Tech Hammer

Chapter 400 Is it him? That works!

If Ning Wei were to define wine now, it would be that all non-sweet wines are good wines, because he cannot drink too much. He has tried this countless times, and every year he receives a lot of wine that is said to be excellent. However, Ning Wei feels that it is a pity that he does not have such rich taste buds. Apart from the sourness, he cannot taste the so-called rich layers at all. It's fruity, so it's impossible to drink too much because of the sweetness of the drink.

Fortunately, today's bottle of wine is good wine, and the person is also a wonderful person.

Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Satya Nader, Muir Palmisano and Sundar Pichai represent Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, IBM and Google respectively.

This lineup is very strong and has a bunch of common characteristics, such as the companies they represent are all very wealthy.

To put it less exaggeratedly, if all the capital controlled by these companies were converted into U.S. dollars of the largest denomination, and spread flat on the equator, it would probably be able to circle the earth dozens of times...

This is enough to show that these big guys in the technology circle react very quickly. A new technology has just been born, and a less stable alliance has been formed.

"Tiangong participates in lighting the sacred flame? Does it have to circle around China? Is this Xiao Chen's idea? It's nonsense! Does he have the confidence?!"

"No, you turn to the back. There is a signature at the end of the plan. Director Chen went to Yanbei University to find Academician Ning, and Academician Ning made a plan. Then he submitted it without changing a word, because it was different from the previous opening. There is no conflict in the ceremony plan.”

"Oh? Academician Ning mentioned it. If you think about it, it feels good, right? The laser circled around China, showing the grace of China. Hey, it's quite interesting, but it's not cheap, right?"

"The cost is not high. According to the plan made by Academician Ning, the laser is set up according to the terrain. If some places are inconvenient, you can directly use a drone to fix the laser with a bracket and then float it in the air. In fact, the cost is higher than before. It is much easier to use holographic technology to show the opening ceremony, but it may be more troublesome to broadcast and require a test of shooting skills, but drones can also be used to shoot close-up scenes.”

"Is this really possible? Is this laser accurate enough?"

"If this plan is adopted, Academician Ning promised to provide guidance throughout the process. Since this plan can be proposed, it must have been verified. There shouldn't be a big problem. After all, we don't know whether the technology can be realized. …”

"Then it should be no problem, just submit it directly. Oh, by the way, change this sub-plan. Put Academician Ning's name at the beginning, enlarge the font size, don't make it to the end, so that everyone can read it at a glance Who proposed this plan?"

"Okay, then I will correct it and report it to you."

"Also send a copy to the Olympic Committee..."


"Ning, actually we had a discussion in the afternoon. In fact, we will not refuse to do something within our ability for global education, but we all hope that the money used for the renovation of Huaxia classrooms can be donated as a donation that Huaxia can recognize. , instead of submitting it to the foundation in the form of a guarantee as you mentioned, this is a small request, this should be no problem, right?"

At the dinner, Tim Cook first made a request on behalf of several people.

"Donate..." Ning Wei thought for a while, and then asked sincerely: "For tax deduction?"

Tim Cook shrugged and said: "Tax deduction is secondary. Well, at least I can promise on behalf of Apple that this expenditure will not be used to deduct taxes in China. In fact, for us, the main ones are There are two concerns: the financial need to disclose the handling of this money, and we still hope to use the word donation to publicize it to the outside world. After all, China is one of Apple's major markets in the world, and publicity in the form of donations may be able to help us Bringing in more customers.”

This is why Ning Wei likes to deal with Tim Cook, at least he is honest.

"Then when you disclose your financial report, you will spend nearly 10 billion US dollars to donate to Huaxia Education. Will it not cause complaints in the country?"

"No, no, no, the donation can be written to promote the balanced development of international education. A large international company should bear this responsibility."

Tim Cook shrugged, and then said meaningfully to himself: "No one can satisfy everyone, including me of course. Before I left, I couldn't satisfy everyone, but my The work must at least satisfy Apple’s shareholders.”

Ning Wei smiled and raised his glass and said: "I like your honesty, Tim, I think it's okay! In fact, this is a donation from you. Thank you for your support of China's education reform, Tim. I also wish Apple can Long time, by the way, has Apple chosen a successor? I see a lot of news saying that you will definitely retire next year, and there are several successors speculated by the outside world."

Tim Cook smiled and replied: "Don't worry, Ning, whoever takes over my position will make the best choice for Apple."

Ning Wei looked at the others: "Does everyone share this opinion?"

The big guys nodded gracefully.

Ning Wei responded cheerfully: "Okay, I will mention it to my colleagues on the March Fund Management Committee later and apply for official certification. These requirements will definitely meet everyone's requirements. But I am quite curious, that, Apple, Microsoft, IBM at least has a market in China, but Google and Facebook don’t seem to have much market in China, right?”

Sundar Pichai put down the knife and fork in his hand, picked up the dinner paper and wiped his mouth before saying: "Google is seeking to return to the Chinese market and is still dealing with some negotiation details. If possible, maybe next year we will We will launch our products in China."

"Oh! I wish you all the best." Ning Wei nodded suddenly. This is actually good. After all, China's search engines are somewhat unreliable. The introduction of a big fish can somewhat awaken the crisis awareness of some local search engines.

Mark Zuckerberg also took up the topic: "The Metaverse is global. Facebook may not enter China, but the Metaverse will. Our Metaverse products should also have the opportunity to be launched in China. After all, this is still a global The market with the greatest potential.”

"The relationship is great. By the way, if everyone wants to come to China for a reunion, you can come during the summer Olympics. That is really an occasion that attracts national attention. Your presence here will definitely be of great help to you in promoting your own products in the future. By the way, this is what we mainly talk about today?”

"Of course, Ning, don't you think we should set up a technical standard for access? In order to be responsible for all consumers, we should set up an industry alliance to propose some standard review mechanisms for relevant industries in the future and form a system , standardized production should include the entire supply chain, right down to every terminal, what do you think about this?"

Ning Wei laughed and said: "Haha, Tim, I think you are right about this. Mr. Yan from Huawei also mentioned it to me. I support this matter with both hands, but I will not interfere with the specific details. I won't hide it. You say, I have made a decision a long time ago. After this year’s March Award Ceremony, I have decided to do research on artificial intelligence, metaverse, semiconductors, chips, etc. from hardware to software to algorithms. I don’t plan to invest too much energy anymore, so I’ll leave all this to my students. The future belongs to young people!”

This sentence was really shocking, and made several big bosses look at each other. After all, this sentence included almost all of Ning Wei's achievements so far. To be honest, it was really hard to believe.

"What? Ning, are you planning to retire like me? But you are still young, but if you really think so, maybe we can travel around the world starting next year. It must be a wonderful journey." Tim Cook joked.

Ning Wei shook his head and sighed: "Really, you, Tim, will be able to retire next year. But I'm definitely not good enough. If I dare to retire at this time, my father can take me down without anyone else." My leg was broken. Really, Chinese culture is different from yours. The previous generation likes to interfere in our thoughts and lives as a matter of course. So I have to work for at least thirty years before I can retire. But from now on, I have New research directions have been identified.”

"A new direction in mathematics?" Tim Cook frowned slightly and asked.

"No, theoretical physics, condensed matter, field theory, photonics, plasma, statistical physics, celestial mechanics, etc... This is a vast ocean. From the conservation of beta decay energy, we can infer the existence of a mysterious particle. The symmetry of continuous transformations corresponds to the conservation law, but for discrete transformations, Noether's law does not work, so Mr. Yang and Mr. Li discovered parity nonconservation!"

"This is such a magical field. Human science and technology have advanced by leaps and bounds. We have used various physical theorems to study various physical phenomena and invented many practical machines. But at the same time, we still cannot figure out what kind of world we are in? The strong force world and the weak force world cannot be unified, and the standard particle model cannot unify microscopic theories until now. The mathematical theories studied by mathematicians must ultimately serve to solve problems. For example, we use Lie groups to discuss Stone's theorem, and Hibbert's space as the mathematical basis of quantum mechanics."

"Really, it's exciting to think that in the future I will devote my short life to studying the true meaning of life. Just like Smith, he thinks about life from a philosophical perspective, and I hope that in the future I can study the true meaning of life from a physical perspective. To interpret the world. In your words, I hope to know whether God is left-handed in my lifetime!"

The big guys looked at each other. This was probably because they were powerful and could do whatever they wanted.

Of course, these scientists may not understand what they think.

"Ha, indeed, after all, the Nobel Prize does not have a mathematics prize... Ning, you will make it very difficult for the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. I will bet fifty dollars that within ten years they will be worried about whether to award the Nobel Prize to you. A long time." Tim Cook said, shaking his head.

"Tim, you are too conservative. I will pay you a hundred dollars to bet that they will have a lot of headaches within five years." Samuel Palmisano, the president of IBM who had not spoken much, elegantly took out a card from his pocket. Brand new one hundred dollar bill.

"Haha, thank you everyone. In fact, I think so too. It's worth it to trouble countless big shots in this life!" Ning Wei said with a smile.

"By the way, Ning, but it seems that you haven't won the Fields Medal yet, right? If I remember correctly, the last Mathematicians Conference seemed to have awarded you the Gauss Medal, but you did not go to receive the award."

"Well, before the 2026 Mathematicians Conference, I had some arguments on the phone with Mr. Koenig, the chairman of IMU, or had a direct quarrel. You guys come to judge, is it not qualified to hold an ICM conference with the scale of China? ?Beijing, Pearl, Shenzhen... Which city is worse than European cities? Anyway, my attitude is very clear. If the conference is not held in China, I will refuse to accept the Fields Medal. By the way, you will also accept the ICM conference in 2030. I will definitely support it being held in China, right? It’s a coincidence that if it is really held in China in 30 years, I will be 30 years old, which is my thirtieth year in China.”

"Of course, Ning, if you need help, just say it and we will try our best to cheer you up!"

At the same time, Chen Diancheng, who was still gnawing at his paper during dinner, received a call from Senior Brother Zhang who had already run back to his hometown.

"Hey, Senior Brother Zhang, what's going on?"

"Xiao Chen, the situation is like this. The teacher in charge of finance just called me. Several companies that have invested in my laboratory are sorting out the funding structure of the laboratory. You know, they still hope to get it done as soon as possible. Draw up those messy things clearly. Later, Director Ning asked your Ningshe to transfer a sum of money to Ningfeng Software's account, and now they want to make the money clear..."

"Oh, it's too troublesome to say this. In short, they want to directly pay for your previous investment, and the future profits from patents will have nothing to do with Ningshe. You invested 100 million, what they mean is After the valuation, I will return about 900 million to you. Are you satisfied? If you are not satisfied, I will help you fight for it again. It should not be a big problem to get the whole thing together."

Chen Diancheng scratched his head, Ning Dao Qian was indeed very generous.

This 100 million was invested, and in less than three months, it doubled nine times...

"No, Brother Zhang, this money was given to Ningshe and left in the account of no use. Why don't you ask Director Ning how to deal with it?"

"Director Ning has long said, let us not focus on the money. How to maximize profits is something that manufacturers need to consider. We just need to do our own thing well. Anyway, I am too lazy. Annoy Director Ning with this matter. If you are not sure, just call and ask yourself, and then call me back."

"Don't, don't, don't, you don't know. Director Ning was still angry with me two days ago. I've been miserable recently. Let's do this. Just do as you say."

"Okay, I'll help you fight for it again and get it together."

"No, Brother Zhang, actually Ningshe is not short of money now..."

"You still think you have too much money these days? Will you do scientific research for free in the future? If you have money on hand, you can buy whatever equipment you want without having to queue up. The ones who will benefit will be Ningshe and all of us in the future, Director Ning Isn’t that what you were thinking about when I asked you to invest? You can’t just think about yourself, right? Besides, if you want to make a robot, you’ll know when you start working on your own project. The money spent in the early stage is just like water. When I didn’t get my results, I was so frightened every day. Okay, let’s just say this, I’ll ask the finance department to talk to the other party. We’ll see you in the future city later.”

"Okay, Brother Zhang, see you in the future city!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Diancheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay, now I can have an explanation with Ningshe.

When he did that before, the 500 million red envelope was given out immediately without any democratic voting. Although everyone supported it verbally, who knows what they thought privately? If the news is announced, at least no one will be able to say anything.

So Chen Diancheng took out his mobile phone and clicked on Ningshe’s WeChat group: “ @Everyone, brothers, let me tell you something. It’s very important. The central idea is that our Ningshe’s financial management ability is probably better than Buffett’s. Force so many billion points..."

"Professor Qin, I'm sorry to disturb your rest. I just sent you an email, which is a plan for the Olympic lighting ceremony. The boss wants you to discuss the feasibility of this plan from a professional perspective and can give it to you as soon as possible. An answer."

"Oh? Okay, let me go to the study and take a look."

"Okay, please excuse me, Professor Qin."

In the study, half an hour later...

"Hey, Xiao Xu, who proposed this plan?"

"Professor Qin, the boss said that I can't tell you your name before you give your opinion, so as not to affect your judgment."

"This...well, how should I put it, it is theoretically possible, using broadband visible light, without considering issues such as ignition point. But in practice, it is very difficult to determine this accuracy. It needs to be at least centimeters for hundreds of kilometers. To achieve level-level accuracy, you must first have a mathematical model of guidance and analyze all coordinate systems, especially air conduction. Once you have a mathematical model, you must also establish a model of the entire control system..."

"These are just some theoretical steps. In practice, there are too many parameters to be introduced. You have to consider the clouds, right? Ordinary laser beams cannot penetrate clouds. Even if the beam is strong enough, it can tear The electrons in oxygen and nitrogen form a channel, but how to ensure the accuracy of positioning through clouds? You must know that clouds, rain and snow will attenuate the laser signal."

"So I think this plan is really a bit unrealistic, but having said that, if someone can really solve these problems in practice, that would be great! I personally think that if China still holds the Olympic Games next time, Maybe this solution can be used.”

"Oh, I understand. Thank you, Professor Qin. I will give your feedback to the boss."

"Well, you're welcome. By the way, can you tell me who came up with this?"

"Oh, this is Academician Ning's plan."

"Academician Ning? Ning Wei?"


"Then why are you hesitating? Let him tinker with it! What if it works? Those are extremely valuable data and experiences!"

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