Tech Hammer

Chapter 370 Direction

There is no problem with the color display of the Rubik's Cube. After all, it does not require too many details to be displayed, and naturally there is no problem with clarity. However, when you put your hands into the screen to twist the Rubik's Cube, because the hand position recognition is not accurate, you can even feel that there is a big difference in the horizontal or up and down position recognition of the two hands, so it looks very awkward when you twist it.

Once you pull your hand out of the monitor frame, you can control the entire twisting of the Rubik's Cube remotely by waving your hand very smoothly. Open your fist and the Rubik's Cube will become larger. If you hold your palm empty, the Rubik's Cube will become smaller. If you hold your hand sideways, the Rubik's Cube will turn into a corner-standing pattern. It's all smooth.

This test took a long time, taking ten minutes. Finally, after observing the entire dynamic process of the system automatically restoring the Rubik's Cube and automatically recording all the data, Zhang Dingxi started the third test.

This time the display is concentrated at the bottom of the monitor. After the light converges, the overall three-dimensional image of Yanbei University "grows" from the bottom of the screen. What's more valuable is that the image can be clearly seen to be dynamic. It is facing Zhang Dingxi's scaled-down road, and the car body can be seen moving. The smaller black spots on the sidewalks on both sides are naturally pedestrians.

It was difficult to distinguish the direction of the seemingly densely packed teaching buildings. Fortunately, with Weiming Lake and the Boya Tower opposite as reference, Zhang Dingxi quickly found the location of the Mathematics Research Center, and then pointed at the location of the Mathematics Research Center with his finger. Gesture controls image magnification.

This time it was not as smooth as the Rubik's Cube. The picture suddenly paused for about a second, and then the color began to become blurred, as if the whole picture was mosaic. Then it became clear little by little, until the Yanbei International Research Center for Mathematics The overall layout is displayed on the monitor.

At this time, I can finally see the buildings one after another clearly, but the clarity is still not very high. Especially when you notice the windows and walls, you will feel that some of the overall display is a bit blurry.

Zhang Dingxi is a little bored. This is not a problem with the graphics card or CPU computing power. The console is directly connected to the laboratory cluster and is backed by a computer cluster. Naturally, it is impossible to have insufficient computing power for detail rendering in pure display. , it can only be a problem with the clarity of the monitor itself.

But how to say, it is already very good to have this effect in the first test.

"Brother Zhang, let's make a bigger screen from now on. It can be used as a sandbox and for battle deductions. It's so cool." Zhang Dingxi's assistant said, probably to ease everyone's mood.

"Well, you can make a sand table, and you can also sell it to the real estate bosses and throw it into the sales department to replace the current model. They definitely don't mind the price of this thing. At least you don't have to open a real estate and make a set of models. A set of equipment can do it. I have been using it. In the future, as long as the three-dimensional diagram is made, it can be displayed directly. The size can also be made larger. If the size is doubled, the various data should be substantially improved. I heard that the set of models will be the same. Hundreds of thousands!" Another assistant also commented.

This of course makes sense. The larger the volume, the easier it is to stack various materials inside. If the technology is not up to standard, hardware can be used to make it up.

"Okay, it goes without saying that these are useless. Our goal, Director Ning, is to let this monitor enter thousands of households together with our own independent chips and systems, completely replacing traditional monitors. As you said, by then this monitor will A monitor costs hundreds of thousands to make. If I sell it to you at cost, are you willing to use it?" Zhang Dingxi said angrily.

"Hey, Brother Zhang, you can't say that. There is always a market adaptation period for new products, and the cost is slowly coming down. You don't have to push yourself too hard!" The assistant in front of the operating desk didn't think so. Said with interest.

These words made Zhang Dingxi sigh and said: "Hey, I really want to relax, but do you want to relax? We can't even be inferior to a girl, right? Xiao Li has now gone to Huawei Lab to be responsible for Hongmeng The system's intelligent multi-modal perception standardized interface signal processing has been worked on. I heard that it will be shouldered by her for a while. This must be a good job. Now the documents they give us are becoming more and more comprehensive. We can't be the last Director Ning has done everything, but we’re only responsible for a monitor, right?”

Obviously, the Xiao Li Zhang Dingxi refers to is Li Jingwen, the only girl among their current doctoral students.

"Hey, Brother Zhang, speaking of Senior Sister Li, I heard that she is having trouble with her boyfriend recently!" When Li Jingwen was mentioned, another assistant next to him added in a gossipy tone.

Zhang Dingxi turned his head and glared, and said in a low voice: "You should stop meddling in other people's business."

But as soon as he finished saying this, the guy couldn't help but add: "Hey... But how can I put this matter? It's really a prophecy. When Director Ning invited us to have dinner together for the first time, Xiao Li I just said that the two of them were able to have a long-distance relationship at both schools. Now, they are really in a long-distance relationship. But Hua Qing understands everything. It’s miserable enough to be an undergraduate, but graduate students can’t. If we move to another place, we are basically hopeless in this life.”

Sure enough, China's two top universities have such magic power.

Although Zhang Dingxi did not study at Yanbei University for his undergraduate degree, after three years at Yanbei University, he had already made a huge impact on the opposite school.

"Who says it's not! Haha, Brother Zhang's words reminded me of a class meeting in my sophomore year. I was the only one who shared a bed with a child. After two years, my average grade point was 2.9. I failed two subjects and received an academic warning from the department. , and he had pretty good grades before, but he suddenly fell in love with playing games after he came here. After the guy finished the exam, our instructor was so angry that his face turned red. He pulled him out of the classroom and suggested that he think about it The idea is to transfer it to Huaqing next door, saying that it can contribute to improving the average IQ of students in our two schools at the same time, haha..."

That's right to say...

Zhang Dingxi was speechless...

He scratched his head and said: "Okay, stop talking nonsense and continue testing. We won't do the overflow expansion test today. At this resolution, the overflow is 80% worse! Let's wait until the resolution problem is solved. Let's first put the flat display System testing is done.”

In one sentence, the deviated chat content was brought back, and the test could continue.

The effect of the flat display test was obviously much better than the previous three-dimensional test. The assistant directly transferred the screen signal from the console to the new monitor.

The desktop of the operating console is displayed outside the frame. It has the same effect as an ordinary LED LCD screen. At least the naked eye cannot tell any difference. But the innovation is all there. When Zhang Dingxi pushes his palm forward, the screen will also move backward. He waves his hand towards the screen in the direction of his body, and the screen will automatically move forward.

In addition to the movement of the plane, when Zhang Dingxi raised his palm and slowly bent his palm downward along the wrist, the screen followed this gesture and tilted downward until the entire screen was parallel to the desktop, and reversed During operation, the screen will be raised simultaneously again. When your hand points to an icon on the virtual screen, a corresponding reaction will occur.

Then comes the expansion and reduction restrictions. Unlike ordinary monitors, this new monitor can exceed the size limit of the frame itself when displayed flat. According to system records, the maximum size is 55 inches. Of course, there are still disadvantages. When the screen display exceeds the original physical size, it cannot respond to virtual touches.

"For the record, the first test plane display was relatively perfect. When tilted at a certain angle, there will be obvious color difference, and the color difference adaptation cannot perfectly match the angle adjustment. In the three-dimensional stereo mode, there is a decrease in clarity and inconsistency in virtual touch positioning. Issues such as accuracy..."

"Also, Xiao Wu, send a copy of the data automatically recorded by the system to my mailbox, and forward a copy to Director Ning's mailbox by the way. After finishing it, I have to disassemble the machine again today..."

"Director Ning, the test has passed and we can proceed with secondary tape-out." At the research center, Ning Wei also received good news.

"Well, package the data and submit it to Ning Si. We can go back today. By the way, tell Meng Runze and go to the laboratory director to get two USB flash drives. Tell me that I specially approved this time. You should also prepare a copy of the simulation test data for yourselves, it will be useful when you write the paper later." In the office, Ning Wei nodded and said to Zhou Zhenghao, who came to report the good news to him.

"Um?" Zhou Zhenghao was stunned by these words. You must know that all data produced by the research center are confidential. Except for a few fixed addresses, other information is not allowed to be sent out, let alone copied. .

Before they followed Ning Wei to the research center, they not only had to learn the confidentiality law first, but also signed a confidentiality agreement that was at least half a centimeter thick. So he really didn't expect that he would be able to enjoy the privilege of copying information from the research center today.

Sure enough, the boss has spoken, and all agreements are not a problem.

"Well, Director Ning, isn't this bad?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. The simulated test data this time is not confidential, otherwise you wouldn't be allowed to write relevant papers. But according to the regulations, you can't copy it yourself. The laboratory director has a complete process. After receiving the U After the disk is uploaded, there will be dedicated data managers in the laboratory who will copy and encrypt it for you. I have already submitted the application for you before, mainly some data in your respective research directions, and the contents of the two are also different.

"But you should be careful after taking it out. Except for the data needed to write the paper, don't disseminate it to the outside world. We will go back to school after we get the USB flash drive." Ning Wei continued to explain.

Zhou Zhenghao stood at the starting point and thought for a while, then subconsciously asked: "Director Ning, you shouldn't be too anxious about the big thesis, right?"

Ning Wei glared at Zhou Zhenghao and said educationally: "Aren't you in a hurry? It's true that you hurry up and hurry up! The plan you and Xiao Meng and I have is to have a thesis defense in October next year at the latest. It's not even close to the full score. It's been a year and two months, and I'm already in a hurry to prepare a big thesis. By the way, I've also said hello to Ningsi Laboratory. After the year, you will go directly to Jiangcheng to report, adapt to the environment in advance, and communicate with various people. Project leaders should keep in touch with each other. How long it will take for our own desktop-level CPU technology to be upgraded in the future depends on you."

After listening to Director Ning's words, Zhou Zhenghao became obviously energetic and continued to spend time in the office, saying: "Um, Director Ning, you also hope that I can cooperate with Xiao Meng, right? Why don't you help me talk to him, After he graduates, he might as well go to Ningsi with me. With Xiao Meng by my side, I feel more confident."

Ning Wei glanced at Zhou Zhenghao impatiently, shook his head and said in a low voice: "It's your business to help Ning Si attract people, so why let me have my say? Are you afraid that Meng Runze is the kind of person who has no independent opinions? I have told you a long time ago that the path you take after graduation is your own business, and I will not care about you anymore."

"Hey, Director Ning, look what you said. We are all your students, how could you not care? Well, I'll go get the USB flash drive from Xiao Meng first." Zhou Zhenghao shrank his head blatantly, and then Turned around and walked out of Ning Wei's office.

Although he acted timid, he was very proud of himself.

Because he knew that Ning Wei always spoke very tough words, but in fact he still loved these students very much. Since he took the initiative to make this request, Director Ning would definitely mention it to Meng Runze.

Of course, whether it will work or not is another matter. As Ning Wei said, everyone has their own plans for the future, especially people like them who not only have ideals, but also have strong execution capabilities.

But Zhou Zhenghao feels that there is still great hope. They are both senior students, and when choosing research directions, they are very close, both in the field of chip applications. The two often have some academic exchanges, and their personal relationship is naturally good. Of course, it is clear that Meng Runze has always admired Director Ning, so Director Ning's opinions must have an impact on Meng Runze.

The most important thing is that the two of them know each other well. Zhou Zhenghao knows very well that Meng Runze is actually more talented in research than he is, and he is more persistent in his academic pursuit. In addition to doing research, he also has ambitions in operations and management. If we can bring Meng Runze to Ning Si, that would be perfect.

Not only is he more hopeful to achieve more results in the future, but with the relationship between the two of them, if he wants to develop into management in the future, Meng Runze will also be his biggest help.

Although it is quite useful for Director Ning to talk about this kind of thing. But Zhou Zhenghao knew that his supervisor Ning could give them detailed academic advice and guide them in the right direction. But except for academic matters, Director Ning will most likely not make a special statement.

This can be seen from Director Ning's attitude.

Most people in China know that Ning Wei is the youngest academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but most people don't know how tough this academician is.

Basically, almost all national-level project reports related to the fields of mathematics, semiconductor chips, and computer algorithms, including youth, general, key, major, outstanding youth, 973, 863, major projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, national science and technology support plans, and Spark plans , Torch Project, etc., as long as Ningwei is willing to participate in the review, his opinions can be said to be very important.

Let’s put it this way, when a professor from Zhou Zhenghao’s alma mater applied for a national semiconductor-related project, he approached him directly, hoping that he could talk to Director Ning and put in a good word for the project.

In the words of the professor, for this kind of project, as long as their director Ning nods to help and say good things, it can be said that the project is already half successful.

The doctoral supervisor from his alma mater came to the capital specifically to treat him to dinner, just so that he could help him speak in front of his supervisor.

At that time, Zhou Zhenghao didn't know if other brothers and sisters had received similar invitations, but he just felt extremely embarrassed.

After I came back from the dinner, I talked about it with Meng Runze, and I realized that everyone had had similar experiences. However, because Meng Runze's undergraduate degree was at Yanbei University, he often didn't need to be so polite and refused directly.

I also know that although Director Ning is nominated to be selected as an expert on the jury every year during the selection season for this kind of topic, Director Ning firmly refuses every time.

Probably the attitude is not to participate, not to ask, who you love. It's no use to anyone if you just keep doing your own thing.

It is said that they even slapped the table in Director Tian’s office because of this matter...

But the table-slapping thing was just hearsay, and no one would really ask if it was true.

But it can be generally seen that Ning Wei is not enthusiastic about power. So he didn't even dare to think that Director Ning would speak up for him in this kind of thing, and he might even call him in to scold him.

Zhou Zhenghao's guess was correct. When he called Meng Runze to complete the copying procedures and returned to the school car with Director Ning, Ning Wei actually talked about the future with Meng Runze.

"Xiao Meng, what are your plans if you graduate successfully next year?"

Meng Runze said without hesitation: "Director Ning, are you in a hurry to graduate? I want to study with you for two more years."

This is definitely from my heart.

After all, following Ning Wei is fun from every aspect. Working for a tutor for free? nonexistent……

He bluntly said that working on projects with Director Ning would have to be done through competition. Ningwei assigns tasks based on the topics chosen by the students, and all the work is rewarding.

In other words, enough money is given.

Ning Wei has never provided various state subsidies to graduate and doctoral students. How much should be paid will be put on the card on time.

The student who published the top issue received a cash reward from the school, all of which belonged to the student.

During this period, Ning Wei helped apply for various laboratory expenses when approving the school's internal projects. Sometimes the funds for the project projects had not yet come out, and when money was needed, Ning Wei even paid for it himself to help the students, and never asked for it to be returned afterwards.

In short, after these three years, students have earned a lot. On average, it is no less than the senior engineers of those large Internet companies. At least it is enough to buy a smaller house in the capital.

The most important thing is the priority to use the laboratory, and when encountering difficulties, it can even help students find a highly cooperative project team to help. After all, the face is there, and there is no shortage of money.

Not to mention extremely targeted guidance...

In other words, Ningwei students really only need to do their own research. If they can't get results, they can't find any reason other than self-criticism.

To be honest, the instructor is incredible at what he does. It is no exaggeration to say that Meng Runze would not mind hanging around for ten more years.

Unfortunately, her sincere words were met with scolding from Ning Wei: "What are you thinking about? You all have to graduate quickly. How much time have I wasted to take care of you? You all have to graduate quickly, and I am in a hurry to change my subject!"

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