Tech Hammer

Chapter 336 The secret was exposed in a short time

If Ning Wei was also in the military training camp at this time and participated in the first meeting of the Future Ning Society, he would most likely express the feeling that it is great to be young. Really, when you see the young people in Ningban starting to think about the future, the light bursting out in their eyes is enough to show how serious they are at this time.

Not to mention that as an organizer, Chen Diancheng even proposed something programmatic at the first meeting, which is definitely not common in ordinary college student associations. After all, various societies in general universities are actually enlarged interest groups. Students with the same interests gather together, and occasionally different sparks can be hatched.

For example, it is said that the most famous drone company in China was hatched from an interest group in a university.

Of course, for these children, they must not have thought that far. It is simply because of everything that happened yesterday, they were deeply inspired, and Ning Wei showed a different attitude towards them, which made these half-year-old children full of fighting spirit at this time.

However, many of the things in the world that are very funny to mature people were accomplished with the fighting spirit of this young man, not to mention that these were just a few extremely outstanding students. Ningban is the best high school student selected from all over the country, and the class cadres of Ningban are the best among the best.

"Don't rush to express your position. I haven't finished speaking yet. Our Ningshe is an organization with its own highest program and purpose. I hope that Ningshe can continue to operate for a long time. These cannot be separated from the support of funds. I think You can no longer ask for this money from the school or Professor Ning. After all, our Ning class’s treatment is good enough, our tuition fees are exempted, and we also have high scholarships.”

"And if we raise Ningshe's funds through these channels, many of our ideas will not be implemented at all. So this is what I think. In the early days of Ningshe's establishment, when Ningshe has not yet made any revenue, the cadres of the society must take the scholarships. Part of it will be used as the society's future operation and maintenance funds and innovation and technology funds. Although it is still in its infancy, as long as we work hard enough, we may not be able to incubate creative new technologies within Ningshe in the future."

"I am the first to make a statement. I will invest half of all current and future scholarships into Ningshe as public funds for Ningshe. If this is implemented, Ningshe will also choose to pay part of the scholarships when recruiting new students in the future. As the development fund of Ningshe, until Ningshe has healthy financial operations, this rule can be revoked. For example, new members can be attracted by paying fixed membership fees. Of course, if students are particularly outstanding but have financial difficulties in their families, This is debatable, but there must be internal recommenders and certifiers. Who agrees with this?"

Chen Diancheng looked around at the class cadres in Ningban.

"Chen Ban, I understand that the development of Ningshe requires money, but is fifty percent of the scholarship too much? I think twenty to thirty percent is more acceptable. Of course, it can also be In this way, the founders of Ningshe when we first established the school all gave half of their scholarships, and students who joined later had to pay less." Study committee member Shang Peijun gave a different view.

"No, Lao Shang, you didn't understand what Chen Ban meant. He actually meant the same as you, but he didn't represent us. I think this is okay, so I will use half of the scholarship as Ningshe's operating funds. But there is one thing. Since we have to pay money, we must make some institutional provisions for the expenditure of this money. We cannot have the final say on everything, or someone else, what do you think, Chen Ban?" Wang Xiwen, the deputy squad leader, said.

"Yes, issues involving money must be managed by dedicated personnel, and we will keep things simple. Ning Club's activity funds are deposited in a special account, and any expenditure must be disclosed to all club members. I am Thinking about it this way, we don’t want to use the money for food and drink, as that would be boring. Our highest priority is to strive for the advancement of China’s science and technology, so the money can be used to incubate some internal members’ projects.”

"We can discover these projects ourselves, or we can apply for them from internal members, or they can introduce them. Of course, we need a complete project plan, proposal report, etc. before investing. If we are not sure, we can also ask Professor Ning to help us as a consultant. . Of course, before investing, we will also make an agreement with the project sponsor. If the project invested by Ningshe is really successful or has a certain profitability, the society will also need to receive a proportion of the dividends."

"Of course, it doesn't matter even if it fails, but there must be a sufficiently detailed summary report on the reasons for the failure. Everyone, please remember that we are not an investment bank, and we are not premised on making profits. We are here to make people More students can achieve results. We don't care about success or failure. What we care about is that Ningshe can influence more students to agree with Professor Ning and our ideas and do our best to make Huaxia's future better."

"As for the club fees paid by new club members, Wang Xiwen is right. My idea is that since I initiated the establishment of Ning Club, I should naturally get more. At present, the scholarship I have received is about 220,000, so I get 11 If you come out, you don’t need to take so much. I think 30% is more reasonable. What do you think of 20% for other new members?”

"Chen Ban, I think it's better to do this. When it comes to money, let's not try it out. As a veteran of the Ning Club in the early days, there is really no need to consider the scholarship issue. I believe that no one among us has a scholarship. If it is less than 150,000, Chen Ban and we will not compete. We will calculate it as 150,000, and each person will use 70,000 as the starting capital of the Ning Club. How about it?" Jiang Wenhan, the secretary of the Ning Ban League who had been silent, said. .

"I'm OK!"

"I don't have any problem either!"

"Well, just do what Brother Jiang said."

"It's okay, it's okay. I tried my best to keep all the scholarships in hand. I think it's okay..."

"I agree, but I don't have that much money on hand right now. My parents are afraid that I will waste the money. I will call them at night to ask for money. They will definitely support me."

"Okay, as long as everyone agrees, then this matter is settled. Wang Xiwen, you are the deputy squad leader. After the club fees are collected, they will be temporarily stored with you. You can apply for a new card to manage this money. ,is that OK?"


"Everyone else, please think about our program and purpose and formulate them into words. Next, how we promote new recruits, how to determine the scope of recruitment, etc. must also follow the society's program and purpose. Remember not to do this. Tell the teacher!"

"Don't worry, Chen Ban! We have to wait until Ningshe develops and grows, and then we will let Professor Ning see our capabilities."

"Yeah, let's work hard!"


In the laboratory, Ning Wei was also busy in the office all afternoon. Typing code is not an easy job, and Ning Wei has actually not typed code for a long time. However, as long as he puts in the effort, time flies by. In a few hours, he only completed the interface file for a small device in the laboratory.

Of course, this efficiency is enough to put countless programmers to shame. After all, it takes more than programming skills to complete these tasks. You also need to have a deep understanding of these devices. However, this work is mainly completed in March. of.

The next step is to replace and debug, so that March can directly read the same data, which can make the laboratory run more efficiently.

After a hasty dinner, Ning Wei logged into Huawei's official website, downloaded the announced Cangjie programming language, and roughly tested it.

Ning Wei's research focus is naturally not only on whether this programming language is easy to use, but also on in-depth study of Cangjie's core.

"Did you design this core?"

"Meow... I participated in the design. I studied 642 computer languages ​​around the world, compared their respective advantages and disadvantages, made optimizations and trade-offs between execution and compilation, and made decisions between security and ease of use. Optimization and trade-offs have been made in various specifications and universality. Let's put it this way, Cangjie is a full-scenario development language like Java and C++, but its performance and stability are higher than Java. However, in order to ensure safety and stability, There are certain requirements for scalability. In addition, Cangjie language also supports low-level operations. Of course, this is slightly more difficult to learn than Java, and requires a certain understanding of the underlying computer logic. Of course, for programmers who know C and C++ It’s very easy to get started.”

Ning Wei felt that although the kitten on the screen wanted to express humility, it was actually very proud. It was obvious that the kitten was very satisfied with this Cangjie language.

"Meow... The most important thing is that Cangjie's compiler is very powerful. I have worked hard on this compiler. Not only Cangjie, it can also support more than 300 computer languages ​​​​in the world. It also has the most suitable The text editing function that Chinese people are accustomed to uses has accurate real-time error reporting capabilities. In addition, I also added many mature code lists to the content library to ensure that Cangjie has many optional structures from the beginning of its birth. I call it A programmer’s friend forever.”

"Oh!" Ning Wei replied, then glanced at Cangjie's compiler, and then directly uninstalled the programming language.

It is versatile, easy to learn and has powerful functions, which means that it is for programmers who are in the general public and cannot be used by them for the time being. The power of habit is powerful, and Ning Wei thinks it’s good to use C and C++ before they can be used.

What's more important is that he doesn't have time to find out whether Cangjie's language is easy to use, but it's okay to see that the response in the comment area is very good. Now he has something to do - studying the instruction set.

The working principle of the CPU is to convert the input information into 10101 digital signals. These signals are converted into high levels and low levels through the CPU module that can apply Fourier transform. These analog electrical signals pass through different modules as specified. On the CPU module The tiny transistors will produce "closed" and "open" actions, and finally the calculation results will be obtained.

Now his task is to let future CPUs produced with three-dimensional silicon silicon tube technology know how to work. But it’s actually quite boring to think so, so Ning Wei feels that his task now is to make world-wide companies like Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm nervous and realize that the field of large-scale general-purpose chips can soon be rolled up crazily...

"Meow, do you think Cangjie's language is not worthy of your attention?"

"No, March, it's just that I have more important things now. As you know, we have to work together to design an instruction set for the three-dimensional silicon silicon tube CPU. Cangjie can't do this. Why don't we start with something simple? , you find a simpler instruction set that is open source, let’s study it first.”


The next moment, Ning Wei looked at the 0s and 1s on the screen and fell into deep thought. After all, the thinking patterns of machines and humans are different. The focus is on these 0s and 1s. But at this time, Ningwei was thinking of a joke he saw on the Internet when he was very young.

The joke is about a little brother whose computer broke down, so his old friend introduced him to an expert to repair it. After the expert came, he roughly checked the computer and then asked him if he had a Win98 CD at home. The little brother said no, and the great man didn't say anything. He just asked him for a landline phone, and then he made a line to connect it to the computer, and started tapping 0s and 1s non-stop.

Then the little brother went to bed, and when he woke up, he found that the talented man was still sitting in front of the computer, typing 0s and 1s, but he just told him that he would be fine soon. Sure enough, after waiting for a while, the computer at home was repaired. Specifically, win98 was reinstalled. At that time, this little brother who didn't understand computers didn't think it was anything. He just sent this talented person away with a lot of gratitude. It took many years to realize that the talented person was really amazing...

At that time, Ning Wei really believed this joke and thought that the master who knew computers was so awesome. He could actually use a landline phone to create an operating system! But now he is sure that it is really a joke. If anyone can really create a system by using binary machine code in the future, it will probably only be the evolved March. Even if he looks at the 0s and 1s on the screen, Can only be blinded.

"March, if you post machine code, how can I understand it?"

"Meow, isn't this very simple? For example, this one means that the CPU operation word length is 32 bits and 4 bytes are processed at a time; this section means that segment transcendence prefixes are allowed, and you can use es, ds, cs, ss, fs, gs; this section stipulates that the first operand is a memory address, and the second is an immediate number; this section is time control..."

Along with the sound of March, 0s and 1s are constantly underlined with different colors and fonts, and words are also thoughtfully used to express what these 0s and 1s represent. At this moment, Ning Wei really felt that Yue Yue wanted to teach him how to read binary machine language...

"March... interrupt me..."

"Meow..." Yue Yue yelled dissatisfied, flicking his tail and looking at Ning Wei with a look that seemed to have temper, as if the teacher was speaking passionately in class, but the disobedient student suddenly stood up. A slapstick-like temper.

"Don't put machine language directly. I still know a little about assembly language. Can't you just assemble it for me?" Ning Wei said helplessly.

"Meow..., mov word ptr es: [eax + ecx * 32+ 0x11223344], 0x12345678..."

Although he was very angry, Mao Mao still compromised. Although the things that appeared on the screen were still very complicated, at least Ningwei could understand them without March's explanation one by one.

This is the difference between assembly language and 01 code. To put it simply, assembly at least belongs to the category of human speech. As for the binary recognized internally by the machine, it is probably no different from the language of birds to humans.

For Ning Wei, this link is very important. By learning how others define the working mode of the CPU, he and March discuss how to make the CPU work more perfectly in line with human requirements.

An excellent instruction set allows various data instructions to be calculated in the CPU like a smooth pipeline, executing various data and instructions as quickly as possible without causing various bugs. It is best to be able to expand to support as many levels as possible. Such as 3D rendering, various multimedia tasks...

It is a very complicated but necessary task.

Ning Wei, immersed in the code, once again forgot the passage of time, and just asked and answered questions from time to time in March, until the ringing of his cell phone woke him up from his addiction again.

The call was from Senior Brother Zhou. He was about to hang up and mute the phone subconsciously, but Ning Wei suddenly thought that Senior Brother Zhou was no longer just a senior brother, but also the counselor of Ning's class. After all, he gave up on the codes on the screen and answered the call. Got a call from Zhou Yanping.

"Hey, Senior Brother Zhou, what's going on?"

"Ning, a parent of a student from the Ning class just called me and asked me if the school had set up a Ning club and had to pay a club fee of 75,000 yuan. I was confused at the time..."

"What? Ningshe charges?" Not only Zhou Yanping on the other side of the phone was confused, but Ning Wei was also confused after hearing this.

Especially the cost of 75,000?

Even Ningban would not dare to charge tuition fees like this.

"Yeah, I didn't dare to neglect when I answered the phone. I quickly went to find out more and found out that it was the initiative of a few top students in the class. The initiator was Chen Diancheng. They wanted to set up a student club. As the proposer, I won the 110,000. None of the other first batch of initiators provided 75,000 as the initial operating capital of the society. According to their wishes, they hope to build Ningshe into a scientific research society among students. These community funds will be used to incubate them in the future. Various innovative projects proposed by students. In the future, if there are still people who want to join the Ning Club, they will have to use 20% of the scholarship as a club fund."

Zhou Yanping explained on the phone: "I'm calling you because I feel like I don't know how to deal with this matter. It doesn't sound like it's a bad thing, but it feels weird."

Ning Wei thought for a while and asked: "No, if there is no scholarship, how can I pay the community fund?"

"No, Ning, don't you understand yet? If you want to join the Ning Society, you must at least have decent grades. What the kids mean is that if you can't even get a scholarship, then you don't deserve to join the Ning Society."

"Oh...that's it..." Ning Wei understood, and suddenly realized that he still underestimated the abilities of Ning Ban's group of children. They really knew how to play.

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