Tech Hammer

Chapter 317 A special way to gain popularity

The conversation got sidetracked today...

In fact, Liu Wei came in because she wanted to talk to Ning Wei about Lucy Ron's entry into the laboratory. Speaking of which, Liu Wei felt that Lucy Ron was really not qualified to enter, because the artificial intelligence core laboratory was actually very confidential.

It is not a big problem for students to join the internship. After all, the students are relatively obedient. As long as the confidentiality is classified and they are allowed to do some basic scientific research work outside the core laboratory to gain experience, it is very easy to manage. But someone like Lucy Rowan is not so easy to manage.

Considering that Lucy Rowan can be classified as an international friend, it is actually not a good idea to deal with it this way.

Unexpectedly, he poured a glass of water for Ning Wei, and then Ning Wei began to discuss academic issues with him, which would scare people to death even if he opened his mouth. Because Liu Wei and Ning Wei stayed together every day and often helped Ning Wei sort out his manuscripts, he always had channels to know something.

For example, think tanks have begun to analyze social characteristics in the post-artificial intelligence era and possible shifts in the main social contradictions.

Scientific and technological progress has brought about social progress, and adapting to social progress often means changes in policies, laws and regulations. The simplest example is that if one day self-driving technology really matures, and statistical statistics of self-driving can effectively reduce the number of traffic accidents and reduce the number of deaths due to traffic accidents and start nationwide implementation, then how should traffic legislation be managed? Who should buy insurance?

How should a traffic accident be characterized when a driver uses autonomous driving? Should the person responsible be the manufacturer, the car owner, or other traffic participants? If everyone is responsible, how is the responsibility distributed? If these problems are not solved, there will be no confidence in promoting autonomous driving.

Obviously, once artificial intelligence becomes popular, its impact will be much greater than autonomous driving.

The storm of encouraging students to study on the Internet in March was not a secret. Ning Wei didn't even hide it from those around him, and it even sounded the alarm for many people. Facts have proven that machines are easier to understand the push algorithms of various software than humans. Strong artificial intelligence like March can easily take advantage of the loopholes of these algorithms and insulate them from machine review through ingenuity, at an extremely terrifying speed. Disseminate content.

This is just like how people take advantage of loopholes in the rules. The difference is probably that people take advantage of the rules because they are often smart, while March's advantage of taking advantage of the algorithm appears to be really smart...

So this thing needs to be managed, but how to manage it needs to be organized, and it has not yet been decided.

In other words, everyone has not had time to understand the first generation of March. If the second generation of March appears at this time, it may make people feel explosive. The most important thing is that there are definitely still worries.

Artificial intelligence is naturally the best when it can benefit mankind. If something goes wrong, whether the world's network security is sufficient requires a full risk analysis. Ning Wei has not been allowed to directly participate in the argument yet, because he designed this thing, and Ning Wei has submitted a lot of materials to discuss March's thinking mode and how to restrict March's Internet activities. After letting Ning Wei It doesn't make much sense to discuss this with you, because currently no one but him dares to pat his chest and say that he definitely understands this thing. This is actually a very embarrassing thing, because even if he would rather deceive people, it is difficult. be found.

So at this time, more knowledgeable people are needed to judge and analyze this new technology. This is why Ningwei’s discarded draft papers are collected. Maybe these discarded draft papers can be given to other mathematicians. Inspired?

What's more important is that these manuscripts must not be circulated casually after being archived. What if you are not inspired by them, but they are inspired by others?

So many people think that more people really need to follow Ning Wei's ideas. From a general perspective, scientific progress must be good, but it must be gradual. It is best to change things in a subtle and subtle way. Rather than sudden changes, causing social disconnection and chaos. Especially Ning Wei is too young. Being young also means that many times he is not mature enough to think about problems, which is not reassuring.

The early establishment of the Ning class may not be without this consideration. Even if Tian Yanzhen asked Shang Ning to study new topics together, it may not be without this consideration. I hope that Ning Wei's speed can be slower, but I don't want to dampen the enthusiasm of young people. This is a painstaking operation.

It's a pity that Tian Yanzhen's topic selection was a bit of a coincidence, and it happened to give Ning Wei some inspiration...

If Liu Wei was not in the office at this time, but Tian Yanzhen would probably discuss it with Ning Wei very sincerely: "How about we change the topic again? This time we change it to something more specific, so that you don't have room to express yourself freely."

But it was Liu Wei at this time, so he could only give straightforward advice, slow down, wait for the world, or wait for other people...

Even if an academic leader can understand March's thinking and learning patterns and draw conclusions through the information and background data submitted by Ning Wei, it would be good.

"Wait a minute, Brother Liu, since when did you become so artistic? Did you secretly go to the Lee Shau Kee Institute of Arts to attend classes?"

Liu Wei didn't say a word... He couldn't answer this. In fact, this sentence was also said by a big man in the academic world. This big man has retired for a long time, but his influence in the academic world is still huge. Let’s put it this way, there were a total of 23 people in China who had won two bombs and one meritorious service. There are only three scientists left with the medal.

The one who sighed this sentence was one of the big guys. Of course, this big guy didn't have any objections to Ning Wei. On the contrary, the old gentleman admired Ning Wei to the core. Now the happiest time for this boss every day is probably to listen to his life secretary read to him what Ning Wei did every day, academic research and other reports can only be mentioned in one sentence, so falling in love with classmate Jiang is such a daily routine It often makes the old gentleman as happy as a child.

As for why Liu Wei knew this...

Because most of these daily reports he took some time to write and then sent emails every day, so he had a direct channel of communication with the old gentleman's life secretary. The two often communicate with each other about what the old man likes to hear, so sometimes the life secretary opposite will talk to Liu Wei about something the old man says.

Of course, these were all hidden from Ning Wei. After such a long time, the old gentleman has not asked for a meeting with Ning Wei, probably because he has his own considerations. For example, I am afraid that I would rather be too arrogant...

Fortunately, Ning Wei didn't delve into it and laughed to himself: "Haha, I'm just kidding. I probably understand. This little cutie in March is still too capable, let's let him work harder in the field of scientific research first." Ning Wei He put down the pen in his hand and looked at Liu Wei with a deep look.

Liu Wei suddenly felt like Lucy Ron just now.

He shook his head, subconsciously ignoring the superior temperament, or scholar temperament, that appeared unconsciously in Ning Wei, and changed the topic: "Actually, I want to mention to you that it's best not to give Professor Ron too much credit first. Looking forward to it, there are still requirements to enter the core laboratory, and she really may not be able to pass the review."

Ning Wei smiled and replied: "It's okay. I have already agreed with her that those who want to enter the core laboratory in the future must go through some procedures. Signing a confidentiality agreement is a procedure, extending the contract is a procedure, and changing nationality is also a procedure. The specific requirements are What procedures to go through, I will make a judgment based on the situation when the time comes."

Liu Wei wanted to slap himself. Where did he get the courage to remind the geek who studies mathematics? I really can't find any problem with this logic. But Ning Wei's words suddenly made him sympathize with Lucy Ron. Will I have to be a free teaching assistant for the rest of my life?

No, it doesn't seem to be any of his business.

"Okay, I'll leave first." Liu Wei decided to leave.

"Wait a minute, are you serious when you said I should wait for the world? Brother Liu." Ning Wei stopped Liu Wei and asked.

Liu Wei thought for a while and then said: "I don't know much about scientific research, but I have heard a saying that if it is just theoretical research, the problem will not be big. It's just that if some technologies are to be widely used in society, , some research and thinking are needed in the early stage to ensure a smooth transition, as if you have also considered this issue, but your ideas alone will definitely not be too comprehensive."

"Actually, this is the reason why your whimsically proposed Luopu County Future City project was approved as quickly as possible. It's not that we hope that this project will generate much economic benefits, but that everyone hopes to see the basic logic of how this city operates, and This expands upon preliminary estimates of the future operating model of human society after it accepts the existence of strong artificial intelligence."

"So as far as this is concerned, raising a mathematical problem is not a big problem, and even solving this mathematical problem is not a big problem. But if this problem can really improve March's ability, it still needs to be considered first. Or in other words, it is not a big problem. This can reduce the impact to a controllable range as much as possible and give everyone a buffer time to evaluate and adapt."

"Oh! That's it, I understand, and I have a plan." Ning Wei nodded and said seriously.

Liu Wei blinked, do you understand? But why did hearing Ning Wei say he had a plan make him feel a little headache?

Regardless of whether you like Ning Wei's style or not, this wave of popularity is still as popular as everyone expected. This offended many people, especially those with a background of studying abroad.

Of course, I probably wouldn’t feel too happy to have those words read to the other person. Look at what you are capable of. Going to study at someone else’s house is a waste of life. Only going to Yanbei University can you create a brilliant life? Especially for the admissions teachers at Huaqing, they probably hate these videos to the core.

There are only so many outstanding fresh graduates every year, and the key students everyone pays attention to are actually the same. Every time Yanbei University signs one, it is equivalent to two less for them...

This will be punished, and there will definitely be protests, and even many similar videos have been complained about, but how effective it is is debatable because the platform does not pay attention to it.

Fortunately, something big finally happened in April. Two weeks after ACM official announced that Ningwei would be the winner of this year’s Turing Award, Apple posted an announcement on its official website for the annual Apple product launch, scheduled for April 29. On that day, it was about a week later than in previous years, but it attracted a lot of attention.

Because the focus of most attention at this year's Apple Spring Festival Gala is not the IPHONE, but the Apple iCAR one, which has been grinding for ten years and is finally coming out. It will most likely be available to all consumers at this conference. Although the official website doesn't make it so clear, that's what it means.

This has somewhat taken away some of Ning Wei's popularity. There are still many Apple fans in China, especially those on the Internet.

Not to mention that electric vehicles are the most attractive topic. If Apple's car can achieve a four-digit cruising range as previously announced on its official website, Apple will become a disruptor in the current electric vehicle market.

If coupled with the attention of Tesla fans, it is enough to make the attention of this Apple Spring Festival Gala in China soar to a very scary level. After all, both of them are active people on the Internet.

Even Ning Wei was very interested in this conference.

He is also looking forward to Apple using the March design drawings to build a stunning electric car in the past six months. If he is still satisfied, he plans to order one and get it with the highest configuration. He is not afraid that Apple will make money from him and will pay him back anyway.

In this way, with much anticipation, the Apple Spring Festival Gala kicked off.

The difference this time is that Apple specifically chose the time to start at 10 a.m. New York time. This time happens to be the time when Huaxia can sit on the computer or take out his mobile phone to relax after a busy day's work. For Apple fans in China Very friendly.

But the most friendly thing is that this time the Apple Spring Festival Gala did not sell any details. When the time reached ten o'clock, there was no one on the rostrum. The lifting platform started first, and an Apple car with an extremely avant-garde appearance appeared on the display. On stage, this is the way to reach the top of the show and directly attract everyone's attention. It is actually similar to Ningwei’s March exhibition.

Ning Wei also saw this brand new Apple car while sitting in front of the computer in the office. In fact, he had channels to see the true appearance of the car in advance, and even directly accessed the car's various parameters and even... Internal evaluation report, but Ning Wei did not do this.

Leaving the suspense until the moment when it should be revealed is more interesting, especially since he can also participate in the barrage discussion, which is very interesting.

But even judging from the appearance, groups of data automatically appeared in Ning Wei's mind. This was related to Ning Wei's detailed understanding of the design drawings in March, but it was probably more due to the vision of a mathematician. In short, in Ning Wei’s opinion, the shape of this car has basically reached the ultimate in fluid mechanics, mechanical engineering and aesthetics. Of course, this is at the expense of part of the internal space. Obviously Apple has not completely copied the March model. Design, at least some changes have been made in the shape.

This probably has something to do with Apple's consistent thinking, which is to achieve the ultimate at least on a certain point, even if it requires sacrificing some more practical designs. The choice of silver-white car paint makes it look full of technology.

So just based on the appearance of the car, no one could show up at the press conference, and the barrage had already started to become lively. Yes, in order to have a sense of ceremony, Ning Wei even opened a barrage, but he found that most of the barrages were all kinds of sterile exclamations about the appearance, including "It's so beautiful!", "Apple is awesome" ", and other non-nutritious content occupy the vast majority of the page.

This makes Ning Wei feel that he has an obligation to do some popular science for everyone, so that everyone can understand why everyone feels so handsome when they see this car...

Of course, this is actually a very tiring task, so Ning Wei decided to leave these tasks to March. He was only responsible for providing some science popularization ideas to March.

"In March, I came out to help me post a barrage. Let's first introduce some key points to everyone, such as the advantages of the front shape design, and then talk to you about the optimization of the body beam section under complex engineering constraints. Well, there are also disturbances. The design of the airflow device... Well, let’s start by reducing the windward area and greatly reducing the vortex generated by the air flow on the car body. The formula is..."

"Meow, okay, dad, I understand."

Generally speaking, posting barrages is a very particular matter, because to ensure the continuity of barrages requires a good rhythm. Many video software even limits the sending time of two barrages from the same IP, but these are not suitable for three-person barrages. It’s not a big problem for a month. If you understand that the barrage rules are calculated in milliseconds, how to make the barrage have the best display effect can naturally be quickly and rigorously calculated to get the answer. The most important thing is that it can use multiple IP is used for operations to ensure that popular science will not be obscured by meaningless barrages.

So at Ning Wei's request, countless Apple fans and technology fans who simultaneously watched the Apple Spring Festival Gala on live broadcast software began to welcome the baptism of science.

"Meow, do you think this car is very beautiful? For example, the streamlined shape of the front of the car is pleasing to the eye. What scientific and aesthetic principles are involved? Let me tell you about it. But before I talk to you about this, we must first Understand Bernoulli's law, that is, in a fluid system, such as air flow and water flow, the faster the flow speed, the smaller the pressure generated by the fluid. This law is widely used in the design of various transportation vehicles, including aircraft..."

It must be admitted that March is extremely hard-core in doing science popularization. In other words, there is absolutely no tool in the world that is more suitable for science popularization than March, even if the platform used for science popularization is just a fleeting barrage. But the right speed, bright red fonts and specialized layout can definitely attract enough attention, not to mention that the content of the speech appears to be extremely cultural...

At least Ning Wei was extremely satisfied with it. Although the barrage did not support complex formulas, March still found a way to simplify some mathematical symbols and put them on the public screen, which quickly gained everyone's attention...

The style of barrage is also changing rapidly...

"Who am I? How do I have the nerve to comment on Apple cars?"

"Meow... Let me make a bold guess... The Great God in March will explain why Apple Car is awesome?"

"Please forgive me for my limited culture, but is it true that these days, with limited culture, I am not even allowed to post barrages? Is the era of a world-famous word really coming to an end?"

"After graduating from elementary school, I shed tears of regret. I decided to write a long article to tell everyone what it was like when I found out that my IQ was lower than that of a cat."

"Don't cry. In fact, I didn't quite understand what the cat was talking about after I graduated from college, but I know that if I can understand it, maybe I can apply for a job as a designer at Tesla."

"Can you all stop arguing? It's affecting my study. The formula just now was blocked by a stupid idiot. I beg you to repost it!"

"I just left my high-mathematics book and wanted to watch Apple's press conference to rest my brain, but this happened to me again? Can you let me go..."

Seeing that everyone's complaints began to show their quality and self-cultivation, Ning Wei felt satisfied...

Of course, this was not just for the fun and excitement, but some enthusiasm was still needed. With the general public interested in science, he was able to launch a mathematical problem he had been thinking about these days at the right time. There was no psychological burden involved with this kind of enthusiasm.

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