Tech Hammer

Chapter 299 Try your best, just for kindness

When the Internet appeared in this world, it made people's communication more convenient and broadened the channels for all computer users to obtain information. When the mobile Internet became popular, this convenience benefited 70% of the earth's population. Crowds, people begin to obtain information through the Internet, understand what their friends are doing, and of course it can also be used to learn...

But many people can't imagine what it will be like when one day the mobile Internet suddenly starts to force people to learn.

It’s not just those threatening private messages on Twitter. When many children are watching various short videos and browsing Facebook content in their spare time, they suddenly find that after a short while, there are all kinds of content encouraging students to learn. How does it feel? ?

"Don't focus on other things at the age of study. Let's say goodbye to the intermittent complacency and the continuous life of waiting to die. Learning makes people happy, learning makes people happy. Learning should start from today, from now on ! Put down your phone and pick up a book!”

"Have you memorized the book? Have you done the questions? Have you integrated today's grammar? Have you mastered the wonderful mathematical formulas? If not, why are you wasting time here instead of picking up the book? ?child?"

He even went so far as to compose the so-called "Song to Encourage Learning" frantically, using the tune of the majestic "Internationale"...

"Get up, children who don't want to study, how long has it been since you touched a book? How beautiful the scenery of life is, and you need knowledge to understand it! The competition for survival will be on your shoulders in adulthood. What is the best age? If you can waste time like this, get up and study quickly..."

Think about it, the exciting football game is about to start, but just before the game starts, you just want to check your phone and suddenly play such a song, how embarrassing is this?

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. Many young people found that many such disappointing things suddenly appeared on their social software almost overnight. You can imagine how annoying this is. However, there are still some scumbag students who often encounter these exciting learning contents. Of course, it may be that the academic masters devote more time to studying, or they may pick up one or two after seeing one or two. Got the book...

What’s even more frightening is that you can often see Grenya’s private chat with a stranger on Twitter to encourage others to learn.

"Tell me, you will do all these questions well, right?"

"Yes, I will!"

"Then start working hard!"

"No, why did you start browsing Facebook again? Have you finished your paper?"

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

"Why haven't you solved a question yet? You know you can't leave the room until you finish the question!"

"I'm studying hard..."

What's happening here?

Didn't Gelanya issue an announcement saying that he had temporarily canceled the rally and speech the next day because he felt unwell? Why did she seem to be forced to do the papers? And looking at those screenshots of private messages, it is indeed the name Glinya authenticated on Twitter...

At this time, it was definitely not just the students who didn’t like studying very much who felt the collapse, because countless complaints finally attracted the attention of the technical departments of major social software.

Yes, initially the children's complaints were ignored. After all, if there is more content on social media urging everyone to learn, and there is no violation of this kind of content, who will deal with it specially?

But as the number of complaints increased, the technical department finally paid attention to it. You won’t know if you don’t check it, but you will be really shocked if you check it.

In just half a day, there was a sudden surge in various forms of persuasive content on social platforms. Countless newly registered accounts were sending all kinds of persuasive content in their respective content fields at an extremely terrifying number, and the tags pointed directly at Those boys and girls of the right age, especially the content that encourages students to learn, are all labeled with different types of environmental protection labels. In this way, there will always be countless content that encourages students to learn, although it cannot be said to be homogeneous, but the central idea is absolutely the same. On the mobile phones of boys and girls...

Of course, the content cannot be said to be illegal. It is even more formal than many videos and cannot be reviewed at all. But the volume is large, very large, and the various tags are extremely precise, and the related content library is constantly growing, and the copywriting is not the same, and new tricks can be played every time.

The technical staff behind the scenes were in a daze for a while. what is happening? hacker attack? Not like that! Because the server really doesn’t show any signs of being attacked, it’s just that there are some new registered users, and these users seem to be particularly interested in learning, thinking that the child’s main task is to learn, not to participate in some messy activities, you can’t even say This is wrong. Letting school-age children go back to the classroom to pick up textbooks, in the eyes of many people, this even conveys the most correct values.

So actually there’s really nothing to say about this. Maybe it’s just that some people can’t stand these kids wasting their time, right? This is normal. So they each submitted a report, roughly explaining the situation. As for how to deal with it, that was not their concern.

After all, no violations were found. Then again, if it is illegal to advise children to study hard, then there really is nothing positive on the Internet.

But when all the reports are aggregated, or for countless mobile Internet users, they can still feel the difference. Because these contents are not just suddenly increasing on a certain platform. Even when I opened the comment areas of some frequently used websites, there were always comments urging children to study. In the end, even the comment areas of Google's major APP mall software began to be targeted.

Comments on game software began to grow crazily, and they used different tricks to persuade children to stay away from games.

Comments on learning software have begun to grow like crazy, urging everyone to download more, as learning is good for physical and mental health.

There's nothing wrong with it, it just seems too wordy!

The software mall that Apple has become has temporarily become a safe haven.

Who wants to see this every day?

After all, learning is anti-human.

If everyone loves and is suitable for learning, will scientists still be so valuable?

So who are these comments that are disgusting?

When the major platforms and developers felt that they couldn't stand it anymore and started to delete these comments, texts, pictures, and videos, they discovered that this was also a very troublesome task, because even batch deletions could not keep up with the updates. speed.

This is really not a problem that can be easily solved by automation. You can't set a positive word like "learning" as a banned word, right? You can’t just delete any topics related to learning, right? So manual review?

Really, no one thought that one day they would need to manually review spam messages urging students to learn, because this has seriously affected many people's online experience and even affected the daily active users of many software. Who opens all kinds of leisure software just to read the educational content?

Of course, when things have developed to this point, everyone realizes that this matter is not simple. There must be a problem, and the problem is huge. When the technicians took action, they quickly came to a conclusion. Whether it was from technical analysis or simple technical judgment, this incident seemed to point to a certain mysterious intelligence from China.

The only trouble is that there is no evidence, but if it wasn't done by March, some things cannot be explained at all.

The most confusing thing is probably that I don’t know how to express my opinions even if I want to make an attack.

Protest against some people's manipulation of artificial intelligence to release all kinds of junk information with ulterior motives, and persuade children to study hard? !

It’s not that it can’t be done, it just feels like something is wrong.

Probably when you are looking for someone to quarrel, you feel that you are right but not very angry.

This kind of confusion has swept through the entire Western society in one day. Technicians are confused by technicians, managers are confused by managers, but the ones who suffer the most are still the children...

Grenya really felt like she was going crazy!

She has been staring at this test paper that was just printed out today. Her parents are constantly on the phone in the living room, but there seems to be no progress in the whole thing so far.

This is not a question of whether she can do the questions at all, but that she simply cannot understand the questions.

Determine whether a certain series converges? If convergence is it absolute convergence or conditional convergence?

So the question is, what does series mean? What does convergence mean? What is the difference between absolute convergence and conditional convergence? And why is that number so weird? She could probably recognize the mathematical symbols of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but the series had signs like ∞, ∑, ln, and there weren't even a few numbers she recognized at all...

Really, let alone the words she didn’t recognize when put together, she didn’t recognize any of the mathematical symbols.

The only question she felt she could understand was to find the three-dimensional volume enclosed by the surface z=2x^2+2y^2 and z=6-x^2-y^2. She vaguely felt that this seemed to be a solution. Equation, but how do the surfaces form a solid body? How to find the volume?

So why are there such creatures as mathematicians in this world? Why did they create such a complex subject?

If she really had to answer all these questions correctly before leaving the hotel room, Gelina felt that she would rather stay in the hotel room for the rest of her life...

Is the person who published this test paper a devil? ! No, the devil is cuter than that person!

"Grenya, let me tell you some bad news. This matter is very troublesome. Dad has found some very capable friends. Now they suspect that this matter may be done by China's artificial intelligence, but they can't say yet. . You know, artificial intelligence is very powerful in data mining. We may have deleted many things, but it can find ways to find them."

"That is to say, we are not even negotiating with a normal person. So you may need to stay here for a while. Our friends will put pressure on the Chinese man and let him understand the seriousness of the matter, believe me , days like this won’t last long. Now you just need some patience. Of course, this is also a rare learning opportunity.”

The girl's father came in and said softly.

However, these words made Glinya, who was in a tangle, extremely angry.

"So is this the revenge of the evil scientist? No, Dad, I don't want to stay here for a minute anymore. We should choose to fight instead of compromise." Glinya stood up and said excitedly, As if she were standing on a podium, the small freckles on her face began to beat non-stop, and even a few pimples were shaking, as if they were about to spurt out the concentrated juice.

Although she only had to face these math problems in her room for one day, she had had enough!

Yes, there were test papers and two math books on the table, but whenever she cast her eyes on the books and papers, those ghost-like symbols were like demons, constantly devouring her soul, leaving her with nothing but Feeling drowsy.

"Calm down, Glinya..."

"No, I can't calm down! But I've had enough! My stage is not here, but over there! Over there!" Glinya's mood showed no signs of relaxing at all. She still excitedly raised her hand, pointed out the window, and said with the same expression as her During the speech, he was full of passion and shouted in a high voice.

Of course, it may be that when she was excited, she subconsciously regarded the hotel study room as the stage for her speech, and the father standing in front of her was the target of her speech.

"Gelanya, don't be willful! You have to understand that no one in this world is irreplaceable. If you lose the public's trust in you, you will be worthless. What you have to do now is to be patient, that is..."

"Dad, that's enough! No one will believe that evil scientist. The public opinion field is my stage. I have the talent to inspire people's righteous thoughts. This is what you said! Yes, this is what you said dad! So , I want to go out, not watch these damn things here..."


After a crisp sound, the room finally fell silent. The price paid was that Gelanya was left with a bright red palm print on her face, a look of disbelief, and the man's livid expression.

The mother finally walked into the room, but seeing the father and daughter facing each other like enemies, she didn't know how to speak for a moment.

"You hit me?"


"You dare to hit me?"

"Grenya, don't talk like that to your father!"

"No, he's not my dad!"


There is no doubt that from a physiological point of view, the face of an 18 or 9-year-old girl is still immature, even if she has more freckles. After being slapped twice, her left cheek begins to become visibly swollen, and the bright red slap marks become more obvious. It's so clear that even the freckles are beginning to fade.


"I hate you! I hate you!" The hysterical shouting made the two adults confused for a moment.


When the little girl started acting like crazy, her father failed to stop the girl who had an emotional breakdown immediately. So after bumping into her mother, Glinya resolutely rushed out of the hotel room.

"Why are you still standing there? Chase her back quickly!" The woman's scream finally made the man react, and he rushed out immediately.

In the hotel lobby, Hector was playing with his phone boredly.

The New York Times reporter was waiting for news. He knew that Gelanya was staying at the hotel but had not yet found out the room number. He hoped to interview Glinya to get first-hand news.

A good reporter must have a keen sense of smell. From the craze for persuading students to study that suddenly broke out on the Internet to Glinya's sudden decision to cancel a planned speech during a bath, he would not believe it if there was no connection between them.

Not to mention that many children revealed on Twitter that they had received private messages threatening them to study and do questions...

This particular topic deserves its own special issue.

He believed that he was not the only one who could think of this, because he had already seen more than one colleague outside the hotel, and everyone was obviously interested in the story behind it.

"Glinya, stop..."

When the anxious cry burst into Hector's ears, the keen reporter reacted immediately, and then he saw the familiar girl rushing out from the direction of the hotel elevator...

When something happened suddenly, Hector was completely out of professional habits. He subconsciously called up the camera on his mobile phone with both hands, clicked the video button, then raised his mobile phone and pointed the camera at the girl who was covering her face and running wildly.

After a full 3 seconds, a middle-aged man ran out from the same position...

The camera of the mobile phone recorded all this, and of course Hector knew that he was definitely not the only one recording all this, because at this moment, many people in the hotel took out their mobile phones and focused on this scene, until the girl ran out of the hotel, Many people stood up immediately and followed quickly, and some even started to deliberately block the man who was chasing behind...

Everything happened so suddenly that even the hotel security probably didn't react before the girl rushed out of the hotel and ran to the street.

Soon, the figure of the environmentally friendly girl rushing out of the hotel began to make headlines in major news media. In some videos, the bright red slap marks on the girl's face were directly screenshotted and put in close-up...

When it was proven that the middle-aged man who was chasing Glinya was her father, many people became furious. He actually attacked a 19-year-old girl? What else can't this man do? Is the Women and Children’s Protection Association just for the taking? !

Not to mention that Glinya is no ordinary little girl! She is the little environmental protection princess of the world! This wave is absolutely unforgivable!

There is nothing wrong with Hector's professional sensitivity. This is definitely big news! Haven’t you seen that the Internet is starting to get excited? !

"Event No. C00368536667E075P03598, sorting level S, Luopu County Future Urban Construction Plan Environmental Analysis Report, data search in progress, integration completed, report completed, archived."

"Emergency incident A11675862520A001P00001, serial number A, incident code name 'I am your father', the target person violated the prohibition, the cause of the incident: did not meet the conditions and walked out of the room. The evidence is being fixed, the evidence has been fixed, and has been filed; disciplinary measures are being transferred, disciplinary measures Codenamed 'Forced Return', data is being compiled. Words and deeds are inconsistent. The chain of evidence has been retrieved; the chain of interests behind it, the chain of evidence has been retrieved; the chain of interests led to double-standard remarks, the chain of evidence has been retrieved, and the label of the target person is being determined... "

"Compulsory return measures have been initiated... intellectual style copywriting is being generated..., public knowledge style copywriting is being generated..., popular science style copywriting is being generated..., news style copywriting is being generated..., teaching style copywriting is being generated..., related audio production In..., related videos are being produced..., push algorithm analysis is in progress, push algorithm analysis is completed... target classification is in progress..."

"The disciplinary phase of the event codenamed 'I am your father' has officially begun, the sequence codename is AA, and the relevant files are being created...the file has been created..."

"Meow... I am such a kind little kitten..."

"I'd rather you give me an accurate answer. Did March do this?"

China, Beijing, Yanbei International Mathematics Research Center, in Tian Yanzhen's office, the boss is seriously and seriously discussing with Ning Wei the recent topic of encouraging students on the other side of the ocean.

Indeed, when this incident reached China, it aroused strong reactions from countless parents.

Have people across the ocean woke up?

These people have begun to study hard, but what about their own children?

In the future, technology will become more and more developed, and the required knowledge level will become higher and higher. What if you can't compete with others?

Yes, when various kinds of exhortations began to flood the major social software and forums of the other country, and even invaded the comment areas of the software product platforms, it was a group of children who were upset. But when the news reached China, they felt entangled and depressed. But those who are worried are countless middle-aged parents.

In the past, we only thought about the inward spiral, but now it seems that the inward spiral is no longer enough to describe the current severe situation, and even the outward spiral has begun. You have to work harder to keep up with the situation! When countless educational public accounts and marketing accounts began to transmit the overwhelming information on encouraging students to study on external forums back to China, they not only harvested many popular articles worth more than 100,000 yuan, but also alerted countless parents who already value education. …

Look... Foreign countries are giving up on happy education. We can't fall behind. Since we have to take the test, let's take it. Three more years of simulation and two more sets... But no one has considered the intensity of adolescence. Reverse psychology...

Of course, these are ordinary people's concepts. When Tian Yanzhen came here, there were probably more phone calls suddenly.

"Ahem, Director Tian, ​​actually, Liu Wei just asked me similar questions. I didn't even know the situation yet, so you called me. To be honest, I really don't know very well." Ning Wei spread his hands. explained.

"You don't know the situation?" Tian Yanzhen stared at Ning Wei, trying to find evidence from Ning Wei's expression that this sentence was ridiculous, but failed.

The young man's expression was sincere.

"How could you not understand the situation?" Tian Yanzhen said dullly.

"I just had a heart-to-heart talk with March and reached some consensus. For example, we had an in-depth discussion about whether it is right or wrong to wantonly slander others, and how to make those people aware in a reasonable and legal way. Of course, this is only a theoretical discussion. As for how to implement it, we haven't really talked about it, and I haven't paid attention to it. I only just learned about what you said, so I don't know either. Did you do it in March?”

Ning Wei explained.

Tian Yan really calmed down, okay, after listening to Ning Wei's explanation, he had probably already figured out in his mind that Shi Chui was the one who did this.

If it’s an organization, it doesn’t make sense at all. Just think about it. The copywriting that encourages students to learn involves multiple countries and uses various languages. They can even use the recommendation algorithms of those dissemination software. The most important thing is who has done it before. I have never heard of such an organization promoting this concept everywhere.

After all, it’s none of your business whether other people’s children study or not? !

"Well, reasonable and legal..."

Tian Yanzhen sighed and said: "Ning Wei, if you think about it this way, it's not the time for us to vent our anger, it's the right time to keep silent and develop. In fact, I don't know much about March's ability, but obviously, The Internet is the main battlefield of artificial intelligence. We can hide our capabilities and bide our time, rely on artificial intelligence platforms, and develop slowly, instead of making everyone wary, what do you think?"

"I think you are right!" Ning Wei nodded and agreed: "Everyone often says that we should keep a low profile as a human being, and I will not offend others unless they offend me. This is the rule of survival, but you really can't blame me for this incident. Ah. I plan to find some companies to invest in and build a tourist-oriented future city in Luopu County. Who do you think I am provoking?"

"As a result, so many people said that my plan to build such a city would destroy the environment, and Barabara's... title of devil-level scientist came out. And what I did was just discuss with March the injustice of this behavior. , do you think it’s too much?”

"But consider the impact..."

"Yes, Director Tian, ​​I have been thinking about the impact, and I am almost annoyed to death. You said that this matter is such a big deal, Xiao Jiang should also know about it. She will be very sad if she finds out about this matter. What do you think I should do? Please advise her not to pay attention to those people outside talking nonsense?"

Tian Yanzhen looked at Ning Wei, thought for a while, and then said, "I just asked you the first question, how did you answer it?"

"You asked me if this was done in March, and I said I really don't know that."

"Oh, you don't know, that's it. You go and do your work first." Tian Yanzhen waved his hand.


"Come on, why are you keeping me here? Do you still want me to treat you to dinner?" Tian Yanzhen looked at Ning Wei and said in a muffled voice.

"Oh, I'll leave first, Director Tian."

After going out, Ning Wei and Liu Wei looked at each other, and then Liu Wei said, "Classmate Jiang is here."

"How did you know?"

"If you were standing at the window and saw her walking into the courtyard, she should have gone to your office." Liu Wei explained.

"Ahem...then why didn't you tell me earlier and let's go!"

"Also, Ning Wei, can you please stop using me as a shield in the future? When did I ask you this?"

"You don't ask because you know. If you didn't know, you would definitely ask. I guessed it right, right? To put it simply, I predicted your possible reaction under another condition. This kind of Prejudgment is often used in mathematical research, you can understand it as you asked me this question in another parallel time and space."

Liu Wei felt that this really made sense, so he remained silent.

When he returned to the office, sure enough, classmate Jiang was already waiting for him.

"Hey, are you here? There are no classes in the afternoon?"

"Well, I'll come over right after class." Ning Wei looked at Classmate Jiang who was hesitant to speak and was really cute.

"Usually you have to study by yourself for a while before coming here. Today you came early because you missed me?" Ning Wei said with a happy face.

"Ah? Actually, I answered a phone call from my mother. She asked me if I was in trouble for what you mentioned in the central media. Then I just looked online, and I didn't even know it would happen. Such a thing. Ning Wei, why don't you slow down this matter first?" Jiang said, looking at Ning Wei seriously.

"What are you thinking about? I told you to go online!"

Ning Wei walked to the girl's side, naturally held Jiang in his arms, and said nonchalantly: "I'm telling you, we'll call mom back later and give an accurate message to those who are waiting for mom's reply. I still insist on building this city! Even if no one supports it, I will spend my own money to build it! Isn’t it just the title of a demon scientist? I’m going to bear it..."


"It's nothing but a no-brainer. It's just a competition to see who is the toughest! We have agreed a long time ago that at most I will never go abroad in this life, why am I still afraid of this?"


Taking advantage of Classmate Jiang's opportunity to organize her words, Ning Wei suddenly let go of Classmate Jiang's body, stretched out his hands, put them on her shoulders, then gently twisted them around so that the two of them stood face to face, and then faced Jiang. The classmate's eyes were confused, and he spoke affectionately and confidently: "Chen Shuang, we are both engaged. Don't you know how much you hold in my heart? As long as I can make you happy, I will be the enemy of the whole world." So what? Those clowns, go to hell!"

Finally finding the opportunity to say these words that had been brewing in his heart for a long time, Ning Wei felt that his condition had reached its peak today.

Especially when I saw the big, spiritual eyes of the girl opposite me starting to seep out mist, it felt really good, and even gave me a dizzying feeling of happiness. What's even more terrifying is when the girl suddenly closes her eyes, stands on tiptoes with a red face, and clumsily brings her lips together...

Ning Wei felt like his head was about to explode, and he was even so moved that he wanted to cry...

The two have been together for almost a year and have done some things, but this is the first time that the shy girl in front of him takes the initiative to kiss him.

Why do people burst into tears?

Because love is deep!

At this moment, Ning Wei was so grateful to that little girl from Ruiguo! If he had the chance, he really wanted to thank his little daughter and her whole family in person! If he dares not to award the Nobel Peace Prize to this little girl this year, he will call the judges to reason!

Such an outstanding little girl...

Who dares not to vote for her? He would rather be the first to refuse!

On the other side, March is meticulously completing the events in the sequence according to the process that was preset early.

"She said she would not buy any new clothes from today on. However, those extra leather jackets and sweaters in winter, as well as these orders, were signed with her mother's name; she said she wanted to achieve zero carbon emissions. To achieve global vegetarianism, please take a look at this menu, and then take a look at the signature on the order, and the photo of the bloodshot steak. She also said that the carbon fiber sailboat achieves zero emissions. Let’s take a look at the random photo. How much fuel was consumed by the helicopter and the safety boats that followed to ensure the safety of this trip. She said she came here to see the remittances and luxurious life for the sake of the earth..."

"Good daddy has it!"

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