Tech Hammer

Chapter 365 Commercial Espionage

After watching his junior brother turn around and disappear around the corner of the corridor, Chen Diancheng walked towards Ning Ban's office area again with steps that he would never recognize.

Yes, in order to better serve Ning Ban, the Mathematics Research Center has specially allocated a two-story building for Ning Ban’s faculty. However, this building also bears the brand of Level 2 Intelligent College, and the same people manage both systems.

This building is currently the busiest place in the research center. You can often see various bosses standing guard at the door. Of course Chen Diancheng is no longer interested.

At first, everyone would be excited when they met those legendary academic and business tycoons, but after seeing them more often, the sense of mystery was gone. They just felt that everyone was just the same head and torso, and the excitement was gone.

More importantly, if it were simply about mobilizing resources, Chen Diancheng felt that he was not bad at all.

This confidence comes not only from the billions lying in Ningshe's account, but also from Ningshe's own laboratory that Ningshe has built with the help of Ning Wei. It includes a supercomputing center, an industrial cloud basic laboratory, an intelligent cloud test platform, and an intelligent hardware laboratory that is still under construction.

The supercomputing center allows Ningshe’s projects to be carried out directly without queuing up at school. It also benefits the students in Ningshe’s class. Daily homework can be completed directly using Ningshe’s dedicated supercomputing center. .

The industrial cloud basic platform has a total of 16 servers and 6 switches, which can provide Centos, Ubuntu, Windows 10/Server2012, Docker and other system environments. It provides Ningban with a variety of platform services, including daily check-in and coursework for Ningban students. Review, course selection management, and credit and grade point inquiry and conversion can all be done here.

Ningshe even has dedicated people to cooperate with the school canteen. Through the APP developed by Ningban students, everyone can check the dishes and service times provided by different canteens in the school every day...

Not only that, a group of talented kids also use their spare time to compile the resumes of almost all research and doctoral supervisors at Yanbei University and update the research directions of these academic leaders at any time. They also display them through the APP to facilitate the selection of tutors by students across the school.

At the same time, the industrial cloud basic platform has also cooperated with the school to develop a daily update function. Through the terminal APP, you can check various academic reports and lectures by senior leaders on campus at any time, and accurately push content that students may be interested in.

The intelligent cloud laboratory platform consists of 30 GPU workstation clusters, which are under the control of March, providing comprehensive container images and various software package environments.

As for the intelligent hardware laboratory under construction, the future goal is to build the most comprehensive intelligent hardware library, including various boards, sensors, chips, etc....

All these laboratories are under the coordination of Ningwei and are constructed and purchased through social channels using Ningshe’s own funds. Daily maintenance and consumption are also carried out by professional maintenance managers hired by Ningshe. They can even give back to the school every year. Land rent. In other words, projects that Ningshe is interested in or wants to do can completely bypass the school and use its own laboratories to complete them, so the ownership of the property rights is very clear.

From time to time, school professors would borrow these equipment, so as the president of Ningshe, Chen Diancheng was naturally qualified to float.

Let's put it this way, in the school now, the three vice presidents Chen Diancheng and Ning She are already more famous than the average professors in the school. Not only the school, but also the CEOs of many technology companies in society hope to have a good relationship with the leadership of Ningshe.

Of course, this does not mean that people like Ningshe can really go sideways. For example, Chen Diancheng, in the research center, never allows the juniors and juniors to call him president, because every time Director Ning glances at him, he can make him Soul trembles.

This is really not because Ning Wei is usually too strict, but simply because after studying to a certain level, Chen Diancheng realized how unfathomable Director Ning's research in the direction of mathematics and artificial intelligence was...

Let’s put it this way, outsiders think that Ning She is extremely glorious, and almost all of the algorithms he designs lead the market trend. Those extremely difficult algorithms don’t seem to be a big deal in the minds of genius kids like Ning She. Come on, it's out.

But only children who have participated in the design process of these algorithms know how many problems they have encountered, such as recursive infinite loops, defining optimal values ​​and reporting errors, clearly setting convergence conditions but still failing to converge, or failing to converge to the optimal position. …

All kinds of problems, high-level and low-level, have been encountered. When it was beyond imagination, a group of people began to grind the professors, and then found that the fastest and correct way to solve it was to find Director Ning, no matter how troublesome it was. For problems, we always get feedback and suggestions the next day, and then we think in the direction of the suggestions. The problem is usually solved within three days.

So Ning Wei also has a nickname "Ning Suan Bai" among the children in Ningshe. Translated, it is an encyclopedia of algorithms.

So for those who dare to question Ning Wei on the Internet, Chen Diancheng only thinks that these people are really ignorant and fearless. This is like if the IQ gap between two people is more than 20, it is the same reason that each other looks like a fool. People who have not yet reached that level of knowledge will only see someone's achievements in the news and think this person is very powerful, but I have no idea what is so great about this person.

But the children in Ning's class understood it too well, so naturally Ning Wei also used every little thing to solidify his position as an idol in the hearts of these children.

Especially for children who have passed the B paper, Director Ning, who is usually amiable, can turn into a nightmare in their hearts. In addition to respect, he also has a bit of fear.

too difficult……

Especially what Ningwei said when taking Paper B at the end of the semester for the first time in the course "Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Analysis".

"In view of your usual attitude towards studying, I will directly use Paper B for this final exam. If you can get 90 points, I am willing to indulge your usual little pride. If you can't even get 90 points, please take it away. Those who are little proud, don’t be complacent just because you have made an algorithm and feel that you are the best in the world!”

Really, Chen Diancheng was still very unconvinced when he was sitting in the examination room. After all, he felt that he had a good grasp of this course and had practical experience. A score of 90 was too low. But when he saw the paper, he was completely convinced. He was speechless.

There are ten big questions in total, each worth ten points. What should I say about the topic? It cannot be said that it is difficult for the sake of being difficult. It is really all about some solution ideas in the design of artificial intelligence-related algorithms, but it is also very tricky. How can I put it? Chen Diancheng still clearly remembers the feeling at that time. At first glance, each question seemed not difficult, but when he really started to think deeply and solved the problem, he found that his brain seemed too simple...

In the last exam, Chen Diancheng still ranked first in the class. Unfortunately, he only scored 71 points, and the lowest score in the class was only 16 points. It is said that this was because Director Ning showed mercy. As long as he wrote down the thought process, he gave 1 for each question. , 2 points, after all, a single-digit score is too shocking.

It would be fine if the questions were just difficult.

The key is that after finishing the exam, Ning Wei gave everyone three solutions to each question, and each idea can actually be connected to what they have studied in the textbook.

Ning Wei's various actions have led to the current consequences. As long as Director Ning is not here, these little geniuses are not afraid of anything. If Director Ning appears, they can behave more honestly than a newborn kitten. If Director Ning loses his temper in the WeChat group, a bunch of little guys will probably behave cautiously in the research center for several days in a row, not even daring to take a breath.

The way Chen Diancheng walks today shows that Director Ning is in a better mood recently, at least he has not lost his temper with his students.

"Hey, Senior Brother Ji, is Director Ning in the office?"

After walking through the corridor and entering Ning Ban's exclusive courtyard, Chen Diancheng saw Ji Mingzhi walking out with a book under his arm and his head lowered.

"Director Ning hasn't responded yet. He said that the CPU has reached a critical stage and the second tape-out will begin soon. Director Ning has gone to the laboratory for analysis."

"Oh, by the way, Senior Brother Ji, where are you going?"

"Director Yu is giving a lecture today about the technical analysis of the leapfrog stage from missile informatization to intelligence. I have to go and listen to it."

"Oh, Director Yu? Is it the Yu Xingwei who came to Ningban to preach last time?"

"Yeah, but you weren't there last time, were you? It seems that you were taken to the laboratory by Director Ning."

"I heard about it when I came back, and I also heard from Mr. Ning that the multi-mode autonomous navigation technology led by Senior Brother Yu has made a breakthrough. The adaptive navigation filtering algorithm he studied can achieve plug-and-play and reconstruction of multiple sensors. of."

"What is it, Senior Brother Yu? If Director Ning hears it, you will be reprimanded again!" Ji Mingzhi glared at Chen Diancheng.

"Hehe, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, it's Teacher Yu. Brother Ji, please go quickly, I'm going to find Professor Lu first." After saying that, Chen Diancheng shrank his head, passed by Ji Mingzhi, and walked into the small courtyard.

In fact, the outstanding students from Ning's class got along well with Ning Wei and the first batch of direct Ph.D. students led by Ning Wei. The main reason is that we don't dare to have any big conflicts among ourselves.

There is no way, mainly because the instructor is too strong.

"Wait a minute, Professor Lu isn't here either."

"Um? Professor Lu also went to the laboratory?"

"No, Professor Lu's research on particle swarm adaptive variable neighborhood genetic algorithm won an award and was invited by the Academy of Sciences to give a report." Ji Mingzhi explained.

"Professor Lu has won another award? In the next two years, we will probably have more academicians in our courtyard, right?" Chen Diancheng said while talking.

"It shouldn't take another two years. Next year we will probably have to call him Academician Lu."

"Hey, why don't Professor Lu take care of his own graduate students?"

"Probably because it's annoying enough for him to help Director Ning keep an eye on you."

"No, Senior Brother Ji, if you talk like this, you may lose me as a good friend."

"Haha... Xiao Chen, last time I went to report to Director Ning, I heard Director Ning lament that you feel like you are doing well again recently!"

"Am I... really lying? Senior Brother Ji, please don't scare me. When did you make the report? I have been very honest recently. I go to class quietly every day and do nothing!"

"You know what you did! Do you really think Director Ning doesn't know your social media account? You argue with others online all day long. Director Ning said it must be because he has been too busy recently, so you guys are free. Wait for him Now that I’m done with my work, I’ll take a closer look at your recent homework.”

"I... No, Senior Brother Ji, that is a normal academic discussion, how can it be considered a quarrel? Isn't it normal to have academic disputes? We have made so much effort on general hardware, and now we are still promoting special-purpose development , isn’t this just an attempt to cheat money by academics? Doesn’t it make sense for me to refute it? Senior Brother Ji, you have to put in a good word for me.”

"Haha... You can explain it to Director Ning yourself. Director Yu's lecture is about to start, so I'll leave first. In addition, there are no classes this afternoon. The only tutor on duty in the courtyard is Professor Ron. Apart from Senior Brother Meng, Senior Brother Lu and Zhuo Senior brother was taken to the laboratory by Director Ning. Your other senior brothers and sisters are all there. If you want to find someone to help you intercede in front of Director Ning, you can go to your senior brothers and sisters. If you have academic issues to discuss, go to Luo Professor En. He’s gone.”

Standing at the door of the courtyard, Chen Diancheng hesitated for a moment, and then decided to go to the library to study.

In fact, his original plan for coming here this time was to talk to Director Ning or Professor Lu, say something nice, and then go to the laboratory to spend some time in the name of scientific research. Because he is still in the first year of graduate school, in other words, he still has to take classes.

Student Chen no longer wants to go to class. Spending time in the laboratory with Director Ning is his favorite thing to do.

If Director Ning is here, he can argue his case in front of Director Ning. If Professor Lu is here, he can also ask Professor Lu to help him put in a good word in front of Director Ning. Neither of these two people were here, and he didn't bother to go in and look for anyone.

It's not that Chen Diancheng looked down upon his senior brothers and sisters. None of them had the guts and face to say good things to him. As for Professor Lucy Rowan...

Forget it.

The entire courtyard knew that Director Ning and Professor Ron were not compatible by nature. When the two of them discussed issues together, they would most likely quarrel. However, Professor Ron obviously couldn't quarrel with Director Ning, and he always challenged his limits every time, becoming a typical example of "both good and loving" in the eyes of all children.

Of course, this "food and love" simply refers to the quarrel. Everyone still likes Lucy Rowan's academic level and personality. Of course, her appearance must be at play. In this era where appearance is justice, high IQ cannot be completely exempt. Not to mention that Lucy Rowan is not only good-looking, but also has a high IQ, so everyone is very emotional about how Director Ning can keep his mouth shut - so willing to scold...

In short, as long as you hear Professor Ron's roar in the courtyard, it must be a quarrel with Director Ning, because it is almost impossible for other people to make Professor Ron lose such a temper.

But then again, this is probably the reason why the master's wife is so favored. After all, the master's wife is always gentle and gentle to them, and is very patient. Compared with Ron's temper, which can explode at the slightest moment, he has gone to the other extreme. The teacher's wife and Professor Ron are still very good friends, and Professor Ron even recognized Xiao Ning as his goddaughter.

Well, these are all clouds. Anyway, asking Professor Ron to put in a good word for you is highly unlikely to be reliable.

Chen Diancheng didn't want the two of them to quarrel about him and then turn the blame on him.

Before entering the yard, he walked out of the yard dejectedly.

Thinking that his purpose of going to the laboratory had not been achieved, and he also learned from Senior Brother Ji that Director Ning felt that he had drifted off again recently, Chen Diancheng only felt sad.

So annoying...

Didn't I just have a few arguments with those people online? Why did Director Ning notice it? It's probably impossible to help in the laboratory now, and I might even get scolded.

Sigh... He, the president of Ningshe, can be so majestic outside, but he is still just a junior fellow apprentice in the courtyard. The thought of this makes him feel aggrieved.

Feeling depressed, I unconsciously walked much more steadily.

Before the people here walked out of the yard, their phones vibrated in their pockets again.

Chen Diancheng took out the phone and glanced at it. It was Lao Jiang calling.

As one of the Seven Gods of Ning Sheqi, Lao Jiang's future development was not so satisfactory. For example, after finishing his junior year, he still had not earned enough credits and had to continue taking senior courses in Ning's class.

It sounds like a failure, but in fact, from the initial 40-person Ning class, there were only 17 left by the senior year. Except for four people who graduated early, the other 19 people have been diverted to the School of Mathematics. A small number of them continue to study theoretical mathematics, and some are scattered in applied mathematics and financial mathematics. Although everyone's future is still very bright, no matter which direction they continue to study, most of them have been booked by various large enterprises and financial institutions, but those who are diverted from the Ningwei class are definitely not qualified to apply for Ningwei's graduate students. This is very frustrating. People are sad.

Although Jiang Wenhan failed to graduate early, his grades were still at the top level in the Ning class. At least it was determined that one of Director Ning's postgraduate spots would be reserved for him. This was already the highest achievement of the Ning class.

Of course, in addition to these, Lao Jiang also has other achievements. For example, he teamed up with Chen Diancheng and Qiu Wenhan and won the first prize in the Huaxia College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition. After winning the award, the three of them signed up to participate in the MCM/ICM competition and won the F award.

Probably because when Ningshe was first established, because they didn’t have that much money on hand, when they asked their families for help, their parents directly took the matter to Director Zhou, which almost caused Ningshe to miscarry, so Jiang Wenhan was the head of Ningshe. It's very low-key.

This made him become good friends with Chen Diancheng, who had a very high-profile and out-of-the-box temperament. In addition, Lao Jiang has a relatively calm temperament. He not only has the right to vote on projects in Ningshe, but also takes care of the responsibilities of the supervisory committee.

This is a good job. You must know that the two accountants specially hired by the Supervisory Committee from the accounting major of Guanghua College are quite good-looking...

"Hey, Lao Jiang, what are you unhappy about? Do you want to make me happy?"

"...Well, Diancheng, let me tell you something...the monitoring system just issued an alarm, there may be a commercial spy in our Ningshe..."

"Pfft...what are you talking about? Our Ningshe? Commercial espionage?"

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