Tech Hammer

Chapter 427 Invitation letter from Yue Zu


It was not that he was happy, on the contrary, Sackler's words made Ning Wei feel that his identity as a mathematician had been humiliated.

The choice of the venue for the International Congress of Mathematicians is usually decided by a vote of all members at the last Congress of Mathematicians. Theoretically, the organizer, the International Mathematical Union, does not have the power to directly designate the venue.

This way of deciding where to hold the conference through voting fully reflects the democratic and free spirit of mathematicians. However, now Sackler is confident that he can deprive all mathematician members of their rights and directly change the venue...

Capital can actually directly change the will of mathematicians?

Suddenly, Ning Wei felt a little unmotivated. To be honest, he had always felt that mathematicians were probably the group least likely to be moved by money. In fact, studying mathematics does not require as many high-end instruments and resources as studying other projects. Unlike high-energy physicists who want to discover new particles, they need to build a large particle collider. Unlike studying materials science, which requires a variety of Scanners and energy spectrometers; unlike astronomers, any scientific research-grade space telescope costs hundreds of millions of dollars...

Most of the time, just a stack of paper and a pen are enough to study mathematics. Even if supercomputing support is occasionally needed, renting computing power in this era is not expensive. It relies more on brains and creativity. It is completely useless. It is necessary to bend down for two buckets of rice.

However, Ning Wei still believed that the old man on the other end of the phone had this ability. Mainly because he felt that the old man did not have the guts to lie to him, so he felt his mood waned and pressed the hang-up button without hesitation...

Then he skillfully inserted the old man's number into the blacklist.

Those who are different do not seek each other's will. The previous kindness has been repaid, and now there is no psychological burden...

As he just said, the future city has been completed and is now in the final stage and will be open for business soon.

According to March’s judgment based on the enthusiastic feedback from the Internet, Future City’s future revenue will be enough to cover all costs. Of course, this still depends on future reputation, but at least


Listening to the busy tone on the phone, the old man thought it was Ning Wei who accidentally pressed the hang-up button.

Smartphones have easy-to-operate screens, but this kind of misoperation is always unavoidable. But when he called it, he discovered something was wrong, because after calling it again, it sounded pleasant but he couldn't understand what the machine sound was saying. Understand the language.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is busy, please call again later."

After calling again and getting the same reply, the old man who once stood at the top of the world's power pyramid finally understood what happened...

He was probably blacklisted by that young man from China just like everyone else.

He was somewhat worried about saving face, and the old man couldn't figure out which words caused the business to collapse.

Facts have proved that his initial judgment was correct. It would have been great if this young man could not have his voice back then, but it is a pity that the initiative is no longer in his hands.

Now all he can do seems to be forced to reflect: "Okay, what do you think made that Chinese mathematician suddenly hang up on me and directly put my call on the blacklist?"

Ning Wei's judgment was correct. When the old Mr. Sackler called him, there were indeed many auxiliary staff around him, but no one seemed to be able to answer this question. Several people were looking at each other...

After all, everyone has become accustomed to the old man's commanding manner, which makes others dare not disobey. There was nothing wrong with the old man's tone just now. He could even be said to be very gentlemanly. I really can't figure out which sensitive nerve on the other side was touched. .

It took a while before someone responded: "Maybe because he thinks you have retired... The Chinese culture is like this. They have an idiom, which means that when people leave, the tea gets cold. Well, this sentence should be combined with them I like hot tea to explain, but no one drinks herbal tea, which means they feel that when a person steps down from his original position, he no longer controls power, and naturally no one will give him hot tea."

The Sackler's assistant who spoke, this answer was somewhat of a Chinese connotation.

The old man still looked calm, but frowned slightly and asked: "You mean, Ning thinks I'm deceiving him? Or that he thinks I'm retired, so I'm not able to fulfill my promise?"

The assistant nodded.

In the absence of other possibilities, this sounds like a very reasonable answer.

Many times, the way big people think is not so detailed, and it is difficult to think about it in another person's identity. Especially when Ning Wei hangs up the phone because he is so arrogant and weird, it is simply because he feels that as one of the group of mathematicians, he is being ignored by a person. I'm offended that capitalists can control where the International Mathematical Congress is held...

In a sense, Ning Wei also lacks empathy in this regard.

Although great mathematicians are generally not short of money.

But after all, it costs money to hold such a world-wide conference. Not everyone can live without the fireworks of the world, or like Ning Wei, who is already a quasi-billionaire at a young age and doesn’t even know where the money is spent. where……

The vast majority of mathematicians who have not won world-wide awards or outstanding achievements do not actually earn very high incomes. After all, as far as the United States is concerned, the median income of college professors is not high. At least before they achieve their achievements, they can only earn We are considered middle class, so if we want to live a better life, we can compromise on some non-principled things.

"Well, maybe that's the reason. It seems that we need to send an email to the Chinese kid to let him understand that the world operates not just like China... Of course, when he sees this email Knowing that, we need to think of other ways. We should let him know that keeping promises is a virtue and everyone should do this!"

"Yes, Mr. Sackler!"

After hanging up Sackler's phone call and blacklisting the old man's phone number, Ning Wei thought he would be bombarded with phone calls as usual, but the actual situation was that no one bothered him again. It was as if he had been forgotten by the world.

At this time, Ning Wei felt a little unaccustomed to it, and he was a little uneasy when deriving the theorem.

So after getting stuck on a question, Ning Wei gave up on deriving those tedious formulas. Instead, he glanced at the notebook next to him and called out: "March."

The kitten flew from the upper right corner of the screen to the center of the screen, then lay down, looking at Ning Wei with its bright eyes.

"How is the promotion of the new Hongmeng system going?"

"Meow... it's well publicized. Every place with Internet access around the world should know the free download address of the new Hongmeng system. It's just that some places have blocked the download links from the official website, but I have shared the resources on all unsupervised servers. .”

"Oh, that's good! By the way, how are the preparations for the Olympic opening ceremony going?"

"Meow... It has been coordinated. I have completed the automation collaboration plan for the entire process. The ceiling-mounted screen specially customized by the 3D Laboratory for the Olympic opening ceremony is already in production, and the ceiling has been completed based on the internal structure of the honeycomb. With the lighting modification plan.”

"Oh!" Ning Wei nodded, and then asked a very confused question: "Since you have done so well and the response has been so great, why is no one looking for me now?"

"Meow... maybe it's because the master has blacklisted them all!"

"No, at least I didn't put Director Tian on the blacklist, right? In the past, when they couldn't find me, didn't they always go to Director Tian, ​​Mr. Yan, and Senior Brother Lu to put pressure on me? Why didn't they come to me this time? What’s up?”


Countless numbers started jumping around...

Then the kitten lay down with a look of despair...

"Meow...Master, you've troubled me..."

"Forget it... By the way, the day after tomorrow is Labor Day. Please make arrangements to give each of the students in the laboratory who need to sign up for overtime a bonus of 10,000 yuan. Go ahead."

Ning Wei dismissed his most capable assistant, thought for a moment, picked up his cell phone, found Director Tian's number, and dialed it on his own initiative.

Ning Wei chose to take the initiative just because he felt that he still had to ask in order to feel at ease.

The phone was busy, but Ning Wei did not hang up. Sure enough, Director Tian paused the call with others and transferred it to his call...

"Academician Ning, do you have any advice?"

The tone is joking, seems to be in a good mood?

"Director Tian, ​​stop joking, I just want to ask you, haven't you received any calls about me?"

"How could you not receive it? Since yesterday, people have been unable to find you, and then the phone calls came to me. They wanted me to help with various messages, and they wanted me to connect you so that they can talk to you directly. And I probably want to wake you up... various attitudes. What? You ask these because you want to have a good chat with some people? "

"I don't mean that. I'm just curious. You didn't look for me..."

"Well, yes, it's useless to look for you, so why should I look for you? Besides, this is not my business? I am already this age, why do I bother with this? Anyway, I will answer the call, old friend If he wants to chat with me for a few words, I will chat, and I will cooperate with what he wants to say, which is also very good. Many friends who have not been in touch for a long time have called me. The teacher likes students like you very much. Really , I’ve also figured it out, it’s up to you how to maintain contact with old friends!”

Does this sound sincere?

Anyway, Ning Wei couldn't hear any irony, and seemed quite happy...

But after all, it caused trouble for the instructor. Ning Wei still explained very honestly: "I feel relieved when you say this. Director Tian, ​​you also know that now that we want to promote Ningxin, we need more people to accept New Hongmeng System, my students are also under a lot of pressure in this area. As a teacher, I have promised Jingwen long ago that I will try my best to cooperate with the New Hongmeng Laboratory to promote it."

"Don't explain it to me. Ningwei, you have graduated so many years ago. Just do whatever you think you can do. I actually want to see how far you can do it. So I Don't worry, I won't cause any trouble for you. Besides, I plan to retire next year, so I can't take care of these things even if I want to. You are different, you are still young and motivated, and it turns out that you are actually very good at what you do. It's appropriate, so I just need to stand the last guard for you. Right?"

Really, with these words, Tian Yanzhen's image in Ning Wei's heart has grown infinitely higher.

There is really nothing to say about this responsibility...

"Director Tian..."

"Well, it's okay. You are now an academician and have started to teach students. Even if you cause big trouble, you can still resist it. The most I can do is answer a few phone calls and pretend to be confused. This is all It’s a small matter, and I’ve also told my old friends that although I can’t get through to you on the phone, I will still check your email regularly. If I need anything to ask you, I can send you an email directly, although the communication efficiency is a bit lower. , but you’ll be fine once you get used to it. Anyway, keep working hard! I’m sorry, I still want to talk more with my old friends..."

After saying that, Tian Yanzhen hung up the phone neatly.

All right……

Anyway, I feel a lot more relaxed.

However, Tian Yanzhen also reminded Ning Wei that he hadn't read his emails in several days and it was time to clear out his unread emails.

Let Sanyue open his mailbox, and what he saw was an email from the old man who had just been blacklisted.

It has a somewhat lingering smell...

After reading the content of the email carefully, Ning Wei still felt a little confused...

Throughout the article, it seems that Mr. Sackler has been showing off his family's control?

For example, even though he has retired, his nephews are still working at the Federal Reserve. Not only that, their influence spreads all over the world, such as being guests of many high-powered people. Of course, these big names are not in China...

This moment made Ning Wei feel very confused. You could say it was a threat, but those foreign big shots seemed to have no control over him, a small Chinese citizen. The big bosses of the Federal Reserve should not be able to threaten his deposits in China. To put it bluntly, This isn't a threat, it's a bit of a show of force. So what does this email mean?

Well, the differences in culture and ways of thinking made it impossible for the two of them to get what the other person wanted to express. After thinking for a moment, Ning Wei gave up. Of course, you still have to reply to the email. This is basic social etiquette.

After pondering for a moment, Ning Wei decided to invite this big shot to come to China to participate in this year's Olympic opening ceremony.

"Dear Mr. Sackler, I have received your email. Thank you for your email, which made me understand the strong strength of the Sackler family. I specially invite you to come to China in August this year to participate in the opening ceremony of this year's Olympic Games. Frankly speaking, You said that I also played a role in the opening ceremony of this year's Olympic Games. I hope to meet you at this world feast. Of course, I will also welcome you and your friends with the highest standards of etiquette!"

The final signature: "Your friend, Ning Wei."

After replying to this email, Ning Wei suddenly felt that this kind of invitation was almost universal. No matter what the email from the other party said, it seemed that he could be invited to watch the opening ceremony of this year's Olympic Games. It could appear polite and show goodwill...


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