Tech Hammer

Chapter 307 That talented bitch

No matter how little Ning Weiduo cared about the achievements of the NS Equation paper, the moment he submitted the paper, it was still destined to cause a sensation in the mathematics community. Even if he only submitted a Chinese paper.

Princeton University in April is a picturesque tourist destination.

With its rich heritage, this university still retains many medieval Gothic buildings. Many buildings even look like castles in fairy tales. Choose a good day to walk through the Blair Arch, pray in the campus church, and overlook the Alexander Building. , it must be a happy thing to go to the Flintstone Library, which has tens of millions of books, to study, or to bask in the sun on the lawn.

Of course, maintaining these old buildings requires a huge amount of repair funds every year. Fortunately, this Ivy League school is never short of money. After all, this school has produced three presidents of the United States, more than 40 governors, and more than 30 Nobel Prize winners.

According to Princeton University’s own estimates, in addition to charging high tuition fees, each undergraduate has donated an average of nearly 2 million to his alma mater. This also puts Princeton University at the top of the alumni donation list of prestigious American universities, with a donation rate of A staggering 68 percent. In other words, after every 100 students graduate, 68 will donate to Princeton University. Alumni donations alone have already exceeded 10 billion US dollars.

For the equally well-known Harvard University, this figure is only 48%, which is enough to show that students who graduated from Princeton identify with this school. Having money also gives this school the confidence to create a better humanistic environment. In addition to repairing the buildings on campus, the school will also spend money to purchase many collections to put in the on-campus art museum, including works by masters such as Claude Monet and Andy Warhol.

Of course, the most outstanding thing about Princeton University is its School of Mathematics.

How should I put it? Many factors need to be considered to compare the strength of a certain subject in modern universities. Directly judging one to be the best in the world is often very convincing. But if we were to compare the mathematics departments of all universities in the world and rank them in the form of comprehensive scores, it would be somewhat surprising to most people if Princeton's name was not visible in the top three.

Even in the eyes of many people, the Princeton School of Mathematics represents the highest level of mathematics teaching on the planet. No matter how it declines, it will never fall out of the top three. This is probably the foundation of Princeton.

But many people may not know that the Institute for Advanced Study next to Princeton University is the real temple of mathematics. Because there are no teaching tasks here, and it is simply dedicated to basic theoretical research, its achievements in mathematics, especially in the field of pure mathematics, can really be said to be world-leading.

In addition to working at Princeton School of Mathematics, the old man who was sent to the hospital twice because of Ning's anger also mostly led his own team to do research at the Institute for Advanced Study.

But now the old gentleman is nowhere to be seen. His former office was also cleared out and given to a physics professor who just won the Nobel Prize last year. Fundamental physics is also a research direction of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Although I can’t say it can be said to be the best in the world, it is definitely top-notch.

Of course mathematics is still the top priority.

Today is destined to be an extraordinary day, and a piece of news began to spread among researchers at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

"Hey, have you heard about Denton? That Chinese guy finally solved the NS equation."

"Of course, I heard last night that Dean was invited to be one of the reviewers. I also know that this Chinese guy sent the manuscript to a Chinese mathematics journal. God, I can't even name that journal. The name has an impact factor of only about 0.2, can you believe it? The paper that proved the NS equation was published in an unknown journal with an impact factor of less than 0.2."

"Ronnie, to be honest, although I feel uncomfortable with that Chinese guy, I don't think I can blame him. Maybe I have to thank Professor Flender for this matter. Let's put it this way, Ronny, if I go When I submit papers to Chinese journals and receive similar treatment, I probably won’t consider submitting papers again.”

"Okay, let's just talk about this. Why are you mentioning that old gentleman? This matter has caused the boss to criticize and train people again. Let's go to work."

The paper on NS equations in March was finally translated into English, and mathematicians from around the world selected mathematics masters who were qualified to review the manuscript. The news spread quickly.

In fact, generally speaking, those big figures in the mathematics community are not willing to pay attention to some small journals with low impact factors. However, this paper is signed by Ning Wei, and it solves a world-wide problem. It can be a solution to a world-wide problem. Being a reviewer for difficult papers is also something that many big guys are interested in. Moreover, reviewers are usually leaders in this research field, so they are naturally more interested.

News inevitably began to spread, and while the academic community was amazed, it was inevitable that they would feel regretful.

Ning Wei did not publish his paper in the four top mathematics journals, so it is not necessarily his loss. Because this actually embarrasses these four top publications. This statement may not be accurate. After all, publications have no emotions, so only one person related to the four top publications feels embarrassed.

For example, the big guys at Princeton.

After all, Princeton has its own top mathematics journal, and it is recognized that the culprit who caused this paper not to be published in the four top journals not only worked at the Princeton Institute, but was also a lifelong honorary professor at Princeton University. This is really embarrassing.

What’s even more embarrassing is that even though Ning Wei Space provided everyone with research directions, the researchers here were still a step slower. It was still Ning Wei who took the lead in publishing a paper solving the NS equation. The most embarrassing thing is that others He changed his research direction early. The whole world knows that Ning Wei has been studying the direction of artificial intelligence. He even won the Wolf Prize for a paper on the mathematical theory of artificial intelligence.

In other words, when Ning Wei was not studying artificial intelligence, he solved the problem he had studied faster, even faster than those mathematicians who specialized in this topic. This really embarrassed many people in the mathematics community. Use your toes to dig out a three-bedroom apartment.

Really, if the news can be blocked, some people really don’t want anyone to know that this problem has been solved. But now is the information society after all. Even if their people don’t tell them, Chinese mathematicians will write about this. information. Rather than being embarrassed when that time comes, it's better to appear more magnanimous.

It’s just that too many people underestimate the impact of this event, especially on the next generation.

In other words, it is not harmful to discuss it with colleagues in the institute, but the students at Princeton University have a different view.

Tasim was taking classes in the professor's classroom as usual.

Generally speaking, Princeton University has an introductory system. To put it simply, professors give very large classes. Many times they give speeches in the hall, with hundreds of students listening to the lectures in the audience. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand at the time, because there are still classes every week. Two tutoring sessions with teaching assistants. Generally speaking, teaching assistants are graduate students of the professors who lecture. Therefore, the performance of undergraduates often depends on luck. After all, the gap between the teaching experience and level of graduate students is often very different.

So generally speaking, everyone attaches great importance to the precious time that professors give lectures every week.

The same seems to be true today.

As a professor at Princeton School of Mathematics, Tasim also has a dazzling resume, but in fact, any resume of a professor at Princeton University will probably be dazzling. For example, the school will also issue special license plates marked with NL, which represents the number of cars. The owner once won the Nobel Prize. Obviously, professors from the School of Mathematics cannot receive such awards, but Tasim has won the Abel Prize, one of the three major awards in mathematics in the world.

He is 48 years old this year, and there is definitely no hope for the Fields Medal, but he still has a good chance of winning a Wolf Medal. Therefore, the students naturally admired him very much. Every time he lectured, the hall was always full.

Finally it was time for get out of class to end. As usual, he was about to end his teaching, but he saw many students raising their hands high in the air. This sight is actually not common. Because Princeton University has assigned a job to every professor, he must set aside ninety minutes every week for voluntary tutoring time. Of course, he can set the time by himself. He only needs to stay in the office and wait for these children. We use the accumulated questions to ask questions, so he generally does not answer questions after class.

And with so many hands raised today, he once thought that today's lecture was too in-depth. Didn't the children understand?

"Do you have any questions? Get up and talk." Tasim finally pointed to a female student and asked her to stand up and ask questions.

"Professor Tasim, do you know that Ning Wei, a student from Huaxia Yanbei University, submitted a paper to a less well-known Chinese mathematics journal, which is said to have solved the NS equation?"

Tasim was stunned for a moment, his eyes scanning the countless young and immature faces in the audience. He suddenly felt that Princeton University might be losing the most important thing. So he originally didn't plan to answer this question, but after thinking about it, he was ready to say something.

"Sure enough, this is Princeton, and all the students know about a paper that is still under review," Tasim said.

Normally, this sentence would elicit some laughter, or looks of pride from many students, but this time it seemed the effect was not so perfect.

"The news you have received is true. Dr. Ning Wei has indeed submitted a paper on the NS equation recently. If the paper is ultimately considered correct, then the NS equation will be determined to have a smooth solution and a unique solution under three-dimensional conditions. This This is a gratifying progress in the field of mathematical theory, but unfortunately, some previous unpleasantness may make everyone feel that this happiness is not complete."

"Of course, it is not very rigorous to have this or that feeling now. Because this paper still needs to be evaluated by reviewers, and then published, it will be questioned and discussed by mathematicians around the world, and in the end it will either be approved or falsified. . Of course as a Princeton Mathematics student, I guess everyone is familiar with this process, so that’s not what you really want to hear from me.”

"But what do you think I can say? There is no doubt that Ning Wei is one of the most talented mathematicians of this century. Listen up, I am talking about one of them. So where are the mathematicians who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him? What? Let me tell you, they are on campus, among you. Why is the Fields Medal only awarded to mathematicians under the age of forty? Because the whole world knows that examples of late bloomers are too rare in the mathematics world. For a subject that relies on talent and inspiration, it is difficult to achieve great achievements when the brain has passed its peak period."

"So I suggest that you don't care too much about things that are too far away from you. You should pay more attention to some pure things. PDE is a comprehensive mathematics subject. To learn this course well, you must not only learn the general mathematics I teach well. If you really want to continue studying PDE in the future, you must learn algebraic topology, differential topology and Riemannian geometry well."

"You will probably despise Lucason Flanders in your heart because of this matter, which has been at the forefront. But what I want to tell you is that when Professor Flanders was your age, he was as passionate and passionate as you. He is passionate and curious about everything in mathematics, and his talent is among the best of his era. Many of the theories you are learning now are the research and contributions he made. "

"I'm not defending what he did, because he was indeed wrong. The desire for fame and fortune blinded his eyes, and even tarnished Princeton University's century-old honor. And everyone here, you are now You are all a member of Princeton. Whether you like it or not, you are bound to this ancient school for life. Instead of feeling that the old professor has brought shame to everyone, it is better to study hard and use your achievements to rebuild the glory and splendor of the school. .”

"Of course, it is actually very difficult to do this. But I believe there must be some of you who can. I hope that by that time, you can still remember your original intention, keep your mission in mind, and always remember your love for mathematics. I know, Ning Because he may be the idol of many of you, so have you ever thought about the most respectful way to respect your idol? Yes, it is to be able to achieve achievements alongside him, or even surpass him one day."

"If you want to ask me what I have to say about this matter, this is probably the only thing I have to say. This is the first time I will say these things to you, and it will also be the last time. Including weekly counseling time, I hope you will solve the problems that bother you. Share it with me and I will do my best to answer it for you. But at the same time, I also ask for your forgiveness. I am just a mathematician. I don’t know much about the psychological activities of my colleagues, let alone analyze them, and I don’t want to think about it. Explore, that’s it, class is over.”

After finishing speaking, Tasim began to organize the course materials so that his eyes could no longer focus on the young student faces under the podium...

The former temple of mathematics... ha...

"Lucy, are you still busy?"

"Yeah, I have to prepare the courseware. When I was a student, I didn't think it was a headache to be a tutor. Now I finally experience it."

"Haha, this means you have finally grown up."

At Harvard University, Lucy Rowan was not idle during the year when Ning Wei was studying for her PhD. She completed her graduation thesis, successfully graduated from school, and then decisively rejected the company that is said to be the best paying company in the world. ——Invitation from Google to join in the great cause of education.

Yes, Lucy Rowan finally chose to sign a contract with Harvard and became an honorary professor of computer science.

The money you can earn from working at Harvard is definitely not comparable to that at Google. Although Harvard is not short of money, the salary ceiling for professors at private universities in the United States is also there. Moreover, Lucy Rowan is now an associate professor, with an annual salary of about one hundred thousand US dollars, which is actually enough for her.

Although the salary is not top-notch, the school still buys all kinds of insurance at a high-end level. And the school life made Lucy Rowan miss her, and that was the most important thing. Of course, there are also some subconscious factors. For example, Lucy Rowan stubbornly believes that if she chooses to go to Google instead of staying in school, she will definitely be pulled further and further away from that damn Chinese young man in the future... Even if Google It has the world's most advanced laboratories.

Of course, choosing to be a professor at Harvard instead of going to Google to get a high salary may also be related to Lucy Rowan’s lack of money. After all, some of the things she researched during her Ph.D. have helped her earn millions of dollars from Google.

In other words, even if she does not receive a high salary from Google, Lucy Rowan feels that she has the ability to make money from these high-tech companies in another way, of course when she is short of money.

If Ning Wei would probably comment on this, this woman would buy so many evening dresses and backless dresses because she was blinded by money...

Fortunately, there has been no conflict between the two for a long time. This is mainly because Ning Wei forgot to pull this woman out after putting her on the blacklist last time.

For a proud female professor at Harvard, she condescended to cooperate with Ning Wei, who did not have FB, and downloaded the international version of WeChat. She was also blocked mercilessly over and over again. Naturally, she couldn’t lose face and tried to talk to Ning Wei through other means. Contact, and the cold war in her heart began.

Yes, Lucy Rowan has been holding back a lot of energy in her heart. In addition to her daily classes, she also wants to achieve results that attract world attention, so that Ning Wei takes the initiative to take her off the blacklist. It would be more complete if the achievements could be higher and Ning Wei would be convinced...

Of course, it takes time to produce results. Although she is very anxious inside, Lucy Rowan knows that she cannot be too impatient. Because in the meantime, she had already been decadent. The sudden birth in March shocked this talented female doctor to the point where she couldn't help herself.

Lucy Rowan, who also studies artificial intelligence algorithms, certainly knows what March means. It's like everyone is fighting against the landlord, but this guy actually grabbed a handful of king bombs...

So during this period of time, she has been studying Ning Wei's papers carefully, which involves a lot of mathematical knowledge. Fortunately, learning algorithms is inseparable from mathematics. She started to study it again when she was studying for a Ph.D. Relevant mathematical concepts have begun to be systematically studied and sorted out. Now I can understand Ning Wei's ideas, and I have even begun to think more deeply about these theories.

Yes, Lucy Ron has already made plans. When she has results, she must go to China, go to Yanbei University, and smash her results in that hateful guy's face. She wants to prove it to Ning Wei. See, academic achievement has nothing to do with big breasts, and it has nothing to do with those beautiful clothes in the closet!


"By the way, Lucy, have you heard? In order for your old friend Ning to solve the NS equation, the $1 million prize from the Clay Mathematics Institute may have to be given out this time. Although now that article The paper has not been published in the journal yet, but I heard that China may put the paper on ChinaXiv, the paper pre-release platform of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which seems to be very confident about the paper."

"Huh?" Lucy Ron was stunned and couldn't help but said: "But hasn't he been studying the mathematical theory of artificial intelligence? NS equations? How does he allocate his time?"

"How else can we say that he is a stronger genius than you? Lucy, although as your tutor I really don't want to admit this, but I would rather be too strong than try to compete with the best mathematicians of the same era. Comparing results will make life very tiring. In fact, the advancement of a theory requires the unknown contributions of more people. Maybe we cannot be the most dazzling people, but the advancement of an era relies more on those unknown contributors. .”

"Teacher, I understand what you mean. In fact, I never thought about having to compete with that man..." Lucy Ron said after a moment of silence.

"Don't lie to yourself, Lucy. It's a good thing to be competitive. I'm just afraid that you will be defeated by it. Great scientists like Einstein and Newton can easily obscure the light of contemporary science, such as Brad , Kramer, Wilson, Hooke...etc., etc., in fact, when we look at that era now, their achievements are also worthy of being remembered in the history books."

"So existing in the same era as a great man of science is both a challenge and an opportunity. It is actually a very lucky thing to accept some of his views, learn and enrich them, and achieve achievements that no predecessors have ever achieved. The founder just pointed out There is a road. How to make this road passable requires countless people to build it along the road under the guidance of the founder."

The old professor said warmly.

"Okay, my dear Professor Wilson, I understand everything you said!" Lucy Ron said helplessly.

The old professor shrugged and smiled: "Hey, although Ning Wei does have the potential to become the greatest mathematician of this era, and he can even be considered one of the greatest scientists of this era, there is one thing. The level of appreciation is really bad! You know? I have always thought that you two are a perfect match. There are not many women in this world who have both beauty and wisdom, and you happen to be one of them. Since you have amazing beauty , and you have a common language, but you failed to create the spark of love, so is Ning Wei really a blind man?"

These words were really annoying. Lucy Ron could not help but think of Ning Wei's evaluation of her...

"That woman was in a superposition state between men and women when discussing issues with me. Once she stopped discussing issues, she would collapse into a definite female state..."

What a bitch he is... and a talented--bitch!

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