Tech Hammer

Chapter 437 Light!

"Dr. Wu, what did Academician Ning come to discuss with you specifically?"

The foreign friends who were also shocked by the opening scene finally asked their doubts after the artistic performance officially started.

Just like a hater is a fan, a bad reputation is also a reputation.

In fact, the evaluation of Ning Wei in foreign academic circles is also very polarized. Some people admire him very much, while others hate him very much. However, most people's impression of Ning Wei is that he is stubborn and does not have an open and inclusive scientific spirit...

Of course, this is actually related to media propaganda.

Since the March Encourage to Students incident occurred, Western media have exercised great restraint in publicizing Ning Wei. There is nothing shameful in giving in if you can't beat him. This is something engraved in human genes. It just depends on whether the specific performance will be amplified.

Although he will not criticize publicly, there are still some "fair" comments in private. Combined with some of Ning Wei's slightly extreme speeches in China, it will naturally not be too popular when spread abroad.

But no matter how unhappy he is with Ning Wei, his achievements are there.

This will make any criticism seem sour...

So most of the time, everyone chooses not to mention this person. It's just that the situation is different today. After all, my companion just met this legendary mathematician.

"He said there was a research project that required auxiliary verification by our hadron collider, and he wanted me to help him connect the dots."

"Matchmaking? We have cooperation with Huaxia. He can apply for the project through normal channels and then get approval, right?"

"Here's the problem. He doesn't trust us, or he doesn't trust CERN. So he doesn't want to submit the project to be verified to the committee for approval, or even share the trial data with CERN. So he wants me to send Edwin After introducing it to him, we can directly rent the Hadron Collider for a few days, and the data from these days will not go through our system, but will be directly entered into their March platform."

Wu Yufei told Ning Wei's thoughts completely, because he also wanted to share how weird Ning Wei's thoughts were.

"This..." My friend was really surprised.

Although he thought Ning Wei was a very stubborn person, he really didn't expect Ning Wei to make such a request.

After all, it has been about twenty years since the Large Hadron Collider was built, and I have never heard of anyone renting it directly for experiments. After all, this LHC is also the largest and only collision equipment in the world. Both construction and maintenance are sky-high.

"Okay, so Dr. Ning Wei thinks his research is very important?"

"Well, what he means is that if the verification is successful, he can change the entire physical world, especially the quantum physics world." Wu Yufei said simply.

These are not Ning Wei's original words, but the meaning is actually similar.

In fact, in Wu Yufei's opinion, there is no difference between subverting the theoretical basis of quantum physics and changing the world, and it is easier to express.

When the friend heard this, he didn't say a word. He just frowned and looked at the sky where more and more figures appeared after the slender beauty danced solo, and then said in a low voice: "Okay, Dr. Wu, you know, I I have never liked Ning Wei very much, but I admire him very much in terms of changing the world, because he has actually changed the world. It’s just that maybe we are not willing to admit it yet... It’s like just now, that was his student results."

This sentence made Wu Yufei stunned.

Thinking of the spectacular scene just now, Wu Yufei subconsciously began to look for Ning Wei's figure in the front row...

There are just too many people...

Forget it, let’s watch the show!

The theme of this theatrical performance was changed after it was decided to have a three-dimensional display. Director Chen defined it as ancient Chinese style and the universe. To be more precise, it is the concept of combining Chinese classical culture with technology...

The opening dance gradually revealed its true appearance.

A splendid palace gradually appeared in the sky. After a performance by the main dancer, more and more graceful figures began to appear, dancing around the magnificent palace. The lights on the sports ground below gradually turned on, and a group of people in ancient costumes began to appear. A neat team was lining up to perform a worship dance towards the palace in space...

As grand and vigorous as any large-scale theatrical performance...

As time goes by and the lights change, the clothes of the dancers below and above also gradually change, from the most primitive skirts, to the double-breasted clothes of the Han and Tang Dynasties, to the three-collared narrow sleeves of the Ming Dynasty, and finally the The clothes of the visitors are becoming more and more modern, and the sky gradually changes from the palace to the moon, and then to the stars...

There is no doubt that this is a visual feast. The opening dance lasted about twenty minutes, allowing everyone to observe the five thousand years of cultural heritage of a nation from a unique perspective.

Finally, when the last note of the music fell, the audience burst into warm applause, which is probably the best comment on this program.

It has to be said that for the audience who are lucky enough to be here, the immersion provided by this program is indeed incomparable.

"This year's show is okay. I thought I wouldn't be able to prepare any big scenes in half a year, but I didn't expect it! What's the name of the director?"

"Chen Wenwen, Director Chen. He is not a simple person to begin with. He has done big things with Director Zhang before!"

"Okay, you guys have a lot to do. Why don't you keep the wine in the glass to raise fish? Hurry up and do it!"

In the small living room, in front of the TV, several people were happily eating hot pot and drinking beer.

Shan Jianyu felt that he had made the right choice. What fun was there in going to a female colleague’s house to watch the show? Still being together with the brothers, eating meat and drinking to their heart's content, not only is the cost not high, but the spiritual joy and satisfaction is definitely not comparable to two people sitting in front of the TV.

Not only can you comment on how good the program is and how good the director is, but you can also debate among the many fairy sisters just now, which one is more beautiful, more eye-catching, and has a better figure, and you can spend whatever you want with your mouth, which is very comfortable.

Raising the glass and drinking down the beer in one gulp, while his colleagues were pouring the wine for him, Shan Jianyu said with emotion: "Actually, it has to be the three-dimensional display technology, so that the photos look just like the real thing. What if? It's on the market, I have to grab a set of equipment, but I don't know if there are enough 3D resources now. But I should have experience now. Think about it, if we were using a 3D TV today, look at what we just said Dance, it definitely feels different.”

"Isn't this nonsense? If there is such a device now, it will be just as good at home as at the scene. Just for this party, when this thing is officially released, we have to buy a set. I'm afraid it won't work. Buy it. Last time I saw the vote, this set of equipment is just one month’s salary for me, right? I think it should be more expensive, otherwise it’s hard to grab it!”

"Zhang Fang, hurry up and punish yourself. You, a native, have the nerve to talk to Lao Dan. Lao Dan has to pay off his mortgage for more than 20 years. It's not like you. You have a house in the capital since you were born, and your reincarnation is so accurate. What if you say this? You'll get beaten if you talk outside. Right, old Dan!"

"Haha, who says it's not the case! Zhang Fang, you are the youngest and we won't criticize you. You should punish yourself with a drink!"

"De'er, I can't speak to my two brothers. I'll punish myself, I'll punish myself!"

Chen Wenwen, who had been the commander-in-chief at the scene, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from the reactions on site and online, everyone still has a high degree of recognition for the first program, and that’s okay. Especially this year, the situation is quite special and there is not much time to prepare. Having a good start can be said to be more than half successful.

Then there will be less of a problem.

To be honest, it is not easy to combine people with virtuality this time.

Special equipment is needed to shoot those dancers. In order to ensure that elegant posture in the air, many dancers are shot in the water, and then they need to be synthesized and modified in the later stage, and finally converted into synchronized pictures and then followed. Live dance coordination.

If there is a problem in any one of these links, it could be a disaster.

Fortunately, it was completed successfully, and the difficulty of the next program was not so high, which also made Chen Wenwen feel relieved. The next thing that worried him was the ignition process. For this party, this is a more important step than the first program.

In space, at the Chinese Space Station, astronauts are conducting the second orbit change test.

Although it was said that exam papers needed to be submitted this time, everyone felt much more relaxed.

Different from last time, the fuel delivered by the rocket is surplus, enough to carry out three such orbit changes. This is to conduct a second test in case the test fails, but facts have proven that the artificial intelligence connected system, sufficient to complete a series of complex operations.

And this time, unlike last time, they can change their orbit to a suitable orbit in advance and circle the earth in orbit. This will also make the space station more calm when challenging postures. All in all, the difficulty of the official debut is actually an order of magnitude smaller than the last test.

It doesn't matter how many satellites in space have cameras pointed at them.

Of course, I was still very excited, after all, there would be footage of them at this grand party. What's even more gratifying is that they can also watch the video of the party through China's Skylink satellite signal in the space station. As a satellite that guarantees communications, the downlink rate of 1.2G is basically the same as the 5G speed on the ground.

As the time approaches, the sky station is about to pass over the Chinese capital again. The internal cameras are ready, and the satellite responsible for external photography is about to move to the designated position. Everything is as expected.

At the Beehive Stadium, the two-hour large-scale theatrical performance had ended, and the organizing committee began to deliver its speech.

In the square, representatives of the protagonists of this party also began to prepare for the oath. The athletes responsible for the torch relay had already arrived. Inside the command center, which was responsible for planning normal performances, the atmosphere began to become increasingly tense.

Although everything is in place, the difficulty of this lighting ceremony lies there after all. Not only is the difficulty of the lighting ceremony itself, but also the difficulty of the camera transition.

Because it is a live broadcast, within a few seconds, it is necessary to find the most representative picture among the pictures obtained from hundreds of signal sources to switch to ensure the best effect. This is an extremely difficult task.

Although this broadcast is also supported by the March Intelligent Platform, as a literary and art worker, I don’t actually have high trust in artificial intelligence when it comes to selecting images from different angles. It's like art professionals don't trust the art appreciation level of science and engineering men.

Especially in March, she has never proven herself in terms of appreciation ability. Even Chen Wenwen hopes to use his professionalism to choose the most perfect picture at the most critical time and present it to all the audiences who pay attention to this party. .

It can be said that if you pass this test, it will be perfect!

As the time approaches, the atmosphere in the command center becomes more and more tense...

"No need to be nervous. Although this year's lighting ceremony is a bit special, just run along the route you practiced before. When the rope is raised, keep a good posture. Pay attention. When the light comes on, just put the torch up simultaneously. .The most important thing is to control the speed well, everything else is no problem."

"Don't worry, I understand."

"Yeah! Come on!"

Take the oath and then start the torch relay...

For the live audience, this process is actually nothing special. Although there are occasional tricks in the way of ignition, such as the ignition mode that used bows and arrows to shoot torches in the last century, most of them are still focused on the guests. For the vast majority of the audience, this is just a ritual that must be experienced. Of course, everyone is ready to cheer.

After all, this is a very traditional ceremony.

At this time, the live broadcast also began to play a role again, and the deep baritone voice at the beginning of the party also resounded throughout the square.

"The maiden is leisurely in the autumn laurel green garden, and Yan Lang walks in the red moon flag. Years of building dreams and soaring ambitions, and times singing songs to climb into space. In this joyful and peaceful night, we are about to usher in the most important process tonight. The ignition symbolizes understanding. , friendship, unity, and fairness. At this moment, we invite the astronauts who are still dedicating themselves to science on the China Space Station tonight to witness and perform this spirit..."

In the stadium, the lower part began to dim. When the three-dimensional display hanging high in the air lit up again, the small broken ball that mankind relied on for survival appeared in front of people again. The difference was that this time the earth that everyone saw was not the same as before. It's so clear that at least it's impossible to distinguish the crisscrossing mountains and canyons, but you can see the Tiangong, which is like a roc with its wings spread out, rapidly rotating around the earth in space...

Although the ratio of the two sizes was changed in order to highlight the space station, at this moment, it was obvious that no one cared so much about it, and cheers began to rise one after another...

Of course, more people were confused.

After all, this process is actually not suitable for the space station...

If you want the space station to show its face, there are actually many opportunities just now...

Just at this moment, the bass on the radio suddenly increased the volume...

"Yes, they are like passionate fire and sacred light in space. They light up the light of knowledge for everyone around the world to explore the universe!"

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