Tech Hammer

Chapter 434 Problems Caused by Too Fast

Facts have proved that no matter how much the scientific men in the ivory tower ignore the role of money, for the vast majority of people, money can still solve at least 90% of their problems in a limited life.

People who dare to say that problems that can be solved with money are not problems often fall into two extremes: either they are really rich and can’t spend all of them even if they are covered in luxury goods; I like to brag, and I can't stop bragging once I do.

The two types of people are particularly easy to distinguish. Generally speaking, if you ask them to borrow money after you say this, it is the former who can directly throw the money out; if you talk to them about it, or tell you that they have a good way to make money, most of them belong to the latter...

Chen Diancheng belongs to the former group. After the two middle-aged men saw the bank card balance on Xiao Chen's mobile phone text message, there was no conflict. The two of them began to focus on the wine, and they drank more happily.

It wasn't until the banquet ended that Chen Diancheng and Wen Yimo walked into their parents' rooms.

"Diancheng, where did you get so much money? Could it be that you stole money from your Ningshe?"

"Mom, how is it possible! Am I that kind of person? Director Ning asked us to invest in Ningfeng Software at that time. I listened to Director Ning and invested all the money I had saved in Ningban in the past two years. I am considered a small player in Ningfeng Software. I have shares, and I have received dividends every quarter for the past two or three years. The company deducts taxes and pays them to my card. I don’t have many places to use the money, so I can only save so much.”

"You students in Ningfeng Software still have shares?" Father Chen couldn't help but ask.

Although Father Chen's business has nothing to do with high technology, and Ningfeng Software itself operates very low-key and hardly makes any announcements on weekdays, Father Chen is a businessman after all and is more sensitive to information. Moreover, the commotion caused by Ningshe and Xingyu Weibo last time was big enough. If you are interested, you can probably know how much money a small company with such a huge influence in the software industry can make by just reading about it.

It's just that Ningfeng Software is not listed on the market, so naturally no shareholder information can be found. Only the share composition can be found through professional software.

"Is it weird that Director Ning asked us to invest in stocks? Director Ning said that in order for everyone to be able to engage in academic work with peace of mind, we must at least be able to live better than most people, so when Ningfeng Software was established, he asked us to Buy shares. Because Director Ning knows that he will definitely make money. Others write software, type the code, and then do various tests. We type the code while handing it over to the platform for testing at any time!"

"Let me tell you this, in fact, we all rely on the March Intelligent Platform to do projects. The way we learn and do things is different from others. In other majors, if you don't learn anything in class, you can only go to the teacher. We Ningban If you don’t understand something in class, you can study it by yourself on the March Intelligent Platform. The platform can break down a question into small parts and let you understand it bit by bit.”

"We have also designed various games. There is a game on our learning platform that gives you various picture information, and then restricts the conditions for you to denoise and restore it. Anyway, it is just some information, and it is very interesting after restoration. After completing this game, you will basically have a complete grasp of the Fourier transform, do you understand? Anyway, my senior brothers and sisters are actually quite profitable, and I will try my best to provide them with various subsidies."

"Let me tell you this, basically people can stay in Ningban for three or four years now. As long as they actively participate in Ningshe activities, it is not a big problem to earn 18 million before graduation. This is what Ningfeng Software used to do back then. It was established relatively early, in the second year after Ningban was opened, and Ningshe didn’t have much money at that time. If we were to allow everyone to invest in it now, I would probably be robbed before I, the president, could even get it."

Father Chen and Mother Chen just felt that there was nothing more to say.

Previously, Mother Chen had criticized Chen Diancheng for not being too lazy to return to Mingzhu during the winter and summer vacations after he went to the capital to study. At this time, she had nothing to say. After all, a child can achieve financial freedom by going to college. As a mother, I really can’t ask for more from the school.

After Dad Chen pondered for a while, he discussed in a low voice: "Diancheng, you have to thank Professor Ning. We all happened to be here. Can you see if you can find an opportunity to invite your tutor out for a meal? meal?"

Chen Diancheng's head immediately shook like a rattle, and he replied: "Dad, you are thinking too much. Director Ning has not been in school at all recently, and has long been hiding in the R\u0026D center. It is because there are so many people who want to see him at this time. , all of them are big bosses. Wouldn't it be more trouble for you to invite him to dinner at this time? Listen to me, I will show you around in the past two days. When the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is held the day after tomorrow, Director Ning will definitely go there. Just say hello."

"Well...that's it. Okay, you don't have to stay here with us. Go next door and have a look. If you have nothing to do, go back and come back tomorrow."

"Then you guys have a good rest first, I'm leaving first!"

"go Go!"

Artificial Intelligence Frontier R\u0026D Center.

Chen Diancheng didn't lie to Father Chen. Ning Wei simply moved here two days ago. Now that he no longer goes to Ningban to teach in person, he can naturally do as he pleases. The main reason is that those people are really a little annoyed. Obviously knowing that the two sides are almost incompatible, there are always some people who are taking a chance and think that they may be able to convince him. They would rather express their fear and simply choose to stay away.

No one can catch up here, and even if they do, don't be afraid. The security here is still very strong and clean enough.

What's more important is that during this period, Ningwei's mathematical research on the transient state process of matter has also made great progress.

Although quantum physics is difficult to understand, as long as you have a general understanding of this subject, you will know that quantum mechanics is based on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the Schrödinger equation.

Especially in the early days of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's wave mechanics and Heisenberg's matrix mechanics could be said to each account for half of the field. It was not until the end that it was proved that they reached the same goal by different paths.

These theories can construct a probability wave. In the quantum world, through this mathematical description, where the amplitude of the wave is large, the chance of quantum appearing there is greater. Through these theories, the door to the microscopic world has been opened, and people have begun to guide people to conduct research and applications on the microscopic, such as scanning tunneling microscopes.

Now Ning Wei's research has made a small breakthrough in mathematically proving this point.

How should I put it, if Einstein knew about this small breakthrough, he would probably be able to jump out of the coffin, pat Ning Wei on the shoulder and praise him: "Brother, I know God doesn't play dice!"

Yes, Ning Wei seems to be able to prove through a mathematical method that if time can be stretched to a certain extent in the macroscopic world, in other words, if the time in the microscopic world can be slowed down, for example, if the Atto second is equal to one second, it can At the same time, the position of a particle is observed and its speed is measured, thus subverting the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and Copenhagen interpretation that have guided quantum mechanics for hundreds of years.

I used a very loose approach here, because the conclusion drawn from this small breakthrough is very scary, and I am not sure whether this conclusion is correct. It's not even possible for March to verify it, because the amount of calculations required is too large, and enough data analysis is needed to support it.

Of course, this does not mean that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is wrong. After all, if you zoom into the macroscopic world, such a small time scale has no meaning.

And this mathematical method can currently only be completed in a specific quantum information transfer situation.

First, particle A and particle C are required to form an entangled state, and then an auxiliary particle B is introduced. After introducing this system into a special space and time, by measuring the Bell state information of particle B and performing calculations, particle A and particle C can be obtained at the same time. The position and velocity of particles.

It seems simple to say, but the whole derivation process is actually very complicated. Let's put it this way, if it were written as a paper, it would take about five to six hundred pages to print it on A4 paper with size 5 font and normal intervals. Because of the new mathematical method used, it is estimated that it will take at least one year to review if it is actually submitted to a journal.

What's even more annoying is that Ningwei currently does not have enough laboratory data to verify this process, and the experiment cannot be completed with the equipment in the laboratory. Because at present, the only possible way to obtain verification data still requires the Large Hadron Collider at CERN to conduct experiments with specific parameters and collect data.

This thing doesn't exist in China yet. Of course, from Ning Wei's point of view, there is actually no need to build one. It would be enough to have one on Earth. After all, this thing is too expensive and the requirements are too high, and the data obtained by the research are actually similar.

There is another way. He can sort out the current research results and publish a paper in the March journal. As long as it triggers a controversy, maybe the people at CERN will start to take the initiative to follow what he has given. method for verification.

But there may be problems with this.

Although this paper is only theoretical at present, it has great application value.

Ning Wei doesn't mind publishing a paper to share this result with everyone, but he very doubts that after CERN conducts experiments and collects data according to the ideas he provided, it will honestly and generously share the real test data with him.

In other words, he has a deep distrust of these foreign scientific research institutions. After all, those who advocate the global integration of science without borders, and that self-research is worse than buying it, have been slapped in the face in turn. Ning Wei is really not willing to leave such important verification work to the conscience of other countries’ scientific research institutions.

If possible, he hopes to directly spend money to rent the hadron collider opposite to complete the experiment. Of course, it is best to connect March to the monitoring system to ensure that the entire experiment process is flawless and the authenticity of the data is guaranteed.

This requires a middleman. At first, Ning thought he wanted to contact Professor Pan directly, but after thinking about it carefully, he just went there not long ago, and when he came back, he lamented that the data was kept secret from him, and he presumably belonged to the group of people being defended, so he gave up his mind.

So in the end you still have to find a solution yourself.

This is not just a matter of money. If he really brings it up, it would be a trivial matter for the lion to open his mouth. The key point is that it will definitely be difficult to convince those people to connect March to CERN's data system.

But if he didn't connect to March, he would have to go there in person. But thinking about my status and reputation in academia and science and technology circles, Ning Wei feels that this idea is still a bit suicidal...

Tangled, Ning Wei found Liu Wei and asked this question that he was very concerned about: "Old Liu, do you think anything unexpected will happen if I go to Europe?"

"Europe? Where in Europe?"

"It's right on the border between Switzerland and France. You know the European Nuclear Center, or CERN for short. I want to use their hadron collider to collide with it a few times to get some data to verify some of my latest research results."

"You don't need to do this yourself, right? You just need to do an experiment and get the data? We should cooperate with this organization, right?"

"I learned about it. In the past few years, the High Energy Physics Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences did cooperate with CERN. Our Natural Science Foundation Committee also signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation with CERN. However, this verification process is more cumbersome and important. If If you apply through the normal route, you need to submit information for the other party to review. But the problem is that I don’t want to submit these information, and I don’t want to make my research public for the time being.”

"Um... do you think what you are studying now is important?"

"Well, how should I put it? I'm testing a theory. If I can confirm that this theory is correct, then I can study specific applications in this direction. At a small level, it will lead to the fifth industrial revolution. At a large level, it may be to provide Humanity has officially entered the era of space conquest and provided correct theoretical guidance. Have you heard of the saying that 70 trillion mad dogs rush out of small breaking balls?"

After saying this, Liu Wei fell silent. After a while, he raised his head, stared at Ning Wei and said, "Academician Ning, let's just have a casual chat. Can we not use the rhetorical techniques of liberal arts students...for example, exaggeration?"

"Exaggeration? Brother Liu, after so many years, you still don't understand me? I still like to joke with others, but every word I say to you, I say it in a humble direction, very, very humble! Of course, I don’t actually have to go to Europe. If you have a way to make them willingly connect to the March system, that would be better than me traveling all the way. Both methods lead to the same goal."

"That's it, then you wait...but it's almost the should be okay to wait until after the Olympics to make a decision, right?"

"Of course, of course, I also plan to think of a way during the Olympics...hey..."

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