Tech Hammer

Chapter 309 Our role model

Ning Wei walked out of the classroom. According to the rules of the instructors, he could not participate in the evaluation process. Although he seems to be a big boss to the outside world, Ning Wei feels that he has always been a polite young man. Although the boss can cross the line a little and not follow the rules during thesis defense, he can't.

The defense process he participated in lasted about an hour. When he came out, he happened to chat with Jiang about his experience in the doctoral defense.

"It's not as serious as I thought. Most of the questions revolve around the thesis, which is quite simple. So you don't have to be too nervous when you defend yourself in the future. Just prepare according to the thesis you wrote."

Jiang Chenshuang looked at Ning Wei and asked, "Do you really think other people's thesis defenses are the same as yours?"

"I don't know about others, but you can definitely do it." Ning Wei replied immediately.

Jiang Chenshuang didn't answer. In fact, thinking about it, it seemed like that.

Now the whole school knows that she is Ning's girlfriend, and there will definitely be some preferential treatment whether it is graduation or defense. Before, Jiang was a little confused when thinking about this, but now he is used to it.

"Let's not talk about it anymore. I just saw on the school BBS that the youngest female professor from Harvard University came to our School of Information Science and Technology at Yanbei University to apply for a professorship. She was also being interviewed at this time." Jiang Chenshuang was replaced by many undergraduates. a hotly discussed topic.

"The youngest female professor at Harvard? A foreigner?" Ning Wei asked.

I would rather not think in the direction of an acquaintance, let alone the name Lucy Ron. In his memory, Lucy Rowan still held the aura of Harvard's genius female doctor. There is a difference between a doctorate and the youngest female professor.

Yes, Ning Wei didn't know that Lucy Ron had graduated early.

"Yes." Student Jiang nodded.

"This shows that our Yanbei University is getting stronger and stronger, and Harvard professors find us more attractive." Ning Wei sighed.

"Well, that's the reason, but I thought you would be more excited after hearing the news."

"Huh? Excited? What's so exciting about this? I'm considered someone who has seen big events. Princeton professors were so angry that they were sent to the hospital twice. What should I be excited about when a young female professor from Harvard comes to the school to apply for a job?"

"Then...what if this female professor is an acquaintance of yours?"

"My acquaintance? Impossible. I don't know many Harvard professors, let alone female professors. How could they be my acquaintances?" Ning Wei shook his head like a rattle, just looking at the smiling man with his lips pursed. Classmate Jiang felt something was wrong and asked suspiciously, "Wait, are you sure I really know you?"

"Well, as far as I know you know each other. You also specifically mentioned her to me. If I remember correctly, you told me that you met at the STOC conference. You also said that she also met at the conference. I wanted to make things difficult for you, but you killed me instead." Jiang classmate tilted his head, clasped his fingers and started talking to Ning Wei about the topic he had talked about before.

"Isn't it? The youngest female professor at Harvard is Lucy Rowan? When did she become a female professor? And she came to China to interview for a professor at the School of Information Science at Yanbei University? Are you kidding me? That woman actually came to China? "Ning Wei subconsciously wanted to take out his phone and ask Lucy Ron what she thought, but suddenly thought that this woman was in an interview and would probably ignore him, so she gave up.

"Aren't you the kind of good friends who share the same interests? She came to Yanbei University without notifying you?"

"Really not. Maybe it's because I blacklisted her on WeChat and forgot to release her. But does this woman have my email address? Oh, what a pity, this is a genius scientist ruined by an evening dress." Ning Said seriously.

"A scientist whose evening dress was ruined?" Jiang Chenshuang blinked, probably because she didn't quite understand Ning Wei's logic.

After all, Lucy Rowan is here with the title of the youngest female professor at a world-renowned university, so today's interview will most likely be just a formality. Otherwise, the news would not have spread to even the students and would have been discussed on BBS.

According to BBS, Lucy Ron was a talent that even big companies like Google were scrambling for, so she really didn't understand Ning Wei's words.

"Well! When a person focuses on the trivial issues in life, it will inevitably delay her thinking time on some issues. We know that everyone's peak thinking time is fixed, so spend more time on research Irrelevant things mean less time for scientific research, and that’s how she is." Ning Wei said with regret.

Classmate Jiang blinked, probably understanding Ning Wei's logic, and couldn't help but smile: "So this is why you only have a few clothes in your wardrobe?"

Ning Wei blinked and said: "Don't care about these details. Well, I have to admit, that woman is still good, but her temper is a bit crazy."

Jiang Chenshuang nodded, and then said: "You emphasized it before, but I still think you should treat her to a meal. After all, she just came to China from the United States, and she is not familiar with the place, and there are probably not many people at Yanbei University. An acquaintance. And it just so happens that you graduate with your Ph.D. today, which is a day worth celebrating."

As he spoke, Jiang raised his hand and gently helped Ningwei straighten his slightly wrinkled collar: "And aren't you curious why she resigned from Harvard University and came to Yanbei University?"

Ning Wei thought for a while and replied: "Do you still need to be curious? She must be disgusted with the rotten and nauseating smell on the other side of the ocean, and decided to join the light. I think this is a very far-sighted choice, just like, just like, Well, just like Chen Youliang and Zhang Shicheng were far-sighted in 1356 when they broke away from each other and went directly to Zhu Yuanzhang. Although those two people did not make such a choice in history, it also shows that that woman is indeed smarter than many people."

Student Jiang: "..."

"Okay, you're right. We are old friends after all. She should treat her to a meal when she comes to China. It would be embarrassing to pretend that she doesn't know if we bump into each other at school one day. Oh, by the way, Brother Liu, you also I don’t have a girlfriend. Do you want me to introduce you to you? Although I often like to complain about that woman, she still has a very high IQ. And from a biological point of view, the farther away the parents are in the blood branch, generally speaking She will inherit more dominant genes, and the child will be more beautiful and smarter. Maybe you can try to get in touch with her." Ning Wei suddenly raised his head and said to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei, who was not far away, was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked silently at the tree next to him...

"Okay, okay, that's it... By the way, Senior Brother Lu is also single... Some people don't know how to cherish opportunities!" Ning Wei spread his hands.

Fortunately, within these few words, the defense committee had completed its review. The defense secretary walked out of the classroom, smiled and waved to Ning Wei, indicating that the meeting had begun to resume.

Entering the classroom, the chairman of the defense began to announce the results of the defense.

Without any suspense, Ning Wei passed the defense with high scores. There is indeed no reason to fail. After all, he is a man officially certified as the father of strong artificial intelligence, and his graduation thesis is an article about the foundation of strong artificial intelligence number theory. If he fails to pass his doctoral thesis, he will probably be directly on the world news. kind. It's a pity that Yanbei University doesn't need this kind of big news. Most of the big guys responsible for thesis defense are mature and prudent, and they don't like to cause trouble as much as Ning Wei.

"Congratulations, Dr. Ning Wei, you will graduate from Yanbei University with a PhD from today."

After the defense was completed, before taking the final photo with the defense instructors, Tian Yanzhen patted Ning Wei on the shoulder and said with emotion.

It was a normal sentence, but Ning Wei heard a sense of relief from it. This is understandable. In fact, judging from the current official achievements, no matter who becomes Ning Wei's mentor, he will probably feel a lot of pressure.

Just like Tian Yanzhen urging Ning Wei to speak when he graduates, he has to lose face.

"Thank you, Director Tian, ​​for being my guide in the most important stage of my life, and for being tolerant of my little willfulness." Ning Wei also sighed with emotion.

I have graduated with a Ph.D., and looking back on my time studying at Yanbei University, many things seemed like a dream.

"That's enough for you two masters and apprentices. Don't force the sensation here, okay? Ning Wei's contract to stay as a professor at Yanbei University has been signed. From now on, the relationship will still be at Yanbei University, and the office will still be in the research center. It's nothing more than a weekly meeting. I have to choose some time to go to the Mathematical Institute to attend classes. Has there been any change in my lifestyle? Hurry up and take a photo!" Mr. Yao probably couldn't see the pretentiousness of the master and apprentice, so he urged.

"Haha, Lao Yao, if you are jealous of me, just say so."

"Do I need to be jealous of you?"

" have so many students. Is there anyone who has won the Turing Award so far?"

Mr. Yao stopped talking.

"Of course, no one of my students has won the Turing Award, but Ning Wei accidentally won the Wolf Award during his Ph.D., and this year's Turing Award seems to be announced next week, right? If Ning Wei is not given , I think it’s a bit unjustifiable. By the way, who was the youngest winner before the Turing Award?”

"Donald Knuth won the Turing Award at the age of 36." Mr. Yao said expressionlessly.

"Ning Wei is 24 years old this year, a whole round ahead of schedule. I'm afraid this record will be difficult to break again in the future." Tian Yanzhen said with emotion.

"Okay, okay, stop saying a few words and hurry up and take pictures! Lao Tian, ​​don't be so arrogant. You sound like you have a lot of research on artificial intelligence."

"Lao Lu, what you said is wrong. Master brought us in. Cultivation depends on the individual. Teachers have passed on research methods. We who do mathematical research value more thinking methods than solving specific problems. "

"I can't stand listening anymore, Ning Wei, tell me, what incredible learning methods did Lao Tian teach you? Let us learn from them too!"

"Haha, Ning Wei will definitely not tell you. This is a secret that is not passed down by our master. I will let you learn it in just one or two sentences. This person who is not beautiful thinks that he is really beautiful!"


"By the way, Ning Wei, after taking the photo, you said goodbye to your student career. You don't have to be so reserved when you see these teachers. After all, after this year, they have to call you Academician Ning when they see you, even now. Call me Professor Ning. This is a change in status, and you have to handle it well. This is Yanbei University, the number one university in the country, and you will be a professor at the number one university in the country from now on."

"Old Tian, ​​Old Tian... I find that you have become more and more stupid as you get older over the years!"

"No, to be honest, are you really guilty now? If your student can become an academician at this age, I will call him that. Is there nothing wrong with him? How should I put it, teaching and educating people also have to be divided into grades. Acknowledge that others are more Is it really so difficult to be excellent?”

"Don't talk about this. Did you seal Yanbei University, the number one university in the country?"

"Do I still need to be awarded this? Are you really confused about why China's youngest academician, winner of the Wolf Prize and Turing Award, which is so popular this year, chooses to teach at Yanbei University?"

"You haven't won the Turing Award yet?"

"Oh, I won't give the Turing Award to Ning Wei! I really hope they can pick out a contributor whose achievements exceed those of the father of strong artificial intelligence, otherwise the Turing Award will really be rejected by our March artificial intelligence in the future. If the Intelligence Award goes beyond that, then the gold content is low."

"By the way, Lao Yao, you are also a Turing Award winner. You said that if this year's Turing Award winner was not Ning Wei, how would you feel when you saw the trophy when you went home? Would you want to smash it directly? After all, From being the world's number one computer expert to being reduced to a Pheasant Award, this must have made the previous winners feel very uncomfortable."

"Lao Tian, ​​are you addicted? Is it interesting?"

"Haha, to be honest, it's quite interesting. By the way, let's make an exception and have two drinks tonight."

"I'm sorry, there is a dinner party today, so I won't eat it."

"Yes, I also have an appointment. Ning Wei, congratulations on your PhD graduation. It's not that I don't give you face, but you really didn't choose a mentor well. If you encounter any bumps in the scientific research road in the future, I guess most of them are You, the mentor, are dragging me down.”

"That's right, Ning Wei is a good kid in every aspect, but he just didn't keep his eyes open when choosing a tutor..."

"Haha, so the grapes seem to be really sour this year!"

Ning Wei listened to Tian Dao's chatter with the heroes, and very wisely did not say a word.

The big guys quarrel and quarrel, and there is always room for relaxation.

But at this time, the other bosses were already in mixed moods. If he really got involved, you can imagine how mixed those bosses' moods would be.

Let's put it this way, when it's time to be unruly, you can show your sharpness, but in this situation, I would rather hide your clumsiness. Being a junior can still bring some benefits.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is actually very interesting to listen to the big guys bickering. You can’t hear a single curse word, but the knife that is shown is always pierced in the most severe place. What’s more important is that everyone is very organized and follows It's logical, and at least it doesn't look like he's really blushing.

This atmosphere was quite good, and everyone kept smiling when taking photos together, at least the photographer was not embarrassed.

What's even better is that everyone really rejected Tian Yanzhen's enthusiastic dinner invitation, which also meant that Ning Wei could celebrate his graduation alone at night.

Young people, if you can celebrate with young people, who wants to talk about unnutritious topics with old people at the dinner table?

Of course, before Tian Yanzhen left, he did not forget to tell Ning Wei: "It's okay to go out to celebrate at night, but it must be moderate. Don't forget that you are now a professor at Yanbei University. You must maintain the face of Yanbei University in your words and deeds." .Especially drink less alcohol, as alcohol’s effects on the brain are irreversible.”

"Don't worry, Director Tian, ​​I understand the rules, which is to invite a few friends to have a meal. And don't you feel at ease with Senior Brother Lu? He is a killer at the wine table! Who can drink a lot of wine with us, Senior Brother Lu?" "

This sentence successfully convinced Tian Yanzhen.

As Ning Wei said, celebrating his PhD graduation was nothing more than calling a few senior fellows from the research center. His social circle is only that big, and since he didn't publicize his graduation this time, he didn't need to invite too many people.

But Lucy Rowan was probably the only guest who didn't fall into his plans.

Ningwei has Lucy Rowan's phone number, but she doesn't know if she will still use her previous number after arriving in China. After all, international roaming charges are still very expensive. I tried calling, and sure enough it got a busy signal. So Ning Wei opened WeChat and after finding Lucy Ron, he first removed her from the blacklist and then sent her a WeChat call.

Sure enough, Internet software showed more vitality than traditional telephone communication. After a few rings, the other party was really connected.

"Ningwei, ha, I actually have the honor to ask you to pull me out of the blacklist?"

The voice full of resentment in the first sentence made Ning Wei doubt whether his decision was correct.

"Okay, Lucy, we have to follow the usual order. At least we have to communicate rationally first, right? I heard that you came to China?"

"Huh? How did you know?"

"I not only know that you have come to China, but I also know that you are applying to be a professor at our Yanbei University. You have already reached the interview stage. Can I ask what you think?" Ning Wei asked confused.

Then the woman opposite directly changed the subject: "Your Yanbei University? Ning, although your scientific research achievements are very impressive, I think you are overdoing it to describe Yanbei University. What do you mean by Yanbei University? You should say world Yanbei University! But you are right, I have indeed arrived in China, and now I have become an honorable associate professor of Yanbei University, temporarily working at the Institute of Computational Languages ​​of the Department of Computer Science. I may be arranged to work in the Institute of Computational Languages ​​of the Department of Computer Science next year. Courses from the Department of Intelligent Science.”

"Huh? Did you really apply successfully?"

"You sound surprised? Is it incredible that I was successful in applying? Before coming here, I was already a professor at Harvard and taught introductory computer science to freshmen at Harvard!"

"No, I just want to tell you that there are more boys studying information science at Yanbei University, and you know, rough guys don't live so refined lives. You may not be able to sell those clothing matching courses..."

"Ning Wei!"

"Ahem, okay, it's my fault. Actually, we are friends after all. Since you have come to China, I still want to treat you to a meal. It just so happens that I am graduating from Ph.D. today and I will treat you to a meal tonight. Are you free? Of course, if you're not free, forget it, well, it's already past five o'clock now, we'll start eating at six o'clock, do you have enough time to change clothes? "

"Haha... Where to eat? I will be there on time!"

"No, I'm going to treat you to dinner. Can you please stop being so gritty in your tone? This will make me question whether my decision is correct."

"Oh? Really? Then let me change my tone, Ning, where are you having dinner? I will definitely keep the appointment."

"I sent you the address on WeChat. I suggest you download a map software so that you can navigate there directly. But the hotel is right next to the school. If you don't know, you can ask your classmates. That's it. Wait. meet."

"Okay, see you later."

"Senior Brother Zhou, you should be graduating soon, right?"

"Ning Wei, today is a good day for you, can we stop being disgusting?"

"Yes, yes, but I haven't invited you to the full banquet you promised me!"

"Is it because of this? Okay, I'll treat you to the Man-Han Banquet's signature dish tomorrow, Qianlong Cabbage!"

"Ning Wei, is it time to serve food?"

"Wait a minute, Senior Brother Lu, don't worry, there is another guest who should be arriving soon."

"Oh, who!"

"We have a new professor at our school named Lucy Rowan."

"Lucy Ron? This name sounds familiar. Oh, I heard Yu Xingwei mention it. You said you went abroad twice to hold computer conferences, and you liked to be more serious with you. That female Ph.D. from Harvard? She came to Yanbei University to be a professor. ?”

"Yes! I don't even know when she graduated. She was originally a female professor at Harvard, and then she suddenly came to China."

"Is it sudden?! Did it scare you?"

Several people were chatting casually when the box door was pushed open and Lucy Ron, dressed in smart professional attire, walked into the box. To Ning Wei's surprise, this woman even put on a pair of glasses. I have never seen her take care of her when I was abroad before...

Is this to act polite?

"Ahem, let me introduce to you. This is today's distinguished guest from afar, Professor Lucy Rowan. Professor Rowan is a very famous and talented female Ph.D. from Harvard. She also worked for Google during her Ph.D. I have made contributions to the search engine algorithm of China. I came to China to teach this time because I want to contribute to China’s education!"

Seeing this woman really appear in front of him, Ning Wei immediately stood up and introduced this foreign friend to others.

how to say……

When he was abroad, he could quarrel with women at will. After all, he was on someone else's territory and was not considered bullying. But in China, Ning Wei felt that he had to give in to this crazy woman. After all, this is his home court, and facts have already proven that when it comes to bickering or quarreling, the woman in front of him is really weak...


"Wow, Ning Wei, it turns out that you also know a female doctor from Harvard. How come I haven't heard of you before? Dr. Ron, please introduce yourself. My surname is Zhou. I am Ning Wei's senior brother. I am a guest from afar. I will meet you in life later. If you have any embarrassing issues, just come to me. Hey, I'd rather have them sit down for you... You really don't know how to entertain guests at all." Senior Brother Zhou said enthusiastically.

In Ning Wei's opinion, this reaction was a bit exciting...

It was Brother Lu who had the determination. He glanced at this woman, then lowered his head and opened his own notebook. Whether it was his expression or body, he managed it with integrity... This is a role model for our generation!

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