Tech Hammer

Chapter 439: Double standards take off

Maynard Jeffers felt that he was beginning to hate this method of remote consultation. He even wondered if the person who was consulting him was a puppet, especially the way he asked. He keenly felt that many questions were carefully arranged. , always inadvertently asking his opinion repeatedly on some sensitive issues. This appears to be a technique for interrogating suspects.

But considering that there were also his quasi-superiors in the audience, and even his superiors were respectful, he didn't dare to show his displeasure. Strictly speaking, he is not a pure senior technician. He is replaceable. It is not easy to reach his current position.

So if you are angry, you can only endure it. At this time, Maynard Jeffers was even a little envious of the Chinese name that kept appearing.

"Mr. Jeffers, your opinion is that this technology does have the ability to ignite in space. The next question is, if it is a laser generator with space ignition capability, can it be discovered immediately with our existing technology."

"This... how do I put it... From the basis of physics, theoretically we can make accurate judgments through detailed information. Energy cannot be generated out of thin air. Generally speaking, a laser can ignite after traveling nearly four hundred kilometers. The capability, considering the losses along the way, requires huge power consumption, which requires more fuel, and the fuel requires more space to store. Storage space in space is expensive."

"So we can analyze and judge based on these details. Of course, no one dares to say that it is 100% certain, because we don't know to what stage China's similar advanced energy storage technology has developed. Just like again, we didn't know their positioning before. To achieve such accuracy, it involves a very complex process and a huge amount of calculations. IMHO, artificial intelligence is too powerful!"


"Okay, then Mr. Jeffers, let me confirm again that you must be responsible for all your remarks today, so I follow the procedure and I must confirm again, can you be responsible for all your remarks today?"

Maynard Jeffers glanced at the superior in the video, then nodded affirmatively and said: "Yes, I can take responsibility for all my remarks. If necessary, I will submit a signature in writing. Report it and accept any responsibility resulting from the above remarks.”

"Okay, that ends today's consultation. Thank you very much for your cooperation, Dr. Jeffers."

"You are welcome! See you!"

After exiting the remote conferencing software, Maynard Jeffers let out a sigh of relief. It's finally over. As for how to make decisions, it doesn't matter to him. But one thing is for sure, this year's funding is likely to be stable, and there may even be surprises, which is good.

As for the rest, it’s none of his business!

After loosening his tie, he returned to the living room, took a sip of ice water, and saw that the wonderful opening ceremony on TV had ended.


It's finally over...

Huaxia, Beehive Stadium, twelve o'clock in the morning.

The four-hour performance has ended, and the audience has begun to leave the venue in an orderly manner. There are still people waving red flags in the venue.

Among the crowd waiting to leave, Ning Wei, who was wearing a mask, was not conspicuous, especially since he was looking down at his mobile phone. He was no different from many young people with Internet addiction. And you can also take a special passage.

Soon, accompanied by Liu Wei, Ning Wei quietly walked out of the gym and sat in the car.

" come the video of me playing with everyone in the command center is flooding the Internet? What's wrong?!"

As soon as Liu Wei started the car, he stopped and saw Ning Wei in the back seat and asked in disbelief.

With Ning Wei's IQ, it was easy to tell that this was not a coincidence.

The time card was just right. Looking at the popularity on the Internet, he would never believe that no one paid for hot searches. It’s not that he cares about his own image, but that the video was taken out of context just right, and he directly edited out the part where he said the above was all a joke...

If this was not intentional, I would rather be beaten to death than believe it.

"Don't you feel the need to go out recently? You can understand that this is a publicity test."

"Need to go out?"

Liu Wei turned the steering wheel skillfully and explained seriously: "For example, you want to go to the Nuclear Research Center in Switzerland to conduct the required experiments. Last time you were drunk and took your wife with you. You regretted not taking her with you earlier. She walks around and enjoys the exotic scenery. You can think of this as an exploration, an attempt to ensure your safety after going out."

Speaking to this extent, Ning Wei has certainly understood what Liu Wei meant. To put it simply, it is a special kind of deterrence. This is like a motto that once went viral on the Internet. When your enemy thinks you are very powerful, you are the best. Well, it’s really powerful…

Ning Wei nodded and asked: "If you say so, there will be a series of actions next?"

"Well, it's just an attempt, of course it will be a series. There will be missions coming soon. We need more communication satellites to go up to the sky. The experimental module reported last time is also about to go up to the sky. There may be more planned in the future. The launch mission. In addition, there are already shameless rumors on the Internet. Our artificial intelligence system is deeply bound to you. If something happens to you, China's artificial intelligence system may go crazy. Of course, this rumor has nothing to do with us. .”

"However, according to the results of our current analysis, this kind of speech is very marketable. In fact, it is quite good, and it is also a deterrent for many people. Thanks to the fact that the platform was not fully open to the outside world in March, everyone now has The operating mechanism is poorly understood. We have experts who will conduct a possibility analysis of possible crises based on a series of actions. This is just like the mathematical modeling you usually talk about, and we get a safety factor."

"If the safety factor is high enough, even if you really want to go to CERN to host experiments that may change mankind, it is not impossible. Science needs communication. Of course, until the safety factor has not reached the standard, you can temporarily It's better not to go out. You know, there are really too many people who don't like you."

Ning Wei glared at Liu Weiyi and said, "Brother Liu, give you a chance to take back your last sentence. Don't you think it's okay for me to use such words to make fun of myself? Will it hurt me if you say this?"

"Well, how about changing your displeasure into jealousy?"

"Thank you, it sounds much more comfortable this way!"


When Liu Wei skillfully parked the car into the courtyard of Yanyuan's villa, he could see through the glass that the lights were still on in the living room.

Of course Ning Wei wanted the whole family to attend this grand ceremony. However, Classmate Jiang doesn't like places that are too noisy, and she is pregnant now, so it is not suitable for her to go there. As a mother, Classmate Jiang feels that she would rather be young and not want her to go to a scene that is too noisy, so she would rather be honest. 's stayed at home.

Ning's mother was not interested in any sports events, and seeing that classmate Jiang was not going, she was too lazy to join in the fun. As for Lao Ning, he had an indifferent attitude, and it was the same whether watching it at home or in person. Seeing that his wife and daughter-in-law didn't go to the scene, they simply stayed at home.

How should I put it, as a strong father, as his son becomes more and more successful, he seems to want to be alone with his son less and less.

Due to the generation gap, there is always something about Ning Wei that Lao Ning dislikes, but his son is too promising and he is too embarrassed to nag him. He might as well stay at home with his granddaughter. In his words, out of sight is out of mind.

So in the end, only Ning Wei went to the opening ceremony today.

But when he walked into the house, he saw his father, who disliked being alone with him the most, sitting on the sofa. There was a plate of peanuts and two finished bottles of beer on the coffee table.

"Dad, the doctor told you to drink less, why did you drink again?"

"Can you listen to what the doctor said? If you can't even drink when you're happy, what's the point of living?" Lao Ning glared and said in a suppressed voice.

It seemed that he was not drunk, and he knew how to keep his voice down, so as not to wake up his mother and get scolded again.

This is pretty good, Ning Wei thinks it’s pretty good.

At least now Lao Ning has someone to be afraid of.

"What are you so happy about?"

"Does that need to be said? Son, I read on the Internet that you designed the ignition session today?"

"Yeah... March was responsible for the main calculations. I also made some contributions."

"Haha, this is good! It makes me happy to see it. I feel happy just thinking about it! Son, you are working hard. Really, your dad and I have been watching the video after watching that scene today. You are really promising now Yes, you are worthy of being my seed! Hey, I was just thinking, do you think one day, we in China can also loudly double label, that is, whatever we do is right, but what we can do, you Can’t you do it?”

"No, dad, there's something wrong with your thinking. Double standards are not a good quality worthy of praise. What are you thinking about? You're just thinking about such crooked things!" Ning Wei was stunned and looked at the old man. Ning said.

Old Ning was a little angry, glared at Ning Wei, and said: "You brat, what are you talking about? What is a crooked way? Treat others in their own way! Whoever stipulates that others can only have double standards can't do it for us. ? It really can only be repaid by state officials, and people are not allowed to light lamps? I don’t remember what I taught you when I was a child, right? Talk about morality with moral people, and play double standards with people who play double standards. Don’t you know how to be more flexible in your conduct? "

Ning Wei looked at Lao Ning in awe...

Could it be that Lao Ning is really reading at home every day these days? This idiom comes one after another, and it feels very learned. The most important thing is, is the old man trying to reason with him now?

This is really rare!

After all, Lao Ning had never bothered to reason with him before, especially after drinking.


Ning Wei was a little speechless. To be honest, he was not used to communicating rationally with his father who suddenly made sense.

Then before he could think about it, Lao Ning said again in a pleasant manner: "What about this and that! I am older now, and I feel that my mind is clearer than before. I used to hate Lao Mei, seeing those double standards. I got angry when I spoke and felt my blood pressure shoot up, but just now I suddenly figured it out. Look, why can't we change our thinking mode and put ourselves in other people's shoes?"

Ning Wei sat down next to Lao Ning.

Really, after hearing this, Ning Wei felt that he had to have a drink with his father. After so many years, he heard from his father that he should put himself in other people's shoes and think about problems from other people's perspective, which made him feel that father and son have become more rational. Discussion became possible.

The capital deserves to be the best place, and Yanbei University deserves to be the best university in China. After living here for a few years, dad actually started to be reasonable. Of course, he had to respect it 100%, so he asked sincerely: "Dad , then how do you think about it from other people’s perspective?”

Father Ning nodded, and then said righteously: "It's very simple. If I had tasted the sweetness of double standards, I would be reluctant to give up. Do you think about this? If others can, why can't we? ?! We have a moral bottom line and don’t bully the weak. Why can’t we target those who are strong? Do you think this is the truth? I also say that repaying evil with kindness, how can we repay kindness!"

Ning Wei thought about it and suddenly felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong with his father's logic. The only problem seemed to be that there was something wrong with the source of the quote.

"Dad, that sentence was said by Confucius..."

"Don't care if it's Confucius or Lao Tzu, just tell me whether what dad said makes sense?"

"It seems to make sense."

"Well, that's right. It depends on who you talk to. People will listen to your reasoning, right? If someone slaps you, you still have to use love to influence them. Isn't that stupid? People have double standards. You We still adhere to the principle, mean or not, if one day we can openly treat those who have double standards, and experience the feeling from their perspective, it will also be a kind of moral progress, don't you think?"

"Yes, yes, you are right!" Ning Wei nodded in agreement.

I have already heard it. Dad’s truth has not changed from the beginning to the end. The so-called empathy and empathy probably mean that I am really happy and comfortable today. Ning Wei probably also knows that with dad’s temperament, those What content will the software’s algorithm recommend to him. I have to say that the current algorithm is too accurate. This is not reasonable. This is probably brainwashed by some short videos...

Ning Wei was already thinking about whether he should let Yue Yue take over Lao Ning's mobile phone so that he would have less to worry about in the future...

However, after sighing, Lao Ning asked softly: "Ning Wei, I'm almost 60, and the soil is already buried up to my neck. Do you think I can see you in my lifetime and let us taste the sweetness of double standards?" ?"

Ning Wei blinked...

How should I put it, when the father, who has always been strong, said such sad words, he still couldn't hold it in anymore, as if it was his last wish...

"That's for sure, Dad, I'm telling you, we can fly with double standards in the future!"

"Haha...he is indeed my good son!"

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