Tech Hammer

Chapter 409 Ning Wei’s Thoughts

Really, Ning Wei discovered for the first time that Lu Dongyi could be very charming when he smiled, especially when he said "haha", so he subconsciously asked: "What's wrong? Senior Brother Lu?"

Lu Dongyi sat down directly on the sofa in the office and said, "Ning Wei, do you still remember four years ago in this office, can you talk to me?"

Ning Wei immediately replied: "Senior Brother Lu, we have talked about a lot of things in this office. Which thing are you talking about?"

Lu Dongyi glanced at Ning Wei and said: "Oh, let me remind you that at that time I was still doing research on the linear stability of PpF. You are the one who told me here that these studies are outdated. We We should make some breakthroughs in artificial intelligence number theory. Your original words at that time were that our future should be such that Newton would give up his seat to us first when he saw him, and when Einstein came, he would light up his cigarettes for us, right?"

Ning Wei blinked, then nodded simply, and said: "That's right, isn't it right? There's no point in doing too much research on partial differential equations? Brother Lu, this is a big problem for PDE to get out of the circle. Just one, the others are minor issues with limited influence, so I suggest you change direction for your own good. You see, several of the articles you published in the past two years have won awards..."

Lu Dongyi nodded, and then asked slowly: "I didn't feel bad at all. After all, I have been doing this kind of work for these years and I am used to it. But here comes the problem. It was agreed at the beginning that we would We have been working together on this issue, but what does it mean that you want to do physics research now?"

Their eyes met, but fortunately there were no sparks...

"Brother Lu, don't we look at the problem from a development perspective? Really, four years ago, I really felt that the mathematical theory of artificial intelligence was worth spending a lifetime to dig into. But now I look back , We are actually at the forefront of the world in this area, so I won’t mention your research. The precise algorithm Lucy did last year on searching for the two integer-valued problems of the largest subset and the longest subsequence, how much impact did it have on you? Saw it too.”

"Now our center has become the world's research center for the basic theoretical theory of mathematics in artificial intelligence. You, Lucy, Professor Tan, and so many of our students, if you rank them in the world, you can all have numbers in the middle from first to tenth Yes! Tell me, One Direction has become so powerful. Don’t you think that even if we start lying down now and do nothing and enjoy life every day, after a few decades, Lao Niu will have to pay If you give up your seat, do you have to give me a cigarette?"

"In other words, the goal we set four years ago has been achieved ahead of schedule! Brother Lu, but it's not enough. Why? Because although Lao Niu is very good at mathematics, he is really well-known for his achievements in classical mechanics. , not to mention Lao Ai, for him, mathematics is a weak point. He won the Nobel Prize for discovering the photoelectric effect, and his most well-known achievement is the theory of relativity."

"So you think about it, even if we continue in this direction, even if they give up their seats or pass cigarettes, they will definitely not be convinced. So just to fulfill the promise I made to you, I have to switch to physics, and we have to study physics all over the world. We can crush these talented people in terms of performance, are you right? You can't say that after they gave up their seats and lit cigarettes, everyone talked about physics problems, we got stuck, and we had to give up the good seats to those two big guys, are you right? Bar?"

How should I put it, Ning Wei's affectionate words immediately made Lu Dongyi stuck, because they sounded really reasonable.

Lu Dongyi frowned and asked: "So this is the reason why when you first confused me, you didn't mention Cartan, Euler, Riemann and other masters whose main achievements were concentrated in mathematics? Ning? Why, to be honest, when you asked me to change your research direction together, did you already think that this day would happen? Let me make an irresponsible guess. Since the year before last, you have refused the graduate student quota assigned to you by the school. , will you hand over Ningban to us in the future, and then you will study quantum physics on your own, um... maybe in ten years, you will recruit graduate students, and you will recruit physics students? "

"Ah..." Ning Wei opened his mouth, suddenly feeling that he didn't know how to explain.

Although when he first talked about this matter with Lu Dongyi, he really didn't have such unbearable thoughts, but Lu Dongyi was right about his previous thoughts.

Ningban has Lu Dongyi, Lucy, other teachers, and his students who are about to graduate. Of course, he will continue to recruit graduate students in Ningban, but after gaining experience, he will lead graduate students. It’s actually not that tiring. For most of the problems, March will provide guidance from a statistical perspective, and there will also be a group of senior brothers and sisters to help. As a mentor, he actually doesn't have much to worry about.

Anyway, when it comes to graduation, there is no need to look for someone outside. For the graduation thesis defense, it is more like saying hello to the professors in Ningban and going through the motions. Inviting outside professors is just a formality.

"It seems that's what happened. Where are you looking for a partner? You just wanted to find someone to cover your shortcomings! Forget it, no more chatting. Please take a good look at my information. If you have any questions, don't mark them. Don't worry about it, come to me anytime." Lu Dongyi stood up and prepared to leave.

"Ahem, don't worry, Senior Brother Lu, I will definitely remember this. Well, you really don't want to go eat hot pot together?"

"No, I'm a little tired these days. I want to go back and rest early. You go." Lu Dongyi waved his hand and refused without hesitation, then walked away, leaving only Ning Wei who was full of guilt.

"Come on, Lao Pan, let me introduce you..."

"Okay, Lao Tian, ​​no introduction is needed. Is there anyone in the academic circle who doesn't know you as a student?"

"Professor Pan, you are too kind."

"Okay, you're welcome. Let's eat and talk."

In the private room of Donglaishun Hot Pot Restaurant, three people sat at the table.

Liu Wei was not willing to participate in this kind of dinner purely for high-end intellectuals in the scientific community, so he simply settled it in the hall by himself. In his words, ordinary people often attend this kind of dinner, and it is easy for them to doubt their own IQ...

But the real situation is not necessarily like this. In fact, many times when they get together, they don't specifically talk about academic things. However, there are sometimes more scoldings. This is probably why Liu Wei doesn't want to sit down. The real reason for entering the box. To put it bluntly, his status is really not suitable for him to sit there and listen to one group of big guys humiliating another group of big guys in various ways, and then a few days later, listen to another group of big guys trying to eliminate these big guys...

Of course, this is not a problem for Ning Wei at all. Anyway, everyone is trying to persuade him not to be led astray by another group of people, so he can always make ends meet, and the years will be peaceful.

Fortunately, there was no such situation today. The three of them drank tea instead of wine, cooked mutton, and chatted casually.

Tian Yanzhen: "By the way, how was the harvest this time?"

"Hey..." After hearing this, Lao Pan put down his chopsticks, sighed, and said: "It's not good. We visited several laboratories, and they are all on guard against us now. Many data are no longer willing. Shared with us.”

"Oh?" Ning Wei blinked and asked curiously: "It wasn't like this before?"

Lao Pan smiled and shook his head and said: "It has happened before, but it is not as serious as the past two years. In fact, isn't this the same as the basic software you make? Matrix operations were not open before. For example, we wanted to get It is relatively easy to obtain data from CERN, but now it is increasingly difficult to obtain other data except for the data in public papers. Speaking of which, it is you. It is said that they are afraid that fully disclosing the data will lead to artificial intelligence. Intelligent matrix processing systems play a greater role.”

Ning Wei smiled lightly. In fact, this was one of the ongoing projects in the laboratory. Basically, he read nearly a thousand public papers covering different fields every day in March, and extracted information from these related papers. Promote the research directions of major universities and laboratories around the world, the various instruments and equipment used, as well as the future key development directions of these universities and laboratories, the development or transformation direction of major technology companies, etc.

For example, Ning Wei noticed Professor Pan's latest achievements, and the paper was actually recommended to him in March.

This does include papers published by CERN.

However, this is an extremely large information project and has never been announced to the public so far.

"Well, this is indeed the case in recent years. There are still many useful software functions that have been castrated. But now the March Intelligent Platform is also very powerful, but the logic and mode of operation have changed slightly. But now the domestic software for basic computing also has We are starting to work hard, and to be honest, we at Yanbei University have been researching our own computing software, and now it is getting better and better." Tian Yanzhen said with emotion.

"Haha, you have to thank Xiao Ning for this. To be honest, now that I am leading the team, the people below are asking about Ningshe. Ningshe has produced several high-quality software in recent years, which are very popular abroad. You are valued. By the way, Xiao Ning, your instructor said that you now want to study quantum?" Old Pan changed the topic, looked at Ning Wei and asked.

"Yes, Professor Pan, I do have this plan, and I have been looking at things in this area recently."

"Oh!" Lao Pan nodded, and then asked curiously: "Then which research direction do you want to do?"

"I'm not afraid of making you laugh. I want to study quantum mechanics and then try to see if I can find a connection between gravitational waves and quantum theory, hoping to unify the two." Ning Wei said shyly.

"Uh... um..." Ning Wei's words really shocked Lao Pan.

How should I put it, this idea is really too ambitious...

If a young man said this in front of Lao Pan, if he were not his student, he would probably laugh and say nothing, or say a few words of encouragement. It is a common problem for young people to be too ambitious. You will know the depth when you really start working on projects... If it were his own student, Lao Pan would probably scold him for asking him to figure out how much he weighed...

But it was Ning Wei who said this. Lao Pan felt mixed emotions at this moment. After all, what if this young man really became a man?

After all, he is the young man who solved the millennium mathematical problem. In the words of the Chinese academic circle, the mathematics community still owes this young man a Fields Medal. In other words, the judges of the Fields Medal are probably still considering whether When will the award be awarded to Ning Wei?

Yes, he is older than Ning Wei, but facing this academic genius who has been recognized by the Chinese academic circle, he really doesn't dare to make an evaluation.

"This is a big direction. From the most macro to the most micro, this idea amazes me. Xiao Ning, if you really have results in the future, you must show it to me as soon as possible." After brewing for a long time, Lao Pan Then he spoke.

"Definitely, definitely!" Ning Wei nodded and immediately responded.

"Okay, Lao Pan, do you really believe what he said? Eat vegetables, eat vegetables!"

"It's hard to say, Lao Tian, ​​if Ning Wei told you that he could solve the NS equation problem when he was at Jiang University, would you believe it?"

"Can this be the same?"

"Is it different? Haha, by the way, Xiao Ning, I also heard from Lao Tian that you were very interested in our previous experiments?"

"Yes! It's unbelievable, Professor Pan. You were able to directly overturn the real number formula in the form of experiments. To be honest with you, it is precisely because of your experimental results that I am sure that I hope to be able to do so in the future. The idea of ​​unifying gravitational waves with quantum mechanics.”

"Oh? Why?" Lao Pan asked with interest.

"Well, that's what I thought... Complex vectors and operators in Hilbert space correspond to real vectors and operators respectively. In this form, the dimensions of the real Hilbert space are not limited to those of the complex The same as Hilbert space, the Hilbert space of simultaneous composite quantum systems has a tensor product structure.”


Ning Wei thought for a while, then dipped his hand in some tea and drew a coordinate system on the table: "The most basic definition of Hilbert space is complete. I have studied your paper carefully and simulated it again. During the experimental process, some interesting results were obtained by tuning the resonance of two nearest neighbor qubits. Of course, as the academic community has questioned, there are still selection loopholes in the laboratory... because in quantum mechanics, gravity is difficult After being quantized, there is no language that can describe the real degree of freedom of gravity after GR."

"The wave-particle duality is not compatible with the general local description method... It's like we write the Fourier transform and derive the annihilation operator. The single-particle state is the result of the production operator acting on the vacuum state. This When we do Fourier expansion, we actually default to a set of coordinate systems. In Min's space-time, we usually choose the coordinates of the inertial reference system. This also leads to the fact that the concept of particle states in quantum field theory does not work in curved space-time. nature……"

"My previous thought was whether we could find a new quantization scheme for gravity, which would include the existing quantization scheme and solve the problem of quantization divergence of gravity. After reading your research, I have another question. What is the physical meaning of imaginary numbers?”

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