Tech Hammer

Chapter 352 Branch

Under Yu Xingwei's expectant gaze, Ning Wei read his paper and suddenly felt that in society, he, Brother Yu, was a ruthless person and didn't talk much.

To put it simply, the specific content of Yu Xingwei’s research on fuzzy logic is for missiles. To be more precise, it is a control allocation problem used in surface-to-air and air-to-air missile composite control systems. The goal is to develop a fuzzy logic control Allocation algorithm to reconcile uncertainty in the set of extended state observer estimates.

To put it more simply, it means that the air-to-air missile can track more accurately after being launched, and can predict the opponent's prediction in advance under high-speed movement, and will not easily lose the target because of a few jamming rounds, or miss the target due to terrain. . In short, let the missile become smarter after letting itself fly.

The very promising idea is that he is somewhat incompatible with the identity of instructor Ning Ban. If the research is successful, he may not be offered a professorship in the control and information or missile engineering majors of the National Defense University.

"How about it? Professor Ning, do you think my choice of research direction is reliable?"

"It's too reliable. How about you go to the laboratory? You can directly ask Yue Yue to help you design large-scale algorithm simulation digital virtualization on the supercomputer. Staying in school is a waste of your talents."

"This... are you serious?"

"I've never been so serious! Come on, after this technology is developed, you will probably be able to enjoy the highest honor of saying goodbye to your passport like me."

"Haha, Professor Ning, I see what you said is right, but if you think it's going to get you started, I'll continue. You may not know, but I'm actually a military fan. I've always been interested in these things. I can't do anything that meets the requirements." Interesting research, even if you never see a passport in this life, it’s still worth it!”

"Then it's settled. I'll talk to our dean for you later. There may be some procedures to go through, but you don't have to worry about that. You have to think about how to deal with your little girlfriend in Jiangcheng. Over there in the laboratory The level of confidentiality is relatively high, so she might not be able to get in. If you want to have a date or something, you have to travel quite a distance..."

"It doesn't matter, I just have to work harder!"

"Well, in this way, you can help me take care of my graduate students while you are doing research. I will provide you with a car and arrange a special driver. This will make it more convenient and more respectable for you to go on a date with your girlfriend. Wait for you After this project is completed, basically there is no need to consider the house issue, well, that’s it.”

This is probably the benefit of having money. You don’t need to discuss this kind of expenses with anyone. You can decide it yourself.


"Brother Yu, you're welcome, this matter is settled."

"Okay, that's settled then."

After half an hour, the two reached a consensus, and Yu Xingwei's temporary whereabouts were finally decided.

Ning Wei did not check whether Yu Xingwei's research overlapped with other people's research directions. He believed that Yu Xingwei must have already done some research when choosing this topic. More importantly, in the field of intelligence, other people's research must be better than others. Not as good as Yu Xingwei.

It’s not just that I simply believe in Yu Xingwei’s ability. I mainly have my own theory as a guide and March’s full support. Others want to surpass in the same segmented field, which is extremely difficult or even impossible. .

If the objective conditions could really be surpassed, they should have been surpassed long ago.

So in terms of resources, Yu Xingwei can be said to be uniquely endowed. If the things created in this way cannot be used in practice or cannot compare with others in the same research direction, then Ning Wei feels that Yu Xingwei can do some administrative work with peace of mind in the future and it is better to give up the field of scientific research.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, but that he really can't spare the time to study these subdivided areas. After all, he has many things to do and is more important. Ning Wei felt that Liu Wei must be very interested in Yu Xingwei's research direction.

"Brother Liu, my brother Yu wants to study the problem of autonomous operation algorithms after missiles are thrown out. Is this research direction worthy of having a single room in our research center?"

"Do you think his algorithm research can be successful?"

"Brother Liu, you are disrespectful to Hua University of Science and Technology and several academicians by asking this!"

"To put it this way, a single room is still too embarrassing. Let's start with a suite."

"Then it's settled, let's go there together next time."

"Okay, I will tell the logistics department and they will contact Yu Xingwei and arrange it as soon as possible."

"Also, I'm going to Jiangcheng on the 7th to give a lecture at Jiang University and meet my former professors."


"By the way, I want to take a holiday during the National Day, go out for a walk and relax."

"Well, have you decided where to go?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. Brother Liu, where do you think it would be better for the two of us to go out to relax? It's best to go somewhere with fewer people. Last year's National Day almost gave me a psychological shadow. Let's discuss a place that can make Classmate Jiang happy."

"There are few people, and we want to make her happy... Then why not go to the big construction site for a walk."

"The big construction site... Oh, you mean to visit the Future Technology City?"


"Huh...Brother Liu, it's so unfair that you are still single now. Then let's set off tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll prepare the equipment needed on the road in advance."

"A laptop is enough. I plan to take a good rest for a few days this time."

"In that case, we will go to LP County tomorrow, fly directly to Jiangcheng on the 6th, rest for one night, and then fly back to the capital after completing the activities on the 7th."

"Okay, that's it."

National Day is here as scheduled.

The seven-day holiday is definitely extremely luxurious for Ning Wei.

Last year, he planned to be extravagant, but he was recognized on the first day. However, he caused a controversy, which directly led to bankruptcy during the holiday. The promised four-day trip around the capital was canceled after only one day. On the second day, I unexpectedly watched a few movies.

In the end, they were forced to self-destruct, and the effect was very obvious. A group of people had to give up their vacation and start working overtime. The incident was quite big at that time, and it is said that some people were found out because of this incident.

If I really want to be more serious, I still follow a routine that is difficult for me and difficult for everyone, hurting others a thousand times and hurting myself eight hundred times...

So Ning Wei thinks this year's arrangement is pretty good. Not only can you see the construction progress of the future city with your own eyes, but it will most likely not attract much attention.

After all, LP County is just a remote small county in Qin Province, and there are no popular tourist attractions around it. Before the future city officially opens, there is a high probability that few people will use the seven-day National Day holiday to visit the construction site.

After returning home, I discussed the National Day schedule with Jiang Chenshuang after school. Jiang Chenshuang felt very good.

For Jiang Chenshuang, it has been a long time since she went home to see her. Although Jiang's mother must be well taken care of now, after all, the two sisters have come to the capital to study, and she is still a little worried as she is the only one left at home.

As for Jiang Chenlu, she will not follow the two of them this time.

In Jiang Chenlu's words, she is no longer a light bulb. But Ning Wei can probably understand that the main reason is that the academic pressure at Yanbei University is too heavy.

This is a very realistic situation.

For the freshmen of Yanbei University, it must be extremely exciting to walk to the campus of Yanbei University for the first time. When you first get to know the courses, you can still feel the free atmosphere that is different from other universities.

Because Yanbei University has always implemented the concept of general education, its curriculum is very flexible. As long as you have enough energy, you can shuttle through various classes and activities.

But at the same time, the pressure is also huge, and this pressure is all-round.

When you meet your classmates for the first time, you will find a bunch of giant figures, competitive students, recommended students, top scorers in the college entrance examination...

After ranking tenth in the province in the college entrance examination, I was embarrassed to say hello to others when I went out.

Even if these only represent the past, after the official start of the class, in addition to being exposed to the most cutting-edge knowledge, there are also various competition information, down to the smallest details, and everyone in the dormitory discusses new knowledge...

For a strong person, pressure can be said to be everywhere. It just so happens that both sisters have the kind of character that although they don't show it on the outside, they are very strong on the inside. When they are surrounded by extremely good people, they probably never think about the option of lying down, but to make themselves more capable. excellent.

With this mentality, it is natural to make good use of the seven-day National Day holiday. After all, the school library will remain open during the holiday.

Ning Wei also agreed with Jiang Chenlu's idea.

There are many people on the road, and I can't let go of some intimate actions...

On National Day, the first day after arriving in LP County, after resting for a day at her mother-in-law's house, Ning Wei took Jiang Chenshuang to the area where Future City was located.

The changes that a huge key project has brought to the small county are almost visible to the naked eye.

According to the plan in March, the entire future city is even larger than the small county town, and it directly borders the county seat. Along the way, it is obvious that there are many more small restaurants and specialty snacks in the entire county town.

Most of the first-floor halls that used to be along the way have been converted into various facades. In addition to restaurants all over the street, there are also many small shops selling daily chemicals and building materials. From time to time, you can still see trucks coming to make purchases.

Soon, Liu Wei drove the two of them to the construction site.

Obviously, the three-way connection for a large area of ​​land that was once a deserted area has been completed. It can even be said that the overall outline of the future city has been basically completed. There are three high-rise buildings under construction, including the planned Huawei Building and Apple Building.

Another building that has just built three floors is a comprehensive gaming and animation experience building run by Penguin Group.

As for the land that Google wants, a big hole has been dug, but it has not yet been officially built. The reason is said to be that the designer commissioned by Google has not yet produced a design that satisfies the company.

Well, Ning Wei doesn't care too much about these small details.

What makes Ning Wei satisfied is that the specially designed underground city control center in March has basically entered the final stage.

This master control center can be said to be the soul of the entire future city.

The entire design was completed by March Design, and the construction funds mainly came from the US$500 million donated by the old American scumbag Ning Wei said. Of course, this is just the finishing stage here, just the finishing of the project. The internal equipment has been ordered long ago, but it has not been installed yet.

This master control center includes two large computer rooms, a small supercomputing center, and an unmanned large-scale monitoring data center.

Of course, I am talking about no one here. I mean that the nearly 30,000 dynamic camera images in public areas throughout the city do not need to be monitored by humans every day. The system can automatically detect various potentially dangerous behaviors from these images. , and send an alert to the administrator on duty.

Of course, if someone has nothing to do, he can sit in the surveillance hall and stare at the giant screen divided into more than 30,000 pieces...

In addition, after the construction is completed, the master control center will directly control a set of specialized equipment to upgrade urban roads so that all roads and parking lots in the city can meet L5 autonomous driving standards.

The city supercomputing center will be used to control all automatic facilities in the city and make the most reasonable distribution of the flow of people in the city. Through the first millimeter-wave equipment used in the city, all electronic equipment in the city can prepare for future city tours. Everyone improves the fastest response and service.

Yes, this area is also one of the highlights of the future city.

According to the plan, the city will only have a few order maintenance personnel in the future, and the main person who completes this work is the planned Future City Police Station in the city. All other services are completed by various machines or electronic equipment, including tour guides, There are basically no manual ticket windows, hotel front desks in scenic spots, etc. that are common in other scenic spots.

Only a complaint window at the tourist service center is reserved in each area, and there will be trained real people to solve tourists' complaints about the machines. This is also a characteristic of cities, mainly because it has extremely high requirements for artificial intelligence, such as feeling the emotions of tourists and making targeted treatments.

In order to ensure smooth communication to the greatest extent, the entire city is planned to fully adopt millimeter wave base station communication technology. The specific technical standard is that under high and low frequency dual connection, the peak downlink rate of a single user can reach 9Gbps, and the peak downlink rate of the entire city is scheduled to be under full load. Reaching 15Gbps to ensure the perfect operation of all communication equipment in the entire city.

All customer requests are processed and responded to in the service computer room of the master control center. After receiving the information, it will be directly submitted to the robot or electronic device closest to the target to complete the response according to the type of request.

The simplest application scenario, such as renting a car in the city.

Tourists only need to place an order with one click through the city APP, and the idle tour vehicle closest to the tourist will automatically drive to the tourist. Through the speaker's automatic voice and face recognition technology, the vehicle door will be opened and the vehicle will drive in the city according to the route required by the customer.

The general control center will dynamically adjust the distribution range of driverless vehicles in the city at any time based on the dynamic distribution of tourists in the city and the car usage trend curve to ensure that the longest waiting time for tourists’ car demand does not exceed a specific time, etc. .

In this way, Liu Wei took the two of them around the general control center. During this period, March opened on the mobile phone became the most competent commentator, giving Ning Wei and Jiang Chenshuang a more intuitive understanding of the future city after completion. It sounds like this is a rare travel experience.

After wandering around the construction site of the future city for most of the day, Ning Wei took Jiang Chenshuang to watch a movie. At noon, he had a meal of legendary mountain delicacies in a restaurant in the county town and the happy day passed.

In the next few days, the two of them took it easy. They chatted and ate with Jiang's mother every day, and then went out for a walk to eat. Occasionally, they would send a video to Ning's father and Ning's mother, and listen to the in-laws on both sides chatting through the screen. The parents are short-lived, and for Ning Wei, it is like a fairy life.

This life was so leisurely that Ning Wei even resisted going back to the big city...

After graduating from Jiangsu University, Ning Wei experienced for the first time that it was quite happy not to have to brainstorm every day. When he thought about the money lying in his card, he suddenly lost much motivation to fight.

Really, Ning Wei found that he was quite able to adapt to this kind of small city life. There was no pressure, no need to think about complicated interpersonal interactions, he could spend time with the people he liked every day, and he could wander around when he had free time. He was like a god. life. I haven’t even opened the notebook I brought with me.

There is no need to think about the instruction set, future chip architecture, mathematical principles of artificial intelligence, intrigues with a group of bosses, and other complicated things. Just completely empty your mind, look at the scenery, listen to music, and have an unscrupulous chat with classmate Jiang. Let’s talk about love…

If Lu Dongyi were asked to evaluate Ning Wei at this time, he would probably rebuke this guy for his depravity. But for Ning Wei, these few days have been the most relaxing and comfortable time in the past few years. The changes brought about by complete relaxation are also huge. However, it only took less than five days to come to my wife’s natal home. On the afternoon of the 5th, I had to When I left, my originally thin face had gained a lot of weight...

"The days we live these days are called life, Brother Liu, don't you think the life we ​​lived before could only be called living..."

Because she chatted too late with her mother the night before, Jiang Chenshuang, who didn't have much rest, fell asleep on the plane. Ning Wei rushed to Liu Wei and started chatting.

The inertia caused by laziness makes him too lazy to open his laptop even if he has a dedicated desk.

This is a great conversation...

Liu Wei thought for a while and said: "Professor Ning, you have to think about it this way. If you live like you did before, you can not only make those who hate you live in pain, but also make many people you like feel true love." Life; if you choose the life these days, those who hate you and you hate can live an easy life, but many people who like you can only live... It is still different."

These words still made Ning Wei very touched. He directly raised his mental limit. At least it showed that his efforts were still noticed by others.

"Brother Liu, after hearing what you said, I suddenly felt full of motivation. Next time Mr. Chen calls me, I will definitely give you credit. Your language art is the most confusing for a future great scientist. This time inspired him to continue fighting. The progress of human science is indispensable for people like you who can talk!"

Liu Wei: "..."

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