Tech Hammer

Chapter 425 When the whitelist is superimposed on the blacklist

Satya Nadella probably never expected that at the age of sixty-one, he would still need to consider the issue of whether to protect his parents or his children, which made him feel embarrassed. The terrible thing is that during the last trip to China, although at the March Award Ceremony, the inventor of 3D display technology used World of Warcraft, which is currently copyrighted by Microsoft, to demonstrate this technology, he did not talk to him when he left. Enter into any cooperation agreement.

This made Satya Nadella feel a little regretful in his heart.

If the time goes back three and a half years ago, when Huawei offered an olive branch, Microsoft chose to accept it, and now it no longer has the dilemma. Hongmeng system is still the same Hongmeng system. It will continue to work hard in the direction of the Internet of Things, and will not add a new word to infringe on the field where Microsoft started. And if both parties can start cooperating at that time, Microsoft will also have great development opportunities in the gaming field.

It’s just that there is no regret medicine in this world.

Of course, if time could really be turned back, Satya Nadella is not sure that he would be able to withstand the pressure and cooperate with Ning Xin. After all, Microsoft is not his alone. Even if he knows the future, he may not be able to convince those arrogant major shareholders and board members.

After careful consideration, the Indian-born Microsoft president felt that he should have a phone call with someone behind the scenes. After confirming the time difference, China had just entered the evening, and before it was time to rest, Satya Nadella resolutely dialed the number...

However, a minute later, the Microsoft boss was stunned. Ning Wei's phone couldn't get through again.

If he didn't make a mistake, his number was blacklisted again.

Of course, Microsoft has more than one phone, but when none of his numbers can reach Ningwei's mobile phone, it means that it is impossible to get through any number. The whole world knows that this Chinese scientist seems to have a grudge against phone calls. Not only does he often add many numbers to the blacklist, but he also keeps the whitelist open all year round. All numbers that are not in his mobile phone communication list are always directly rejected.

In particular, the firewall built by artificial intelligence has never been unbreakable.

This makes people want to vomit blood...

So you just call when you need it and throw it away when you’re done?

Really, although he is 61 years old and has long passed the age where he would get angry because of the smallest things, Satya Nadella still felt his blood pressure soaring crazily at this time.

This young Chinese man really doesn’t know any manners. Is he not Chinese anymore? !

However, at this time, Satya Nadella did not know that the impoliteness of the young man opposite was not only reflected in the random blacklisting. In fact something even more fucked up is going on.

If in China, in March, Weibo posted a series of promotional videos for the new Hongmeng system, including Chen Diancheng’s interview video, which indeed aroused heated discussions, then on the outside, countless ordinary people are undergoing brainwashing at this time. .

Yes, March is once again working hard on the external network.

In just a few hours, the story of March's encouragement to study seemed to start to repeat itself. Although there is no communication fee, various promotional videos about the new Hongmeng system's almost unlimited respect for user privacy began to spread on Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Tiktok, vigo video and even Google.

It’s almost the same routine as five years ago. God knows where the account popped up and started frantically forwarding promotional videos about the new Hongmeng system in various languages. The excerpt from Chen Diancheng’s interview video became the most eye-catching thing.

These videos not only have subtitles added to them, but during playback, the system will automatically determine what language version of the short video the user can access based on the language selected by the phone.

The focus of concentrated publicity is on the new Hongmeng system’s support for future 3D operating interfaces and the protection of user privacy.

The meaning of the expression is roughly this:

"Did you know that Chinese people have developed an operating system, the new Hongmeng system, that can support almost all current devices and the Internet of Things? It can also perfectly support future-oriented 3D display technology. There is currently no other system that can support this technology. And the Chinese people have decided to open source it and provide it to the whole world for free. Remember, it is free, whether it is for personal use or corporate use, it is free."

"Oh, that's great, where can I download it?"

"Don't think about it. Although the Chinese are willing to open source and make it free, we can't use it."


"Because this new system really wants to protect user privacy, you know? With the Chinese system, software such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. will not be able to snoop on our privacy! This also means that they will not be able to Accurate placement of never-ending ads!”

"But this is a good thing!"

"Of course, this is a good thing for us! But it is a bad thing for those capitalists, because without those advertisements, it means that their income will be reduced. So they will slander the Chinese system, and they will use various methods to Prevent us from using the most advanced system in the world. They will artificially hinder the spread of this Chinese system around the world, and they will even spare no effort to slander the Chinese system!"

"God, this must be a conspiracy theory! Maybe they say it is true? Or this new Hongmeng system will also secretly collect our information? Do you know why, ah? Because there is no free lunch in the sky, and there is no reason for Chinese people to be free Provided for our use.”

"Ha, you are superficial! Do you know why the Chinese provide this system for free? Because they do not need to make money from the system, they just want to sell more of their chips and their 3D display technology. Do you understand? This It’s a Chinese conspiracy!”

Different from the last March promotion to encourage students to learn, this time, whether it was Google, Facebook, Twitter or other video software companies, they immediately monitored the various videos and copywriting that suddenly popped up, and immediately aroused Pay attention to.

From this point of view, the technical staff of these major Internet companies have made progress. At least they did not let invalid information spread wildly for more than ten hours before discovering something was wrong like last time.

However, the paradox is that even if it was discovered early enough this time and began to limit and block traffic through algorithms, or even ban accounts, it is obvious that this does not seem to have much effect. Because the same content still seems to be increasing rapidly. Every second in every corner of the world, hundreds of thousands of information can always respond to various restrictions as quickly as possible, including but not limited to blocking keywords and breaking through various intelligent identifications. , and then continue to spread these messages crazily...

So programmers quickly discovered that the most reliable method was manual review, which had been marginalized. This probably also shows that expensive things are expensive for their own reasons.

As we all know, these major Internet companies have always hoped to eliminate manual review of content, and instead use various algorithms to automatically block content that violates regulations or does not conform to their mainstream values. Of course, this is also very successful. The continuous pursuit of artificial intelligence technology in recent years has indeed produced results. Generally speaking, when algorithms are used to complete this work, the accuracy can reach 90% or even more than 95%.

The accuracy is high, and it can work 24 hours a day without any complaints. The efficiency is at least ten times or even a hundred times higher than that of manual review. There is no need to spend any additional expenses. In comparison, the scale of manual review, which is expensive, can be reduced to a minimum. , to maximize savings.

It's just that this time the algorithm that these programmers were so proud of once again disappointed everyone.

Even Facebook's backend managers found that the speed of banning accounts was not even as fast as the speed of adding new accounts. Really, if this was not the case in normal times, this would be worthy of the management opening champagne to celebrate, because Facebook has stopped adding new users for more than three years, and even in the past year, the number of users has shown a slight downward trend. Every year A few tens or even millions were missing, which also caused the company's stock price to plummet for a long time.

If it weren't for other projects, especially the Metaverse project that has been planned for several years, and there have been major benefits recently, the stock price would have been impossible to watch.

But now the user growth bottleneck has been broken overnight. This kind of continuous increase in the number of users is like another continent on the earth that has not yet experienced market development. People living here have always been out of touch with the modern Internet. The use of smartphones was popularized overnight…

At the same time, this kind of publicity is still popping up crazily on the Internet. This publicity offensive can be said to be crazy. What’s even more frightening is that the publicity effect is almost invincible, and there is not even a penny of advertising fee...

This wave is enough to make many people feel depressed...

As many people have promoted, many ordinary people in the West are more concerned about their privacy, and these propaganda can really make many people break their defenses.

In the past, these large companies would have had a hundred ways to suppress this kind of public opinion trend, but this time it is obviously different from the past.

"John, you know, mobile phones are monitoring us all the time, and those evil companies are stealing our privacy!"

"Oh my God, Julien, have you been brainwashed by those little videos? You haven't read the official statement. Those conspiracy theories are unreliable. Did you actually choose to believe in another unreliable country?"

"Isn't it trustworthy? Then take out your phone and search for any product on Google. Now... hurry up!"


"Don't... search for a product in front of me!"

"Okay, okay, but what do you want me to search for?"

“Search for the first thing that comes to mind right now… preferably something you’ve been thinking about buying when you’re not looking at your phone lately!”

"Well...well, maybe I need to get a new baseball bat...Well, I admit that there are ads after the search, but isn't that normal? Google has always made money from ads!"

"No, no, no, it's not that simple, John. Now open Amazon, or Ubuy, or whatever shopping app you have on your phone, open it, Julien, and see what these apps recommend to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't ask so many questions, just do it, or you can wait and open it... But I hope you do it now..."

"Okay, okay, because you're my best friend, otherwise I'd have to... oh, god... fucking google is really spying on me, zappos really recommends bats to me on the homepage, I used to I didn’t search for this thing on Zappos! God, not only did these hateful guys betray me, they actually want to interfere in my life?”

"Now you know, John, your privacy is worthless in front of them. This is what those short videos taught me! Although I don't know if the Chinese system will really protect me as strictly as they say. secret, but now I know, these damn big companies have been spying on me! Not only Google, but also Facebook, and Twitter, I have tried them all! They are colluding together!"

"Oh my god, yes, that's true. Facebook also recommended KYGHNT to me. Oh my god, how did they know that I like the brand KYGHNT? Are they peeking into my brain and stealing my thoughts? Oh my god, JULIEN, I DID NOT EVEN TELL YOU I LIKE KYGHNT!"

"Okay, John, now you believe it, but they are not stealing, as the video says, they want to control our minds!"

"These thieves and liars have to pay for what they have done. They used our privacy to make profits. This is a robbery, and we should make them compensate!"

"Impossible, John, do you still want to litigate with those big shots?! That's because you didn't read their usage agreement carefully! Really, I re-read the privacy terms after watching those videos, and when you registered your account Those things you checked have consented to them collecting this information!”

"Which serious person would go through those things one by one? No, this is not fair. We must stand up and let more people know about these dirty things. Believe me, it will definitely be useful, as long as enough people go Resist them! You know, this is not our fault, they are taking advantage of my trust to deceive me! We must maintain our power!"

Really, when these messages spread almost pervasively on major chat software, the problems gradually began to get bigger...

Satya Nadella was definitely not the only one calling Ning Wei at this time.

God knows how many people were brewing with so many emotions and wanted to dial Ning Wei's number, but were shocked to find that their number was probably blacklisted by the young man on the other side of the ocean...

The greatest pain in life is this. When you want to find someone to argue with, you find that you can't get in touch with the other person. What is even more worrying is that there is no way to fight back, because no one can convince themselves to add this person's number to the blacklist as retaliation...

So, naturally, the phones of those who were close to Ning Wei started to get busy again, and Huawei's Yan Ming was the first to bear the brunt...

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