. She looked at the two of them with a very gentle smile, and her gentle eyes had a hint of doting.

Facts proved that her judgment was correct, and Ning Wei soon pulled her to the middle-aged couple.

"Hey, Mom, when you came to the capital, you went to dye your hair, right? So cool! Dad, Mom, this is Jiang Chenshuang, I told you, my girlfriend."

"Hello, uncle and aunt!" Jiang Chenshuang called out quickly. She wanted to help Ning's mother get the things, but after seeing that only Ning's father was carrying a small bag, the girl had no choice but to give up.

"Oh, hello, Xiao Jiang." Lao Ning nodded towards Jiang Chenshuang and responded slightly reservedly. Although he was not very good at smiling, his grinning mouth at this time showed the uncontrollable expression of laughter. Joy.

"You old man, Xiao Jiang, why would you rather call us now and tell us about you? I've long wanted to see you. It's great that I didn't go back this year. We can spend the New Year together. We'll go home later. Let’s have a nice chat.”

Ning's mother first said something pleasant to Jiang Chenshuang, then looked at Ning Wei and said, "Ning Wei, thank Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li quickly. They helped us carry our luggage and buy tickets for us along the way. It’s hard work.”

Only then did Jiang Chenshuang see that Ning Wei's parents were followed by two young and capable young people carrying heavy suitcases. She didn't know whether the temperament of the two was not very eye-catching, or she was still a little nervous and didn't notice their presence. .

"Brother Zhang, Brother Li, hello you two, I've really troubled you all this way. It just so happens that I also have a good friend who I want to introduce to you. Brother Liu, Brother Liu, come here quickly!" Ning Wei turned around and faced about three meters away. Liu Wei waved.

Their eyes met without speaking, and then the three of them saluted silently. Lao Ning next to him subconsciously straightened his chest and stood at attention...

At this moment, Ning Wei suddenly remembered an article called "Who is the cutest person" in his mind.

Originally, he had no connection with this article. He even remembered how Lao Ning was furious when he found out that this article was missing from the junior high school textbook. Then God knows where he got a junior high school Chinese textbook from the 1990s. , forcing Ning Wei to memorize this article.

Then things became simple. The two people who sent Ning's father and mother to the capital politely but resolutely rejected the warm invitation of the Ning family and left directly. Liu Wei drove the family back to Yanbei University as a neighbor.

Taking advantage of the break to get his luggage, Ning Wei asked Liu Weiwei with emotion: "Brother Liu, what is the task assigned to you by your company? Tell me about it."

Liu Wei hesitated for two seconds before replying: "Guarantee your personal safety from any illegal infringement."

"Oh!" Ning Wei nodded and said, "Oh, it means that if I fail your mission, you will fail the mission."

Liu Wei glanced at Ning Wei and replied in a calm or even indifferent tone: "No, there is no such thing as an emergency. If it does happen, I will stay in front of you."

Looking at Liu Wei's rough face, Ning Wei suddenly felt that this life-and-death dependence was a bit strange...

"Lao Liu, if you say that, I would like to buy insurance for you."

Liu Wei: "..."

On the other side, Jiang Chenshuang opened the door upstairs.

"Oh, the house is so clean? Needless to say, you must be cleaning it every day. I know better than this kid. I helped him pack his things when he was a senior. The dormitory was so dirty that maggots could grow, and there were other things in the corner of the balcony. Who has lost stinky socks for many years? I don’t know how the few in their dormitory can bear it. Xiao Jiang, you have worked hard." Ning Ma sighed with emotion as she glanced at the living room.

As a mother, Ning's mother would never say that Ning Wei is not good, but women are more sensitive than men after all. On the way back, she could feel that her future daughter-in-law was being controlled by her son, so she no longer had so many worries. .

"No, no, actually Ning Wei is quite diligent. And it's not hard to just clean up every day." Jiang Chenshuang said quickly.

Well, in Jiang Chenshuang's impression, Ning Wei is indeed very diligent. For example, he has to study various information in the office until late at night every day. After returning home, he often locks himself in the study room to tinker with the information on the computer, often to check A piece of data takes one or two hours, but the rigor of research is indeed inversely proportional to life. In terms of life, it is better not to be too demanding, and it is basically just passable.

For example, Ning Wei is obviously very rich, even rich beyond her understanding, but she only has a few clothes in her wardrobe. Ning Wei seems to have never thought about buying more. She really wants to give Ning Wei some clothes. In order to buy a few pieces, I took action. After buying and cleaning them carefully, I found two more down jackets in my wardrobe, but the feedback was not very good.

"Why have so many clothes suddenly changed? It's so troublesome to sort them out. Don't buy them for me in the future. Buy a few more for yourself. Only girls need more clothes. I only have enough clothes to wear, otherwise I will have to open the wardrobe. Just choose what to wear today, waste your time.”

Well, that's generally the case. What's even more irritating is that although he claims to be upright, he would rather be different. He has never worn the newly bought down jacket, and he still wears the same two sets of clothes every day. But it can't be said that I prefer not to be clean. After all, my underwear is changed every day, but it's just never washed.

Fortunately, Jiang Chenshuang has never had high material requirements, so both of their wardrobes seemed a little empty. Of course, there are advantages. After Ning Wei and Liu Wei moved the couple's luggage upstairs, they could easily put the clothes the couple brought into Ning's wardrobe in the master bedroom.

At this time, Ning's father and Ning's mother had already walked around the room. After all, this was their first time to Ning Wei's new home, so they naturally wanted to take a good look.

After packing their luggage, it was almost time for dinner, and they took Liu Weiwei directly to have a meal in the school canteen that was still open during the winter vacation. Ning Wei also decided to give himself a day off, so the family sat on the sofa in the evening, Ning's mother While Jiang Chenshuang was talking, Lao Ning sat with Ning Wei and watched TV in silence.

He hadn't experienced this kind of atmosphere for a long time, and Ning Wei thought it was quite good, especially when he noticed that Lao Ning's attention was obviously not on the TV. From time to time, he glanced at himself and the couple who were chatting softly, and he obviously wanted to join in. He went in, but he was too confident about his status and didn't know how to interrupt. He suddenly felt that his father could be very cute.

Then he coughed twice and asked, "Dad, how are you doing with your driver's license? When are you planning to buy a car?"

Old Ning's face turned red, but before he could speak, Ning's mother smiled first...

"Ha, your dad brags at home every day about how well he drove when he was in the army. As a result, he failed to pass a subject three times after taking three re-examinations. Every time he made new mistakes. What's the limit? Get in the car. You didn’t check beforehand, and you didn’t slow down when you passed the bus stop. Quickly praise your dad for not making the same mistake twice. Lao Hu specially said hello, which made it difficult for his coach to say anything. He was probably about to be Your dad, a student, is so angry that he is going to shut himself up. Old Hu even advised your dad to stop bothering him at this age and ask you to match him with a driver!"

Lao Ning's face turned even redder and he argued: "Can it be called a mistake? There weren't so many rules when driving in the army before, okay? You see how many drivers have to go around the car before driving? What about the bus stop? I didn’t notice it at all, okay. Don’t worry, I’m re-learning traffic laws. If I don’t memorize all the traffic laws, I won’t be on the road, right?”

After defending, Lao Ning directly pointed the finger at Ning Wei: "You guys haven't taken the driver's license exam yet?"

Ning Wei glanced at his father, shook his head sincerely, and replied: "No, I have a driver. Did you see that Brother Liu just now? He is not only my friend, but also my driver, and also a bodyguard, messenger, Spokesperson and other identities are combined together.”

"Guard?" Lao Ning looked at Ning Wei suspiciously and said with emotion: "How can you be so virtuous? When I was in the army, even the battalion commander didn't get this treatment."

"Speaking of this, Ning Wei, I see that March is almost being praised as a god on the Internet. What exactly is March?" Ning's mother glared at Lao Ning, and then asked Ning Wei curiously.

Ning Wei slapped his forehead and looked at his memory. How could he forget March at the critical moment of family reunion? He quickly took out his cell phone and summoned the kitten he had spent a lot of time raising.

"Meow..." After Yue Yue took over the phone's screen, microphone, camera and external speaker, she let out her signature cry with a hint of milky flavor.

"Come on, come on, March, let me introduce you. These are your grandpa and grandma. Let me tell you, you can disrespect me, but you must not disrespect your father and your mother, because they have the power to beat me. If they beat me, I will be in a bad mood. If I am in a bad mood, I can cut off your internet at a certain point. Isn’t it scary?”

"Meow, grandpa, grandma!"

"Wow, Xiao Jiang, look, he can still bark! March is so good!" Ning's mother said happily.

Facts have proven that even a virtual kitten can fully master the skills of making the elderly happy. For example, when Ning’s mother clicks on the screen with her mobile phone, Yue Yue will very wisely raise her little paw to interact with Ning’s mother across the screen. , when Ning’s father put his head close, the kitten would roll on the ground in time, exposing its round belly, and then used its eyes to signal Old Ning to scratch the middle of its belly and get a small handful of white hair...

Of course, wagging his paws and wagging his tail at Classmate Jiang was even more basic, and every move was executed perfectly. Ning Wei was a little angry. This thing had never been so lively in front of it. It would either lie down lazily or show its disdain for him with its buttocks. But Ning Wei had to admit that the effect was excellent. The two old men sat together with Jiang Chenshuang and began to interact cordially.

"Xiao Jiang, I heard from Ningwei that your grandma is not in good health. Have you made arrangements at home?"

Ning's mother is still relatively tactful, but Ning's father's straightforward style is revealed.

"I listen to Ning Wei. He also wants to settle down as soon as possible. I very much agree with this. Only when you have a family can you start a career. I have discussed with your aunt that we will not go back directly to the capital this time. Wait until Ning Wei When you have free time, let's go to your house together, meet your elders, discuss it and settle your affairs. When you graduate, we will arrange your marriage. Do you have any What a custom, we all fully cooperate with it.”

"By the way, listen to Ning Wei saying that there is another princess coming tomorrow, don't feel any pressure. I have told Ning Wei a long time ago that if he dares to bring me a foreign wife home, I will tie his legs. No mercy when interrupted!"

"Ahem, Dad, if you dare to break my legs, I, Brother Liu, will fight you to the death, do you believe it?"


"You're done! What did I tell you when I came here? Don't put on airs in front of your son. Don't you think about why Xiao Hu is so good to you? You have some idea in your mind! Xiao Jiang, your Uncle Ning has this character. I never speak out of my head, but Ningwei told me privately that he would choose you for the rest of his life, and he told me how good you are in front of me every day, and we agreed. Although Ningwei has many faults, there is one good thing about him. , although he is a noisy person sometimes, but he is dedicated, and these are all his father's orders..."

After all, the excitement of meeting my son and his wife was not worth the exhaustion of driving all day long.

At eleven o'clock, the old couple yawned in tacit understanding and walked into Ning Wei's room. They did not ask the two young people how to arrange it, so Ning Wei walked into classmate Jiang's room confidently. The only thing he felt was a mistake. That is, I bought two beds and made them look like bedrooms.

In fact, at this time, I would rather buy a 2-meter large bed. It is okay for the two sisters to sleep together.

Yes, Ning Wei decided that the bed should be changed in this room, and he was thinking about whether he should tell Brother Liu tomorrow. Brother Liu, who has great supernatural powers, will definitely be able to help him arrange things properly. This matter is actually quite important, related to the survival and reproduction of the Chinese nation...

Of course, I definitely couldn't sleep at this time.

"How about it? My parents get along well with each other, right?" Ning Wei asked first.

"Well, Auntie is so warm, and Uncle Ning is very cute." The girl's voice came from the darkness, a little nervous, with a hint of vibrato.

"That means you think my dad is cute." Ning Wei commented, and then asked: "By the way, the lovely Uncle Ning said that he plans to visit your house after the new year, so that's settled. ah."

"But you've been very busy recently..."

"For such a big thing, you can always find time."


"By the way, my parents still saved some face for me today and didn't tell you about my embarrassing things."

"Really? What's embarrassing about you?"

"For example, I am particularly afraid of the dark... Just like today, the room is dark, aren't you afraid?"

"Then...shall I turn on the light?"

"Don't, turning on the light will affect your sleep. In fact, my problem is easy to cure. I can hold whatever I want when I sleep at night, and I'm not afraid anymore. Are there dolls or anything like that in the room? I don't pick any dolls."

Of course Ning Wei knew that was not the case. Neither sister seemed to have a hobby of buying stuffed toys. However, the girl who was supposed to cooperate with him in the performance did not even reply.

Of course, it doesn't matter. He is more familiar with embarrassing performances than Xiao Xianrou. There is actually only one core element. As long as you don't feel embarrassed, you can be invincible.

"Oh, no, it's so dark. It's really, really scary. I really admire you. A girl can be so brave..." Ning Wei said as he climbed up from the bed and groped for the edge of the bed next to him. , then opened a corner of the quilt and got in without delay.

"Ah, then, how about just holding me?"

"What are you thinking about? Of course I just hold it if I'm afraid!"

"Then... don't move, okay?"

"Okay, in the name of March, I promise to do everything in order and never mess around..."


(The above omission of dialogue and various descriptions totals 32,381 words. No effort has been spared to save readers a lot of money."

The next day, as expected, Ning Wei got up late.

Really, I have never slept so soundly. I woke up naturally because I pulled it with my hands and found that the place next to me was empty. When I opened my eyes, I found that the sun was shining unyieldingly through the corner of the curtains. He was the only one in the room, and there were others in the living room. Natural and friendly conversational sounds.

Really, when winter comes, Ning Wei hasn't slept until the sun rises when he wakes up, so he stretches out comfortably on the bed, then recalls what happened last night in his brain for a moment, and lets out a comfortable sigh. Sigh: "Hey...ah"

At the same time, Ning Wei also roughly understood the true meaning of Xu Ruixuan's crying and crying performance at the school gate when he was at Jiang University...

Sure enough, only practice can bring out true knowledge.

He slowly got up, got dressed, and after a brief wash in the bathroom, he walked out of the room with his head held high, and he was surprised to find that Liu Weidu was already sitting on the sofa at home. .

"Finally willing to get up? No matter what time it is, Xiaojiang wakes up early in the morning and goes to the cafeteria to buy steamed buns and soy milk. He also puts the steamed buns in a pot to heat for you. Even Xiao Liu is worried and comes to find you. "Seeing Ning Wei walk out of the room, Ning's mother immediately glared at her son angrily.

"Hehe..." Ning Wei touched the back of his head and giggled twice.

Classmate Jiang, who was sitting next to Ning Ma, stood up immediately, blushing and said, "I'll get you breakfast."

"It's okay, just rest and I'll take it myself. Has Brother Liu eaten? How about we come together?"

"No, I've just eaten!" Liu Wei waved her hand.

"It's ten o'clock. You're going to starve to death by the time you get up to eat."

"I know, by the way, Mom, I have something to go to the office today, so Chen Shuang will go shopping with you first. However, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Shuang is going to our research center, and I have to pick up someone with her. "


Holding two buns, Ning Wei followed Liu Wei out of the door. Ning Wei proudly waved the buns in front of Liu Wei: "My dear wife bought this."

Liu Wei glanced at Ning Wei with a clear look, then smiled and made a rare joke: "Congratulations to Dr. Ning on the engagement of his wife."

Ning Weizhi said proudly: "Haha, as long as you work hard, you will get it! Don't worry, Brother Liu, I feel full of fighting spirit now! I have a high fighting spirit that you can't imagine! This year, just this year, I will God swears to do something big!"

Liu Wei stared at Ning Wei, and the words "big ticket" echoed in his mind, making him feel that the burden on his shoulders seemed a little heavier...

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