Tech Hammer

Chapter 350 Dramatic Life

In China, the conversation also continued in the office of platform director Liu Qingyuan.

"I just said let me not embarrass you..."

"That's it, Mr. Lu, you know, it's useless to make things difficult for me. For me, the rules may be directly related to my job, so why bother?"

"I'm not trying to embarrass you. I'm also under a lot of pressure. If I really want to make sense, it's on my side. I'm already very reasonable. If you listen to the wording of the headquarters, you'll know where I'm in trouble. "

"Haha, Mr. Lu, you also said it was the pressure from the headquarters. This makes it very difficult for me. After all, Microsoft headquarters doesn't pay me a salary, right?"

The Tai Chi push was helpless. Lu Zhengyao was silent for a moment, spread his hands, and said seriously: "Director Liu, let's not push back and forth. Why don't you give me an explanation? How can we know the details of the vulnerability as soon as possible? ? Rather than through a so-called third party..."

"Mr. Lu, isn't this obvious? This is in China. Just follow our rules, isn't it? To be honest, Microsoft China has enjoyed so many preferential policies before. It's not that difficult to do things according to the rules. Right?" Liu Qingyuan said meaningfully.

Lu Zhengyao looked at the opposite side, their eyes met, and finally Lu Zhengyao was defeated: "I need to make a phone call."

"Okay, okay, don't bother going out. I just need to go talk to the experts. You can contact them here."


Huaxia, cutting-edge intelligent R\u0026D center.

Ning Wei is planning the chip instruction set with Yue Yue in his office, specifically standardizing the instructions.

"That's it for the data transfer instructions. Check to see if there are any problems. If there are no problems, let's continue writing the instructions for arithmetic operations and logical operations." Ning Wei said to himself while facing the computer screen.

After feeling comfortable, the design work of the instruction set officially began.

Loopholes or BUGs are just a way to vent your anger. No matter how you look at it, he has no motivation to make these things public. No matter how high the attitude is, at least at this stage, Intel's products should still be used, and Microsoft's operating system cannot be separated.

It's okay to have a verbal fight to make yourself feel happy, and then it's only right to use your happy mood in your career endeavors.

The really happy day should be the day when our own chips and operating systems can compete with Intel and Microsoft or even directly surpass them.

According to calculations in March, although the 65nm three-dimensional silicon pass technology is slightly behind the current mainstream 5nm process, the performance of the finished product can basically be better than the previous generation 7nm process.

As long as the design can keep up, the problem of yield rate can be solved during mass production, and the supporting operating system is excellent enough, and if domestic policy support is added, it will not be difficult to open the market.

But for Ning Wei, he doesn't really care whether there is policy support or not. After all, policy support can only be provided domestically. If you want to compete with Intel and Microsoft Alliance in the international market, the most important thing is to have hard power, which includes cost and user experience. Of course, the most important thing is to make the product first.

For those big guys on the other side of the ocean, they would never have imagined that the crisis in front of them was actually not a big deal. What was really fatal was that this incident aroused Ning Wei's fighting spirit...

Originally, he planned to start this matter and then leave it to others. He wanted to seize the time to complete his review of the physics knowledge framework before teaching Ning Ban and officially enter the cutting-edge field of physics. But now I decided to put my desire for physics knowledge a little behind, or put the two at the same level.

For Ningwei, it is just a matter of choosing the focus of recent work, but the impact after fermentation may be huge.

"Everyone, we have some internal emergencies to deal with. We are offline now. I agree with all the resolutions finalized at this meeting." After answering the phone, Satya Nadella said, and then did not wait for anything else. The person responded and immediately went offline.

In fact, it is a bit disrespectful. It is like saying that this meeting is meaningless in person. Of course, Satya Nadella does have the capital to be willful. After all, his position at Microsoft is still very stable.

Just being so willful will still be a bit of a blow to others.

"In this case, I will leave first. My opinion is that for the time being, it is pointless to actively provoke Hua Xia, especially Professor Ning. If possible, some remedial measures can be taken, and that is my opinion. Goodbye, Mr. Sackler," Tim Cook said, and then decisively logged off.

There's no rush for Tim Cook.

After all, Apple's current relationship with the Smart Alliance is actually pretty good. Ning Wei called this time and probably talked about the latest IOS vulnerabilities, which were mainly related to jailbreaking. Contains a variety of Apple products.

This is indeed troublesome, but Tim Cook thinks it doesn't hurt the fundamentals.

The reason lies in the new version of iOS and the confidence in user stickiness.

In fact, for the vast majority of Apple users, jailbreaking has never been a consideration. After all, what many users value is the stability and security of the Apple system. Once jailbroken, it means that the products in their hands will no longer enjoy Apple's warranty service. More importantly, not everyone is willing to bear the risks brought by jailbreaking.

All of the above make Apple's desire for this vulnerability not that strong.

But when Microsoft and Apple left one after another, the remaining people became even more depressed.

"Okay, everyone, the situation is obvious. This meeting is actually of no use. All you need to know is that person's attitude. Of course, maybe we can do something to save it. For example, there are some remarks that can make them disappear temporarily. Time. I will say hello to some people. That's it. You should pay attention to rest when you are older. I am also very tired." The old man said, and then went offline.

The main characters have all left, and no one continues to argue.

"Mark, if you want to express your attitude... I think we can really ban CNN's account for a period of time. Maybe this is not very difficult, what do you think?"

"If necessary..."

"What I will do, at most, is to retire early. Maybe I can go to Hawaii for vacation early. By the way, you know, I plan to settle in Texas. I have always liked Houston and have already decided to retire. Then go and settle there. It may be a good choice to enjoy life in advance. I have invested in a manor in the north of Houston, next to Lake Somerville. If you go there, you will definitely like it. I can take you to Summerville then. Fishing in the Great Lakes of Vail.”

"Then...that's it. I envy you, Jack. Maybe retirement at this time is a good choice."

"Remember, I'm not a deserter, I'm just tired. You may not have the same experience as me. Some shareholders...are too difficult to serve! So, goodbye!"


USA, Atlanta, CNN headquarters building, sixth floor office area.

"Andy, I have some bad news to inform you. You have been fired. Your compensation will be credited to your card as soon as possible."

"Mr. Adela, what do you mean? Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"I think, yes. Because you used the official Twitter to speak, our Twitter account was temporarily banned, okay... I know this makes you unbelievable, but I also can't believe it, but this It's true. I've tried very hard to speak for you, but... you know."

The extremely sudden news left Andy Posen completely stunned.

He has been in this position for five years, and he thought he would spend the rest of his life in this building.

He is used to walking into the lobby of the building and seeing the company logo composed of thousands of news pictures. He is even more used to the bustling crowd in the building. He likes to walk into the "earth"-shaped news production center and is used to going to the second floor. Buy a Taco for lunch at a Mexican restaurant, then stand in front of the railing and watch the crowd below...

Is this kind of life suddenly going to leave him?

"No, no, no, Mr. Adela, there is always a reason. Twitter cannot ban our account without a reason. I have not posted any illegal information recently. This is impossible. There must be a mistake somewhere! And this I am not responsible for the Twitter account alone, there are others who are responsible for this account with me, so you must tell me why, Mr. Adela, otherwise I will resort to the union..."

Billy Adela looked at Andy Person sympathetically.

In Billy Adela's view, Andy Posen is a very motivated young man. If this accident hadn't happened, he might have been promoted and raised his salary in two years, and he might even have been able to sit in his current position. position, and then retire, but it is a pity that now this young guy will have to say goodbye to this decent job...

No matter how much the outside world criticizes CNN, at least the company is very conscientious when it comes to employee benefits, especially pension payments and medical insurance.

If it were something else, or the union could really help the helpless young man in front of me, but this time...

"Well, Andy, I can only tell you that it's about the tweet about Ning and Lucassen. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that the tweet was sent by you, and there should be a record on your computer. Okay. , something did happen, which had a great impact. For you, it was actually a wrong multiple-choice question, but the world is like this. Life is not like an exam in school, and you will not be given the opportunity to correct your mistakes. , when some things happen, you have to bear the consequences, don’t make things extraneous, I will give you an excellent evaluation...Okay, this is the decision of the 12th floor, do you understand?"

"Lukason and Ning? 12th floor? But this is not everyone's decision?"

"No, no, no, Andy, this is the account you manage. You are the first responsible person. Don't blame this matter on other people. It will not be good for you. In the near future, we may need someone to deal with a certain country's issues. A kinder spokesman, Andy, and leaving with dignity is the best thing for you, trust me! You can go find the answers, but not here, got it?!”

When Andy Posen stood outside the CNN building holding a cardboard box filled with his personal belongings, he was filled with confusion...

Working at CNN, he had seen a lot of drama in life, but he never thought that this drama would actually happen to him, let alone a tragedy. Being completely unprepared for being unemployed meant that he needed to start over somewhere else. , this is not good news for a 30-year-old man who is just preparing to stabilize.

He didn't even know how to tell his girlfriend the news.

There are many super companies in this city, such as Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines... but the only professional counterpart to him is CNN, unless he chooses to start over at the age of 30...

The company's compensation is probably enough to allow him to live a stable life for a period of time, but if he cannot find a decent job as soon as possible, his pension and medical insurance will have problems, especially in the booming economic situation. , he did not graduate from science or engineering, and it seemed not easy to find a decent job with a decent salary. The most important thing was that he couldn't figure out what was wrong with that Weibo post.

Back at the rented apartment, Andy Posen sat on the sofa, turned on the computer immediately, and then started searching for Ning Wei's name on Google. After clicking the next page several times, he finally saw it on a forum. Some information that might clear up his confusion.

In this forum called world, netizens often take screenshots of questions from a question-and-answer platform like Quora in China, translate them into English, and put them on the forum. According to the forum, there is something very strange about a question-and-answer platform like Quora in China. name——you know?

Well, these are minor.

But what Andy Posen saw on the forum made him suddenly enlightened...

"...Professor Ning announced product vulnerabilities of many of the world's top technology companies at once. The companies involved in these products include Intel, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Oracle..."

Yes, at this moment Andy Posen probably understood why CNN's Twitter account was suddenly banned, and he also understood why the big bosses above him chose to compromise with those platforms, and even directly expelled himself. At the same time, he also understood Now, why would Billy Adela say that he needs someone in his position who is more friendly to China...

For a moment, he suddenly felt that his life was ridiculous.

Sure enough, this is a great country, so great that a middle-level person in a small company can silently resist such a huge pot...

So those high-ranking people would tell the professor named Ning that they fired him as a sign of goodwill?


Of course the big guys won't care about the mental journey of a small and middle-level CNN executive.

In this world, a lot of people lose their jobs every day, some because of malfeasance, and some because of the company's strategic layoffs. For the big guys, even if a whole department is laid off, it is just an inconspicuous thing. number.

What they worry about is the overall interests of the company, such as how this incident will end.

Rumors are not terrible. What is important is that the situation should be within control. For example, before the vulnerabilities spread widely and cause irreparable losses, these vulnerabilities should be blocked in advance and let the matter pass quietly...

It's not that there are no solutions. For example, Microsoft obtained the details of the system vulnerability and began to fix the vulnerability. It is said that the price paid is that the system company will provide a special version of the server specifically for special departments, and at the same time provide the complete source code of the special edition system. The promise is that Microsoft will be able to, like other members of the China Network Security Vulnerability Sharing Platform, obtain vulnerability information about Microsoft products from the platform as soon as possible...

Of course, there may be other benefits, such as signing more orders. These are commercial secrets that Satya Nadella will definitely not disclose.

This situation has angered many people, but the development process has been uneventful.

At least in China, the news that really shocked many people was that Huawei officially announced in a high profile that the company's 2012 laboratory would establish a new laboratory to officially enter the field of consumer desktop CPU design...

The new laboratory is named Ningsi Laboratory. According to official announcements, Ningsi Laboratory will cooperate in depth with the China Frontier Intelligent R\u0026D Center to design large-scale general-purpose desktop CPUs using three-dimensional through-silicon chip manufacturing technology.

With a new instruction set and a new architecture, the goal is to produce a domestic U with truly independent intellectual property rights within five years.

Ning Wei forwarded news on Weibo for the first time and contributed to this official announcement...

Then the Chinese network quickly exploded...

For ordinary netizens, the focus is on truly complete independent property rights.

I am very excited. After all, chips have always been one of the shortcomings of China's high-tech industry. In addition to excitement, there are also expectations. For a manufacturing powerhouse, the shortage of chips has always led to price increases for many products, which is the most direct for consumers. Bad experience. Purely domestic products can always help many foreign companies recognize the reality and learn how to set prices.

Just like 20 or 30 years ago, when the reputation of domestically produced cars was not prominent, it has become a consensus that whether it is an imported car or a joint venture car, the price must be increased if you want to buy it. If you want to buy a car, you can't wait to ask for a car sales.

Twenty or thirty years later, when domestically produced cars suddenly emerge, even customers who have never considered buying domestically produced cars can really feel that the prices of various brands of vehicles have become more affordable. Except for a few compartments, few cars dare to compete with the past. Such blatant disguised demands for various price increases.

This is the benefit brought by having self-produced capabilities. For ordinary consumers, even if they believe in Intel, if they can buy the same CPU product for only more than one thousand, it will definitely be more valuable than spending more than two thousand. fragrant.

Of course, the most important thing is that this official announcement seems very powerful.

There are also very irritating things. In the past, marching into high technology would definitely attract countless sarcastic comments. However, this time there were surprisingly few sarcastic comments...

PS: 1 Anxi Yu, the author of "Take Off My Aviation Age", has a new book "Stick to My Offshore Engineering Era" officially on the shelves. Book friends who like industrial science and technology articles can take a look!

ps:2 Little Pudding at home is suffering from type B influenza, so the recent updates are not stable. I'm sorry to all the book friends, I'm sorry!

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