Tech Hammer

Chapter 331 Chain Reaction

A group of children from Ningban almost rushed into the barracks assigned to them after the whistle sounded for disbandment.

Because I'm angry!

But this is a special war. The two warring parties need to argue on the Internet. No matter whether the winner can be decided in the end, there must be an explanation.

The time spent lining up in the square and standing in military postures all afternoon was enough for many children to think of many logical and rigorous rhetoric. They felt that if these rhetoric were posted online, netizens would definitely find no loopholes and it would also change the outside world's perception of Ning. class understanding.


"Wow, Professor Ning took action, Professor Ning took action..."

The kid who got the phone first suddenly started cheering.

Now everyone was excited. They quickly opened the WeChat group, saw Ning Wei's message to them, and then eagerly opened Weibo.

Those who did not have Weibo on their phones quickly gathered around the classmates who had Weibo installed on their phones, and began to see what Ning Wei had said on Weibo.

Seeing Ning Wei declare to the public that Ning is the best in the class, everyone puffed up their chests consciously or unconsciously, and then they saw Ning Wei's domineering declaration...

According to the words translated in the children's brains, it is: "You clowns, if you dare to mess with my students, you are dead..."

The only question is, what did Professor Ning do? Didn’t you say it on Weibo?

"Everyone, please read the comments section!!!" someone in the WeChat group immediately reminded.

Clicking on the comment section of Weibo, the children were shocked...especially the comment with the most likes in the front row.

"Ning Shen, we are convinced. Regardless of whether that guy is convinced or not, we are really convinced. Ningban will be the realm of gods from now on, and you are the mentor of gods. I just ask you to be noble and let us live. Programmers are really hurt. I’m sorry!”

"The emergency notice has been sent out. We just finished the meeting. We will definitely have to stay up all night today. It is not certain whether we can rest tomorrow. Of course, I really don't blame Professor Ning. I just want to know who made you angry. I want to find that brother and make you drink."

"Who is it? Who is that guy? Professor Ning, don't get angry with that guy. The main reason is that you have learned too much Java. It's normal to produce a few things that start with S and end with B. From now on, Ning's class will be in my mind Eternal God. Please calm down!”

The children in Ningban had question marks on their faces.

So, what did Professor Ning do? Why are there so many people begging for mercy on Weibo?

Fortunately, this matter is actually quite big, and Ning Wei directly notified almost all well-known network security companies and large cloud service providers in China, and soon the news on the portal website was exposed.

Just because a developer who was suspected of using the Java language stirred up trouble on the programmer forum and said something about Ning Ban, Ning Wei directly reported a hidden danger to the Java official, China's mainstream network security companies and cloud service providers the next day. Big holes.

According to experts from a well-known Chinese network security company, Ning Wei reported their vulnerability. The number of affected devices is measured in hundreds of millions and is spread all over the world. The most frightening thing is that if this vulnerability is exploited, the device may be unknowingly hacked. control……

The vulnerability reported by Ning Wei is definitely the most serious vulnerability exposed in Java in recent years. So unfortunately, all Java developers are indeed very busy these days, almost to the point of collapse.

Of course, this industry leader also said that fortunately, Professor Ning exposed this vulnerability first, and because of the time difference, China should be the first to receive the news, which also means that China will suffer the least damage. …

The characteristics of the Internet were brought into full play. Countless messages were collected in the Ningban group. Soon everyone figured out the context and understood what happened this afternoon...

how to say? The children in Ningban were really convinced. They thought that if Professor Ning Wei took action, the controversy would be settled quickly. They even believed that if Ning Wei was willing to say hello, he could even delete all the comments online.

If this is the case, everyone may feel relieved, but they will definitely not feel too comfortable. Because that's not the way they approve of it.

But things are really different now.

When many children logged into the programmer forum again, they really experienced the feeling of showing off their power...

Because someone has already pretended to be a member of Ningban and posted a post in it. The post is very popular and is filled with praises.

"Big guys in Ningban, stop making trouble. You are going to lead the industry in the future. Don't get angry with us small characters."

"I was wrong, I was really wrong. I will never join in this kind of fun on the forum again, and I will never say that Java will never be awesome again. Please spare us."

"These young heroes from Ningban, let's talk it over if we have anything to say. Really, many of us have collectively @administrated and thrown that guy who likes nonsense into the dark room. Are you still satisfied? If so, please I’d like to say a nice word to you, Professor Ning, and thank you!!! I’ll be busy like this for a whole year, even an Iron Man can’t stand it!”

"Don't stare at our Java. Is there no problem with PHP? Is VB perfect? ​​Is there really no loopholes in C # ? Bosses from Ning's class, talk to your Professor Ning and let them get busy too. Come on! Don’t let Java snap! Please.”

"Fuck, who are you? We didn't offend Ning Ban when we were doing VB. Some people shouldn't even think about stirring up trouble! Ning Ban is very strong, it's obvious to all!"

In fact, everyone can be sure that the ID that says on the forum that he is a classmate of Ning class is definitely not from their class, because this post was posted at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, all members of Ning class were sweating profusely on the playground. Today can be No one asked for leave.

This is actually something that can make the children in Ningban angry, but no one cares about it at this time. Even most of the children are too embarrassed to continue to add insult to injury on the forum.

These outstanding and proud little geniuses, whose thoughts are more mature than ordinary children but have not experienced social experience, are passionately thinking about how to win when they are at a disadvantage in the debate. But when the opponent has been defeated, they beg to surrender. , but they really lost the motivation to continue beating up the drowned dog, and they just felt happy in their hearts...

As a result, Ningban's group chat suddenly became lively.

"Ha, these guys know how powerful they are, right?"

"Professor Ning is too cruel, he will be the king of attack!"

"Hey, I think we can go to the forum and say something. As long as they don't slander Ning Ban, we will promise not to use Professor Ning first!"

"It made me laugh. I just saw that it was exposed on In the past few days, Java programmers across the country have to work overtime to find ways to fix this vulnerability, even programmers from security companies are no exception. And the security of almost all domestic technology companies All departments are issuing notices and will not accept the Apache Log4j2 remote code execution vulnerability for the time being. There is no official news from Apache yet. It must be because of the time difference. This time it is fun. It should not only be a problem in China, but also in all technology companies using Java around the world. solve this problem."

The bolder ones even started to directly @Ning for it.

" @Ning Wei, Professor Ning, please come out and say a few words!"

Someone took the lead, and a group of children suddenly became enthusiastic and started to @talk about their spiritual mentor...

It's not that Ning Wei didn't pay attention to Ning Ban's group chat, but that he is quite busy now.

Ning Wei sent the message to Oracle in the afternoon. The time difference meant that it was around 2 a.m. on the other side of the ocean, when people were sleeping most deeply. So the first ones to react were China's domestic network security companies and major cloud service providers.

After all, a vulnerability of this level is too terrifying. If one is not handled well, God knows how many devices will be compromised. After all, Log4j2 is a very commonly used universal component library, which results in this vulnerability affecting almost all mainstream frameworks in the Java ecosystem, and these mainstream frameworks cover almost all Java technologies.

You can imagine how big the response was.

So the reaction from the outside world is nothing short of normal.

In particular, this email was sent by Ning Wei. Although Ning Wei is still famous for his mathematical achievements in the eyes of the public, even though he has won the Turing Award. But in the eyes of the technology community, Ning Wei's achievements in computers may even be more brilliant than his achievements in mathematics.

Turbulence algorithm is a product that can change the pattern of the network world. Three-dimensional silicon through-tube technology has brought the global semiconductor industry into a new round of reshuffle. Its sudden emergence in March directly opened the door to strong artificial intelligence in human society. Each of these technologies directly promotes the advancement of productivity.

As for achievements in mathematics, most of them are theoretical achievements. Although they are also dazzling, they are not as intuitive as these appearances.

So after receiving Ning Wei's email, the security departments of these companies immediately began to verify it. After finding that it was exactly what Ning Wei said, notices began to be sent out at the speed of light, and then Java programmers began to hold meetings. Discuss how to fix this vulnerability.

Here’s the problem. Ningwei emails are sent in bulk to all network security and cloud service providers in China. These companies all have their own customers. After verification, these companies will definitely be the first to issue announcements. It’s time to inform your customers. When countless Java programmers are organized, they must be informed of the problem and make demonstrations, and then the vulnerability will be spread...

From a vulnerability that should only be temporarily known to the official to a vulnerability known to countless ordinary programmers in China, this is actually a very scary thing. According to the normal order, for example, if Ning Wei wants to get official awards, he should only report the vulnerability to the Apache official first. Then the Apache official will organize technical forces to analyze and solve the vulnerability, and then issue a notice to the outside world and apply patches to solve it. Vulnerability issues.

However, due to the time difference, Apache officials noticed that Ning Wei’s email was already several hours after the vulnerability was fermented, which meant that there was almost no time for the official to find a way to patch the vulnerability...

So everyone went crazy.

It cannot be said that Ning Wei's handling method was wrong, because Ning Wei really followed Chinese laws and regulations. He discovered the vulnerability and did not use it for his own profit. Instead, he informed the authorities and the Chinese network security company of the vulnerability as soon as possible. He tried his best to reduce losses for everyone without asking for anything in return. He has already interpreted the word "good guy" to the extreme. Extremely, you really can’t ask for too much.

But for Apache officials, their customers are not only in China, but all over the world...

China responded very quickly, but this is not good news for companies outside China.

The problem doesn't stop there. When the official security department learned about the cause and effect of this incident, especially after seeing Ning Wei's Weibo, the last words that shocked countless Java programmers in China deeply hurt. Their already extremely fragile hearts, liver, spleen, stomach, and lungs...

"...If you are too busy, I will keep you busy for a while this time. If you still complain about Ning Ban without any basis next time, I can keep you busy for a whole year."

What does it mean?

This means that because of an emergency, Ning Wei first announced this vulnerability. If there are still Java programmers who continue to stimulate Ning Ban, can he announce more vulnerabilities in the same way?

In other words, Ningwei has more Java vulnerabilities than just this one, and can throw them out at any time if necessary?

This news has spread, who dares to use Java? Busy for a whole year? How many high-risk Java vulnerabilities do you have to master? Or are they not writing computer languages, but loopholes?

Seeing this, how can one not panic? Even the appearance of being as stable as an old dog is no longer possible.

So, when the sun rose the next day, Apache officials also started to get busy. Oracle also showed extremely high efficiency. First, it officially announced that the vulnerability did exist, and informed all customers around the world of the security risks. The other team began to desperately try to find a way to contact Ning Wei.

Ningwei’s contact information is easy to find. Many people know Ningwei’s number and have ready-made email addresses.

The problem is that Ning Wei may not get a reply when he sends an email. The number he calls is whitelisted. Numbers that are not in his address book are ruthlessly blocked and cannot be called at all.

If it were placed in China, this would be a tragedy caused by just improvising and not burning incense.

Fortunately, everyone's circle of friends or the address books of both parties still overlapped. After looking for several big shots, I finally contacted Ning Wei.

In fact, after Oracle decided to make Java EE open source and free, it seems that this technology has become a mainstream computer language that can be promoted without cost.

But in fact, the structure of the Apache Foundation is no different from that of an operating company, and there is even an internal promotion mechanism. For example, the foundation has a board of directors, which supervises and manages the entire foundation. Each Apache project under the foundation has a project management committee to be responsible for the management of specific projects.

If you carefully study the members of the board of directors, you will find that many of those directors and trustees hold important positions in large companies such as Intel, IBM, Facebook, etc. The reason is of course that as an open source and free foundation, they need donations from these large companies. The motivation for these corporate donations is to influence the development direction of these open source software.

For example, for hardware manufacturers, can this highly influential open source software better support their own hardware? For a company like Microsoft, since this technology has developed to a certain extent and cannot lose its tail, it is better to simply donate some money to make Java more friendly to its own software. It is also a win-win situation.

There are also conflicts of interest that are not targeted in the first place, such as Facebook, which also needs to use Apache software, but Facebook's main business is social networking, not server development, and donations can be made to allow this organization to provide it with complete software. Technology can actually save a lot of research and development costs.

This is also the reason why various open source communities are attracting attention now. Everyone has their own interests and demands. Of course, the premise is that Java can maintain its current status and be used by enough people to maintain the motivation for donations from countless large and small factories.

So no matter how he felt when he made the call, as the current head of the Apache Open Source Foundation, Alberta Lynn still kept his attitude very low. It can be said that this is respect for the strong, it can also be said that this is Respect for money.

"Professor Ning, I finally contacted you. Maybe you don't know it well. Many of our administrators actually respect Professor Ning very much..."

It started very politely, and countless compliments came out as if they were free of charge. In the end, the person in charge even extended an olive branch directly: "In fact, we have always hoped that Professor Ning can serve in the Apache Foundation. I have been considering extending an invitation to you before. , become a member of our board of directors. I think the identity of lifetime honorary director matches you. We can jointly contribute to maintaining the Java environment. I wonder if Professor Ning is interested?"

Ning Wei, who was sitting in the office, was completely unprepared.

Well, his speech on Weibo and notifying the official about the vulnerability were all just to maintain the cohesion of Ningban, but now the official is in a hurry...

This makes Ning Wei feel a little funny, lifetime honorary director? To be honest, Ning Wei doesn't care much about these titles. If he wanted to get a title, Jiang University had contacted him several times, hoping that he would go to Jiang University and get a certificate of a lifelong distinguished honorary professor. He had always been unable to find time to go there because of Ning Ban.

Naturally, they would not value the status of a lifelong honorary director of the foundation.

"Mr. Lin En, let's talk about these things later. To be honest, I don't know much about Java, and I don't plan to do any research. Forget about being a director. What on earth do you want to see me for? Hasn't the vulnerability been submitted to you? Yet?"

"Professor Ning, you are too polite. If you have not studied Java... well, let's not talk about it. It is true that I have something to call you. We are very grateful that you can provide us with high-risk vulnerabilities in Java, but you You know, if there are other vulnerabilities in Java, you can submit them to us according to the community announcement, and we will be able to provide you with a bonus as agreed..."

"Oh, there are also bonuses! Actually, I don't really need the bonus, but if there is any, you can donate it to the Ningban of Yanbei University in the name of the Apache Foundation. Don't worry, these bonuses can be used for the Ningban Scholarships and rewards for outstanding teachers. On behalf of all the teachers and students of Ningban, I would like to express my gratitude to the Apache Foundation..."

Alberta Lynn: “…”

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