Tech Hammer

Chapter 339 Mutual trust is too difficult

Although it is very unnatural, and can even be said to be very blunt, asking how the weather is like is actually a sign of goodwill.

Well, Ning Wei has to admit that he has never been the kind of person who is very good at socializing. Most of the time, he acts spontaneously, but now most people around him are very tolerant of him.

There is a high probability that people who really know how to socialize will not lose the opportunities that should belong to them in college. This is largely due to Lao Ning, whose social skills as a father are also not very good.

But for Satya Nadella, this greeting about the weather is really abrupt. After all, Chinese people shouldn’t ask “Have you eaten yet?”

"The weather is quite good today, the sun is very bright, and the humidity is good. It is very suitable for going out and playing." Although he felt a little surprised, Satya Nadella responded immediately.

"So you're still in the office, right?"

"What you said makes me suspect that there is an artificial intelligence monitoring my every move."

"Haha, Mr. Nadella, you are so funny. Of course this is impossible. This is the rhythm of many people's speech. When a person says that a certain time or weather is particularly suitable for doing something, he often likes to follow it with a retort. Transfer, but it’s a pity that I can’t do it due to various reasons. For example, the weather in Seattle is quite good today, suitable for going out, but it is a working day.”

"Okay, Ning, you are right. I am indeed in the office, preparing for a meeting in ten minutes."

This beginning feels good, for example, the communication between the two is very easy. The only bad thing is that the last sentence seems to emphasize that he only has ten minutes, which seems a bit strong, but it seems to be enough.

"Okay, then I won't waste time, Mr. Nadella, you should know that my laboratory has developed a three-dimensional silicon silicon tube technology. This technology was previously used to produce radio frequency chips. This one It can be said that it is very mature. Next, we hope to use this technology to try to develop larger integrated chips, such as CPUs and GPUs."

"Let's put it this way, we plan to redesign an instruction set and architecture based on the characteristics of three-dimensional silicon silicon tubes. This involves the issue of operating systems at the PC level. This is what I think about. If Microsoft is willing to cooperate with our company, When we design the instruction set, we can refer to some of Microsoft's standards to adapt our products to the Windows series operating systems."

"If this path doesn't work, then when designing the instruction set, we may have to start research on PC-side operating systems. After all, from my point of view, I don't hope that after the chips using new technologies are manufactured in the future, He received a cold reception in the market. In fact, Pat came to China before and I had a face-to-face conversation with him, but our conversation was not pleasant."

"So the question now is, Mr. Nadella, is Microsoft willing to form a mutually beneficial and mutually beneficial partnership with us like Microsoft and Intel? Of course, I don't mean to let Microsoft choose one or the other. I just hope that in the future Version updates of the Windows series can support our chips, and in the future we can also support Microsoft in developing products similar to Surface. The difference is probably that they use our CPU. What do you think of this suggestion?"

Ning Wei's words made Satya Nadella somewhat incompetent.

How about just asking him this suggestion without any foreplay at all? To be honest, Satya Nadella doesn’t think this suggestion is very good.

The negotiation did not talk about it this way. Since it is cooperation, who is the subject of the cooperation? What benefits can the cooperation between the two parties bring to Microsoft? To put it simply, why should Windows support your new chip? None of these things are discussed, so why would Microsoft want to destroy its relationship with Intel?

From Ning Wei's point of view, he didn't think so much. He just asked. If Microsoft felt that there was value in cooperation between the two parties, then someone would naturally go to the negotiation process. Ning Wei would definitely not participate in this negotiation process. If Microsoft feels that there is no value in cooperation, then it will follow a more complicated direction, which is nothing more than developing a self-developed operating system to match its own chips.

Although the process is definitely difficult, as long as someone is willing to do it, it should be possible. Of course this is nonsense, anything can probably be done if someone is willing to do it. The key is whether you can make people willing to do it.

Ningwei doesn't know much about the market, but he feels that he is very good at starting out and making some groundbreaking things to make everyone feel that this thing has great market value in the future, so that he is not afraid that no one will be willing to do it.

In short, two people have two completely different modes of thinking, which is very distressing, especially for Satya Nadella.

If cooperation can gain more benefits, of course it is possible. Moreover, redesigning an instruction set, then designing the architecture, and finally solving a series of technical problems and putting the chip on the market should generally be a long research and development process. As long as this process is long enough, enough benefits may be obtained first, and in the end Whether this can be done or not remains to be seen.

So after struggling and distressing, Satya Nadella suddenly felt that this matter could be discussed and discussed in depth.

"Microsoft has many partners, not just Intel. If China can design a better CPU than Intel, of course we are willing to cooperate. If 3D silicon silicon tube chip technology can design CPU products that meet Microsoft standards, of course we will Willing to support new architecture CPU products."

Satya Nadella spoke carefully and slowly, because he needed time to think about how to obtain sufficient benefits from this opportunity. Then use the time difference to make Microsoft invincible. In a few seconds, he had already thought of three options, but he still needed time to weigh which option was more beneficial to Microsoft and more acceptable to the other party.

But he paused for a moment, and before he could continue to express his thoughts, the other party came up with his own plan: "That's it, that's great. Then, I will contact the relevant units to contact you later. Everyone sign A contract and licensing agreement. After that, you will provide us with the source code of the latest Windows version, and our cooperation will be officially concluded. By the way, you don’t need the server version, so you can’t use it.”


Satya Nadella finally understood why everyone didn’t like talking to the Chinese guy opposite.

This conversational model really simplifies the complex.

"Ning, I have to say that your idea is very efficient, but please understand that Microsoft is not my Microsoft alone, but the Microsoft of all Microsoft shareholders. So this is not something I can decide directly. In fact, if To risk the partners we have worked very happily with and develop new partners for such a major matter, we need enough reasons to convince Microsoft's major shareholders."

"Not to mention directly taking out the source code. In fact, we have source code specially provided to OEM partners. These are part of our shared source plan, including hardware drivers, USB and WiFi, and support for the OneCore kernel. Source code, etc. Of course, if we want to start cooperation, after your CPU architecture is designed, our engineers can also guarantee to make something that supports the new kernel. But the key point is to pass this topic at the meeting, I So you should understand, right? Ning..."

Of course Ning Wei can understand. As everyone has commented before, Ning Wei can actually perform very high emotional intelligence, but there is no need for it.

"Of course, Mr. Nadella, but don't you really think that if this cooperation can be promoted, Microsoft will get many benefits? First of all, the biggest benefit is that we will not toss the operating system. You should know our scientific research reserves Strength and market. If we really start to work hard on general-purpose operating systems, it means that Microsoft will face extremely strong competition in the future."

"Second, provide us with the source code. These source codes are still protected by intellectual property rights. We will also optimize these source codes. In addition to completely fixing the bugs we have, we can also provide some major innovations. , such as integrating a more advanced voice assistant system to make Windows smarter, and of course these innovations can also be fed back to Microsoft."

"Third, after accepting the Windows source code, I can introduce Microsoft to join our Intelligent Platform Alliance. The source code that has been announced to us can be attributed to the data contributed by Microsoft in the platform, so that Microsoft can enjoy the future Intelligent Platform Alliance Members can enjoy a series of benefits, including but not limited to the metaverse process you are planning, etc."

"Mr. Nadella, you have to know that it will only become more and more difficult to join our March Intelligent Platform Alliance in the future. In order to avoid trouble this time, it can be said that this is Microsoft's most important choice. I believe you must have A way to convince Microsoft shareholders."

How should I put it? Ningwei's determined tone and confidence made Satya Nadella feel a little speechless.

At this moment, he really wanted to tell Ning Wei about the history of Microsoft, so that the young scientist could understand how much effort a company that has researched operating systems for decades has put in.

I even want to tell Ning Wei that Microsoft has cooperated with many well-known large companies on many platforms, so that it has the NT series platform, as well as the current cross-platform win10 system, and the countless software and hardware manufacturers surrounding Microsoft to establish For the ecological environment of windows.

Can you create an operating system that can compete with Windows by just tinkering with it? Ah……

But in the end, I couldn't say these words. After all, the person opposite was a young man who had created miracles of goodwill. The next two items were indeed attractive, but they were not attractive enough to make Microsoft's heart flutter.

"Ning, you think too simply..."

"No, no, no, Mr. Nadella, I actually think very clearly. I came to the conclusion after discussing with March for a long time."

"Well, let me establish a principle first. It is impossible to provide all of our source code to you. Under this principle, maybe we can find a way of cooperation that is acceptable to both parties." Satya Nadella The bottom line is given.

Ning Wei was silent for a moment, and then said: "Actually, I don't really want the source code, I just have a little doubt. As you know, starting from the instruction set, to the structure, to the design and production of the chip, We also need to repeatedly tape out tests to find bugs until we finally produce the finished CPU. This series of processes is still controllable. Next, we still need to negotiate with many hardware manufacturers to convince them to accept our CPU products and open new production line designs. And produce supporting products that can match this new CPU..."

"This is a relatively long process. So the question is, if after we have done all this, you suddenly change your mind, or the lion opens its mouth and makes more demands on us, it means the initial investment It’s all in vain. We will have to redesign the instruction set to adapt to the new operating system, or at that time we will start to think of ways to design an operating system that can match our hardware. Even so, we don’t know when. I also ask you, after all, when designing the instruction set, many of them are completed with reference to your standards."

"This is very difficult. Even if you don't need the source code, how can you guarantee that Microsoft will comply with the agreement so that Windows can perfectly support our CPU after our CPU is produced? If you can convince me on this point, We can discuss it when we get there.”

Ning Wei's words made Satya Nadella laugh out loud: "Ha, Ning, you are destined to be a great scientist, but I think you are too suspicious. Microsoft has always attached great importance to the agreements we signed. Any contract. As long as we can determine various cooperation matters and proceed step by step in accordance with the contract, we will definitely be able to cooperate very happily in the end. This is a world with rules after all. And we still have a lot of potential in China. market."

Ning Wei also smiled: "Ha... Mr. Nadella, don't make trouble. If the contract is really so binding, how can you still have so many lawsuits to fight? How can there be so many cases of breach of contract in this world?" Something goes to court? From the perspective of a businessman, whether to continue to abide by the contract depends on whether the benefits of breach of contract are greater than the benefits of continuing to perform the contract?"

"Not to mention that as long as the contract has a force majeure clause, such as official pressure, if you think the words printed on the paper can make me feel at ease, then you really underestimate me. Although I am a scientist, I I feel that if breach of contract can help the project I am responsible for be completed better and faster, I will breach the contract without hesitation.”

"Taking a step back, you are a CEO who attaches great importance to credibility and will definitely guarantee firm support in fulfilling the contract. But when that time comes, the Microsoft board of directors will fire you and replace you with a new CEO. You will not be able to make the final decision. You said sorry to me, who should I turn to? You just said that Microsoft is not yours alone, but the Microsoft of all shareholders...right?"

This is the advantage of not trusting each other. You can talk about everything openly and there is no need to be embarrassed. It is actually very pleasant to be a true villain. At least it is much more enjoyable than being a hypocrite.

Satya Nadella remained silent for even longer.

He wanted to seize this opportunity, but it was impossible to directly provide the source code of the system to the other party. He didn't even think about convincing the board because he didn't think he should.

What was even more troublesome was that some of Ning Wei's words touched his thoughts.

He is 57 years old this year. If nothing unexpected happens, he plans to retire at the age of 65 to enjoy life. Of course, if something unexpected happens, it doesn’t matter if you retire two years early.

A CPU with a new material and structure was designed from the instruction set to the final successful test. It is already an extraordinary speed to complete it during his tenure. If he can enjoy enough benefits during his tenure, whether the contract will continue to be fulfilled after he retires from his current position is not something he needs to pay attention to.

But now it seems that everyone is actually quite shameless. This is very annoying.

However, before he could think about how to word it to dispel Ning Wei's doubts, or what areas he could give in to, Ning Wei spoke.

"Forget it, forget it, Mr. Nadella, I probably understand. You don't think it's a good idea to cooperate with us. It's a pity. That's it for today. You still have about a week to think about it carefully, because in a week Our instruction set is about to be officially launched."

"If you think Microsoft's principles can be adjusted downward, such as providing us with complete source code, my previous guarantee will still be valid within a week. There is no need to choose after more than a week. There is a Chinese saying that there is no turning back when a bow is fired. Ten The minute has arrived. Goodbye, Mr. Nadella, I won’t delay your meeting.”

As soon as he said these words, Satya Nadella heard a "beep" busy signal from the phone.

Satya Nadella glanced at the time subconsciously, and sure enough, the time was stuck just right. For a moment, the Microsoft CEO almost thought that the young man opposite was going to have a meeting, or that the opposite person could really develop a product in a short period of time that was not inferior to Windows operating system?

Of course, at this time, Satya Nadella would definitely not call him again immediately. It was originally a matter of asking for help. He didn't want to appear too urgent. Maybe he would rather just put pressure on him in this way?

I have to say that many times the minds of big shots are too complicated.

Of course Ning Wei didn't have so many ideas. He just lamented that barriers would always exist and would even obscure people who should be far-sighted.

Failure in negotiations means that in the end the most complicated path will have to be chosen.

"March, you heard it too, there is nothing we can do. Although it is said that doing many things repeatedly is a waste of resources, there is nothing we can do."

Ning Wei sighed.

This is indeed a pity. Ning Wei feels that it is obviously a win-win cooperation, but the complete inability to establish a channel of mutual trust between the two parties also makes him helpless.

This is the helplessness of the weak side. It is very helpless, so it can only rely on itself.

"Meow, of course the 3D chip should be equipped with a 3D operating system..."

"Oh, huh?"

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