Tech Hammer

Chapter 393 The Boundary between Reality and Illusion

The moment Ning Wei turned into a point of light and disappeared, there was no need to describe the shock at the scene, and the Internet was really completely crazy!

After all, when Ning Wei spoke, countless cameras were focused on him. He was the focus of all the live broadcasts. However, just after he declared that he was real, he disappeared like a living person!

This shock...

"What the hell did I say? Am I wrong? Everyone must always believe Academician Ning, because he has never let anyone down when it comes to showing off!"

"Absolute! Fuck, I can no longer describe my feelings at this moment in words, Academician Ning! Eternal God!"

"I know it, I know it, I know it! God-like Ning Xin! Tell me are the parameters important? I just want to ask, who else could have done this at the awards ceremony! Who else!?"

"When Ning Wei said that this award ceremony was no different from the Nobel Prize dinner, I knew something was going to happen! It was indeed the case! People were already shocked! Although I was watching the live broadcast, I watched the big shots in the front row. You can tell by their expressions that they really didn’t find anything! It’s so amazing!”

"No, it doesn't matter if we watching the live broadcast don't recognize it, did the more than 2,000 people at the scene really not notice it? It can't be an act, right?"

"Brothers, don't doubt it. I'm at the scene right now. If you don't believe it, you can send me a private message. I found photos of the scene to prove it! Although it's not a 200,000 yuan ticket, it still costs 70,000 yuan. It's in the eighth row. Really. It's impossible to tell with the naked eye. Before the real band appeared, no one at the scene could tell that the stage was full of dummies. It was definitely not an act. If I hadn't just seen the big guys in the front row who were responsible for awarding the awards going up and down, I will definitely suspect that even they are fake at this moment!”

"The 200,000 yuan ticket comes from my own experience. This 200,000 yuan is well spent, really worth it! If I used to feel a little doubtful whether I was a fool, but now I just feel that spending 200,000 yuan to participate in history is definitely a The most cost-effective thing. Really, it’s so shocking. At this time, I can’t tell what is real and what is fake in this world! Long live China!”

"Comrades, this is the March Award Ceremony! It is our own Science and Technology Award Ceremony! Who could have imagined this scene before? Academician Ning, Zhang Dingxi, YYDS!"

"To summarize, two hours before the award ceremony, netizens' reaction was: Damn, what the hell is this? For the last award at the award ceremony, netizens' reaction was: Damn, what the hell is this?"

"On the top floor, the reaction of netizens is probably equivalent to the reaction of the boss in the front row. Did you just see the expression of the Intel president? Really, I feel like he is about to collapse! I just want to say this , Academician Ning, awesome!”

"Brothers and sisters, if you haven't watched the March Awards Ceremony, go watch it now. It's so shocking! The metaverse and VR are all out!"

At this moment, not only the barrage, but also major forums and various group chats have exploded, and various small video websites have completely exploded. The suppression in the early stage seems to be all for the explosion at this moment, making people unconsciously have the urge to shout.

This is most obvious on the barrage. For example, the almost overwhelming "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" has become the mainstream at this time. It is too difficult to distinguish useful information from the barrage! It seems that the netizens who are watching the live broadcast at this moment can't find any other words to express the surging emotions at this moment except these two words.

Of course, the scene was not much better. There were shouts in the auditorium, especially in the back row and on the second floor. This can probably be seen most clearly from the stage, so after Ning Wei’s image turned into a point of light, , Zhang Dingxi never started his acceptance speech...

But he did not feel annoyed or embarrassed. On the contrary, he kept smiling, because at this moment, he could recall what Ning Wei said to him before the ceremony: "I will not go on stage to introduce your results, because in the world In the field of engineering technology, no one is qualified to introduce these, so the final stage of this stage is handed over to you. This is a perfect annotation for this award ceremony. Go ahead and enjoy the applause of the whole world for you! Make this event smooth. !”

With the instructor's affirmation, Zhang Dingxi is really enjoying it now!

After three years of busy work with almost no rest, I had the best harvest at this moment.

He doesn't even mind if the audience is noisier and lasts longer, so that he can enjoy it for a while longer!

Fortunately, the audience still had basic qualities. After being excited, they soon realized that the award ceremony was not over yet. The most important winner today was still standing on the stage waiting to give his acceptance speech...

Then the scene gradually became quiet under various prompts, and countless expectant eyes fell on Zhang Dingxi. People were waiting for an explanation. Regardless of whether it is the research results of Ning Xin or Zhang Dingxi, it is time to give an explanation.

"Thank you to my mentor, Ning Wei, because this year he almost single-handedly pushed me to this stage and meet everyone. Of course, everyone's reaction just now has proved that my mentor Ning Wei's decision actually did not make sense. Wrong. Because everyone was really shocked, weren't they?"

"Actually, this scene on the stage can deceive everyone very easily. It is nothing more than the reflection and refraction of light. But it is actually difficult to achieve it. It requires a huge amount of calculations, countless experiments, and a lot of engineering skills. The technology used here involves my research direction, true three-dimensional display, or the realization of holographic display technology within a certain range."

"Yes, as everyone thought, the entire stage you see now has been transformed into a huge three-dimensional display. The light sources around the frame have completed signal processing and restoration with the cooperation of various sensors. Work. Of course, as Director Ning said before, this is not just the result of my work. Due to some engineering and technical reasons, there will be some problems in the accuracy of signal restoration."

"But we are really lucky to have Ning Xin. Maybe Ning Xin is not the best desktop CPU in the world, but it is undoubtedly the most suitable CPU for this display technology. Its dedicated module can automatically Lenovo and make up for the virtual screen, so you have everything you just saw! Of course, they can do more than that!"

After the words fell, Zhang Dingxi snapped his fingers on the stage. The next moment the scenery on the stage began to change rapidly. Countless lights began to appear behind him, and then gradually converged into a grand war scene...

On the vast grassland, a vulture circled...

Figures appeared one by one on both sides in the distance...

Humans riding war horses, dwarves holding hammers, elves carrying bows and arrows, ferocious orcs, tauren, weird undead, burly trolls, war-god-like pandaren...

The character of Warcraft suddenly appeared, and then the screen changed, and a huge ax fell from the sky. The next moment, it hit the land where the two sides were facing each other, cutting a deep crack. All the warriors drew their weapons, a huge and real war The scene unfolded in front of everyone so abruptly...

The battlefield was three-dimensional, as if a real person suddenly appeared on the same stage as Zhang Dingxi. The large stage of more than 600 square meters was already tense. The exciting music sounded again, and a deep monologue began to introduce the story background of the game...

Everything is so natural, as if this stage is a magical battlefield that will soon become the Song of Ice and Fire...

Many live broadcast platforms chose split screen at this time. While dynamically displaying CG animations on the stage from multiple angles, they also gave the camera to the audience. Many people, including the leaders of major technology companies in the front row, stood up, especially In the audience in the back row, you can see countless mobile phones being held up in the camera, filming the scene on stage.

At this time, the central media's lens specifically gave a close-up of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. After all, everyone knows that Microsoft has confirmed that it will acquire Blizzard Activision not long ago, and the two parties have signed an agreement that is almost impossible to go back on. The contract and even the first payment have been deposited into the accounts of Blizzard Activision shareholders, so theoretically, the copyright of the World of Warcraft CG animation being displayed on the stage at this time actually belongs to Microsoft...

It’s just that I don’t know whether this matter has been discussed with Microsoft. In other words, whether Microsoft has already known about this cooperation and whether this technology will be displayed at today’s awards ceremony.

Judging from Satya Nadella's performance in the footage, he most likely didn't know, because at this time, like everyone else, he had a surprised expression on his face, staring at what was happening on the stage, extremely shocked .

Of course, this judgment may not be accurate. Although an excellent actor may not necessarily become an excellent business leader, most of the excellent business leaders have near-perfect acting skills. After all, in a battlefield that is always full of intrigues, without a strong heart and superb skills, In terms of acting skills, it is difficult to climb to the top of the pyramid.

But one thing is certain, everyone was conquered by the scene before them.

Especially seeing Zhang Dingxi standing among countless lifelike animated characters without any sense of disobedience has made these business leaders realize that people's need to surf the online world in the future has begun to enter a period of change. If the cost of this technology is controllable, no, even if the cost is still high, it will inevitably become the most desired leisure and entertainment method for many young people, and can be applied to many scenarios...

Not just games, but movies, TV, haunted houses, various script killings, werewolf killings, leisure, shopping, travel, adventure...

A new era has arrived...

Ning Wei did not deceive them. The door to the Yuan Universe in their imagination had been opened a crack. The only pity was probably that the person standing in front of the door pushing the door did not belong to them.

There is no doubt that even with a flattering attitude, Zhang Dingxi at this moment is definitely qualified to stand on the stage at this moment and directly hold up the medals and trophies that should belong to him later...

Not only the March Award, but also the Turing Award and the Nobel Prize should also consider this genius...

As for the backend technical maintenance personnel of several major live broadcast platforms, they are going crazy, especially the live broadcasts of central media. The constant influx of new users has increased the pressure on the network load, and there have been several freezes...

Penguin Weibo is probably the biggest winner this time. Because of previous cooperation, Penguin Weibo allocated extremely high bandwidth in advance for the live broadcast of the awards ceremony. It is natural that it can maintain its combat power at this time, especially in the face of the current unusual situation. situation, many newly accessed user IPs come from overseas...

As for the Internet, it’s even more explosive...

At this moment, the scene shown by Zhang Dingxi had already detonated the entire Internet. The live video had already been intercepted by countless UP owners into short videos, and was immediately released to major platforms, attracting countless traffic.

The influence of the March Award Ceremony, the scene when Ning Wei and Zhang Dingxi handed over, the scene at this time, with China as the center, the speed of light spread on the small broken ball...

The technology displayed at this time will definitely affect not only China, but the entire world.

The elite capitalists in the audience saw wads of money from the stage, the scientists saw the future, and ordinary people saw what they needed and longed for...

A brand new industrial chain is just there, like a graceful beauty, but it makes people want to look at it from a distance...

The crazy outpouring of comments on the Internet at this time speaks volumes.

"This is the benchmark for 3D games. If games don't have this kind of graphics in the future, I won't play them anymore!"

"Fuck, there won't be this kind of configuration in the cinema in the future, I won't watch it!"

"Gee, as a senior and innocent boy, I fervently hope that those ***** directors in Japan have seen this awards ceremony!"

"Don't worry, they will see it. The whole world will see it. I can't believe it. We saw our family demonstrate this technology at our own award ceremony. It's awesome!"

"Excuse me, when will Ning Xin go on the market? When will this thing go on the market? The house I just bought is about to be renovated. It will definitely be interesting to do something like this!"

"No need to show it, just one word, buy! Stop inking, just link!"

Ink still needs ink.

After all, millions of dollars were invested in this stage only after converting the cost of materials. This does not include the daily friendly help of a group of young geniuses from Ningshe. Director Ning gave him almost unlimited computing power to conduct 3D modeling of the demonstration animation. If all the resources invested were to be converted into cash value, I'm afraid it would have to exceed tens of millions...

Moreover, Director Ning made a request early on, asking him to pretend to be tactful.

Zhang Dingxi, who graduated from the National University of Defense Technology, had a superficial understanding of this and wanted to show off the prestige of Director Ning. Naturally, he has to talk more, and he also has a mission.

Standing quietly on the stage, waiting for the 52-second real 3DCG animation performance to be completed, Zhang Dingxi snapped his fingers again, and the lifelike pictures turned into points of light again, scattered throughout the space of the stage, and then gradually gathered together on the stage. The centers gathered together, like a gray mist.

"As you can see, we transformed the stage into a large 3D display installation, but actually when we decided on this project, we just wanted to make a normal display, like this."

Zhang Dingxi casually pointed his finger, and countless light spots separated from the mist. A three-dimensional table gradually took shape, and a framed monitor appeared on the table that looked much more delicate than the engineering machine.

"What you see now is the prototype of our display, which can complete the three-dimensional display task within the frame..."

Following Zhang Dingxi's words, the automatically generated monitor began to repeat the World of Warcraft CG animation just now...

"It can also be switched to the flat mode we are accustomed to for transition. After all, there are still few software that can perfectly support true 3D full display..."

Another monitor was generated, but this time it was in flat display mode...

"But less does not mean nothing. Our developers have developed more than ten corresponding applications for the Hongmeng system, such as the virtual Rubik's Cube..."

The display is generated again...

The two-dimensional computer desktop in the monitor was simultaneously transformed into a three-dimensional Rubik's Cube. At the same time, an identical Zhang Dingxi appeared next to the computer. On the stage, he reached into the monitor and began to twist the regular Rubik's Cube inside. It's just that the Rubik's Cube is constantly transforming, from the simplest regular hexahedron, to the regular octahedron, to the more complex rhombus-shaped dodecahedron, cylinder, star and sphere...

The Rubik's Cube was changing rapidly, and Zhang Dingxi's hands were even more quickly fiddling with the virtual Rubik's Cube...

"In addition, there are large-scale 3D virtual management games, Super Blue Star..."

Another table and monitor appeared, and another Zhang Dingxi appeared. Inside the monitor was a rotating earth. As another Zhang Dingxi kept zooming in, land, forests, oceans, and mountains appeared, and then construction began..."

Following Zhang Dingxi's introduction, more than a dozen Zhang Dingxi appeared simultaneously on the stage, along with more than a dozen three-dimensional monitors, which performed more than a dozen completely different contents...

Of course, in addition to promoting Ningxin, 3D monitors and Hongmeng systems, he also affectionately explained to everyone what an alternative Russian matryoshka doll is...

“To show you this, I actually want to tell all developers who are interested in developing similar 3D software in the future. Please pay attention to the official website of Hongmeng System. After today’s press conference, we will provide the tools and announcements for developing such programs on the official website. Common interfaces and development standards. Well, this is what my junior sister, Ms. Li Jingwen, who has given me great help, asked me to promote, but I promise that no advertising fees will be confiscated."

Zhang Dingxi made a little joke. Unfortunately, the laughter in the audience was not loud. The main reason was that now was not the time to laugh, and many people couldn't laugh at all.

There were more than a dozen identical people standing there on the stage, which was so shocking!

"In addition, I would also like to thank my mentor. Although he has always wanted to hide it from me, I know that he invested almost all of my laboratory in the first place. Obviously, this confidentiality measure was not very good. In addition, I would like to thank my brothers and sisters in my master’s sect, they also helped me a lot, and by the way, Ningshe, Ningshe deserves a lot of credit for such a display today.”

"Finally, I've almost finished my acceptance speech, so, Director Ning, can you come and give me the award?"

As soon as the words fell, the entire stage suddenly darkened. In less than a second, when the lights came on again, it was empty and everything was gone...

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