Tech Hammer

Chapter 391 The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment?

"I'm sorry, because there will be some surprises for everyone at this award ceremony, so the preparation work is very heavy, and Academician Ning also attaches great importance to this. So he really can't spare the time to meet with you before the award ceremony. Regarding this We deeply apologize. But please rest assured that we will definitely inform him of your request. After the award ceremony, when Academician Ning is free, there will definitely be corresponding arrangements."

The hotel staff responsible for receiving important guests already speak this English fluently.

There are really too many people asking this question, and I almost have to say this to everyone.

For most people, it's understandable.

After all, this year's March Awards Ceremony has already been given some different meanings.

If Ning Wei used threats to invite many big names to attend the first awards ceremony, then this award ceremony was mainly a temptation.

In the past three years, when the global economic environment has not been ideal, all companies have actually not had a good time. Even high-tech companies that once made all the difference. Various concepts that can be speculated have been speculated over and over again, especially the metaverse. Although the hardware has made a lot of progress in the past three years, many of the most basic immersive problems have not yet been solved. Showing decline.

Investments including meta have begun to decrease.

In recent years, relying on its strong artificial intelligence platform, China has made breakthrough progress in several underlying technologies. . However, it takes time for the innovation of underlying technology to be transferred to the industrial chain, but it is undeniable that relying on the explosion of artificial intelligence, China has been at the forefront of the world in terms of software.

For example, the three software launched by Ningshe are not only popular in China, but also widely spread around the world. Many game companies, including Blizzard Activision, which was acquired by Microsoft, rely on algorithms licensed by Ningfeng Software.

Therefore, although Yu Xingwei's words "This prosperous age is as you wish" when he met Ning Wei were ridiculing, it actually reflected the current situation. However, whether many people realize or are willing to admit that the world's technology center has indeed moved from Silicon Valley in the United States to the capital of China.

From threatening through technical means to now throwing out some bait, these big guys are willing to travel thousands of miles to come to China. This is probably the biggest reward and the most positive feedback for countless people working hard in the laboratory in the past three years. .

So at this time, no matter how important the guest is, he has no confidence to ask for more.

After all, everyone is here for the surprise.

Of course, this is also because Ning Wei is really busy. After all, his face is the most useful.

"Commander Yan, I'm really sorry, because this award ceremony is quite special, so I have no choice but to have to perform here."

"No, Academician Ning. In fact, we don't have any opinions on where to perform, but there must be a reason, right? I'll convince everyone, after all, this kind of thing has never happened before. And, the performance starts at six o'clock? What kind of idea is this? You haven’t told us before!”

In the memorial hall of the Centennial Auditorium, Yan Yi spoke in confusion.

This is not the first time that the China Pearl Symphony Orchestra has cooperated with the March Prize Awards Ceremony. Since the first time they got to know each other at the Wolf Prize, the organizing committee has invited them to come and cheer for the March Prize Awards Ceremony every year.

After all, as an awards ceremony, it would be boring to just award awards. As an international event, it is impossible to have a full talk show. It is enough to have a host to perform in this area. There is no need for special actors to compete for the honors, so in the awards ceremony It has become a customary thing to enjoy the symphony during breaks.

It’s just that this year is a little different, because according to Ning Wei, although the award ceremony is held in the auditorium, he hopes that the band can play here in the Memorial Hall, and it will not be played here during the rehearsal today, but the award ceremony will officially start tomorrow. After that, they still played here...

In other words, they came all the way from Mingzhu and couldn't even go to the official award ceremony, which made Yan Yi feel a little uncomfortable.


There are a lot of big shots coming this year, so our band can’t meet people?

"Haha, strict command, this matter really needs to be kept secret, and I hope you don't reveal to others that you will be performing here tomorrow. During today's rehearsal, this is related to the biggest technical details of this award ceremony. If it is done in advance If you reveal it, there won’t be that kind of surprise. So it’s not that I don’t want to tell you, it’s just that I need to keep it secret. I also want to complete the task.”

"I can only tell you now that although you are not directly facing the audience tomorrow, there are still live broadcasts here, so I still hope everyone can understand. Please believe me, for the first few tracks, you only need to do the same as today, Follow the coordination of our staff, treat this place as a stage, play with your heart, and you will see a miracle afterwards.”

"And I guarantee that for the last track, there will be staff who will take you to the stage to play. Believe me, really, Mr. Yan, by that time tomorrow, you will see a miracle we have created through technology. Really. , let us work together to create history, how about it?"

Ning Wei said patiently.

In fact, he didn't participate much in the presentation plan at the award ceremony, but he was really successful in some communication links. After all, there were some requirements, and if anyone stepped in, others might not necessarily accept them.

Especially for these artists, if they feel neglected, they may really leave. Even if you throw money at it, it won't work. After all, live performance is not a recording. To present a wonderful awards ceremony, the cooperation of these orchestras is indeed needed.

"Academician Ning, are you serious?"

"Conductor Yan, I have never been so serious, and I can responsibly tell you that the orchestra's cooperation is crucial to tomorrow's awards ceremony. And as you just saw, our staff pays close attention to the piano and drummers. The placement position has been accurately measured repeatedly. The distance from other people and the accuracy of the placement angle are all very high. This shows that we attach great importance to the band's performance tonight. So we also ask for your cooperation in this regard. Well done to our crew, because your performance is really important to this world-class award."

After hearing Ning Wei's words, Yan Yi's face finally became better, and he nodded and said: "Okay, I believe you, Academician Ning. I will help you calm everyone's emotions and ensure that tonight's work is successfully completed. Performance tasks, but you have to keep your promise, let us go to the stage for the last song, and there must be enough reasons so that I can pat my chest and tell everyone afterwards that this arrangement is really needed."

Ning Wei smiled and patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, Commander Yan, we are old friends, and I never lie to old friends. If you are dissatisfied with our arrangements after tonight, I will apologize!"

"Okay, I believe you!"

After saying that, Yan Yi turned around and walked back to the memorial hall, clapped his hands at the performers who were talking about it and said, "Okay, everyone, be quiet and listen to what I have to say."

"I have just talked with Academician Ning. This time we have five pieces to be performed here, and the sixth piece requires us to leave here and perform on the stage. I know this request sounds outrageous, but there are extreme reasons. It’s of great significance. Due to the need for confidentiality, I can’t tell you the reason for the time being, and I hope you won’t leak it to the public. I guarantee that you will be surprised after tonight.”

"Now don't worry about where to perform. It is precisely because our task of performing this performance today is extremely important, so I hope everyone can cooperate with the on-site staff and cooperate with the staff's requirements at any time during the rehearsal process to carry out some positional adjustments. Fine-tuning, and everyone remembers that you must not move the fixed positions at will. Do you understand? I will give you two minutes to prepare. Then we will listen to the staff's arrangements and prepare to start the rehearsal!"

Now that it's done, Ning Wei has to run to the audience hall to put out the fire.

"Everyone, I know you have a mission, but we cannot set up a live broadcast camera on the stage of today's award ceremony."

"No, Academician Ning, how can we ensure the quality of the live broadcast?"

"Don't worry, the quality of the live broadcast will definitely be fine, and as you can see, the central media has not bothered with this issue, so we treat everyone equally on this issue. When the award ceremony officially starts, you will be connected to our camera signal on the stage. System, believe me, all pictures will be selected by artificial intelligence, and they will definitely produce the best results."


"What? You don't believe me?"

"No, no, no, Academician Ning, that's alright, we'll set up the seats under the stage..."

"Thank you for your understanding. Believe me, you will not be disappointed tonight. Of course, I would also like to ask fellow journalists not to announce these measures in advance before tonight's awards ceremony. This sentence is very serious. As you know, we There is artificial intelligence that is always monitoring some inappropriate public opinions on the Internet. In this matter, if anyone violates the contract, the consequences will be very serious, and I will hold them accountable to the end."

"Don't worry, Academician Ning. Please believe in our professional ethics. This kind of thing does not exist."

In fact, things like professional ethics are very random. After all, people's hearts are different from each other, but there is one thing. Academician Ning's threat is definitely very useful. Everyone knows that Ningwei is very trustworthy in this regard, and if he insists on pursuing accountability to the end, it is almost equivalent to fighting to the death. It is actually very scary to be targeted by such a brain.

Finally, the time reached six o'clock in the evening, and the guests attending the award ceremony had dinner early in the hotel and began to prepare to enter. The campus of Yanbei University also became lively. In order to cooperate with the March Award Ceremony, the school has also made preparations early. There are obvious directional signs in Chinese and English at every intersection, as well as volunteer service points organized by students and inspection points composed of the security department.

All security work was extremely comprehensive. After all, there were many big names visiting this time. To use joking words on the Internet, if something unexpected happened at the March Awards Ceremony, all the big boys from all fields who attended the award ceremony would be killed in one fell swoop. , the world's technological development will probably be set back fifty years.

At this time, in addition to the central media that had prepared for the live broadcast in the Centennial Auditorium and the online live broadcast platform that had bought the broadcast rights early, many anchors who had obtained tickets also began to start live broadcasts from another angle on campus.

Yes, although there is still an hour and a half before the awards ceremony starts, due to the promotion of countless promoters, this grand ceremony has already attracted much attention on the Internet. From this point of view, it is still very cost-effective to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to buy a pass ticket to participate in this event. Even if the cheap tickets don’t allow you to have close contact with the big guys, you can still brag about it in the future.

It has to be said that the various parameters of Ningxin-1, which have always been shrouded in mystery, and Ning Wei’s mysterious expression have indeed aroused the curiosity of countless technology enthusiasts. Many people are waiting to see what kind of flowers this award ceremony will produce.

Really, it is not an exaggeration to say that everyone felt the difference soon.

For example, the band is really willing to work!

Generally speaking, for this kind of award ceremony, everyone plays music while waiting, but probably to show sincerity. When the first person walks into the hall, the China Pearl Symphony Orchestra on the stage has already started playing, at least for That certainly seems to be the case during the live broadcast.

If the audience with musical works can still tell that the song "Night Banquet" being played at this time is actually quite suitable for the occasion.

There is also a circle of security personnel surrounding the stage...

So not surprisingly, the barrage started to surge at this moment...

"Thank you to the orchestra! Academician Ning really spent his money this time!"

"I heard that Academician Ning even booked a hotel for this year's awards ceremony. I'm really looking forward to what kind of performance he can have tonight!"

"This is a feast for the world's science and technology circles. Academician Ning is mighty, we, China, are mighty, and Ning Xin is mighty. We are waiting for Academician Ning to come on stage and tell the world how awesome Ning Xin is!"

Just like that, after much anticipation, it finally arrived at 7:29 pm.

At this time, the audience hall was already filled with guests and spectators who came to watch the ceremony. At this time, the lights on the stage suddenly dimmed, the orchestra also stopped playing, and the curtain on the stage slowly closed at this moment, and something began to appear in front of the curtain. The light converged and finally turned into beating numbers, starting the final ten-second countdown.

The numbers that appeared out of thin air began to count down in the center of the curtain. To be honest, it was a bit shocking. After all, there was no projection equipment in the auditorium behind. But for modern people who have long been accustomed to seeing big scenes, it was still a bit shocking. It won't seem particularly surprising.

There are many technical means to achieve this, but the time is too short to explore which specific technology is used.

Especially for viewers watching the live broadcast, there is no feeling at all.

After all, you can see this kind of special effects videos every day.

But the solemn countdown can quickly attract people's attention, and the scene finally quiets down. When the number on the curtain reaches zero, more than 2,000 spectators in the venue also fall silent. At this time, all the lights dim. The curtain began to slowly open simultaneously, and the 600-square-foot stage was completely dark at this time, with only a beam of light hitting the figure in the center of the stage.

That's right, the figure is Ning Wei, who is also the host of today's award ceremony.

There was no way, after all, too many heavyweight guests were invited by him, and he had to give the opening salute for reasons and reasons.

"Thank you very much for today's guests. You really took time out of your busy schedule to attend the 2027-2028 March Award Ceremony. I would like to take this opportunity to say hello to all the friends present today. This is the establishment of the March Award. In the fourth year since then, in these four years, we have worked out an evaluation system accepted by the world, a specific quantitative score form, to evaluate the contribution to the scientific and technological progress of the world in different directions of research in the past year. Scientists who have made the greatest contribution.”

"Of course, this is also accompanied by controversy, but one thing is that the fairness of the March Awards is unquestionable. We will annotate all the winners at the annual awards ceremony, but this year is special. Because everyone knows that this year's winners Among them, there is one of my students—Zhang Dingxi. In addition, I also need to show the performance of Ningxin No. 1 to the public."

"So this year there will be some very special displays in this annotation, and these displays actually run through the entire award ceremony. Before the mystery is solved, it will be very interesting to find out how this award ceremony is different from previous ones. Little easter egg, I hope everyone can feel that these award ceremonies are different from previous or other award ceremonies from the detail level."

"Okay, without further ado, I announce that the March Prize Award Ceremony for 2027-2028 has officially begun. Now we would like to invite the winner of the last March Physics Prize, Mr. Jacob Garland, to invite us to present this year's prize. Physics Prize Winner!"

The audience burst into enthusiastic applause, and the atmosphere was extremely lively. Especially the Easter egg in Ning Wei's mouth aroused the interest of many viewers who like to solve puzzles.

Is this year's awards ceremony really different from previous ones?

The atmosphere at the scene was enthusiastic, and barrage began to flood the Internet. At this moment, many people were gearing up.

There is a saying in China that the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. This sentence is undoubtedly very appropriate to describe today's award ceremony.

Because it really doesn’t look any different from previous award shows.

It's nothing more than the specially invited big guys coming on stage and starting to praise the achievements of this year's winners according to the script, and then award the medals and trophies to the winners, followed by the winners' speeches, then the lights on the stage come on, the orchestra starts to play, and the song ends. , start the awarding of the next award.

As for the easter egg Ning Wei mentioned at the beginning...

What a ghost Easter egg...

At first, there was discussion in the barrage, but later on, there was basically no discussion about Easter eggs...

It makes no sense, and makes me want to yawn...

It's obviously just to make things mysterious...

The only reason why the ratings have not dropped significantly so far is probably because the Ningxin No. 1 they are looking forward to has not officially started to be introduced.

After all, looking at it, there is only one computer prize left, and the true face of Ning Xin No. 1 is about to be revealed. It would be a pity to give up at this time...

Even the big guys sitting in the front row began to whisper to each other in their spare time.

Of course, for many of them, it may not be a disappointment. After all, the more mediocre this awards ceremony is, it may be in their best interest. Even Pat Gelsinger’s originally serious face began to smile. …

Ha, it turns out that Academician Ning is not omnipotent. He boasts so harshly, but that’s all!

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